Medical Martial God

Chapter 1233: A sensation caused by S-class missions!

"What's going on? Three S-class missions about Bloodeye have been taken over?"

"Nima, someone is going to Bloodeye?"

"Who took the task anyway?"

"I don't know, he hid his identity and used anonymity!"

In the military power system hall, people looked at the three S-class missions about Bloodeye that were suddenly received on the task wall. Everyone on the scene was taken aback, their eyes looking at the task wall were full of Shocked and shocked.

Blood eye star, that's the place of death, even the once-famous A-level team Lin Long, they are gone forever, no news, and even the S-level strong have also been investigated in the past, but they have not yet reached the blood Star, they returned without success.

Now that someone has taken over three S-class missions on Bloodeye, this has undoubtedly caused a series of sensations.

Such tasks are not dared by ordinary people.

Could it be said that there are S-class strongmen who took over this task?

Or did the seniors at Dragon Nest finally make up their minds to explore the blood star?

At this moment, many people's hearts are full of strong shocks and shocks, and a lot of guesses are pouring into their hearts.

In the eyes of many people, at least three A-level fighters are A-level fighters or S-level strongmen, because other people cannot pick up this task at all, and it is impossible to complete this task.

As we all know, the completion of S-class tasks requires at least the strength of immortality, or even the strength of immortality. Below this level is to die.

However, the S-class powerhouses are rare in the entire Dragon Nest and Dragon Star. Each of them is very busy and has his own affairs to deal with. Generally, he will not take the three tasks of Blood Eye Star. .

This made people curious about the identity of those who took the three S-class missions of Bloodeye.

In addition, the news that Blood Eye Star's three S-class missions were received was quickly spread. In the entire military power system forum, Long Pingxing and even Dragon Nest caused a sensation.

In the military power system forum, many people are still intoxicated by the shock of the three G-class recruits who have completed 1,600 military tasks in just three days.

Many people are shocked and surprised by Ye Xuan's behavior, especially Borger, Mary, and others who were invited by Ye Xuan to have a big meal are helping Ye Xuan to promote his lofty and Generous.

Some people described the catgirls in the Lingneng Hot Spring vividly and vividly, and their words were full of joy and comfort, which made many people envy.

Ye Xuan also has a certain reputation in the Military Gong Forum and has become a character in people's mouth.

However, with the news of Blood Eye Star's three S-level missions, Ye Xuan's limelight in completing 1,600 missions was instantly suppressed, and people were discussing in the forum who actually took Blood Eye Star. Of three S-Class missions.

"Important news, three S-class missions related to Bloodeye Star have been taken over. I am afraid that there will be S-class strong men dispatched to Bloodeye Star to investigate."

"After all these years, has anyone finally taken on Bloodeye's three S-Class missions?"

"Bloodeye is extremely dangerous and is known as the place of death. I don't know which S-class strongman took the task!"

"I have internal information here. As far as I know, the S-class strong swordsman Nie Feng, who is ranked in the top 100 in the military rankings, has taken over this task. I saw him appear in the military system hall yesterday."

"Yes, I saw Jian Sheng Nie Feng in the military system hall yesterday."

"Jian Sheng Nie Feng S-class strong, ranked 96th in the military standings, did he take this task?"

With the news that Jian Sheng Nie Feng might have taken over this mission, people are increasingly convinced that Jian Sheng Nie Feng has taken over these three S-level missions.

For a time, the fame and limelight of Jian Sheng Nie Feng rose in the military power forum, and a large number of people sent him private messages to determine the authenticity of the message.

Dragon star, in a super luxurious and super sci-fi villa.

A silver-haired man with a resolute face, covering his left eye with a black eye mask, only showing the right eye of swordsman Nie Feng is sitting in the study room and reading an old book carefully.

His sturdy and robust body is wrapped in a classical white robe, matching the elegant temperament exuded from his body, it feels like those inscrutable immortals in the classic immortal, filled with a sense of anger Majesty.

At his desk, there are three ancient swords of different lengths. The sword light flows from time to time, and the invisible sword air flows out from the body of the sword sage Nie Feng all the time, pouring into the three ancient swords. Among them, they are tempered and nourished.

