Medical Martial God

Chapter 1168: The test of spurting [third more]

Time passed, and in a short while, it slipped away quietly.

Ye Xuan was walking in the zero-degree space at a slow speed, carefully avoiding the hidden ancient killing arrays.

Even so, he has been extremely fierce along the way. Several times have been around, almost losing his life. Obviously, this zero-degree space is not able to break freely.

Soon, Ye Xuan came to a heavy ice gate.

Looking at the closed ice door, Ye Xuan looked carefully, and then urged a powerful force to smash the ice door, but he was not able to break the ice door, even No trace was left, and the door was not trembling.

Ye Xuan tried again to break through the door of the ice, but still failed to achieve the slightest result, which made Ye Xuan's brows frown.

The majestic soul power burst from his sea of ​​knowledge and swept across, feeling the gate and surrounding changes carefully.

After a while, it seemed that he had noticed something, and the dragon blade in Ye Xuan's hand was chopped on the side wall.

"Dora ..."

The sharp knife gas left a deep mark on the wall, and the wall made by the ice was quietly broken.

A wooden plaque appeared in Ye Xuan's sight, with a few crooked letters on it: "Can't I open it?"

Looking at these words, Ye Xuan first nodded and nodded subconsciously.

Immediately after, Ye Xuan saw that the text on the wooden plaque had changed: "Do you want to stop trying?"


Ye Xuan didn't speak, clenched his right hand into a fist, and smashed into the ice gate again with great strength.

It's a pity that the ice gate is still motionless.

"Still not open?"

The font on the wooden plaque has changed again, and it seems to be full of helplessness.

"I knew you couldn't open it! Was it very depressing? It's okay, take off your clothes and try it in front of the ice gate."

Before Ye Xuan reacted, the text on the wooden plaque changed again.

Looking at the text on the wooden plaque, Ye Xuan didn't frown, leaving a trace of doubt in her eyes.

This zero-degree space should be created by Longdi Lanfeng's predecessor. Does he still have this habit?

"Are you hesitating? Haven't you figured it out yet?"

"Ben Jun's legacy is in the ice gate, don't you plan to try it?"

When Ye Xuan's thoughts flashed through, the text of the wooden plaque changed again, it seemed to be able to grasp people's hearts.

In the end, Ye Xuan thought, and a little paper man got out of his sleeve and stood in front of the ice gate in his appearance.


The text on the wooden plaque changed again.

Ye Xuan took off the shirt while manipulating the avatar of the paper man.


The moment the paper man's avatar took off his clothes, the light at his feet bloomed, and under Ye Xuan's gaze, the paper man's avatar suddenly disappeared without a trace.

However, Ye Xuan's soul was connected to the paper man's avatar. He felt that the paper man's avatar was teleported to the icy and bitter ocean floor, struggling on the ocean floor, and finally turned into a striking ice sculpture.

The soul connection between Ye Xuan and the paper figure's avatar was severed.

Ye Xuan looked ugly and frowned. He looked at the wooden plaque, but saw that the font on the wooden plaque had changed again and became the first few words: "Can't I open it?"

Ye Xuan nodded subconsciously as if these words were magical.

Subsequently, the typeface on the wooden plaque changed again: "Why not try a dance? Benjun hasn't watched people dance for a long time, especially the one who streak naked swimming ..."

Looking at the text above, Ye Xuan felt that the other side was teasing himself, making his face look particularly ugly, and the scene of the paper man's avatar being transmitted to the sea floor was still vivid.

He was about to smash the wooden plaque with his fist, and the text on it changed again: "Blowing this wooden plaque, you will be teleported out of this zero-degree space, and you will no longer be able to obtain the legacy left by Ben Jun! , What you are going through is just the test of Ben Jun, test whether you are religious enough, whether you can inherit the inheritance left by Ben Jun ... dance, just go naked and swim naked ... "

Looking at the text on the wooden plaque, Ye Xuan was only able to stop the movement, and there was another paper man in his sleeve flying out of the shape transformed into Ye Xuan, and then resigned helplessly ...


The ground standing under the feet of the paper man burst into a deep pit, and his body fell heavily downward and disappeared without a trace, and the pit instantly returned to its original state.

Ye Xuan only felt that his paper figure had fallen into the abyss of a thousand feet, and saw countless Warcrafts rushing towards the paper figure and tore the paper figure into pieces.

"are you still there?"

The text on the wooden plaque changed again.

Ye Xuan stood silently without speaking, and did not let his mind and emotion leak.

"You should still be there! Are you angry now? Are you angry? Don't you want to ignore me?"

Looking at the changing text on the wooden plaque, Ye Xuan's face was cold and his fists clattered.

"It doesn't matter, if you are still standing here then congratulations you passed the two previous tests. Now you can try to open the ice door!"

When Ye Xuan moved, another paper man flew out of his sleeve and changed into his appearance, waving his fist and smashing at the ice gate.

"Hmm ..."

The dull collision sounded loudly, and the sharp blades ejected from the ice gate without warning, piercing the paper man's body.

If Ye Xuan goes on his own, I am afraid it will be like this.

"Are you still alive?"

Ye Xuan looked at the wooden plaque again.

"Don't be angry, the test is coming to an end, you only need to sing a song" Conquest ", the voice must be a bit louder, the bigger the better!"

