Medical Martial God

Chapter 1234: Eight Wings Raging Snake King!

In the vast expanse of the starry sky, a huge beast that covers the sky and sun is traveling at a fast speed in the vast galaxy.

This monster has a dragon-headed whale body, and it is full of endless majesty. It is extremely difficult to provoke at first glance. The unknown beast wandering in the galaxy around it sees it and flees in horror to the distance. The ground disappeared without a trace.

This huge beast is Ye Xuan's split sea Xuanlong whale.

Now the body of the Xuanlong Xuanlong whale has grown to five thousand feet, which is comparable to the B-class star battleship.

Ye Xuan, Xue Tianhen, Queen Medusa, the three of them were standing on the top of the split sea Xuanlong whale, and let the fierce squall wind blow on him, making the three of them filled with a sense of profoundness Sense of measurement.

"This cracked sea Xuanlong whale is indeed a horrible existence on the list of holy beasts. The speed of this migration is faster than we don't know how many times."

Xue Tianhen looked at the rapidly changing scenery around him and couldn't help but sigh.

"Indeed, according to the king's estimation, the speed of the split sea Xuanlong whale may be comparable to the immortal speed. At the speed of the split sea Xuanlong whale, I am afraid that we can reach the blood star in three days.

Queen Medusa nodded in agreement.

Today, her strength has been restored to immortality, but her speed is too far away from that of Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale, and she cannot catch up with the speed of Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale.

After all, the speed of the Xuanlong Xuanlong whale at this moment has reached a speed of 10,000 miles, that is, a speed of more than 10,000 kilometers per hour.

You know that such a terrible speed is enough to hire a US A-class star warship.

"I have already informed you about the danger level of the blood eye star, and I will send you the relevant information for a while to take a closer look, and do not care." Ye Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Master rest assured that we will never hinder."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Xue Tianhen said with a smile.


His words had just come to an end, but a huge explosion sounded suddenly in front of him.

With the sound of this sound, under the solemn gaze of Ye Xuan, a huge stone suspended in mid-air exploded in front of them, and turned into a dense blade flying towards Ye Xuan.

Where the sharpened blades passed by along the way, the space was torn and rubbed with brilliant sparks. From a distance, it looked like a fireball hitting them.

"What's going on? What happened before?"

Seeing this, Xue Tianhen's complexion changed slightly, and Shen Shen said.

"give it to me!"

Xue Tianhen was about to rush out of these huge rocks, and Ye Xuan looked coldly.

As Ye Xuan's words fell, his mind moved, and the vast area of ​​Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale quietly opened at this moment, forming a blue curtain of water waves covering them.

A large number of crushed fireballs smashed on it, making a dull collision sound and then breaking apart.

The blue water wave curtain surrounding the Xuanlong Whale of the Split Sea did not move.

You should know that this is the talented supernatural power of the sea-scratching Xuanlong whale—the water wave field!

This water wave field not only has a huge defense, even a nuclear bomb may be difficult to break this water wave field, but also has a certain therapeutic effect. If someone is injured in this water wave field, the wound healing speed will be accelerated several times.


The sea-breaking Xuanlong whale just stopped the gravel attack just now, but the roar of the beast filled with the supreme fierce might sound at this moment.

With this sound, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of their eyes a large number of burning meteorites, they carried a strong killing intention towards them at a super fast speed.

"Hmm ..."

Unfortunately, although these meteorites have huge and terrible attack powers, they are unable to hit the water wave field that breaks the sea Xuanlong whale, causing them a little bit of damage.

However, these meteorites are continuous, as if the shooting arrow rain is shrouding them towards Ye Xuan, which makes Ye Xuan's eyes flash a cold light, and the immense dragon eye of the split sea Xuanlong whale is even impatient .

"Run up and see!"

When Ye Xuan was thinking, the speed of the split sea Xuanlong whale suddenly accelerated, like a brutal chariot rushing forward.

A few dozen kilometers ahead, a giant snake with a body size of two thousand feet was full of snake letters, like a madman, it constantly flung the giant tail to smite the meteorite suspended in the air, making the meteorite towards Smashed into the distance.

This giant snake is two thousand feet long, with two dragon horns born on its head, a glittering king character on its brows, eight wings, and a huge body covered with cyan scale armor that is harder than 10,000 years of black iron. , Released the supreme fierce power, is the king of snakes.

It has a suffocating name-Eight Wings Raging Snake King!

Eight-winged violent snake emperor: Six-star, four-grade beast, is the king of all snakes, has a violent personality, loves slaughter, and possesses a terrorist power comparable to the undead strong, but the hegemon in this area, even many dragon nests. The strong men who went out to perform the task did not dare to provoke it, and were only able to detour, because it had destroyed no less than ten D-class battleships, six C-class battleships, and killed a large number of Earth soldiers and five major warriors. disciple.

This is best evidenced by the large number of wreckages and bones floating around the Eight Winged Serpent Emperor.

Apparently, the eight-winged venomous snake emperor had discovered Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa, a pedestrian who had broken into its territory, and only then had it issued a warning.

Unfortunately, its warning has no effect, because here is the only way Ye Xuan must go to the Blood Eye Star.


Seeing that the meteorite attack and threat were invalid, the eight-winged violent snake emperor issued a shouting roar, and the eight wings behind him fanned, turning into an angry dragon toward Ye Xuan ten kilometers away.

