Medical Martial God

Chapter 1235: Pointing Xue Tianhen!

In the vast expanse of the starry sky, the split sea Xuanlong whale swims at a very fast speed, relying on the terrifying courage and blood power it emits, wherever they pass along the road, all the Warcraft they encounter are spread out early. , Automatic avoidance.

The eight-winged violent snake turned into a small snake and curled it up on Queen Medusa's shoulder. Looking at the area behind her, a bit of perseverance appeared in the snake pupil.

After all, this is where it was born and born, and it is the king of this generation.

"Little guy, don't give up, your future is not here, the King will take you back to the true hometown of the snake family!"

Queen Medusa reached out her palm and touched the small head of the Eight Winged Snake Emperor, smiling.

"Hisse ..."

As if he understood Queen Medusa's words, the Eight Wings Snake Emperor nodded gently and spit out a snake letter to Queen Medusa.

"It is worthy to be the queen of the Snake Terran, and it was so easy for a six-star, four-grade beast to surrender so easily."

Looking at the eight-winged mad snake emperor on Queen Medusa's shoulder, Ye Xuan smiled.

With this eight-winged violent snake emperor, it is equivalent to an undead level thug, which will undoubtedly greatly help them to go to the blood eye star.

"What is this ... as long as it is a snake, any breed will obey the king's command and submit to the king's feet!"

Queen Medusa looked proudly at the starry sky ahead.

She is the queen of the Serpent race and she is the master of all snakes. All snakes will obey her orders and be suppressed by her blood.

"It's amazing ... Unfortunately, I don't have that ability ..."

Hearing the words of Queen Medusa, a bitter smile appeared on Xue Tianchen's face, and a little helplessness and loss of speech came from her mouth.

Although he has strong talents and unparalleled strength, he founded a family, which can be described as a means to heaven, but compared to a guy like Queen Medusa, it is inferior. After all, he does not have the terrible and powerful blood of Queen Medusa.

Queen Medusa's strength is being restored and improved every day. This also has an invisible pressure for Xue Tianhen. Although they all serve Ye Xuan, they also have a healthy competition in the invisible.

"Come on, don't you want to break through immortality soon?"

Queen Medusa took a look at Xue Tianhen and said angrily.

"Is Xue Lao going to break through? In this case, I have a good place here to say that I can make Xue Lao break through smoothly!"

Ye Xuan turned her head to Xue Tianhen's body, and smiled and said, "Anyway, we still have a few days to reach the Blood Eye Star. Xue Lao can try it! Xue Lao, come with me."

At present, Ye Xuan and Xue Tianchen flew towards the inside of the body of the Xuanlong Whale of the Split Sea.

Xuehai Xuanlong Whale's body resembles a huge maze, which extends various passages. He marveled at Xue Tianhen along the way. After all, he entered the Xuanlong Xuanlong whale for the first time.

"I never thought that the body of the Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale looked like this. It was amazing."

Looking at the appearance of Xue Tianhen stunned.

Ye Xuan smiled, didn't speak, and took Xue Tianhen directly into Xuanlong space.

Inside the Xuanlong space is a small world with mountains and water and sufficient aura. When you enter this place, the rich aura will automatically flow into the body and flow in the limbs, making you feel very comfortable.

Not only that, there are also three crystals of different colors suspended in the center of Xuanlong space.

They are surrounded by purple thunder, blazing flames and blue water currents, which are filled with a mystery, like three suns floating in the sky.

This is not an ordinary crystal, but the source crystal of the Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale. It has three different attributes and is full of three Taoist powers.

"This is Tao?"

Looking at the source crystal floating in mid-air, Xue Tianchen's face appeared with a strong shock and confusion, and his mouth was filled with amazement.

The Tao, the seed of the Tao, are more horrifying than the laws of heaven and earth realized by the reincarnation monks. Each Tao contains the power of the Tao, which is something that can only be enlightened by the undead.

The crystal of the natal source of the Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale is equivalent to the Tao species bred by the undead strong. Once mature, you can have the power of Tao.

After all these years of growth, the Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale has grown to the fourth-grade beast. With its terrifying bloodline star, even the fifth-grade beast can fight.

"It is the crystal of the natal source of the Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale. It's not as good as Dao [Yu Shushu] not much!"

Ye Xuan answered with a smile.

Immediately, he took Xue Tianhen to the place where he usually practiced retreat, and smiled and said, "Xue Lao, you are here to practice and break through immortality!"

"This is indeed a good place for retreat. I feel that the aura in my body is boiling ... I have a deeper understanding of heaven and earth, and there are signs of breakthrough. Thank you, master!"

Xue Tianhen solemnly thanked Ye Xuan.

"Ye Xuan, let Xue Tianhen show his exercises and show me the path of exercises ..."

Ye Xuan was about to turn around and leave, but the voice of Zi Huang resounded quietly in his heart.

"You want to point Xue old?" Ye Xuan said with a little surprise.

"After all, this trip to the Blood Eye Star is for the sake of chanting. It will be very helpful for us if we can improve and improve his strength. See if we can help him!" Zi Huang's voice resounded in Ye Xuan's heart.

"Mr. Xue, please trouble you to practice the exercises you have practiced and run its course ..."

Right now, Ye Xuan said to Xue Tianhen.

"Okay, my master ’s practice is called Shenwu Xingchen Jue, but it is an inferior order of Emperor Order. When you practice to the extreme, you can have the body of Shenwu and absorb the power of the stars. You are optimistic!"

Although he did not understand why Ye Xuan suddenly made this request, Xue Tianhen still nodded.

Then, in front of Ye Xuan, he began to perform the magical wushu tactics he practiced.

