Medical Martial God

Chapter 1236: Xue Tianhen crosses over!

One day later, the originally clear sky suddenly became extremely dark, countless thunders were walking, and the whole square circle was blowing a biting cold wind. Many creatures wandering in the starry sky shivered at this moment and turned to the surroundings. Fleeing frantically.

The only thing that cracked the sea mysterious whale and Ye Xuan standing on top of it was the same as Queen Medusa. Looking at the thunder constantly flowing in the sky, the low voice came from Queen Medusa's mouth. .

"The coming of heaven, this is a sign of breaking through the calamity ... Lao Xue is about to complete his breakthrough. From the current situation, I am afraid that Lao Xue's Tiancai will not be so simple!"

"Master, send me out of Xuanlong Space."

Queen Medusa's words had just ended, and Xue Tianchen's voice was ringing in Ye Xuan's ears, making Ye Xuan nod.


At the moment, Ye Xuan was thinking, and the split sea Xuanlong whale opened his huge mouth to spit out Xue Tianchen in Xuanlong space.

At this moment, Xue Tianhen's whole body was surrounded by the power of strong rules, and an invisible rhyme spread from his body to make him look sacred, as if he wanted to ascend to the old **** of immortal world. .

Xue Tianhen looked up at the rolling thundercloud in the sky, his expression gradually became dignified.


With a stroke of his palm, he threw it violently, and a special lightning rod emerged, scattered around his body to form a large metal cage, covering him.

"What is he doing?"

Ye Xuan, who had taken the Xuanlong Whale back to the side, looked at Xue Tianhen's action and asked puzzledly.

"The movement to break through the immortal state is extremely huge, and the power of the calamity is even more terrifying. It is by no means ordinary people to bear. In order to survive the calamity to the greatest extent, many monks will come up with various methods to resist the calamity. Xue's cage with lightning rods at this moment was to cope with the calamity, but I don't know how effective it will be ... "

"Heaven is coming!"

Queen Medusa looked up at the blood-stained sky, and there was a serious word in her mouth.


Her words had just fallen, but a thunder exploded suddenly.

The sky was torn abruptly, and a blood-colored thunderbolt carried Ling Ye's intention to kill Xue Tianhen sitting cross-legged in a conductive cage.


The scarlet thunder sound made a harsh noise on the conductive cage, and the huge lightning bolt was conducted by the lightning rod for a short time, leaving Xue Tian mark unharmed.

"Stopped it?"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan said in surprise.

"This is not a formal temptation, it's just a prelude. Don't be too happy for him. I look at the vision of the sky. I am afraid that this time Lao Xue's temptation will be extremely difficult. The big robbers and the thirty-six days gangsters have nothing to do with each other! These two gangsters are enough to rank in the top 20 of all the gangsters. "

"Generally speaking, the more horrible the sky, the more solid the foundation of the monks, the stronger the understanding of heaven, the greater the potential of the future, and the more difficult it will be. At the same time, Lao Xue's foundation is so horrible. ! "

Queen Medusa's expression became rare and solemn, with a low voice in her mouth.

With the words of Queen Medusa falling, thirty-six golden figures and seventy-two black figures suddenly appeared in the blood-colored sky. They were weird, erratic, and enveloped by invisible enchantments. Know their faces.

Their positions are particularly strange, forming a huge array, and the majestic energy burst out from their bodies and merged into the array, so that a huge vortex emerged from the center of the array.

There seemed to be something terrifying in the whirlpool, and a blast of destruction burst out.

"It turned out to be one hundred and eighty-eight immortal disasters composed of seventy-two terrible disasters and thirty-six heavens without phase disasters?"

Xue Tianhen raised his head to watch the changes in the sky, with a solemn look, and a low voice came from his mouth.

He had thought that he could attract one of the seventy-two terrible disasters or the thirty-sixth heavenly disasters, but he did not expect that both would be motivated to form a more terrible one hundred and eighty-eight immortal disasters. It is beyond the scope of Xue Tianhen's response.

