Medical Martial God

Chapter 1218: Relic!

In the dark night, a red sports car swiftly travels around the city like a runaway wild horse, freeing its charm.

Looking at the rapidly changing scenery in front of him, listening to the roar and roar of the engine, Ye Xuan's blade-like handsome face was full of smiles.

He has n’t driven for a long time, and now drives again. He enjoys the driving pleasure quite, even though the performance of this car is far worse than that of the Fulong battleship that Long Ye gave him at first ...

"Ye Xuan, you drive slowly and speed."

The mountain peak next to Su Xiaomeng's chest was tightened tightly by the safety belt, watching the beating speedometer couldn't help but say.


However, instead of slowing down, Ye Xuan stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, the roar and roar of the engine sounded, and the car rushed out at a faster speed, exclaiming Su Xiaomeng, the co-driver.

In the exclamation of Su Xiaomeng, the speed of the car was getting faster and faster, like a speeding rocket passing over the Jincheng Bridge, and only a shadow was seen by the passing vehicles.

"Ye Xuan, you **** slow down ..."

"Slow down ... ah ... you ... are you scaring me?"

"Hey ... hey ... stop ... what are you doing on the highway?"

"Where are we going?"

The co-driver Su Xiaomeng frantically frantic and screamed, so that the corner of Ye Xuan's mouth could not help raising a radian, and his face was full of smiles.

Seeing some screaming and resistance, Su Xiaomeng had no choice but to stop and enjoy the pleasure and fun brought by Ye Xuan's speeding.

I have to say that compared to the so-called cloud roller coasters, the stimulus and experience brought by these three hundred speeds are so exciting that these projects have stimulated Su Xiaomeng's adrenaline constantly. ...

She has never experienced such a drag racing experience. Although she has her own sports car, she has never really experienced it.

"How? What does it feel like?"

Listening to the roar of the engine, Ye Xuan turned his head and set his gaze on Su Xiaomeng's body, and smiled.


Su Xiaomeng stared angrily at him, without speaking.

"Okay, don't get angry, I'm wrong, you've worked hard these years, okay?"

Ye Xuan really has no way to take Su Xiaomeng, he can only compromise and apologize.

"You're kind of conscience!"

Su Xiaomeng gradually lost his breath, and then asked with a puzzled expression: "Well, where are we going now?"

"Qiyun Snow Mountain!"

Ye Xuan replied lightly.

"Qiyun Daxue Mountain? Why go there this evening?"

Su Xiaomeng's brows frowned tightly, and words of doubt came out of her mouth.

"Get something." Ye Xuan answered with a smile.

At that time, his aunt Yun Yan told him that his father had something entrusted to him before he died, and he placed it in the Daxue Mountain of Qiyun. Ye Xuan had never had the opportunity and time to retrieve it.

On the way to Qiyun Daxue Mountain, Ye Xuan and Su Xiaomeng gradually talked about the topic.

Ye Xuan told Su Xiaomeng what he had experienced in the past few years when he disappeared from Xinghai without saying goodbye.

Although these experiences were told in particularly calm words, Su Xiaomeng was still able to feel the danger and thrilling inside.

Even when Ye Xuan talked about some critical moments or the terrible Warcraft encountered, Su Xiaomeng looked tense and screamed and exclaimed in his mouth.

Su Xiaomeng also told Ye Xuan what happened after he left these years.

For example, how did she take over from Leng Qingcheng to take charge of a series of problems such as Shen Pharmaceutical Group and the various dilemmas and future plans faced by Shen Pharmaceutical, and Leng Qingcheng brought Yu Ji and Charm to the Azure Front and other series? De Ye Xuan also got a certain understanding of what happened in these years.

When these things were finished, both could not help but fell into silence.

"Xiao Meng ... tell you one thing, don't be sad ..."

Hesitating for a moment, Ye Xuan said in a deep voice.

"whats the matter?"

Su Xiaomeng asked in doubt.

"It's about your brother Suluo ..." Ye Xuan whispered.

"My brother's? Did you find him? Is he alive?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Su Xiaomeng's face was full of excitement and excitement, and he looked eagerly at Ye Xuan.

"Sorry ... I haven't found any news and whereabouts of him, but he did stay in the Shura world, and he made a great fame and was called Fengshen."

Ye Xuan had wanted to tell Su Xiaomeng that her brother Fengshen Suluo had fallen and died, but when he saw her big eyes with anticipation, he suppressed the idea ...

"Fengshen? Cool name, he must be alive, right?"

Su Xiaomeng looked at Ye Xuan eagerly and naively.

"Well, he must be alive, rest assured, I will help you find him."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, and smiled.

Su Xiaomeng also laughed at this moment.

Soon, the smile on her face gradually disappeared, her mood seemed a little low, and a low voice came out of her mouth: "Ye Xuan, I ... I have to tell you something, too."

"what's up?"

Ye Xuan frowned and asked in confusion.

"Sister Charm she ..."

Su Xiaomen bowed his head and clenched his hand.

"What's wrong with her?"

Ye Xuan felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"She ... she's dead."

Su Xiaomeng whispered.

"Squeak ... quack ..."

The harsh brakes and the sound of the wheels rubbing against the ground quietly sounded at this moment.

The speed of the original Lamborghini sports car fell at this moment.

"What the **** is going on?"

Ye Xuan turned his head to look at Su Xiaomeng, and asked with a miserable look.

"In a battle that broke out on the French Front, their team suffered an ambush from the enemy ... when support arrived, her team was completely wiped out, and her team was missing. Many people were sent to find it, but there was still no news or whereabouts. "

Su Xiaomeng whispered.

"When did this happen?"

Ye Xuan clenched his fists and asked quickly.

