Medical Martial God

Chapter 1217: Come to an end!

Looking at the pale and embarrassed Master Lin Family, Tang Family and many Tang and Lin family members, thinking of the words of Thunder Leopard, the mood of the people at the moment could not be described by words.

Everyone knows that the Lin and Tang families are dead.

They will go to the azure front to resist alien aliens and participate in fierce fighting, which is destined to be a life of nine deaths.

In ancient terms, they were exiled and sent to the front line to fight.

With the masters of the Lin family and the masters of the Tang family, the masters of these families were assigned to the blue front. The entire huge Lin and Tang family only had one empty shell. Without the masters sitting, the family will also face various dangers.

Of course, they can also not obey Lei Leopard's initiation and go to the blue front to fill the army, then they will be severely punished by the military, which can not be offended by any family.

Therefore, the outcome of the Lin family and the Tang family is almost doomed. Unless the Lin family and the Tang family lead their tribe to perform well on the blue front, then their Lin family and Tang family will not decline.

It ’s just that people did n’t think of it. Wuji scattered people, too fragile, Lei Bao they were originally the Lin family, and Tang family they called to help themselves, but in the end they not only did not help the Lin family, but they also stood by Ye Xuan On the side, Lin and Tang families were severely punished.

Of course, it ’s not just the people around you who do n’t understand, maybe even the Master Lin family and the Tang family have no connection with each other, and it ’s hard to understand why?

After all, it is because Ye Xuan occupies a rationale, occupying righteousness.

He did not rely on his family to do something unrighteous like the Lin family or the Tang family.

In addition, Ye Xuan will also take the initiative to go to the front of the Azure against foreign enemies.

Compared with the Lin family and the Tang family, they were assigned to the blue front in this way, and his spirit and spirit did not know how much higher.

Looking at the erect Ye Xuan, the look of people around him was full of complexity.

Later, this complexity was transformed into deep admiration.

The man's performance was really brilliant, and he really admired him for what he did.

Compared with the look and mood of the people around him, the look of Father Su's family is unsteady, and his mood is more like a volcanic car.

Looking at Ye Xuan who was standing gracefully and did not feel the slightest joy because he had won the victory, the expression of Father Su's family was extremely complicated. In the end, he could not help but utter a helpless sigh.

There is deep regret in this sigh, and there is also inexplicable regret.

He thought that Ye Xuan would eventually be suppressed by Thunder Leopard, Wuji, and too indifferent people, but he never thought that the people who were suppressed would be the Lin Family and the Tang Family ....

If he knew that Ye Xuan possessed such energy, he would stand up and protect Ye Xuan at the time, say a few words for him and get his favor ...

But in the end, he missed Ye Xuan because he looked down on Ye Xuan and was unwilling to offend the Lin family and Tang family. Even Su Xiaomeng constantly begging him to help Ye Xuan would not help.

If he had helped Ye Xuan at the beginning, even if he stepped out to help him say something, then he would not be in such an embarrassing situation at the moment, and he would even be able to talk to too indifferent people, Wuji people, Thunder Leopards, Meidu Queen Sara, they make good friends, and he will also have the opportunity to break through to the reincarnation.

But all this was missed because of his arrogance and his ignorance. "Ugh……"

A sigh uttered the sorrow and remorse of the Master Su family.

At this moment, he looked as if he was a dozen years old ...

The looks of Su Wuji and Su Ruili were also extremely bad-looking. Su Wuji sighed slightly and lowered his head.

Su Ruili looked at Ye Xuan with a complex look, his face flashed with shock, sometimes with regret, sometimes with envy, sometimes with jealousy and unwillingness ...

He did not expect Ye Xuan to be so powerful and so outstanding that even the legendary Thunder Leopard looked at it differently.

No matter how jealous and unwilling he is, he understands that even if he is the future heir of the Su family, he will never be able to catch up with the man of his age ...

The unwillingness in my heart turned into a deep defeat ...

"Let's go home."

The grandfather Su family glanced at the lost Su Wuji and Su Ruili, and spoke lightly.


Su Wuji nodded slightly, stood up and left.

"Grandpa, go back, I have something to find Ye Xuan ..."

Su Xiaomeng did not leave with them, but said.


Mr. Su's family didn't look back, but just nodded and left in the car with their help from Su Wuji ...

Even if the Lin family and the Tang family are now punished by Lei Bao, they will be in trouble, and they will not be happy at all, because they have missed more existence and missed a huge opportunity ...