They are the treasures of the sword sage Nie Feng. Each sword has the supreme fame and is covered with the blood of countless enemies.

"Hmm ..."

When Jian Sheng Nie Feng looked at the book, the rapid knock on the door rang at this moment, so that Jian Sheng Nie Feng didn't frown.

"Come in!"

With a faint voice, a woman in a black robe showing her graceful figure came in.

Her name is Ling Xue, but she is an assistant to Jian Sheng Nie Feng. She is an A-class warrior. She has strong strength and a good reputation. She has long performed various tasks with Jian Sheng Nie Feng. Goddess in warrior heart.

"Sir, Lingxue has something to tell you!"

Ling Xue looked at the swordsman Nie Feng who was reading and said respectfully.

"What is it?" Jian Sheng Nie asked lightly without raising his head.

"Three S-Class missions on Bloodeye were taken yesterday."

Ling Xue said in a deep voice.

"What? Bloodeye's three S-Class missions have been taken over? Which S-Class powerhouse?"

Jian Sheng Nie Feng was shocked, put down the books in his hand, and asked in doubt.

You must know that Bloodeye is extremely dangerous. Although he is also interested in those three, he has never dared to pick it up.

Now that someone has taken over these three tasks, how can he not be shocked and surprised?

"I have sent someone to check, but there is no news, because the other party uses anonymity, and it is still high-level encryption, we do not have permission to obtain."

Ling Xue shook her head, and looked helplessly.

After a pause, she hesitated, and continued to say, "But now the military power forum has exploded. Many people are talking about the task you have taken ... I think you need to make a statement , To clarify the matter. Otherwise, it will affect your reputation as an adult! "

During the talk, Lingxue opened a holographic projection, and the system forum panel ejected and appeared in front of Jiansheng Nie Feng.

"It's too messy, it's nothing more!"

After reading those discussion posts and the dense private chat information, Jian Sheng Nie Feng said helplessly.

At the moment, Jiansheng Nie Feng logged into his account and issued a statement:

"Hello everyone, I'm Nie Feng, thank you for your love and support, but here I would like to state that although I have always been interested in the three S-level tasks of Bloodeye Star, and have been consulting and researching about Bloodeye Star's information, but these three tasks were not taken by me. "

As Jian Sheng Nie Feng came forward to clarify, the whole forum was uproar again, and there was a lot of discussion.

After all, Jian Sheng Nie Feng's fame is really too great, and the top 100 military achievements are known to everyone.

"My God, Lord Jiefeng, Nie Feng, came forward to clarify in person!"

"It turns out to be the great deity of Jian Sheng Nie Feng. Since it is not you, who took the task?"

"The front row touches the sword master greatly ... Since not the sword master Nie Feng greatly you, then it must be other S-class strong in the top 100 military achievements!"

Soon, people turned their attention to the other S-class powers in the top 100 military rankings.

As a result, this incident is getting more and more serious, and many of the top 100 S-class powerhouses have to stand up and make statements.

Summer Willow, a top 100 S-class leader in the military rankings: "The three S-class missions of Bloodeye are very difficult, and I did not accept them!"

Kade, one of the top 100 S-class powerhouses in the military rankings: "Although I am very interested in blood eyes, it is very likely that there are ancient beasts billion years ago, but I did not take on it!"

Military Squad Top 100 S-Class Powerhouse Gluttony Zhuang: "I didn't take the task of taking **** stars, I was only interested in eating!"

Military Emperor's Top 100 S-Class Powerhouse Shadow Emperor Cloudy: "I didn't take the task of taking blood eyes, only interested in assassination!"

Pluto Holt, one of the top 100 S-class players in the military power rankings, "I didn't take the task of taking blood eyes!"

The Queen of the Top 100 S-Class Power Angels, the Queen of Queens, is worried: "The mission is not for me!"


Although some of the top 100 S-class strongmen in the military standings came forward to issue a statement, there are still some people who have not spoken. They are either performing tasks or they are unaware of it because of busy affairs.

Deep inside the highest secret base of Dragon Nest, there is a huge blue lake.