For Xue Tianhen, this is a huge challenge, and it is also a tremendous creation.

"Well!" Xue Tianhen's words just ended, the sound of the thunder burst suddenly sounded, and a black lightning burst from the vortex like an angry dragon.

Xue Tianchen's complexion remained unchanged, his hands were jealous, and the majestic energy spread out, forming a defense on the surface of his body.

The sound of a metal explosion sounded, but black lightning was split on the lightning rod cage surrounding Xue Tianhen. The horrible energy whistled and spread, and countless lightnings walked. The place where Xue Tianhen was located turned into a thunder pool. The crushed stones exploded together.

This black lightning was blocked by a lightning rod.



Ye Xuan, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw one black, one white, and two thunder and lightning split again against Xue Tianhen.

The sound of a metal explosion sounded, and the lightning rod cage surrounding Xue Tianhen was smashed directly and burst.

The two did not know how many times the black and white thunder and lightning that had been weakened continued to split against Xue Tianhen, and he swallowed it directly into his belly, so that his breath changed at this moment, soaring. less.

At this time, the fourth Tiancai fell down.

This is a gray lightning, it is like a flood brown bear waving his claws and smashing at Xue Tianhen.


The dull collision sounded, and the thirty-six layers of defensive enchantments condensed on Xue Tianchen's body surface were all shattered and cracked, but the fourth Tianjie was finally blocked.

However, it is not waiting for Xue Tianhen to relax anymore. The fifth Tiancai rushed towards Xue Tianhen like a flame-wrapped maggot, waving his fist and slamming at him.

"Seventy-two defensive enchantments!"

Seeing this, Xue Tianhen's face looked cold, and his sleeve robe waved. Seventy-two jade slips shot out, forming a seventy-two layer enchantment covering him.

The next moment, the 72 jade pieces collapsed together, and the 72-layer enchantment was shattered.

The huge thunder and lightning continued to split Xue Tianhen's body, but he was carried down by him.


Later, Xue Tianhen's whole body of white radon burst out, his feet violently sprinted, his body flew up, and rushed straight to the vortex in the sky that was conceived by Tianjie, rushing out, waving his fist and smashing.

The majestic boxing rushed out and collided with the thundering thunder, and the sound of a tremor broke out. The horrible energy spread vertically and horizontally, sweeping in all directions, blasting all the meteorites floating around.

Xue Tianhen was more imposing, and passed through the explosion center at a faster speed and went straight to the sky.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

At this time, three thunders of different colors came down to Xue Tianhen.

The first two thunderbolts were smashed by Xue Tianhen's fist, and the latter one made Xue Tianhen unstoppable, and split directly on him.

"Hmm ..."

Xue Tianhen's entire body was struck by lightning, and a black blood sprayed from his mouth like a cannonball, and fell down toward a huge meteorite suspended below.

His body fell on the hard meteorite. The terrible force directly smashed the huge meteorite. Xue Tianchen flew hundreds of meters down to stabilize his figure.

At this moment, Xue Tianhen's whole body was ruptured, his breath was disordered, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

However, he didn't bother at all, and his energy was thin and thin, turning into a stream of light rushing towards the falling thunder and lightning, and the look of fearless death was like a carp leaping into a dragon gate.

In the face of terrible disasters, you have no escape route at all.

Either, you take down Tianjie.

Either you die under the sky.

Under the eyes of Ye Xuan's eyes, Xue Tianhen rushed to Tianjie again and again without fear of death, and was hit by flying lightnings that descended from Tianjie again and again. The blood sprayed from his mouth was not known.

His entire body is constantly becoming weak and aging, and it is only a moment that he has changed from an extraordinary middle-aged man to a skinny, old man who is about to be late.

This scene fell into Ye Xuan's eyes and made him feel shocked and shocked.

