Medical Martial God

Chapter 1167: Beautiful beauty [Second more]


Meet the master?

Do you mean me?

However, we don't seem familiar at all.

And you just thought about killing me, now you kneel me and call me master?

Miss, do you want to use a beauty plan to pit me?

Looking at Yin Yi who suddenly knelt down and worshiped himself and called himself the host, Ye Xuan was aggressive, and the whole person stood on the spot, many thoughts flashed in his mind.

I have to say that Yin Yi's move was a bit strange, which made Ye Xuan extremely puzzled.

At present, Ye Xuan quickly returned to God and sneered, and said, "What does this mean, sir? You just wanted to kill me, but now suddenly you kneel down and call me the host. Your behavior makes me very aggressive. Inexplicable? "

After a pause, Ye Xuan's words turned around, and she smiled and said, "Sister Miss, are you impressed by my handsome and handsome appearance of Yushu, elegant and elegant?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Yin Yi was a stunner, and then she said respectfully: "Yin Yi is not a person who does not know the current affairs and the big picture! The five majors of Hengyun are powerful, but the earth is in the vast There are unknown billions of years in the universe, and its hidden potential and power are extraordinary, not to mention the birth of the famous Emperor Dragon Emperor more than 100 years ago ... "

"Now Ye Yezi, you are about to gain the inheritance of the Dragon Emperor. With the talents of the Emperor and the anti- heavenly means, I am afraid that his future achievements will not be weaker than the Emperor of the Dragon a hundred years ago. How can the Hengyun community restrain the son?

"Sooner or later, the son will flatten the Hengyun Realm, wipe out the five majors, go out of the outside world to take a look, and make a breakthrough, and the goal of Yinyi in this life is to go out of the Hengyun Realm and take a look at the outer universe. In addition, I have always been not interested in the so-called battles between the five majors, and I have a lot of dissatisfaction with Xueshuai. Previously, fighting with the protagonist was just acting for Xueshuai!

"Now only you and I are here, Yin Yifang worships his son, and he wants to be honest!"

Yin Yi stared directly at Ye Xuan's eyes, sincere and calm.

Of course, what she said was entirely made up by her.

The reason why she wanted to surrender to Ye Xuan at this moment, just because she had used mystery in order to enter this space channel, expended a lot of energy, and her strength was greatly weakened and suppressed. In addition, she had just been killed in ancient times Her depletion made her combat power less than one-fifth of that of the heyday, so she only came up with such a method at this moment, trying to confuse Ye Xuan.

While speaking, Yin Yi absorbed energy in the dark and repaired the injuries in the body.

"Do you think I will believe what you say?"

Hearing Yin Yi's words, looking at her candid look, there was no slight wave on Ye Xuan's face, and there was an indifferent voice in her mouth.

"Yin Yi is sincerely surrendering, and is willing to dedicate everything to the son, and also ask the son to read it!"

Yin Yi stretched out her white jade hands while she was talking, grabbed the clothes on the outside, and then violently pulled off the clothes on the outside.

In a short time, an extremely **** and mature body appeared in Ye Xuan's sight, shocking his eyes deeply.

At this moment, Ye Xuan only felt that the sight ahead was so dazzling.

I have to say that Yin Yi's body and temperament are really tempting to the extreme, so that the blood in Ye Xuan's body can't help boiling.

If you change to a man and see such a beautiful and **** woman kneeling in front of you, staring at you with pitiful looks, begging you for something, I'm afraid it's already beastly blood, so big hair, Rush up desperately.

However, Ye Xuan did not.

After a short stunning, he has calmed down quickly, and immediately opened the ice and fire yin and yang eyes to clearly see the route of silver's body energy movement. The woman was apparently using a beauty scheme to relax him.

At present, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed coldly, and the dragon blade in his hand suddenly emerged from the sheath, carrying Ling Ye's intention to kill Yin Yi.

"My son really can't believe me like that?"

Looking at Ye Xuan's thorny dragon blade, Yin Yi's miserable smile appeared on his pitiful face, with painful words in his mouth: "I was tortured and humiliated under the blood handsome, I thought he was He was a Mingjun, but he didn't expect that the son didn't believe me so much. In this case, Yinyi had to die with his mind! "

At the moment Yin Yi spoke, she stood up and rushed towards Ye Xuan, using her **** and mature body to greet the dragon blade stabbed by Ye Xuan directly, it really looked like a deadly mind.

It was only an instant, and the distance between the two was instantly closer.

The dragon blade in Ye Xuan's hand was no more than half a foot away from Yinyi, but Yinyi still did not mean to dodge in the slightest, and still met her with her body.

Seeing that the dragon blade was getting closer to Yinyi, Yinyi still did not dodge but extended his hands behind him.

When Ye Xuan thought that this woman was preparing for a counterattack, she saw that she suddenly unbuttoned the only underwear on her body, and presented her perfect figure, and the guy trembled as she moved. Tremble.

This sudden change surprised Ye Xuan as a whole. The heat in his body surged up, and he couldn't help but want to stop and destroy the beautiful scene, which caused a short pause in his movements.

However, the dragon blade in Ye Xuan's hand pierced at a faster speed the next second.

"Son, don't you really believe me? You're so cruel?"