A super-luxury villa was built in the blue lake, and a woman in a military uniform was sitting on the rooftop of the villa.

She has a long flowing hair, a beautiful cheek, a beautiful and hot body that cannot be wrapped even in a loose military uniform, and outlines a **** curve that makes the military uniform wear on her body. With a refreshing taste of heroic beauty, it is also full of a beautiful **** that is hard to conceal, making her whole person indescribable temperament.

She was lying lazily on a sun lounger, bathed in golden sunlight, and looking out at the blue lake in the distance, like the empress who ruled the world.

She has a name that is famous all over the world. She has experienced countless wars and grinds, and has achieved supreme prestige. Her name, Su Hanyan, is known as Su Jiang, the helm of the Chinese army behind the scenes, and the palace of kings in the dark world One of the two great queens, the wife of Dragon Emperor Lan Feng, the most beautiful master in "Melee Soldiers".

The passage of more than a hundred years not only did not make her look aging, but made her whole body even more flavorful.

While Su Hanyan was sitting on the rooftop enjoying the rare leisure time while bathing in the sun, a beautiful and angelic woman came at this moment.

She wears a black hair, wears a pure white dress, has an angel-like beautiful face, a devil-like hot body, and reveals an invisible majesty, like an angel queen.

Her name is You Xiaoke, a S-Class powerhouse in the top 100 military rankings, the wife of the Dragon Emperor Lan Feng, and one of the Eight Virgins of the King's Hall in the Dark World, known as the Angel Queen.

"Sister ... It turned out you were hiding here, which made me look for a while."

Looking at Su Hanyan sitting on the sun lounger, You Xiaoke came over and smiled.

"Xiao Ke, what makes you anxious to find me?"

Su Hanyan gracefully filled you with a cup of tea and asked with a smile.

"It's about blood eyes."

You Xiaoke said in a deep voice.


Su Hanyan put away the smile on his face, his expression gradually became dignified.

"Yes, blood eyes."

You Xiaoke nodded gently: "Three tasks about Blood Eye Star were picked up, and someone will leave for Blood Eye Star."

"Who took the task?"

Su Hanyan's face changed slightly, Shen Shen asked.

These three tasks about Blood Eye Star have not been answered by anyone, and not many people have paid attention to it. Now suddenly they have been picked up, which will cause such a huge sensation.

But Su Hanyan, they are very aware of the danger degree of blood eye star.

And not long ago, they received news that one of the five lords personally took a large number of people to the blood eye star investigation.

If they meet, things will undoubtedly become more troublesome.

"The other party's anonymous access method can't find out who it is! But I have called one by one to check with the top 100 military performers. Except for some individuals who have not been contacted, they have said that they have not accepted these tasks.

You Xiaoke said in a deep voice.

"Find out where this task was picked up?"

Su Hanyan continued to ask.

"Dragon Star Military Power System Division!"

You Xiao can take a deep breath and sink into the channel.

"Longhuaxing Military Power System Division?"

Su Hanyan's brows frowned tightly, his eyes flashed with a solid light, and he fell into a long thought: "Is it the dragon star who took the task?"

"I'll go to Long Pingxing in person!"

After a while, Su Hanyan looked up and looked at the distant sky, Shen Sheng said.

"Xiao Ke, I'll leave it to you."

With Su Hanyan's words falling, she stepped forward, the light flashed under her feet, and her body disappeared strangely in this world.

When her figure emerged again, the vast starry sky outside the Dragon Nest ...

"Su general!"

"Su general!"

Watching Su Hanyan appearing above the dragon's nest out of thin air, the patrolling soldiers' faces all changed slightly, and they quickly opened their fists respectfully.

Su Hanyan nodded gently, turning into a streamer and flying towards the direction of Long Pingxing ...

At the same time, Long Yuxing was on the star.

Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa, and Xue Tianhen have all finished preparing to go to Long Pingxing.

"Let's go!"

Looking up at the vast starry sky, Ye Xuan took a deep breath, and low words came from her mouth.

With his words falling, he took Queen Medusa, Xue Tianchen and the two of them into three streamers flying at a super fast speed towards the distance ...

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