Medical Martial God

Chapter 1238: Vice Sovereign Black Rock!

Xue Tianhen's Tianjie did not stop, but continued.

Centered on Xue Tianhen, the entire circle is covered by a huge vortex, and the sky's thunder pours down, making this space into a terrible thunder pool.

In the thunder pool, Xue Tianhen, whose blood was bombarded by the lightnings of the sky, was painfully supported by the terrible sky, and waves of terrible energy poured into his body and carried him out. The massive destruction seemed to shatter the bones of his body.

At the same time, a new force emerged in Xue Tianhen's body, repairing his injury and reorganizing his body so that he would not die.

However, even so, I am afraid that the current situation of Xue Tianhen will not be able to support the end of Tianjie.

Immortality is a natural step into the top powerhouses, and countless talented powerhouses have finally fallen under the sky.

The reason why it is called immortality is not only because it will earn more than three thousand years of life once it breaks through, but also because it will not die in this horrific world, and it will survive.

Even Ye Xuan, who was transformed by the calamity that day, did not dare to step into the slightest, and could only stand on the top of the Xuanlong Whale in the Rift Sea to view.

"Can he survive the disaster?"

Looking at the struggling Xue Tianhen who was cut off again and again by Tian Jie, Ye Xuan's eyebrows were filled with anxiety, and a low voice came from her mouth.

"From the current situation, he is less than 40% sure that he can survive the disaster."

The voice of Purple Phoenix sounded in the heart of Ye Xuan.

"Is it 40%?" Ye Xuan frowned.

"Four percent is already quite huge. Many monks who want to break through to immortality have always been less than ten percent certain. The overall rate of success in immortal robbery is only one in 10,000, which means one Only 10,000 reincarnation monks may have an undead strong in China. "

"Immortal powerhouses are truly top-notch in the entire Hengyun industry."

Zi Huang's voice rang again in the heart of Ye Xuan: "Let ’s go, you ca n’t do anything to help here, and you ’re idle, you might as well go to Queen Medusa to see, maybe there will be What she has learned and found ... otherwise, she might kill those guys with her temperament, and she would have no chance to ask questions ... "

"it is good!"

Ye Xuan nodded and flew in the direction of Queen Medusa in the distance.

In the distant starry sky, the eight-winged violent snake emperor who has transformed the body is attacking the C-class starship that is constantly firing rocket shells in mid-air.

Its gigantic body entangled the hardship of the C-Class Starship, the terrible power broke out, and it was trying to smash the ship. Unfortunately, the defense of this C-Class battleship is horrible and amazing, even if it is The Eight Winged Snake Emperor is also difficult to completely destroy it in a short time.

Inside the C-Class Starship, a large number of disciples of Aoyue Jianzong looked in horror at the eight-winged violent snake emperor who entangled the hull as shown on the projection screen outside, with a strong shock and horror in his eyes.

Obviously, they did not expect to be subjected to such an attack.

The operator constantly controlled the Star Wars to launch counterattacks, but the shells hit the hard scale armor of the Eight-Winged Serpent Emperor without any effect or response.

If we continue this way, I am afraid that the hull of the Star Warship will soon be torn by this fierce Eight-winged Raging Snake Emperor. By then, the trouble will be great.

They turned their heads and set their sights on Heiyan, the deputy lord who fought with Queen Medusa in the distance, and their eyes were full of solid light.

Their powerful deputy lord, Black Rock, was entangled by the snake-controlled Queen Medusa. They could not support them for a short time, which made their look even more cold and dignified.

At this moment, three elders of Aoyue Jianzong on the battleship returned: "You guys, we can't stay in the battleship anymore, we must fight back!"

"The Nirvana Territory repaired for the above, and went out with the three of us to siege the eight-winged mad snake king!"

"Observe the elders!"

Hearing the words of the three elders of Aoyue Jianzong, everyone on the battleship fists together.

"Hmm ..."

As their words fell, the hatch of the Star Warship quietly opened, and the three elders of Aoyue Jianzong rushed out with many nirvana masters without hesitation.


