Medical Martial God

Chapter 1239: Death of Black Rock!

The Xuanlong Xuanlong whale slowly swims to Queen Medusa, the huge longan stares coldly at the black rock, causing a huge pressure at the bottom of the heart of the black rock. The man above his head.

Ye Xuan was standing on the top of the Xuanlong Whale in the Rift Sea, and looked down at the black rock with his head and fist, without any slight wave on his face.

"Apology and compensation?"

A cold voice came from Ye Xuan's mouth.

"Yes, we just happened to pass by. We really did not intend to offend you. We are willing to apologize to you and pay one billion Chinese spirits to compensate you as an apology!"

Heiyan said quickly.

While talking, his gaze was secretly looking at Ye Xuan.

When he realized that Ye Xuan's realm was only Nirvana, he couldn't help but be shocked, and his heart was filled with astonishment.

Obviously, I did not expect Ye Xuan's cultivation to be so low.

However, he owns the Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale, and he thinks that he should be a junior from a super gate or other family in other astral circles.

"I want your life more than the so-called apology and compensation."

Ye Xuan spoke coldly without the slightest expression or wave on her face.

"Let's kill us, sir, we have no injustice with you, but we just happened to pass by ... Since you have a beast like the sea splitter, the dragon and whale, it must be from a large family or gate of other stars We should know the strength of our proud moon sect in the Hengyun world. If you really kill us, even if you have a huge power behind you, you may not leave the Hengyun world safely. "

Heiyan took a deep breath, holding back the anger in his heart, Shen said.


During his conversation with Ye Xuan, the eight-winged violent snake emperor Yang Yang uttered a roar and rushed out like lightning. The huge body directly entangled the C-class starship that was preparing to open the wormhole jumping technology secretly. Can't move.

This sudden change made Heiyan's face change. Obviously, he did not expect that the reaction of the eight-winged mad snake emperor would be so sharp.

He originally thought that while chatting with Ye Xuan, he would let Star Wars launch the wormhole jumping technique Feitun, but he did not expect to be noticed and stopped.

Now, they have no escape route.

"Ha ha……"

Hearing the words of Black Rock, Ye Xuan couldn't help laughing.

This guy thought he was a disciple of another big family in the astral world.

"Why is your Excellency laughing?" There was a bad feeling in Heiyan's heart.

"I'm no other big family disciple from the astral world. Listen to me. My name is Ye Xuan, from the earth!"

Ye Xuan stared at Heiyan, saying word by word.

"What? Are you Earth people?"

"You are the Ye Xuan who killed my five disciples and many disciples?"

When Heiyan heard Ye Xuan's words, the expression on his face suddenly became very exciting, and the words in his mouth were so utterly wrong.

The bottom of my heart set off a rough sea.

Obviously, I did not expect that this young man turned out to be Ye Xuan on the earth.

You must know that Ye Xuan's name is somewhat famous among his disciples, after all, many of his disciples died in his hands.

Moreover, this guy walked out of the zero-degree virtual world alive?

You know, when they were sent to participate in the battle of the gods of closure, the masters who entered the zero realm were all dead, without any news or contact.

As for the ownership of the Dragon Emperor's heritage, it has nothing to do with their five ancestors.

"That guy is Ye Xuan, the kid on earth who is wanted?"

"It is said that Luo Tianshen seems to be in the hands of this kid."

"This guy is just a cultivation of Nirvana, and he still owns the sea-breaking Xuanlong whale?"

"Is he Ye Xuan, who wins everyone's favor among the five disciples? It is true that he has some skills and coquettishness."

"Since these guys are Earth people, I am afraid there is no room for discussion in the situation at hand."

The people in the Star Warship were also surprised by Ye Xuan's words.

"Now that you know who I am now, you should know what end you are going to face? Do you do it yourself or let us send you a ride?"

Ye Xuan stared at Heiyan coldly, and said with a cold face.

Heiyan stared at Ye Xuan tightly, clenching his fists and not speaking.


