Medical Martial God

Chapter 1247: Separation!

Mochizuki, the horror exists on the list of holy beasts, ranked 98th on the list of holy beasts. The legendary ten-star **** beast possesses the power to destroy the world, and the huge body of the adult mochi is like an ancient and huge planet.

Under normal circumstances, the moon watching is wandering in the starry sky in the form of a planet. With the passage of time, their bodies gradually merge with the gravel and meteorite suspended in the starry sky, becoming a life planet, attracting countless starry sky. Creatures and World of Warcraft enter their bodies and live and become part of them.

He grows up by preying silently on the creatures that enter him.

The five-headed beast Mochizuki that appeared in front of him is still in his infancy just after he was born. He is not an adult at all. He is not large in size, only about a hundred feet, but the breath they emit is quite fierce and horrible. For the strong at the level of immortality.

"It turned out to be the ten-star beast looking at the moon, and not yet an adult?"

"How could there be creatures like Mochizuki on this planet?"

Looking at the five full moons that suddenly appeared, Ye Xuan's face was filled with deep consternation, and the wrong voice came out of his mouth.

Xue Tianhen and Queen Medusa were shocked and surprised.

After all, the ferociousness of Mochizuki is also quite existence in the universe. Although their ranking on the holy beast list does not have the top of the sea, but their ferocity and strength cannot be underestimated.

In particular, their inheritance system is completely different from that of the Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale. When the Xuanlong Xuanlong Whale was born, it was not very powerful. I am afraid that it is only about Yang Reality, which requires wretched development and slowly inherits and digests its inherited memories to grow.

Slightly accidentally seen by a powerful monk, they will be killed or tamed. As a result, the race of the Xuanlong Whale is very rare, and it will eventually appear only after it has evolved into a thousand years.

But Mochizuki is different. When they were just born, they had a powerful ability to hire the United States, which not only greatly increased their ability to survive, but also increased their ability to reproduce.

"Although I don't know why there are moon-moon cubs here, but I know those guys may be in trouble at this moment. After all, moon-moon cubs are not so easy to deal with."

Xue Tianhen took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and watched the five heads and ten stars and beasts looking at the moon facing Jian Tiancheng, with a low voice in his mouth.

"Yes, if they fight, then we have a good show, and then give them a praying mantis to catch cicadas and cardinals."

Queen Medusa nodded in approval at this moment.

"Indeed, our opportunity is here. Follow my orders for a while."

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Haha ... turned out to be the ten-star beast Mochizuki cub?"

"This is the legendary ten-star beast. You can hire the horror of the beautiful sacred beast. There are even its cubs here."

"We haven't come to this blood-eye star, not only have we harvested so many natural treasures, but also sent us a moon-watching cub. If we can conquer them and become pet animals, then our future achievements ... 啧啧 ......"

Looking at the fierce five-headed moon-seeking cubs, Jian Tiancheng, Soul Domineering, and Snowmania, the five of them not only did not feel the slightest fear and fear after a brief mistake, but a strong excitement appeared on their faces. And ecstasy, with laughter coming out of his mouth.

The hearts of these guys are really big enough.

Not only do you want this gold source energy vein and so many heavenly treasures, but you also want to collect these five moon-watching cubs and become pet animals.

You know that the fighting power of these Mochizuki cubs is enough to hire the United States immortal.

Looking at the five people who laughed wildly in their own treasure, the five moon-seeking cubs uttered a roar, raising the fierce mighty power to Jian Tiancheng, Soul Domineering, and Snow Madness five at a super fast speed. People rushed.

The moment they rushed out, their tentacles were thrown out at this moment, and they were drawn towards Jian Tiancheng and Soul Domineering.

"Haha ... good job! Let's pick these saplings and grasses later, first take the Mochizuki cub and talk about it."

Seeing this, Jian Tiancheng laughed and said.

The moment his words fell, his energy erupted at his feet, and the body turned into a streamer carrying thousands of swords towards the largest moon-seeking cub among the five moon-seeking cubs: "This cub is mine It's up! "

"That being the case, this cub is mine."

Soul Batian's eyes flashed cold, his mind moved, and one-handed printing, the eyebrows swelled with gold, a vortex emerged, and a rush came out of his vortex, and instantly appeared in the second largest Mochizuki. The cub approached, avoiding the dense tentacle attack, slamming his fist against Mochizuki's head and smashing away.

At the same time, Soul Batian's feet surged in the wind, rushing out like lightning, and teamed up with his uncle to attack the Mochizuki cub.

The strength of these two guys is simply unfathomable, and they directly banged directly with Wangyue cubs without fear.

At the moment when the soul tyrant and Jian Tiancheng were both hands, Yuan Yun's Deputy Sovereign Yuan was fierce, Canghai Shenzong's Deputy Sovereign Xuekang and Tiantian Sect's Deputy Sovereign passed away at this moment. Mochizuki cubs launched an attack.

Violent energy spread from Yuanru's body, and his breath as the pinnacle of immortality was revealed at this moment.

The weapon he used was a uniquely shaped spear. The spear fluttered and twirled the tentacles from the moon-moon cub. He held the spear in his hand, as if he were a god, and darted toward the moon's eyebrows.


"Hmm ..."

Seeing this, the roar of the moon-watching cub gave a roar, and the dense venom spewed out of the tentacles like a sharp arrow and swept away towards Yuan fiercely, pushing Yuan fierce offensive, and at the same time rushed out with lightning, using a huge His body slammed towards Yuan.