A loud drink sounded, and the terrible sword qi bloomed. Those rushing masters of the proud Ancestral Swordsman Qi Qi waved the sword in their hands and chopped out a dazzling sword light towards the Eight Winged Snake Emperor.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The sword gas fell on the hard scale armor of the Eight Wings Rage Snake Emperor and made a dull collision sound, but unfortunately, it could not hurt the Eight Wings Rage Snake Emperor at all, even leaving no trace on its scale armor. .

Looking at the rushing monk Aoyue Jianzong, the eight-winged violent snake emperor Yang Tian screamed, and the huge snake tail swung fiercely, drawing more than thirty nirvana strong men into flesh, and opened his mouth. He slammed his way towards the unsettled Nirvana Powers and swallowed them.

For it these are all food, especially the three reincarnation masters.


At present, the body of the eight-winged violent snake emperor swayed, and then flung it loose, releasing the entangled C-class Starship, and flew it out, and then toward the three proud moon swords that rushed with a large amount of Nirvana. Elder Zong rushed away.

Swallow these guys before talking.

"Damn, who are you, why are you suddenly attacking us?"

"I'm Heiyan, the Deputy Sovereign of the Ancestral Sword Sect. I was only attracted by Tianjie to view it. It was not malicious!"

Watching the many men under the merciless slaughter of the eight-winged violent snake emperor, the burly, black rock holding the epee, while trying to resist the attack of Queen Medusa, he quickly explained.

They just passed by here and happened to be attracted by the Tiancai caused by Xue Tianhen, so they came to see it, but they didn't think of it at all, and they were stopped by the woman and the Eight Winged Snake Emperor who suddenly rushed out before reaching their destination. Come down.

The other party didn't talk nonsense to him at all, and launched an attack directly against them, hitting them by surprise.

Although Heiyan did come to look at them and mean to rob while taking advantage of the fire, didn't they still do nothing?

And Black Rock can be sure that the woman in front of her is not an earth monk at all, after all, she belongs to the snake-like race rare in the universe.

However, in the face of Black Rock's inquiries, Medusa didn't answer coldly. Instead, he manipulated the huge snake king to launch a more fierce attack on him and suppressed him without giving him any explanation at all. Opportunity.

Heiyan Haoyan is also the Deputy Sovereign of the Aoyue Jianzong. Where are the famous figures in the Hengyun community?

Seeing Queen Medusa, she didn't speak at all, and didn't mean to stop her. He was also angry at this moment, and exerted his strength to fight with Queen Medusa.

Every swing of the heavy sword in his hand will set off a fierce sword wind around him to form an airtight sword air barrier that perfectly resists the attack of Queen Medusa and the waves of battle Spreading out of their bodies, they engulfed all the meteorite around them.

I have to say that this guy named Heiyan is very extraordinary in strength and sword skill.

Even if Queen Medusa was doing her best, she could barely suppress him, and it was difficult to kill him.

After all, Queen Medusa is in a state of immortality, and the strength of this black rock is indeed immortality.

By virtue of being able to suppress the immortal state, the Medusa is already very strong.


Heiyan had just escaped Queen Medusa's attack, and was about to use her epee to launch a counterattack against Queen Medusa. However, a strong sense of crisis had changed his face.

Under his ugly gaze, an energy ball full of endless destruction, surrounded by blue water and purple lightning, burst from a distance and launched a surprise attack on him.

This energy ball is Ye Xuan who came to support to control the split sea Xuanlong whale issued by the split sea Xuanlong whale.

The speed of the split sea Xuanlong bomb is really too fast, it just rushed to the front in a flash, and the thick sense of life and death made the hairs of Heiyan's whole body irresistible.

"Damn, that woman has a companion?"

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and Hei Yan waved the epee in his hand without hesitation, setting up an endless sword atmosphere around him, and murmured from his mouth.

"Epée Storm!"

A huge storm of sword air rose up and shrouded Heiyan's body, making his figure disappear.


A blast of earth-shattering explosions sounded, and the Riviera Xuanlong bombarded on the epic storm like a tornado.

The terrifying energy whistled, the huge Epee storm was torn instantly, the terrible energy spread in all directions, the black rock mouth sprayed a lot of dark blood, the whole body was broken, and the blood was dripping, like a cannonball shocked Fly out and crash into the distant C-Class starship and smash the starship's hard hull into it.

"Vice Sovereign!"

