Medical Martial God

Chapter 1135: Three days of cultivation!

What the hell?

The reward from the second to the thirty-sixth place is the promotion to the second round of Fengshen decisive battle?

The words of the evil emperor fell into the ears of the people at the scene, making people look confused and astounded.

Especially those in the top 36 of the standings jumped on the spot when they heard the words of the evil emperor.

Nima, what the **** is this?

The reward for the first place is simply rich.

Everyone is looking forward to the next reward, but the evil emperor directly told everyone that the reward of second to thirty-sixth place is the second round of promotion to the final battle.

Your uncle, can this special cat be regarded as a reward?

The first place reward is the sacred-level martial arts, but also the spiritual fruit and the dragon and phoenix undead spring. As a result, the subsequent reward is directly promoted to the second round of feudal duel.

The top 36 are all automatically promoted to the second round?

At this moment, those who were promoted were so depressed that they were about to cry.

Like the crazy monster Lin Feng, the night goddess Anina, the divine dirk, the star mark, the domineering, the beast monster Qin hunting them all are fine, Ye Xuan he can get such a rich reward as brothers and friends, they are undoubtedly very happy .

But things like Luo Tianshen, Soul Tianyin, Xiao Jinchen, Juxian are not the same.

They and Ye Xuan are deadly enemies. Now seeing Ye Xuan getting such a generous reward, they have nothing. How can this keep them in balance?

Of course, the most unbalanced mind is of course the five-element elder, especially the second-rank elder Kim.

He is only one point away from Ye Xuan, one ranking difference, but the treatment between the two sides is quite different.

Ye Xuan earned a huge benefit and got his eye-catching reward, but he didn't even have bird feathers. How could this elder Jin think in his heart?

"Elder Emperor, this ... this is not fair! The first place has such a generous reward, why is there nothing behind our ranking?"

At present, the five-element elder Jin could not help but grit his teeth and open his mouth.

"Yeah, it's not fair. How can there be such a rule, even if some sports competitions still have gold, silver and bronze medals, we managed to enter the 36th place, but nothing ..."

"Sir Emperor, you would be too unfair, right?"

"We should also have rewards."

Hearing the words of the five-element elder Jin, other promoted staff also echoed.

Obviously, there is some dissatisfaction with such a result, and there are great complaints in my heart.

"There is only one such rare reward, which is selected from the best people in your group. This is the main reason why there is a standings ranking in the first round! You are not strong enough to do so. Blame too few rewards when you get the first? "

However, they responded to the indifferent words of the evil emperor.

"The second round of the Final Battle of Fengshen will take place in three days. While you are well prepared now, the second round also has a generous reward. This time the reward is not one, but three. Only the top three people Only then can I get it! "

Before everyone can answer, the evil emperor will continue to speak.

Hearing the words of the evil emperor, although there was some dissatisfaction in the hearts of everyone, they could only nodded helplessly.

"There are corresponding numbers on the thirty-six sacred platforms. Please be promoted to the seat of the seat according to the number!"

What seemed to come to mind, the evil emperor continued to speak.

At the moment when the words of the evil emperor fell, the crowd nodded quickly and flew to Fengshen Terrace.

Over time, a steady stream of spiritual power poured into their bodies, repairing the injuries in their bodies and replenishing the aura consumed by their bodies ...

In the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Spring, Ye Xuan sat cross-legged in the spring.

He has not yet entered the state of cultivation, and the continuous flow of dragon and phoenix energy is automatically poured into his body, repairing his physical injuries, supplementing his physical consumption, and tempering his body, so that he only feels Feeling very comfortable, I can't help but want to meditate and enter the state of cultivation.

This dragon and phoenix immortal spring contains the incomparable power of the dragon wind, which can not only improve Ye Xuan's physique, increase his life span of thousands of years, but also greatly help the dragon and phoenix he cultivated.

If Ye Xuan practices the dragon and phoenix body here, it must be done with less effort, and even he can condense the dragon and phoenix body.

However, Ye Xuan did not rush to do so but took a move with the palm of his hand, and took out the holy martial arts given to him by the evil emperor.

What appeared in Ye Xuan's sight were the four quaint characters—the dragon and the soul soul!

Dragon and Phoenix soul tactics, saint-ranked subordinate soul martial arts, can make the monk's soul qualitative change, possess the power of dragon and phoenix, incarnate a dragon or a phoenix to attack, have a strong lethality, and even practice to the peak can be with the dragon or phoenix Establishing a connection and summoning a dragon and a phoenix is ​​a very famous existence in soul martial arts.

However, the cultivation of the Dragon and Phoenix soul tactics is extremely difficult, and it can be cultivated to the great ones, few and far between.

The analysis of the soul power in it is extremely esoteric, and the cultivation method is also extremely special and rigorous. You need to practice in a place with the power of the essence of the dragon wind, and use the power of the dragon wind to temper the soul. It hurts the soul, even if Ye Xuan now wants to learn it, it is extremely difficult.

