Medical Martial God

Chapter 1134: Promotion reward [third more]

"Enemies against me, such a human end!"

Watching the tiger that was burned into nothingness by the three thousand dragons, and heard the cold and indifferent words of Ye Xuan, people involuntarily shivered a chill, a coolness surged, and Ye Xuan's eyes filled with With a deep fear and shock and deep shock.

Who would have thought that Ye Xuan, who had just been smashed by a tiger, would suddenly burst into such a powerful and horrifying combat power, and even kill the scattered leader, tiger, with little effort!

This simple and violent scene undoubtedly deeply shocked the people at the scene.

"This ... this is too ... too nonsense, right? That guy killed the tiger?"

"Is this **** **** open? How could such a huge destructive power suddenly erupt?"

"Can this be the horror of martial arts?"

"Brother Hu Hu is dead? So killed? Why do I feel so unreal?"

"It's terrible. Is that guy a god?"

Throughout the scene, after a brief death, a series of shocking and uttering words continued to sound.

Many disciples in the Five Sects were confused and persecuted, and those who were in the starry sky lost their souls, lost their backbone, and could not rest assured. After all, they were all headed by the tiger and led by the tiger.

"I can't think of losing even the tiger!"

"Holy Order Martial Art, **** it, that guy must be able to defeat Ji Hu because of the Holy Order Martial Art he obtained!"

Luo Tianshen, Xiao Jinchen, and the immortal all three spoke in anger.

The cold light in Soul Tianyin's eyes flickered, his eyes stared at Ye Xuan, and he did not speak for a long time.

She knows that with the deterrent effect of the death of Ji Hu, everything she has directed has been brought to naught, and I am afraid that no one will fight Ye Xuan again.

After all, Ji Hu is a well-known strong among them. His death was enough to shock most people on the scene.

"Waste, not even a lowly earth untouchable.

Looking at the dying dying tiger, the elders of the five elements flashed cold light in their eyes, their anger was gushing, and the voice of anxiety and corruption was heard in their mouths.

They issued a super high bargaining book and hoped that Xuan Hu would kill Ye Xuan. In this way, they could also have less trouble, but did not expect that Ye Xuan was killed by Xuan Hu directly. This is undoubtedly causing their expectations. Frustrated.

Although Ji Hu died when he died, it did not have much impact on them, but they could not see Ye Xuan's prestige on the ring, showing his bravery.

After all, their five major hatreds for Ye Xuan have penetrated into the bone marrow.

"Haha, great!"

"My brother Xuan Niu is powerful, handsome and handsome!"

Compared with their ugly and angry looks in the five majors, the earth monks headed by Ye Linger and Bi Linlin were excited and agitated with a big laugh in their mouths.

Before, they were extremely worried about Ye Xuan's situation, but they did not expect that Ye Xuan finally successfully completed the counterattack and counter-kill, and they took a hard breath for their earth monks.

The star marks, the hegemons, their admiration of Ye Xuan is even more intense.

They were all shocked by Jin Mao, Han Yueqing and Han Yuexue, and at the same time they strengthened their position and their thoughts.

It is the goddess of the night, the crazy monster Lin Feng, and the demon dirk who have been accustomed to Ye Xuan's counterattack operation.

With Ye Xuan's powerful killing of the pheasant tiger and the completion of an advanced version of the chicken and tamarin monkey, which caused a great shock to people, the next challenge he encountered was particularly easy.

Because Ye Xuan's opponents either directly accepted the stage and did not wait for Ye Xuan to choose to surrender and surrender, and some even did not dare to stand on the stage and chose to confess to abstain.

Therefore, Ye Xuan basically did not do much in the next game.

However, his game points were rising steadily, and soon surpassed the soul Tianyin, Xiao Jinchen, Luo Tianshen and others, chasing after the five element elders.

Seeing his own ranking was so unhindered by Ye Xuan, Soul Tianyin, Xiao Jinchen, Luo Tianshen all looked extremely ugly, but they were helpless.

Because they did not have the opportunity to appear on the stage, Ye Xuan's immediate challenger did not draw them.

When night fell completely, and shining stars appeared in the sky, Ye Xuan's point ranking finally caught up with the number five elder gold elder, reaching 62 points.

As long as Ye Xuan wins another game, he can completely surpass the five-element gold elder, become the first round champion, and get that generous reward.

"That **** boy's luck is too good. He didn't draw the five-element elder. Now that guy is only one point away and can overtake elder gold and become the real first place!"

"Damn, I hope this guy will be able to get a fight next!"

"God bless, we must let the boy draw the five-element elder. In this case, he will definitely lose, and he can never surpass Elder Jin to become the first!"

Seeing that Ye Xuan, who has been in a winning streak, is about to surpass Elder Jin, many disciples of the five majors are ugly.

As for the five-element elders, their faces are also iron-blue.

Seeing an earth boy surpass their rank, but they couldn't do anything about it, this feeling was undoubtedly extremely uncomfortable.