Looking at Ye Xuan's action, Yin Yi changed her face, and said sadly: "Is Yin Yi not looking pretty and not good enough to let the son see it more?"

The moment Yin Yin spoke, she threw the unbuttoned underwear in her hand toward Ye Xuan, and she didn't know when a sharp dagger was added to block the dragon blade stabbed by Ye Xuan.

At the same time, her body turned to the side to avoid the assassination of the Dragon Blade, and bullied herself up. The dagger in her hand rubbed against the blade of the Dragon Blade and sparkled at Ye Xuan's throat.


The crisp sound of the metal transfer sounded quietly, but it was Yinyi's dagger blocked by Ye Xuanlong's handle.

"Son, you really are so cruel, isn't Yin Yi really able to make the son's heart?"

The bodies of the two were close to each other, Yin Yi exhaled softly against Ye Xuan, holding the dagger's palm slightly against Ye Xuan, and at the same time, the soft white of the chest was completely attached to it. On Ye Xuan's chest, a soft touch came along with her exhaled charm, which made Ye Xuan's mind feel a little strange and fluctuating.

"Son, please accept Yinyi. Yinyi will do his best to serve him from now on!"

Yin Yi stretched out her white jade hand and stroked her bangs in front of her forehead, perfectly presenting her delicate cheek with no flaws, and her mouth opened with charm.


However, Ye Xuan was unmoved, his waist was raised, his mouth gave a loud drink, and wild power burst out suddenly.

"Pedals ..."

Under Ye Xuan's wild force, Yin Yi's body was shaken and flew out, and she took a few steps back and volleyed in mid-air to stabilize her figure.

"Is it really such a ruthless thing for the son? Isn't the slave like this bad? Giggle ... But the slave really wants to love with the young genius like the son?"

"The slave family's favorite is a handsome young man like a son, a strong man with a high face value, and it must be very hard to work with ... it is really exciting, son ... don't you want to try it? ? "

Yinyi stretched out her white jade hand and gently stroked it on the luxurious peak in front of her, then put her palm on her mouth and stretched out the hot incense tongue and licked it. The voice came out.

During the conversation, she waved the dagger in her hand and gently stroked the long skirt on the waist. The long skirt lost her restraint and fell off her body, revealing her white and slender legs and beautiful scene. People are to the extreme.

The image of this woman at this time is completely different from the image of fighting with Ye Xuan for the first time outside.


What a mentality I'm going to collapse!

Looking at the whole body, there was only a pair of small underwear, showing the perfect figure, the seductive Yinyi, and hearing her words full of charm, Ye Xuan felt that the blood in her body seemed to burn. Normally, a blast of heat spread from his body.

This is not his lust, but his physical instinct as a man.

"It's said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous it seems.

Ye Xuan said coldly, "Wearing my clothes, I can consider keeping you!"

"Giggle ... the slaves don't like things like dressing. If you want to wear them, it's better for your son to do it!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, looking at his frosty coldness, Yin Yi stretched out his palm and rubbed his chest for evil, his cheeks quickly rose, and he stretched out his tongue and gasped, "How? Do you want to give it a try? It's very soft, it feels pretty good ... um ... ah ... "


Is this woman an idiot?

At this moment, Ye Xuan really wanted to scold her mother!

This is simply tempting.

If the rhythm is really mastered by this woman, he will undoubtedly look particularly passive.

This is the rhythm to be finished.

I have to say that this woman will use her own points to build her advantage.

Fortunately, Ye Xuan is full of nourishing qi, and she is able to maintain her sanity at this moment.

At present, his eyes closed quietly, the endless soul power spread out, and the dragon blade in his hand once again scabbed away, carrying a strong and wild force to chop Yinyi.

"This guy ... uh ... really ... don't ... stand out ... haha ​​... hahaha ..."

Looking at Ye Xuan's actions and reactions at this moment, Yin Yi's face was full of smiles, as if she saw a prey in her heart, she quickly rushed out with the dagger in her hand and killed Ye Xuan.


In the next moment, the crisp collision sound of the metal transfer sounded continuously in the hall, and waves of energy spread from the center of their battle.

In an instant, Ye Xuan and Yin Yi fought a hundred rounds.


With the sound of a dull collision, Yin Yi's palm rested on Ye Xuan's chest, while Ye Xuan's palm rested on Yin Yi's evil.

The soft feeling came to make Ye Xuan's face slightly changed, and his vigorous energy erupted in the palm of his hand.

"Hmm ..."

Both of their bodies were shaken by powerful forces and flew out.

"Giggle ... the son is really a delicious prey ... this is a pretty good technique, the slave family will come to the son again next time!"

Hold your body steady, and look down at the fingerprints on the super-evil in front of you, a smile on Yin Yi's face, and the voice of drama in her mouth.

At the moment her words fell, she picked up the clothes on the ground and turned them into a streamer that shot away into the distance.

Looking at Yin Yi, who disappeared instantly, looking at the palm with soft touch and seductive fragrance, Ye Xuan looked helpless, and her mood seemed more complicated ...

The next moment, he discriminated a little, and rushed towards the other side of the hall.

It is imperative to find the inheritance of the Dragon Emperor!

As for that woman, do it again next time!

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