As Xue Tianchen turned the biological star tactics, he was shining bright white light, and the aura in Xuanlong space was flowing into his body, pouring into his body, along Each complex meridian runs.

Ye Xuan looked at Xue Tianhen's path of working methods, frowned, and communicated with Zi Huang deep in his heart: "Purple Phoenix, do you see anything?"

"He seems to be a bit wrong in the way he works the exercises. In the first half of the week, it worked very smoothly, but in the back he was obviously inadequate. The flow of aura was a little congested, and it was difficult to show the full power of the exercises ... This will make him lack of stamina when he fights. He obviously has a lot of power, but he can't do his best! "

"I need to take a look at his exercises to be able to point and correct him. If you tell me first, tell him again, I will be professional ..."

Zi Huang said in a deep voice.

"How does the host think I do this?"

Xue Tianchen said with pride that he had completed the exercises.

It can be seen that he is very satisfied with Shenwu Xingchen Jue.

"It's worthy of the Emperor's Order, it is indeed unique and powerful, but its power should be much more than that, and I find that when you run this technique, the first half of the week is very smooth, but in the second half Sunday, especially when you put your energy into Governor, Ren, Chong, Band, Yin Qiao, Yang Qiao, Yin Wei, Yang Wei, the eight meridians and eight veins are obviously slow and blocked. Maybe you do n’t There is no feeling, but when you are in actual combat, you will find that the gate technique seems to lack stamina, some stamina is insufficient, and you obviously feel that your aura is sufficient, but you cannot exert it. "

Ye Xuan stared at Xue Tianhen and told Zi Huang's comments word by word.

"This feeling is like the aura stored in Dantian is like the sea, but when you want to release it, it is like a small river or even a stream. There is no turbulent waves like the sea, and it ca n’t be triggered. The tsunami is comparable ... "

"Old Xue, did I say right?"

After Ye Xuan finished speaking, he set his eyes on Xue Tianhen's body. The expression on his face was like seeing a ghost, and his eyes were full of shock. Because the situation described by Ye Xuan is exactly the same as what he said.

Shenwu Xingchenju Although this technique is very strong, it does have such a disadvantage.

Moreover, he has confirmed many times that he has never practiced this practice wrong.

"Master, how do you ... how did you know? You're absolutely right ..."

Xue Tianchen stared blankly at Ye Xuan, with a shocking voice in his mouth.

"Show me your recipe for this exercise, and I will try to help you find out the problem."

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice.

His words had only just come to an end, and Xue Tianhen handed over some shabby exercises to Ye Xuan.

It can be seen that Xue Tianhen is very interested in the practice of this magical Wuxingchenjue, and he has read this practice many times.

Ye Xuan took Shenwu Xingchenju and looked carefully, his eyes had a sharp light flashing.

At the same time, he began to try to urge the aura in his body to follow the path described in the Gongfa, and found that Xue Tianchen did not practice errors.

At the moment, Ye Xuan's brows frowned tightly, and she couldn't help but ask, "Purple Phoenix, what the **** is going on?" Xue Lao didn't practice his mistakes, and it was exactly as described above. Method, why is this happening? I just tried it and the effect is the same! "

"It's no wonder that this method is only at the level of the Emperor's rank, and the people who created it are not enough." The faint voice of Zi Huang sounded in the heart of Ye Xuan.

"What do you mean?" Ye Xuan asked puzzledly.

"Because the level of people who created this method is limited, there are several errors in this method, which makes the method insufficient in power. Only the lower grades of the emperor ... If you modify and perfect it a little, it can be promoted to emperor Tizhongpin, and even hired Emperor Tiara's top grade exercises ... this is the revised recipe for perfecting the exercises, you listen well ... "

Zi Huang began to speak slowly, and then read her revised exercises to Ye Xuan.

"Master, haven't I cultivated wrong? I did practice according to the exercises, without any mistakes ..."

Looking at Ye Xuan, who was frowning and thinking, Xue Tianhen hesitated, and whispered.

"Mr. Xue, you did not practice any mistakes. There are several mistakes in this practice and you need to revise them. I have just revised it. You are fine ... Nine Heavens Stars, Ren Du Ermai, Yin Yang Yang Jiao Thai……"

Ye Xuan nodded, then read out the perfect recipe.

Xue Tianhen kept secretly writing down.

"Remember?" Ye Xuan asked in a deep voice after reading.

Xue Tianchen nodded.

"Try it now!" Ye Xuan spoke again.

Xue Tianhen didn't speak, and sat on his knees on the spot and started to work.

This time, the whole operation process was particularly smooth. Xue Tianhen felt that the energy in his body was flowing in the meridians like the raging sea, howling and refreshing, which made him refreshed.


Xue Tianhen smashed his fist, as if the tsunami burst out suddenly from his fist, hitting a distant cliff with a trembling sound.

"Master, this revised and perfected method is too horrible. Compared with the previous one, it is completely different. My combat power has been increased by at least three times. This method is enough to hire the top of the American emperor ...

Xue Tianhen said ecstatically.

"Cultivate well and strive to break through the immortality before you reach the Bloodeye!"

Ye Xuan patted Xue Tianhen's shoulder and turned away smartly.

Looking at the back of Ye Xuan's departure, Xue Tianchen's eyes showed a strong awe and admiration, and the bottom of his heart set off a stormy sea.

He did not expect that Ye Xuan was so horrible in martial arts talents that he could perfect and modify the Emperor Order.

Such a thing is impossible even for many immortal powerhouses ...

At this moment, Ye Xuan's position in Xue Tianhen is soaring.

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