Moreover, Mr. Su's family had a bad hunch. The Lin family and the Tang family's blue front were just the beginning. I am afraid that other families will be called to the front to fight against alien aliens.

"Go back and pack up. Someone will pick you up tomorrow."

Lei Bao gave a faint glance at the Lin family, and the Tang family spoke faintly.


Hearing the words of Lei Bao, the fathers of the Lin family and the father of the Tang family left with a triumph in their faces ...

The people watching the excitement around also gradually dispersed at this moment ...

However, what is happening here today will probably never go away in their hearts and become the most shocking thing in their lives.

Soon, there were only too few scattered people in the hall, boundless scattered people, Lei Bao, Ye Xuan, the night goddess Anina, Queen Medusa, Su Xiaomeng, and Xue Tianhen.

As for the indifferent lion king Tang Lei and His Holiness Shuiyue, they left with the Tang family as an amnesty ...

"Thank you today, Senior Lei!"

Ye Xuan held a fist respectfully in front of Lei Bao, and solemnly opened his face.

"You're welcome, I'm just doing things impartially ... And the blue front is really lacking. I'm worried that I can't find a good way and excuse. You have helped me a lot.

Lei Bao shook his hand and smiled.

"Senior Lei is really too polite. If the seniors don't dislike it, I would like to ask the three seniors to drink a few pots of good wine as a thank you."

Ye Xuan's face was full of smiles, and she said enthusiastically.

"Never mind today, I still have some things to deal with. Let's kill the enemies together on the Azure front, and then drink wine, isn't it more pleasant and beautiful?"

Lei Bao shook his hand and said with a smile.

"That being the case, then the juniors will ask three more seniors to drink on the blue front!"

Hearing Lei Bao's words, Ye Xuan faced Lei Bao, too casual, and Wu Jisan gave them a fist.

"Well, we meet again on the Azure front."

Lei Bao nodded gently, and they waved to Ye Xuan, and they left with too fragile and promiscuous people together.

Soon they disappeared into the lobby of Kempinski Leisure Holiday Hotel.

Looking at the back of Lei Bao when they left, Xue Tianchen shrugged helplessly at Medusa, a regret appeared on his face.

It's a pity that he couldn't stand up with others.

"Old Xue, rest assured, you will have a chance to show your skills in two days."

Ye Xuan patted Xue Tianhen's shoulder and said comfortably.

He could feel the agitation that Xue Tianhen wanted to find someone to discuss.


Xue Tianhen nodded slightly, saying nothing.

"Ye Xuan, you **** makes me worry about death."

Su Xiaomeng rushed over at this time and said with dissatisfaction.

"I didn't worry you, you have to worry about it by yourself, blame me?"

Ye Xuan blinked at Su Xiaomeng and said with a smile.


Su Xiaomeng was so annoyed by Ye Xuan's words that he was about to smash Ye Xuan's chest with his fist, but Ye Xuan avoided it.

Su Xiaomeng reconciled and chased after Ye Xuan ...

Ye Xuan looked helpless. They said hello to the night goddess Anina, and rushed towards the outside of the hotel lobby: "That ... Lao Xue, Nina ... I have something to do ...

"Asshole Ye Xuan, stop me ..."

Seeing this, Su Xiaomeng quickly caught up.

Looking at Ye Xuan and Su Xiaomeng who left, the night goddess Anina was full of smiles and shrugged helplessly.

Later, she took Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen to check in and settled here temporarily.

As they left, the staff who had disappeared from the hotel stepped out at this moment, skilfully cleaning the messy hall around them.

Obviously, they are very experienced in handling such incidents before them.

"Say, where do you want to go?"

At the gate of the hotel, Ye Xuan didn't know where to get a Lamborghini Hermès so quickly and stopped next to Su Xiaomeng, with a cool expression.

"Where did you get this car?"

Looking at Ye Xuan sitting in the car, Su Xiaomeng asked in amazement.

"Can't get up? If not, I'll leave."

Ye Xuan did not answer, but urged.

In fact, this car was a car he just went to the parking lot to prepare for a car. A rich man who was about to leave the scene took the initiative to give him the car after meeting Ye Xuan.

As for the wealthy son's name, Ye Xuan, it's not clear.


Su Xiaomeng gave Ye Xuan a severe glance, a dissatisfied grunt in his nose, and then got into the car.

"Boom ..."

The next moment, the roar of the engine sounded, and Lamborghini Hermes rushed out into the distance like a red angry dragon.

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