Especially now that the points and the elder Jin who ranks first with Ye Xuan, his eyes flashed with murder, his fists clenched, and he could not wait to personally go to tear Xuan's kid.

As the five elders, they are now being surpassed by an earth boy. Where does this spread their face?

It's ashamed!

"Must draw me!"

Elder Kim's eyes overflowed with murderous chillyness.

"The next challenger, Saint Moro Dirk!"

However, when the evil emperor's announcement sounded, all their faces became particularly green and ugly, like a discouraged ball, with a faint flash of anger in their eyes.

All their expectations were missed at this moment.

"Unexpectedly, they will be drawn to me? However, I and Axuan are brothers, so I will not play this game, I will choose to give in!"

After the Holy Devil flew up to the ring and dropped a sentence, he turned and jumped off the ring.

So Ye Xuan won the match without a doubt.

Today, his points have reached 63 points, surpassing Elder Kim in the standings and becoming a well-deserved number one!

"Do you want to continue?"

The evil emperor nodded with satisfaction, turned his head to fall on Ye Xuan's body and asked Shen Sheng.

"It's no longer necessary if it's already the first, so be it!"

Ye Xuan thought about it and shook his head gently.

"Okay, now this one announced the end of the first round of the final battle of Fengshen, and then announced the rewards of the first round of the final battle of Fengshen!"

The evil emperor stood on the ring, and his majestic eyes swept slowly from the people below, with vicissitudes of majesty in his mouth.

"Well, the first round of Fengshen rewards, I don't know what it will be?"

"I don't know, I heard that the rewards are very generous, maybe there are holy martial arts!"

"This session is really exciting!"

"Yeah, it's just a pity that only those who have entered the top thirty-six are rewarded. We're afraid we can't count on it!"

After hearing the words of the evil emperor, there was undoubtedly a commotion at the scene, and many people were full of anticipation and discussion.

"Below, this seat announces the reward for the first place in the first round! There are three kinds of rewards, first is a sacred martial arts skill, second is a spiritual fruit, and finally, you can enter the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Spring for three days! "

Under the eyes of people's extremely expectant eyes, the evil emperor slowly announced the first prize.

In his hand, a book that radiates golden light and three-colored surrounds that exudes a breath of life is emerging, attracting people's attention.

Not only that, the evil emperor stunned the scepter in his hand, and the terrible and terrifying power burst out, but the ground on which he stood was trembling quietly at this moment, and the energy between heaven and earth was madly converging toward the ground. While away, the white mist was pervading.

Under the astounding gaze of people, the sound of dragons and phoenixes rang out endlessly, and the ancient spring exuding a delightful heart slowly emerged behind the evil emperor, as if it was a paradise isolated from the world, it was fascinating and impossible Stepping into it, deeply shocked everyone's attention at the scene.

"Oh my god, this reward is too rich, right?"

"Oh my god, the martial arts of the sacred order is just enough, there are still spiritual fruits, that is the holy thing that helps the soul reshape the flesh, and the dragon and phoenix immortal spring. It is said that soaking in it can not only absorb the power of the dragon and phoenix, but It can also improve physical fitness and increase longevity for thousands of years. "

"Fuck, I knew this reward was so rich. I shouldn't hide my strength at that time!"

At this moment, seeing such a rich reward, everyone on the scene was completely boiling, even the five-element elders were all hot and excited.

Such a rich reward cannot be found even if they have the details of the five majors.

"Ye Xuan, don't come forward to accept the reward!"

Said the evil emperor Shen.

"Thank you senior!"

Ye Xuan was all excited and hurried forward to accept the reward.

Ye Xuan didn't look at the holy martial arts and Rongling fruit carefully but quickly closed it up. Now is not the time to look closely.

"Go and soak in the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Fountain, remember you have only three days!"

The evil emperor gently waved his scepter, and the void in front of it spread and spread out a passage leading to the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Spring.

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, pressed down the excitement in her heart, stepped in, and gradually disappeared into people's sight.

Then the passage slowly closed, and the figures of the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Spring and Ye Xuan gradually dissipated in people's sight.

Looking at the closed channel and the disappearing picture, people are full of expectations for the next reward.

The rewards of the first place are so abundant, and the second and third place and the ranking rewards should not be too bad.

For a while, everyone's gaze toward the evil emperor became hotter.

Especially the second elder Jin, he looks forward to the reward of second place, maybe this reward can make him enter the reincarnation.

"Ahem ... Next, announce the rewards for the second to thirty-sixth promotion ..."

Feeling the fiery eyes of the crowd, the evil emperor coughed twice and then slowly spoke.

"The reward for the second to thirty-sixth places is ... um ... keke ..."

"Promoted to the second round of the Final Battle!"

PS: Add a chapter today, it will change in a few days, the monthly ticket list is urged to ask brothers to vote for Valkyrie, thank you!

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