"a year ago……"

Su Xiaomen lowered her head, and there were crystal tears falling in her eyes.

"Don't worry, she won't die, I will get her back!"

Ye Xuan clenched his fists and raised his head to look at the dark night sky, with a decisive voice in his mouth.

The charm is one of the subordinates he admires most. Even if there is only a hint of hope, Ye Xuan will get her back.

Originally, Ye Xuan also wanted to go back to Xinghai to take a look at the Crazy Dragon Club, but with the news of the charm monster, Ye Xuan abandoned the plan.

Crazy Dragons will take care of the Dragon Lord, there should be no major problems.

After Ye Xuan had decided to go to the Daxue Mountain in Qiyun, his father left something, and after finishing a series of things tomorrow, he set off for the blue front.

"Well ... I believe in you, and I also believe that the elf sister is still alive. After all, they did not find her body."

Su Xiaomeng nodded gently and said firmly.

"Relax! I'll leave for the Azure front tomorrow."

Ye Xuan stretched out his palm and patted Su Xiaomeng's shoulder to comfort him.

Two hours later, the two arrived at Qiyun Daxue Mountain.

"Ye Xuan, what are we looking for here?"

Looking at the vast snow-capped mountains, Su Xiaomeng asked puzzledly.

"You'll know soon. Little fire!"

Ye Xuan answered lightly.

When he was thinking, the ice-fired two-headed dragon flew out of the dragon ring.

"Small fire, find me the hidden base or the secret room in this big snow mountain ..."

Ye Xuan said to the two-headed dragon.


The ice-fired two-headed dragon Yangtian roared, and under Su Xiaomeng's shocking gaze, he got into the ground and began to sweep around the ground.

"The two-headed dragon was the pet you conquered?"

Looking at the disappearing ice-fired two-headed dragon, Su Xiaomeng asked in amazement.

"That's natural! Let's go, Xiaohuo has found its place, so let's hurry up and take a look."

Ye Xuan yawned, stretched a lazy waist, and then smiled.

As the words fell, he stepped quickly toward the depths of the Daxue Mountain.

"Hey ... slow down, wait for me ..."

Su Xiaomeng quickly followed.

Although she has been inherited by Fengshen, Ye Xuan even pointed her martial arts before, but her martial arts practice is not high, and now there is only the martial arts kingdom.

Of course, for Su Xiaomeng, who has not received martial art education since he was a child, this practice speed is already very fast.

"Hey ... you are too slow, don't you try hard to practice?"

Looking at Su Xiaomeng, who was far behind, Ye Xuan's thoughts suddenly appeared in front of her, and she said angrily.

Before Su Xiaomeng had any answer, Ye Xuan picked her up and turned it into a streamer flying towards the distance at a super fast speed.

"Ah ... you put me down ..."

"You are too slow, so you can only do this ..."

"Fart, obviously you made excuses to eat my tofu, Ye Xuan, you hooligan ..."

"Oh, what do you have tofu? Funny ..."

An hour later, under the guidance of the ice-fire double-headed dragon, Ye Xuan held Su Xiaomeng to the depths of the Qixue Daxue Mountain.

There is an abandoned experimental base deep in the ground. Although the experimental base is unmanned, it has many institutions and can easily shoot intruders.

However, these organs were just furnishings to Ye Xuan. They had no effect at all and could not hurt him.

Soon, Ye Xuan took Su Xiaomeng to the center of the experimental base, the experimental secret room.

There is no such thing as a variety of human body research experiments in the experimental secret room. Some are just some basic experimental equipment and a unique password box.

Ye Xuan's eyes fell on the lockbox as soon as possible.

The shape of this lockbox is particularly unique. The whole body is black with a white dragon pattern engraved on it.

The cipher device installed on the lockbox seemed a little different. Ye Xuan tried several methods and the password could not be opened, which made him frown.

Looking at the vivid white dragon pattern, Ye Xuan groaned for a moment and bit his fingertips, dripping a drop of blood on the dragon pattern.

As blood dripped on the dragon pattern, the white dragon pattern originally carved on it seemed to come alive at this moment, the color of the white dragon pattern gradually changed and became blood.


When the dragon pattern completely turned into blood, an ancient dragon groan came out of the box, and it felt as if it had returned to ancient times.

"Kazkaz ..."

The sound of gears turning at high speed quietly sounded at this moment, as if there were countless mechanical gears in the code box turning.

With a beep, the lockbox suddenly opened at this moment.

A thick white chill spread out of the box, adding a touch of mystery to it.

The white cold air dissipated, and three bottles of unique liquid appeared in Ye Xuan's sight.

A bottle of liquid is silver, a bottle of liquid is golden, and a bottle is purple.

Ye Xuan stretched out his palm and picked them up for closer inspection, as if it contained a unique world, with countless lights and shadows flowing.

"What is this?"

Looking at those three bottles, Su Xiaomeng asked in confusion.

"I don't know. It was my father who asked me to come here before he died."

Ye Xuan shook his head gently, closed the two bottles of liquid, and immediately set his eyes on the code box.

Inside the lockbox is a card with two lines of pen writing:

"Xuan Er, these three things are the crystallization of his father's life. The silver yuan can be used by the military for research.

Looking at the message on the card, Ye Xuan fell into a moment of contemplation.

"Let's go, we should go back!"

Afterwards, he stowed his stuff and took Su Xiaomeng to turn around and walk towards the outside of the laboratory ...

Regarding the three elements of the silver yuanneng, the Supreme Dragon Source and the purple phoenix soul, Ye Xuan will not take it rashly, but will need some research ...

After all, he doesn't yet know what they do.

However, obviously these three things should not be mortal!

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