"It is worthy of the martial arts of the Holy Order, and it is really difficult to cultivate."

After reading the Dragon and Phoenix Soul Technique carefully, Ye Xuan's face appeared thick and complicated, and she said with emotion.

"As for this merging fruit, I don't need to keep Zihuang to reshape the body at that time."

Ye Xuan drew a palm, and the mellow fruit surrounding the three-colored brilliance appeared in his hands.

"I can only stay here for three days. There are only three days. What can I do in these three days? How can I make the most of this dragon and phoenix?"

Subsequently, Ye Xuan gathered the fruit of Lingling and carefully considered the current situation.

Obviously, it is not enough to cultivate that dragon and phoenix soul in three days.

As for the breakthrough of the spiritual realm, I am afraid there is no way ...

The three thousand dragons in my body are now in an unreal state. It takes a long time to be solid, and three days is obviously not enough.

Perhaps, when the Nirvana ancestors are in their hands at that time, after thorough refining, the Nirvana ancestors can be fully solidified, break through the realm, and enter the ranks of Yangshi.

The dragon and phoenix body can be cultivated here. Maybe the dragon and phoenix body can be condensed. By then, the combat effectiveness will undoubtedly have a huge change. After all, I have not successfully cultivated the dragon and phoenix body when urging the dragon and phoenix body. It will be able to exert a huge combat power. If the dragon and phoenix gold body is condensed and then cooperated with the eighth martial arts battle of the yin and yang power, then my combat power will undoubtedly increase exponentially.

"In this case, the most urgent task is to cultivate the dragon and phoenix body, condensing the dragon and phoenix body, and the most important thing to improve the combat effectiveness!"

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan made a decision instantly in his heart.

"By the way, winning the first place in the first round still has the inheritance of the eighth and ninth forms of God's Wrath. Why did the evil emperor not teach me the eighth and ninth forms?"

As if thinking of something, Ye Xuan frowned, and murmured.

"The eighth and ninth types can't bear the strength of your soul power today."

However, Ye Xuan's words just ended, and the vicissitudes of ancient voices rang quietly at this moment.

The sound of this slightly familiar sound suddenly made Ye Xuan's eyes stare. He turned his head to look at the source of the sound.

But at the edge of the dragon and phoenix immortal spring surrounded by the mist, sitting cross-legged, a figure full of inexplicable rhyme appeared slowly.

As the fog disappeared, it gradually appeared clearly in Ye Xuan's sight.

This is exactly the **** dog that meditates in consciousness when Ye Xuan first saw the first inheritance of Tenjinnu in his consciousness—the evil emperor!

This **** dog is obviously more mysterious and ethereal than the evil emperor who looks like an old man, compared with the outside world who presides over the decisive battle.

"Evil ... Elder Emperor? Why are you here? Younger are polite!"

Looking at this **** dog, Ye Xuan first stunned, and then fistfully respected him.

"Everything you see here and outside is just a clone of this seat. You don't have to be so kind to see this seat."

The evil emperor stared at Ye Xuan calmly, and spoke lightly.

"Everyone is a lone? The seniors really have great powers!"

Hearing that, Ye Xuan first stunned, and then quickly and respectfully clenched his fists.

"You needn't say anything if you make a fool of it, I have some troubles in my body and I can only let the avatar who stays in the zero-degree virtual world come forward!"

The evil emperor stretched out his dog's paw and waved his hand, speaking softly.

"I don't know what happened to the predecessor?"

Ye Xuan secretly stunned, then asked in a deep voice.

"Do you know the mystery of the zero-degree realm?" The evil emperor looked up at the gray sky.

"The juniors only know that in this zero-degree virtual realm, there are the legacy left by the predecessor of the Dragon Emperor Lan Feng and the former earth hero Valkyrie, Sniper God, Chu Nan, and Xi Ming. Four of them were seriously injured and fell asleep in the battle against star aliens Frozen seniors. "

"When I entered the zero realm, Lord Ye had told me that I must be inherited from the seniors of Lan Feng and rescue the four heroes of Valkyrie seniors!"

Ye Xuan thought about it and said.

"Very well, it seems that you are very clear about your mission ... If so, then you should work hard. There will be three rounds of decisive battles. The reward for the first place in each round will be related to the succession and rescue of the Valkyrie. You Always strive to be number one! "

"With three days left to start the second round of the decisive battle of Fengshen, it will be an opportunity for you. Take it easy!"

"Well, there is not much energy in this avatar, so I won't talk more! Cultivate yourself here, you have three days."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, the evil emperor nodded with satisfaction, and then slowly dissipated.

Watching the dying emperor disappearing, Ye Xuan took a deep breath, clenched his fists and began a long practice.

A large amount of dragon and phoenix energy is flowing towards Ye Xuan's body at this moment ...

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