In the future, if there is any embarrassing thing to ask the county king for help, isn't it just a matter of the county king's words? But now it's all gone!

Madam Yan's body softened and she almost fainted!

"How could this be! How could this be!"

Master Yan didn't expect his wife's reaction to be stronger than his own. He was taken aback and hurriedly supported her: "What's wrong with you? If it's over, it's over, alas!"

Mrs. Yan burst into tears, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault! People don't want our daughter, and the son is not a good person. He promised to make decisions for our daughter, but then he regretted it! What should we do about our daughter? ah!"

Master Yan finally felt something, his eyes widened and he didn't dare to say anything: "You, did you go to another hospital again? Did you go to another hospital again?"

"I—" Madam Yan felt guilty for the first time in front of Master Yan.

Originally, she hesitated and refused to say anything, but under repeated questioning by Master Yan, she finally said everything.

"You are, why are you so confused!" Master Yan's eyes darkened, and he almost died of anger. "You won't stop until you kill our family, right?"

Princess Dingjun has already sent someone to bring you mother and daughter back, and the person who came here made it so clear that you dare to come to "ask for fairness", are you crazy?

Master Yan was terrified and pissed off, he was so angry that he kept saying "you are stupid!", "You are stupid!"

Mrs. Yan was dejected, and murmured in a muffled voice: "I, how did I know that she, Princess Dingjun, has such a bad temper. And the son of the world, he clearly said that he would help us, but he went back on his word ! Those dignitaries are not all good things!"

"Shut up," Master Yan pointed at her and said in a trembling voice, "What time is this, you, you still say such useless things!"

Madam Yan moved her lips, but couldn't say anything, her face was rather ugly.

"Forget it," Master Yan sighed dejectedly: "You stay at home obediently, and you are not allowed to go anywhere. Especially you are not allowed to provoke Dingjun Wang and Dingjun Wangfei!"

Mrs. Yan curled her lips secretly, thinking to herself that you would be an afterthought. Now that you are talking about this, what did you do before? Why didn't you say a word before?

"Master, what can our daughter do?"

"You know how to ask this now?" Master Yan became even more irritable, "Just do it like this! After all the nobles have left, it will be fine after a while! For a family like us, the girl is still worried about getting married?"

Madam Yan remained silent, but she was very unconvinced in her heart.

In her life, she went smoothly, and she had never been in such a mess.

Besides, she really feels wronged, their family did nothing wrong, right? Even noble people can't play tricks like this!

So, early the next morning, Mrs. Yan went to another hospital.

Su Jin was having breakfast with Qin Lang. The pork bone and black-bone chicken were boiled together for noodles. The soup was delicious. Su Jin was feeding Qin Lang. The two were chatting and laughing. After a good breakfast, Qin Lang changed his medicine again, and Qin San stepped forward to report.

This time Mrs. Yan couldn't even get to the gate of the small courtyard. If it wasn't for making her stand outside the gate unsightly, the gate wouldn't let her in.

As soon as he heard that Mrs. Yan was coming again, Qin Lang felt disgusted: "Shoot out!"

This dilapidated courtyard cost ten thousand taels of silver to rent from his daughter-in-law, but in the end he couldn't get it clean, so why is he being polite? No one owes the Yan family anything.

Su Jin patted his hand lightly as a sign to be calm, and smiled, "What did she say?"

Qin San said contemptuously: "I said I came to apologize, but I don't know if it's true or not, but I'm being honest, and I haven't seen any trouble."

If you really dare to make a fuss, why would you report this to your master? Let's beat him down first and then talk about it! The temper of the county king is not easy to provoke, who in the capital doesn't know? Can he still be ruled by an ignorant and stupid woman now?

"That's really strange," Su Jin said softly to Qin Lang, "I'll go see her, and I'll be with you later."

Although Qin Lang was a little unhappy, he still nodded, "Go early and come back early."

Once Mrs. Yan changed her arrogance from yesterday, with a mournful face, she knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy when she saw Su Jin.

Su Jin hated this kind of behavior the most, and frowned to get her up.

Madam Yan didn't move, so Su Jin asked the maid beside her to help her up.

The two servant girls who followed Mrs. Yan took a sneak look at Su Jin, and hurriedly helped their wife up.

Mrs. Yan was very grateful and praised Su Jin for standing up, but after getting up, she began to cry all kinds of things, complaining and praising her daughter, saying how well-behaved, sensible, virtuous and virtuous she was, following the county The princess will definitely listen to the words of the princess of the county, and will definitely serve the princess of the county well, and be the right arm of the princess of the county.

Su Jin was a little confused at first, but soon realized that this woman is still trying to sell her daughter.

Su Jin was about to applaud her courage!

If she knew, the reason why Mrs. Yan dared to climb up the pole was because she didn't give anyone a face, and she immediately made people get up after kneeling for a while, so that Mrs. Yan felt that she was very soft-hearted, kind and kind. If you lower your posture and beg, maybe your wish will come true? I'm afraid I'll be so angry!

Su Jin really didn't know what to do when he encountered such brown candies.

Isn't yesterday's embarrassment enough for her to be ashamed and angry?

Rolling his eyes, Su Jin said: "Is Mrs. Yan confused? The status of the son is much more noble than the county king, and the concubine is a first-class lady and lady of a famous family. The reputation of virtuousness spreads all over the capital. Come and ask me What should I do? Since the prince promised you, is it all over if you go to find the prince? Our county king has a bad temper. Mrs. Yan, this is the last time. If you dare to pester me again, our county king will not I'll be polite!"

Mrs. Yan froze, and was a little dazed and dumbfounded. Why...why does this county princess always change her face so quickly?

He didn't say a serious word to her, and he quickly asked someone to help her up when he saw her kneeling down. Why did he change his face after just a few words?

And when she changed her face, Mrs. Yan subconsciously felt a little scared, thinking about what her master said, she didn't dare to act recklessly.

Hearing what Su Jin said, Mrs. Yan's eyes lit up "swish", yes, she is really stupid, what are you doing staring at Prince Ding all the time? Isn't it better for the son of the world!

I saw that Prince Ding in that room yesterday, with that appearance, that cold face and eyes, he was indeed not easy to mess with, anyway, she didn't even have the courage to look at him more.

In comparison, Shi Ziye is much better. So kind and understanding.——

Mission accomplished today! Happy~~By the way, please ask for a ticket~

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