Ye Xuan's face was particularly gloomy and ugly. He doubted whether the legendary predecessor of the Dragon Emperor particularly liked spoofing, and his mentality was about to collapse.

However, there is no other way for him, and he can only swallow his voice in order to get the inheritance.

As soon as he thought about it, another paper man came out of his sleeve to make him look like he was, and then sang "Conquest" loudly!

"Finally, you find a way to separate the winner and lose, and the cost of losing is to break each other's bones."

"I was conquered by you and cut off all retreats. My mood was firm. My decision was confused and I was conquered by you!"

As the singing voice of the paper man rang, the earth seemed to tremble, the walls around it seemed to be shaking violently, and cracks spread quietly across the wall.

"Really works?"

This scene made De Xuan's face a touch of joy, and the thought of the moment made the paper man sing louder.

"Just conquered by you, drink the poison you hid, my plot has ended ..."

Soon, Ye Xuan's paper figure sang the song.

Deep in this zero-degree space, there is a mysterious ancient figure sitting cross-legged in the ice palace.

There was a mirror in front of him, and what appeared in it was Ye Xuan's location. Ye Xuan's every move was under his observation.

Watching Ye Xuan continue to use the paper man to deal with it, a light smile appeared on his handsome and cold face, and a murmur of words came out of his mouth: "It's an interesting kid ... evil emperor this This weird thing that the guy made is really interesting. It is rare that Ben has been lonely here for more than 100 years! I do n’t know if this kid can pass this test in the end? ”

Of course, Ye Xuan didn't know about all of this. After letting the paper man sing the song, his eyes fell on the wooden plaque again.

At this moment the text on the wooden plaque changed again: "Standing in front of the gate, put your palm on the handprint that emerged from the gate, and wait for three seconds, the gate will open!" Ye Xuan set his eyes on the cold On the ice gate, it was found that a handprint appeared on the ice gate, and now he controlled the paper man to walk over and put his palm on the door.


Time passed minute by minute. When three seconds arrived and Ye Xuan thought the gate was about to open, a huge meteorite fell from above without any warning and shattered the paper figure into a smash.

The ground trembled, and the hard ground was cracked by falling meteorite.


Play me, right?

Looking at the destroyed avatar, Ye Xuan's face undoubtedly looked extremely cold and ugly.

He looked at the wooden plaque, and the question above changed again: "Are you okay? You are really outstanding to be able to persist until now, and it is getting closer and closer to the inheritance left by Ben Jun ..."

"The next thing you need is to pass the last test ..."

Ye Xuan did not speak, but waved his fist and smashed at the wooden plaque.

Feeling the fist wind coming from the roar, the wooden plaque seemed to be aware of the crisis, and the text above changed rapidly: "Destroy the wooden plaque and you will be teleported out of the zero-degree virtual realm, missed the inheritance left by Ben Jun, and ... "



Looking at the text that emerged above, Ye Xuan's face did not change or fluctuate in the slightest, not only did he move without the slightest pause, but he became faster and faster, and waved his fist and fell on the wooden plaque.

The terrible power erupted quietly. At this moment, the glittering wooden plaque was directly shattered into powder by powerful power, and Ye Xuan's fist smashed a huge deep hole in the wall.

Pulling his fist out of the wall, Ye Xuan didn't even look at the closed ice gate, turned around and walked away.

It seemed that Ye Xuan couldn't help but think of something.

"Don't you say I broke the wooden plaque and I will teleport out of this zero-degree space? Why didn't I teleport away?"

Looking at his fist exuding coldness, the murmured words came from Ye Xuan's mouth.


Ye Xuan's words had just come to an end, but the thick sound of the gears turning quietly sounded at this moment.

With the sound of the gears turning, the originally closed ice gate slowly opened under Ye Xuan's misguided gaze, and an ancient ice palace appeared in Ye Xuan's sight.

"The door was just opened like this?"

Looking at the mysterious old ice palace in front of him, Ye Xuan's face showed a thick scum, with murmuring words in his mouth.

Obviously, he did not expect that the way to open the ice door turned out to be this way, and the wooden plaque needed to be destroyed.

You know, the wooden plaque clearly says that if it is destroyed, it will be teleported out of zero degree space, and it will no longer be inherited by the Dragon Emperor.

"Does this test of mind?"

Ye Xuan looked at the cracked wooden plaque, and frowned.

If it is a change of person, I am afraid that this wooden plaque will be played around because it does not dare to destroy it, and eventually it will even be played to death.

After all, no one dares to gamble whether the text on the wooden plaque is true or false.

Ye Xuan just smashed the wooden plaque because of his character.

However, he couldn't stand being played, so he showed his true temperament before destroying the wooden plaque. At the same time, he was also well prepared to be transmitted out of this zero-degree space, and there was not much Dragon Emperor's heritage ...

It is a pity that I did not expect such a result.

In the mysterious palace, the figure sitting cross-legged looked at the broken wooden plaque in the mirror, and looked at Ye Xuan, whose face was staggered, but his handsome and cold face was full of smiles.

"Good boy, this character is quite suitable for Ben Jun's appetite. I did not expect that the wooden plaque passed the test so quickly, but unfortunately, the guy of the evil emperor spent countless thoughts on the design of 1,888. All sorts of tricks ... "

PS: Keke, hi everyone, I am the evil emperor, please call me the king of spoofs!

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