Mrs. Yan was cold from head to toe, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak a word, she was forcibly taken out by Zhao Ming'an's men in a daze.

Su Jin was by Qin Lang's side, neither of them said a word, they watched Zhao Ming'an direct, act and finish with cold eyes.

The more this was the case, the more shameful and indignant Zhao Mingan became, and he had to force a smile on his face: "It's all because of my negligence, and I almost wronged my second brother and sister."

Su Jin smiled: "The son of the world also has a heart, and I appreciate the love of the son of the world."

Zhao Mingan's face became even stiffer.

If Liang Shun'an wasn't here, he wouldn't be bothered to do this superficial trick and be humiliated by this bitch! Damn it, one day he'll get this place back! It's so annoying.

Liang Shun'an secretly laughed, after watching such a big scene, this errand is really interesting.

Prince Qian might be very angry this time. This is no wonder, who told him to do unreliable things all the time.

Su Jin smiled and said: "My son, Eunuch Liang, the two imperial physicians, Dr. Mo, Dr. Han, I can just change the medicine for the king of the county. Please do it."

Zhao Ming'an secretly breathed a sigh of relief, eager to leave the front of the two of them quickly, and immediately said with a smirk: "Second brother and sister have worked so hard, and the second brother should also have a good rest. I will visit the second brother again in the evening!"

Liang Shunan also bowed slightly and nodded: "In this way, our family will not bother the county king and princess, so the county king can rest well."

The two imperial physicians and the two doctors had nothing to say, and soon everyone withdrew.

Qin Lang resented: "This bastard, making troubles all day long, is really hateful!"

"Don't get angry," Su Jin patted the back of his hand lightly, and said with a smile: "People who are convalescing don't get angry. Getting angry is not good for recovery. Well, let's just pretend that he is having fun for us. Look how angry he is. How interesting it is to have to help Yuan come over if you want to die!"

Su Jin thought and couldn't help laughing.

"You!" Qin Lang couldn't help but also laughed when he saw this, and sighed: "We really underestimated his shamelessness. This time, the old lady of the Yan family was stupid, and she revealed her secrets in a few words, forcing him to take the initiative to express his position. It's dangerous to say. Ah Jin, I always seem to cause trouble for you!"

Qin Lang was depressed and even more guilty. He should obviously protect her and pamper her, let her live a happy and carefree life, but this is not the case, because of him, she will always be involved in various disturbances for no reason.

Her natal family has no one to rely on, and everyone wants to step on her and plot against her. And this kind of calculation, most of the ultimate goals are for him.

How innocent she is.

Let him think about the dull pain in his heart.

If she hadn't been strong enough, courageous, smart and courageous enough, she would have known how wronged she would be.

"Ajin, I'm afraid I won't be able to repay you for being good to me in this life!" Qin Lang held her hand and rubbed his face, and said a little sullenly.

Su Jin felt soft and sweet in his heart, blinked, raised his lips and smiled lightly: "Well, then continue to repay in the next life!"

Qin Lang was stunned, couldn't help laughing, and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, in the next life, the next life, and the next life, Qin Lang will only allow Ah Jin to be one."

"Well, good!" Su Jin smiled like a flower on his lips, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Speaking of this matter, the two discussed it for a few words before putting it down. Zhao Mingan had already said that in front of Eunuch Liang, so there was absolutely no reason for him to change his words. Mrs. Yan is really an out-and-out idiot, she deserved it for being thoroughly used by Zhao Mingan, and she even aroused the disgust of her own family.

If she doesn't have a big heart and doesn't move her crooked thoughts, just relying on the fate of recuperating in her other courtyard, as long as their family doesn't do evil, Su Jin and Qin Lang won't give a little face if they ask for something in the future .

Now, 10,000 taels of silver bought out this relationship completely, so they don't even think about anything else.

Su Jin carefully changed the medicine for Qin Lang, and seeing that the wound was recovering well, he was in a good mood.

Qin Lang is also much more energetic than the previous two days. On the one hand, his body has recovered, and on the other hand, he has his wife by his side. Doesn't he recover better when he is happy?

The mouth was very sweet, and he kept praising his wife, and the two of them were so tired that they almost missed the time to drink the medicine.

After taking the medicine, Qin Lang patted Su Jin's hand: "Go and rest, or ask Gu Fang and the others to go out with you if you feel bored. But you must bring enough guards when you go out."

Su Jin said yes with a smile, and left after a few words of advice.

As soon as she walked away, Qin Lang's eyes turned cold, "It's called Zhang Tong!"

He didn't expect that Zhao Ming'an would be restless when he came, and would make trouble out of nothing. You can't rest assured if you don't arrange for people to stare at him.

As for the settlement, there is no rush at this moment.

Eunuch Liang is still alive, so in order to retaliate against him, it is not worthwhile to let Eunuch Liang report to the imperial grandfather and leave a reputation in front of the imperial grandfather.

When Mrs. Yan was dragged out by Zhao Ming'an's people, she was in a daze, her mind was muddled and muddled.

She didn't understand how things turned out like this!

How could Princess Dingjun react like that? It shouldn't be! Isn't it frustrating and indisputable to put this kind of thing on others? Why did others believe her when she was so talkative?

Could it be that she misjudged the person? Is Princess Dingjun really as difficult to mess with as her husband said?

how could be? When Mingming met for the first time, the princess of the county was so kind, smiling at their mother and daughter, not much different from the young women she had seen in the past, why did she seem to be a different person in a blink of an eye?

Then what should she do now? What about her daughter?

The elder son clearly sympathized with him so much, and he clearly said he would help his daughter, but why did he suddenly backtrack? This, isn't this just playing with yourself?

Zhao Ming'an's entourage said coldly in Mrs. Yan's ear: "Do you know what to say and what not to say? If you dare to say a word, you and your family will just wait!"

This tone was as cold as iron, and the chill invaded people. Madam Yan shivered from head to toe.

Madam Yan was in a daze, not knowing how she got home.

Master Yan was relieved to see her come back, but he was a little dissatisfied: "Where did you go again? Why did you go out again!"

Madam Yan opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Princess Dingjun, asked someone to send ten thousand silver?" She murmured.

"That's not it." Hearing her mentioning this, Master Yan was a little frustrated, and said dejectedly, "This kind of affection is gone, alas!"

At the beginning, King Ding stayed in his own courtyard to recuperate, and the whole family was very happy. This kind of opportunity, once in a lifetime—no, it may not be once in a few lifetimes. After getting into friendship with the county king, who would dare not look at themselves in this land in the future?

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