This scene fell into the eyes of the three elders of Aoyue Jianzong who were in reincarnation, causing their faces to change dramatically and anxiously shouting in their mouths.

However, their words had just come to an end, and before they had time to rush out to support Black Rock, the huge eight-winged mad snake emperor appeared behind them, opening their mouths and biting at them.

"Ahem ... be careful behind you."

Heiyan coughed fiercely over his chest and looked at the eight-winged violent snake emperor who appeared behind the three elders. He opened his face weakly.

"Do not!"


After being reminded by Heiyan, the three elders of Aoyue Jianzong noticed the scene behind them and looked at the eight-winged violent snake emperor who was bitten by the open mouth. They looked terrified and desperate, with despair in their mouths. The cry came out ...

Their words were not over yet, and the gigantic mouth of the Eight Winged Snake Emperor engulfed them instantly.

At this point, all the masters of the proud moon sect who attacked the Eight-winged Raging Snake Emperor from the C-class starship were destroyed by the Eight-wing Raging Snake Emperor.

This scene fell into Heiyan's eyes, making his face look extremely ugly, his fists clattered, his eyes full of anger and unwillingness.

He raised his head and stared distantly into the distance, showing a deep grudge in his eyes. If it had not been for the sudden energy bomb raid, the situation would not have changed.

Under his unsightly gaze, a giant beast with a dragon-headed whale emerged slowly in front of him and appeared in his sight.

On top of that huge beast, a cold figure stood up against the wind, watching everything indifferently.

"That ... that's a crack ... a crack ... a sea occult dragon whale? The terror on the holy beast list?"

"Damn ... **** it, how could there be a sea-scratching whale here?"

Looking at the huge beast slowly coming, Heiyan's face changed drastically, the expression on his face was like a ghost, and an incredible trembling voice came out of his mouth.

The terrible existence of the sea-breaking mystic whale, the holy beast list, they have been passed down in the same vein. Only every ten thousand years will a sea-breaking mystic whale be born or appear. They have the power to destroy the world, and they are fierce in the universe. Its name is not something that ordinary people can provoke.

The adult sea-scratching Xuanlong whale, even the landlord and even the landlord, dare not provoke it.

Suddenly a split-sea whale appeared in front of him. How could he not be shocked by Black Rock?

Of course, it's not just Black Rock that is shocking, but also those surviving disciples of the proud Moon Sect on the C-class battleship.

They stared blankly at the huge beast in front of them through the holographic projection picture inside the battleship, with a startled expression and a trembling expression.

"The dragon ... the dragon-headed whale has the power to destroy the sky, this ... is this the starry sky lord whale?

"Just an eight-winged violent snake emperor just appeared, and now there is a sea split Xuanlong whale?"

"Who can tell me who did we provoke?"

"It's over, it's over, it's over, this time our big guys are dead."

"There is still a man standing above the head of the sea split whale, is he controlling the sea split whale?"

"Is the energy ball that has just hit the Deputy Sovereign released from this giant?"

It has to be said that the place where the Xuanlong Whale's landing place is deterrent and oppressive is really strong. Its inherent fierceness and aura are by no means comparable to other fierce beasts.

After all, the name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

The fierce name of Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale has been killed since ancient times.

You know, there used to be an angry fissure sea whale but it killed a huge astral world.

At this moment, an indescribable sense of suffocation permeated the hearts of everyone in the disciple of Aozye Jianzong.

"Who the **** are you?"

Heiyan swallowed hard, and his face trembled.

First, the eight-winged violent snake emperor, and the long-disappearing snake-queen queen, followed by another fierce and fierce split-sea Xuanlong whale.

Heiyan felt a bit broken.

When was a sea-streak whale born in Hengyun?

Although this split-sea Xuanlong whale has not yet reached adulthood, the new split-sea Xuanlong whale just made him understand the horror of this split-sea Xuanlong whale.

what should I do now?

Admittedly, of course!

"Sir, we are one of the biggest sects in the Hengyun community. We are just passing by here and then attracted by the Tianzhao. We have no intention of offending. If there is a collision or offense, we are willing to apologize and compensate!

Resisting the severe pain from his body, Heiyan looked down sincerely at Ye Xuan on the Xuanlong Whale of the Rifting Sea.

Apparently in Heiyan's view, the man standing on the Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale was the leader here.

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