Xuekang ’s strength is also the pinnacle of immortality. The weapon he uses is a snow-like long sword. The sword is waving and the sword gas is roaring. He continues to surround him, giving the tentacles drawn by the moon-moon cub to Cutting off can be described as fierce.

However, his actions also completely outraged that moon watching.

All the tentacles of Mochizuki were fused together at this moment, and turned into a huge finger and slammed against Xuemang.

This finger seemed to have the power to destroy the world, and it would bring a huge amount of oppression, so that Xue Xue's expression could not be changed, and he did not dare to carelessly. He held the knife in both hands and slashed it out.

The majestic air of the sword bloomed, and it was chopped off towards the fingers turned into the tentacles of Mochizuki and collided with it.


The dull collision sounded, and Xue Kuang's sword gas was instantly broken, and Wang Yue's tentacles fingers pressed towards him unabatedly.


"Hmm ..."

Xue Kuang's face changed drastically, his sword in his hand blocked in front of him, and the majestic suffocation burst out, forming a defense in front of him.

The next moment, his defense collapsed, and a lot of dark blood was sprayed in his mouth, and he was shaken out by the horrible energy ...

There was a roar in the mouth of the moon-seeking cub, like a hungry octopus rushing towards the snow, really fierce and cruel.

This scene fell to Ye Xuan. Xue Tianhen's eyes made them look particularly dignified. The strength of the moon-seeking cubs was a bit horrible. The snowman at the top of the immortal failed to resist it. .

According to Ye Xuan, they estimated that the finger of the moon-seeking cub should be some of their magical powers.

Afterwards, they turned their heads and set their sights on the side of the extinct Emperor Xianzong's desolate master fighting with a moon-watching cub.

The strength of the silence is a little worse than that of Xuemang, but it is a state of immortality. He is full of golden gurgling and his weapon is a golden zen stick.

With each swing of the golden scepter, the tentacles of Mochizuki's cubs were blown up, but Mochizuki's tentacles continued to have the ability to regenerate and entangled and swept toward him.

Seeing that Yuan Ji will be surrounded by tentacles, his body disappears strangely.

When his figure reappeared, he was already standing on the head of the Mochizuki cub, slamming his wand against the head of Mochizuki, but that Mochizuki was screaming in the sky, and the huge body was swaying suddenly, The terrible energy burst out and directly passed the silence to Zhenfei.

The silent body slammed heavily on the wall in the distance, making a dull sound.

The rocks rolled down, and waves of energy spread out from the center of their battle.

The terrible energy and energy are wantonly destroying all around, which has caused the saplings growing near the veins to be damaged and affected, making Jian Tiancheng and Soul Domineer their faces look especially dignified and ugly. .

This place is a bit small, so that they ca n’t show it at all, and if they continue to fight here, then the gods and immortals will probably be completely destroyed by the aftermath of their battle.

At the moment, Jian Tiancheng shouted sternly: "This is not the way to go. The gods and immortals will be destroyed by the aftermath of the battle before the battle is over. Our mother will separate them and scatter them, and then gather here."

"it is good!"

Hearing Jian Tiancheng's words, Soul Domineering, Xue Kuang, Yuan Ren all three nodded, throwing down a small ball, respectively, and led the Wangyue cubs in different directions towards the distance.

Soon, the five of them disappeared into the heavens and earth with five cubs of the full moon, leaving a mess of the ground and a goddess of grass growing beside the veins of gold source energy.

"These guys have already left. Are we going to pick up those saplings?"

Xue Tianhen and Medusa took a deep breath and set their eyes on Ye Xuan, asking Shen Shen.

Hearing their words, Ye Xuan could not help but fall into silence and contemplation.

If at this time they pick up those fairy grasses by the time, when Jian Tiancheng returns, they will surely notice the existence of others.

"Just now those guys seem to have planted a photo ball around here?"

What seemed to come to mind, Ye Xuan asked in a deep voice.

Photo sphere, a high-tech product in the universe, has the effect of camera photo.

"It seemed as if they had thrown something like an eyeball before they left ..."

Queen Medusa nodded slightly.

Ye Xuan's gaze swept quickly around and he found five photo balls.

At the moment, his eyes flashed, and he had an idea in his heart, and said with a smile, "Since this is the case, then we will use this to show the alienation and defeat them separately."

While he was talking, he lost his mind, and the little paper man flew out of his sleeve, and then transformed into the appearance of Jian Tiancheng.

"Look like?"

Ye Xuan asked.

"It looks a bit like, but the temperament seems to be a little worse ..." Medusa looked at Jian Xuancheng who was transformed from Ye Xuan's paper man, and already knew Ye Xuan's idea in her heart and answered with a smile.

"What about it?" Ye Xuan asked again, making a slight adjustment.

"That's it!" Both Medusa and Xue Tianhen nodded.

"That being the case, then I went."

At the moment, Ye Xuan is the sword man Cheng Jiancheng who is in charge of the paper man's transformation. He rushes towards the many treasures in front of him, and starts to pick those treasures in his pocket.

After collecting part of it, Ye Xuan collected the paper people back, and then turned into a ghost-like look to collect.

Soon it was full, collecting all the precious fairy grass trees.

After doing all this, Ye Xuan took back the little paper man, and then found a secret place with Queen Medusa and they waited quietly for a good show.

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