On the top of the head of the sea splitter whale, Queen Medusa has been silent since she was attacked inexplicably. In her diamond-shaped eyes, the strange light flashes.

"Stop here, the guy rushed over."

Suddenly, Queen Medusa opened her voice.

Hearing his words, Ye Xuan and Xue Tianhen were stunned, and there was a hint of doubt in their eyes. Obviously, Queen Medusa would not speak suddenly.

Although I don't know why, Ye Xuan still controlled the Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale to stop.

"It will be my race in a while, and let me deal with it if you can!"

Queen Medusa raised her head and looked forward, she said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Ye Xuan and Xue Tianhen both nodded.

Their words had just come to an end, and a huge snake emerged in front of them, rushing at a super fast speed with the anger of the sky.

"That's the six-star, four-grade beast, eight-winged mad snake emperor?"

Looking at the eight-winged violent snake emperor who rushed forward at a super fast speed, Ye Xuan and Xue Tianhen flashed a dignified color in their eyes.

Divine beasts and holy beasts have strict classifications, which are divided into stars and grades.

The stars represent the strength of their bloodlines.

Grades represent their strength of growth and combat strength.

A product of a beast is equivalent to the strength of a human monk, Yang Reality.

The second-class beast is equivalent to the strength of the human monk Nirvana Power!

Sanpin Shenshou is equivalent to the strength of human monk reincarnation.

The four beasts are equivalent to the strength of a human monk immortal ...

And so on ...

Of course, if their star rating is high, the combat power will also be improved to a certain extent.

The six-star, four-grade eight-winged violent snake emperor is enough to be regarded as a very powerful creature in the beast.


Looking at the huge split sea Xuanlong whale in front of him, this eight-winged violent snake emperor not only showed no sign of weakness, but roared upward, rushed towards it at a faster speed, and spit out a huge energy ball .

The energy ball is amazingly powerful, everything that goes by is turned into ashes.

This is the extremely powerful attack method of the Eight Winged Snake Emperor-Snake Emperor!


The fierce light flickered in the eyes of the Xuanlong Xuanlong whale, and she was about to fight back. Queen Medusa uttered a cold hum in her nose, and rushed out of the water wave field at this moment.

It was only a moment before Queen Medusa appeared outside the water.

Watching the assassin bomb that came from the attack, she waved her sleeve robe, and the terrible energy whistled and spread, and directly bombed the snake emperor.


The snake emperor hit a distant asteroid, and a loud noise erupted, blowing up that asteroid.

"Hisse ..."

The eight-winged violent snake emperor swallowed the snake letter, and the diamond-shaped scarlet snake pupil stared at the woman who bounced her attacking in front of her, and felt an invisible coercion and crisis in her body, which made her heart surge Uneasy.

The next moment, it rushed out, the tail fluttered, and Ling Ling's killing intention was drawn toward Queen Medusa.

"The horrible eight-winged Snake Emperor also dares to arrogantly in front of the King?"

Upon seeing this, a gleam of cold light flashed in Queen Medusa's eyes, and a powerful breath spread, and a shadow of a serpent wearing a crown emerged behind her.

With the thought of Queen Medusa, the huge snake rushed out of the shadow, shaking her tail and pulling out to collide with the giant tail of the eight-winged mad snake king.

The horrible energy spreads like waves of water from their center of collision, shattering the meteorite floating around into powder.

The eight-winged violent snake emperor was shocked by terrible power.

"go with!"

Queen Medusa uttered a low drink in her mouth, stretched out her hand, and the huge shadow of the giant snake rushed out to fight with the Eight-winged Raging Snake Emperor.

Waves of terrible energy spread from their battle centers.


With a deafening explosion, the huge body of the eight-winged violent snake emperor was drawn by the shadow of the giant snake, flying out like a cannonball, smashing a meteorite on a distant place and crushing the meteorite.

The soles of his feet flew up and down on the head of the serpent's shadow, rushing away with lightning, and appeared in front of the badly wounded eight-winged violent snake emperor. Out of your body.

She looked down at the eight-winged violent snake king coldly, with a cold voice in her mouth.

"My king is dominated by thousands of snakes, the queen of snakes! The eight-winged violent snake emperor is not yet subject?"

As Queen Medusa's words fell, her eyes became green and three-colored, and a more horrifying blood pressure spread from her body and shrouded toward the Eight-winged Raging Snake Emperor.

"Woohoo ..."

Under the horrible coercion of Queen Medusa, the eight-winged violent snake king uttered an unwilling roar, looking at Queen Medusa's eyes, she finally lowered her head.

Queen Medusa flicked her fingers, and a rune sank into the eyebrows of the eight-winged mad snake emperor, making her huge body gradually shrink.


Finally, under Ye Xuan's gaze, the eight-winged violent snake turned into a small snake and penetrated into Queen Medusa's sleeve.

She is the king of snakes, the master of all snakes.

"It is indeed the queen, who has conquered the eight-winged violent snake emperor. In this way, we have an extra help."

Medusa flew back to the top of the Black Sea Whale Whale, Xue Tianhen said with a look of consternation.


Ye Xuan also spoke with admiration.

Then, a scream came from the mouth of Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale, and he flew towards the Blood Eye Star at a faster speed.

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