The next moment, the light flashed under his feet, his body suddenly disappeared and disappeared. He appeared before Ye Xuan again.

He held up his epee and slashed down in anger at Ye Xuan.

With such a close distance, he was sure to kill Ye Xuan in a single blow.

Epee Slash!

The dark epee carried a sharp sword slash towards Ye Xuan, setting off a gust of wind, blowing Ye Xuan's shirt fluttering and long hair flying.

Seeing that the epee was about to be cut on Ye Xuan's body, Ye Xuan smiled coldly and moved his mind, and the water wave field of the split sea Xuanlong Whale quietly unfolded at this moment.

Invisible water waves spread from the body of the Xuanlong Whale in the split sea and swept across in all directions, and a huge boundary quietly formed.

He Yan, who had cut the epee to Ye Xuan, only felt that the whole person was drowning, and the action became extremely slow. The epee he encountered encountered huge resistance and lost all his strength.


Under the unbelievable gaze of Heiyan, Ye Xuan thought that the star emperor Long burst out bursting his heart, surrounded his right hand, and then pulled out his palm to easily grasp Heiyan's epee.

"How is that possible? I grabbed my epee with one hand?"

The epee was seized by Ye Xuan with one hand, and Heiyan's face was shocked, with an incredible voice in his mouth.

Anyway, he is also an undead strong. Even if he is in this water wave field, his strength is greatly weakened, but the strength he releases is by no means what a nirvana can resist, even if it is only a trace of him. Power can kill a Nirvana Powerhouse hundreds of times.

Now that his attack was so easily blocked by Ye Xuan, how could he not be surprised?


Ye Xuanke ignored the surprise of Heiyan, and the hand holding the epee violently drew his strength, his eyes flashed coldly, and his right leg kicked out with a strong force against Heiyan's chest.

There was a slight disdain in Heiyan's eyes, the other hand clenched into a fist, and smashed hard with the kicked foot.

The terrible power broke out, and Heiyan was shocked to fly out by the powerful force, and his epee flew out.

Heiyan flew up and down for dozens of meters before he stabilized his body. He looked up at Ye Xuan in front of him, and his eyes were dignified.

He really didn't understand that this boy was just a little monk, so why did he have such a powerful force that he could shock him back.

Not only was Black Rock shocked, but the eyes of those disciples of the proud moon sects and Queen Medusa in the C-class starships also flashed a little surprise and surprise.

They knew that Black Rock was powerful, but that kid was just Nirvana and gave Black Rock to Zhenfei?

This is a little too incredible.

Of course, Ye Xuan can do this for a lot of reasons.

The first reason is that the water wave field of the Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale has a huge suppressive force on the enemy and can weaken the enemy's combat effectiveness in a series.

The second reason is because Heiyan was a bit of an underdog, and he underestimated Ye Xuan's strength for a while.

The third reason is because of the use of Wanshoujue to establish a relationship with the Xuanlong Whale in the sea, and to be able to inherit part of the power of the Xuanlong Whale in the sea.

Of course, if the Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale can be transformed into a human shape and integrated with Ye Xuan, then Ye Xuan's combat power will increase exponentially, far more than it is today.

Although Ye Xuan unexpectedly had the upper hand in that blow, Ye Xuan was also shaken back by five steps to stabilize his figure.

Looking up at the black rock that flew out, a strong sense of killing flashed in his eyes, and a cold and indifferent voice came out of his mouth: "Queen, this guy is entrusted to you, don't rush to kill, you must live ! "

"it is good!"

Queen Medusa nodded, and rushed out to attack Black Rock with lightning.

Without the epee, the victory was severely wounded. In the water wave field, Black Rock is no longer Queen Medusa's opponent at all. It was crushed and beaten, and looked very miserable.

At the same time, the other eight-winged violent snake king also launched an attack on the C-Class Starship. Its huge body wrapped the C-Class Starship swiftly, and then it became tighter and tighter ...

"Kah Kah Kah Kah ..."

"Kozkozkoz ..."