Compared with Xue Tianhen ’s scourge, Ye Xuan ’s scourge caused by the breakthrough of Nirvana in Fengshen Mountain was nothing more than a fuss.

Any scourge from the sky is enough to destroy an asteroid. "Lao Xue is not in good shape ..."

Looking at the embarrassing Xue Tianhen, Ye Xuan clenched his fists and said with a deep voice.

"It's really bad. He has a total of 108 scourges, and now he has only half of them, and half of them."

Queen Medusa also frowned and opened her mouth.

Xue Tianhen's Tianjie is really extraordinary and too powerful. Even if it is changed, she only has less than 70% confidence. As for Xue Tianmark, it is less than 40%.

"What to do? Is there any way to help him?"

Ye Xuan asked in a deep voice.

"Tiancai has to cross by herself. Others can't help her at all. The only help may be to help him protect the law. Don't let her be disturbed."

Queen Medusa said in a deep voice.

"Hisse ..."

Her words had just ended, but the Eight Winged Snake Emperor on her shoulder turned her head and looked at the distance. She kept swallowing the snake letter with a snake in her mouth.

"Damn, trouble is here!"

Queen Medusa's face could not help but change, cursing.

"what happened?"

The reaction of Queen Medusa caused Ye Xuan's face to change, she asked in a deep voice.

"A large number of gods and beasts thousands of miles away are coming under the influence of the sky disaster."

Waiting for Queen Medusa's answer, the voice of Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale sounded in the heart of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan's thoughts were integrated into the split sea Xuanlong whale, and the vision sharing was completed in an instant. He observed the surroundings by the sense of the split sea Xuanlong whale.

Under Ye Xuan's unsightly gaze, a large number of gods and beasts thousands of miles away turned into a flood and rushed towards their place.

These beasts are densely packed with thousands of people. Among these many beasts, there are three beasts with the largest size and the most terrifying breath.

It was a huge tortoise with a thousand feet, with a ghostly tail, and an island on its back, making it look like a moving planet.

This is a five-star, four-grade **** beast with stark sky and highly perverted defense: the interstellar black turtle.

Next to the Interstellar Gentle Turtle is a giant man with a height of thousands of feet, burning with blazing flames, and a lot of magma flowing. It is a six-star, four-grade **** beast with amazing destructive power in the sky—the ancient giant!

Beside the ancient giant, there is a 5,000-foot-long, full-blooded flame, wearing a crowned flamingo, which is the famous predator of the starry sky, the six-star four-grade **** beast-the undead bird. !!

At this moment, these three fierce beasts are driving a large number of low-level beasts towards Ye Xuan in the direction they are.

They are fast and large in number, and together they form an irresistible tide of beasts. Everything they pass along is destroyed and engulfed.

According to their speed, less than half a column incense will reach Ye Xuan where they are.

Not only that, Ye Xuan also used the view of the Xuanlong Whale of the Split Sea to see that a C-class battleship was approaching in the direction of Tianjie.

On the C-class battleship, a man wearing black armor and holding an epee stood up against the wind, releasing a wild breath.

There was a striking sword-shaped logo on his chest, which fell into Ye Xuan's eyes, making him stare.

He knew the sign, which symbolized the proud moon sect.

"Queen, go to the northwest to stop the C-class battleship, watch out for the man on the battleship! The group of gods and beasts coming in the distance. Give me and the Xuanlong whale to deal with it."

Seeing this, Ye Xuan quickly returned to Shen, and said in a deep voice.

"Is there a C-class battleship approaching northwest?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Queen Medusa's eyes narrowed and she spoke in a deep voice.

"Well, if I read it correctly, it's Aoyue Sect, and I'll leave it to you!"

Ye Xuan nodded, and Shen Sheng said.

With Ye Xuan's words falling, he left several paper man avatars here, and rushed towards the distant beast tide with the Xuanlong Whale of the Split Sea.

"Lao Xue, don't die in the sky!"

Queen Medusa dropped a word and rushed towards the C-class battleship northwest.

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