The sound of the cracks spreading and the sound of the ship's hull breaking continuously sounded. Cracks spread on the ship's body, and its hull was gradually broken ...


With a loud blasting sound, the huge Star Warship was finally unable to withstand the strangulation power of the eight-winged violent snake emperor, and it burst into pieces. The squeezing became flesh, and some madly flew out of the battleship, escaping to a distance, but swallowed by the eight-winged mad snake king.

"Stay two alive!"

Seeing the eight-winged violent snake emperor about to engulf the remaining three Aoyue Jianzong disciples, Ye Xuan said coldly.

The Eight Winged Snake Emperor stopped, and the three Aoyue Jianzong disciples who were fortunate to survive were horrified and relieved.

"Dora ..."

However, the next moment, the eight-winged violent snake emperor's snake head was rolled in a fierce roll, directly engulfing the disciple of the proud Moon Sect in the middle and swallowing it.

This scene scared the two proud moon sect disciples, **** urination, cold sweat on his forehead, looked at the eight-winged violent snake emperor in front of him, his body trembling and trembling.

"Pop ... Pop, please, don't ... don't kill us ..."

"Son, we know a lot of inside information of Aoyue Jianzong, please don't kill me, we say everything."

They turned to look at Ye Xuan and begged.

"Without you guys, I'll find it myself!"

Ye Xuan answered coldly.

At the moment his words fell, his body appeared strangely in front of the two disciples of Aoyue Jianzong, and his palms fell out on top of them, and the soul-searching technique was quietly performed.

The bodies of the two disciples, Aoyue Jianzong, continued to tremble, their faces turned pale instantly, and a lot of white foam spit out in their mouths, which seemed extremely painful.


Subsequently, Ye Xuan's palms violently pulled their necks and ended their lives.

In the memory of these two guys, apart from the information about Aoyue Jianzong, there is not much valuable. They only vaguely know that this time they went out to go to the mysterious and unknown Blood Eye with the Vice Sovereign of Black Rock.

As for the purpose of removing blood eyes, it is completely unknown, so that Ye Xuan frowned.

"Look at this guy's memory!"

Seeing this, Queen Medusa threw the half-dead black rock over and said lightly.

Ye Xuan nodded, palms fell on Heiyan's head, and quietly launched the soul-searching mystery.

"Hmm ..."

Under the mystery of soul-searching, Black Rock looked painful, sprayed a lot of blood in his mouth, and the intense pain made him almost fainted. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't make a sound.


After a while, Ye Xuan retracted his palm.

Looking at the dying black rock, he scraped away valuable things from him, and with a heart motion, he cut off his head and put it in the storage ring, and said lightly: "Small fire, your food is here! "

With Ye Xuan's words falling, the ice-fire two-headed dragon turned out from the dragon ring and swallowed the body of Heiyan into his stomach.

Later, he turned into a streamer and re-entered the dragon ring to begin to digest and sleep.

This guy recently seems to be promoted and grows up, so he rarely goes out.

Ye Xuan started to clean up the battlefield. After all, the gains from this battle were quite great.

Killed an undead powerhouse, three reincarnation powerhouses, and many disciples of Aoyue Jianzong. The combined spiritual stones on them are about 300 billion inferior spirit stones, 10 million inferior spirit stones, and many Lingtan and magic weapon.

In addition to this, Ye Xuan also found an emperor-grade top-quality method in the storage ring of Heiyan—the phaseless sword body. This is a body-building method that can temper the body into a sharp sword. powerful.

In addition, Ye Xuan also got one of the most expensive Starcoin Cards issued by Universe Bank. As for the balance in it, it is impossible to check, but it will not be too small.

You should know that the star coin card is the universal currency in the universe, and the star coin is much more precious than the spirit stone.

In short, this time Ye Xuan they can be described as full.

"Come on, it's time to go back and see Lao Xue!"

After doing all this, Ye Xuan took Queen Medusa to the place where Xue Tianhen was crossing the gang.

I don't know, did Xue Tianhen's crossover succeed today?

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