Medical Martial God

Chapter 1248: Reaping a Wave [Fourth]

PS: I'm really sorry that because of my negligence, the content uploaded in the first update today has overlapped with the previous chapter, which made you worry. Now, the content of the previous three chapters uploaded today has been revised one by one. After you clear the cache of vertical and horizontal novels, you will You can check the revised chapter and add another chapter to apologize. I hope everyone understands and loves you!

As time passed, Jian Tiancheng, Soul Batian and Yuan fierce, Xue Kuang, and the silence of the three of them have completely entered the level of fever.

The two sides did not show any sympathy at all, and the shots were fierce, often killing, and they would suffer the slightest accident.

When they raised their hands, they were in a state of rowing mountains and mountains. The whole **** eye spring was turbulent and the waves rolled.

Jian Tiancheng, soul domineering the strength of the two of them can really be described in an unfathomable way, even if it is Yuanruan, Xuemang, and silence, the three of them and the three full moon cubs occupy absolute quantitative advantages, but they still It is to completely resist their attacks, and to beat them back again and again.

After all, before that, Xuemang, Suddenly, they suffered minor injuries in order to surrender Wangyue, and consumed most of their strength.


With the sound of a dull collision, the terrible and terrifying power broke out, but it was Jian Tiancheng, Soul Domineer's attack and Xuemang, Yuanruan's attack together, they shook the surrounding rocks. Have to keep cracking.


Jian Tiancheng uttered a sharp drink in his mouth, and as a sword, he burst out with the supreme sword qi, which made Yuan Yuan, Xuekang, and Quiet, the three of them shocked back, and Soul Batian controlled his puppet while he was empty. Into, Zhen Fei's Yuan Ruo, Xue Kuang, and the silence, the three of them launched a sneak attack, smashing them to fly.

"Hmm ..."

"Ahem ... these two **** guys really want to keep us here forever ..."

The bright red blood spurted out from Yuanru's mouth, and he flew dozens of meters before he stabilized his body. He coughed fiercely over his chest, raised his head, and set his eyes to Jian Tiancheng and the soul in front. Batian's body, the words of gritted teeth in his mouth came out.

Xue Kuang, the silence, the faces of the two of them are also not very good-looking, looking at Jian Tiancheng and Soul Domineering, with a strong killing intention and fierce light in their eyes.

The forced full moon cubs roared beside them.

"They are higher than us. The protracted war is extremely bad for us. If we drag on, the situation will be even worse for us.

Yuan fiercely pours a handful of healing elixir into his mouth, and his eyes are ashamed to kill him, and Moran's words are heard in his mouth.

At the moment when his words fell, he did not hesitate to use the secret to enhance his strength, making his whole body imprinted with blood and blood, his realm was revised to climb at a very fast speed, directly promoting a small realm to reach the immortal state. Satisfactorily.

The endless scarlet surrounding him surrounded him, making him look like an evil god.

"Crazy blood!"

Snow nodded madly, gritted his teeth sharply, his hands quickly printed, the breath soared, and the question between heaven and earth suddenly dropped at this moment, clearly at the bottom of the **** eye spring, but at this moment it started to rise snowflake.

The sword in Xuemang's hands turned into blood, like a bloodthirsty demon.

He became elegant and violent, bloodthirsty and wild.

"The Buddha is real."

He nodded in solitude, waving his zen stick in his hands, his body swelled with golden light, his breath was rising, and a mysterious and ancient Buddha emerged behind him, making him look sacred.

At this moment, no matter how ruthless, or snow madness, or death, they took out the bottom of the box to make their combat power soar.



The next moment, the sound of anger and drinking sounded, and their energy was thin, and they rushed toward Jian Tiancheng and Soul Batian with a sharp killing intention, and the powerful attack was crushing towards them like a row of mountains.

At this moment, the eyes of both Jian Tiancheng and Soul Batian were replaced by a huge Buddha, a scarlet sword, and a wild fist.

"Want a quick decision? Satisfy you!"

Looking at the oncoming offensive, Jian Tiancheng and Soul Domineer both flickered with cold light in their eyes, and cold voices came from their mouths.

At the moment when their words fell, the breath of half-step immortality spread out from Jian Tiancheng's body without reservation, and the endless sword energy also emerged behind him, setting off a terrible wind.

Later, Jian Tiancheng rushed out with lightning, and his right hand protruded and turned into a long sword fiercely toward Yuan.

Aoyue sword skills-Wanjian penetrating heart!

"Hmm ..."

All of a sudden, the endless sword spirit behind him rushed towards the Yuan Yuan ahead.

Spirit Ba Tian's eyebrows flickered, three quietly hidden in the dark emerged behind him, and then followed him violently toward the snow madness ahead, rushing to silence, and cold words came from his mouth.

"Soul Sect Secret Skill-Assassination!"

The moment the words fell, the three magpies merged strangely and rushed forward at a faster speed.


The next moment, their attacks collided, a huge explosion sounded, and the energy of terror swept across in all directions like a tsunami, sweeping everything around.

"Alas ..."

Even the Mochizuki cubs were affected by the terrible aftermath of energy, and a painful misery uttered in her mouth, and she was shocked to fly out.

"Click ... boom ..."

The surrounding cliffs and rocks are constantly shaking and collapsing, and a large amount of rubble is continuously rolling down from the rocky cliffs.

There was a violent and terrible wind of energy in the whole blood-eyed Yinquan.

Looking down from the water surface, a large and horrible vortex emerges from the center of the Blood Eye Yinquan. The vortex continues to sweep and expand, sucking in all the rocks that roll down ...

Even if Ye Xuan, Xue Tianhen, Medusa were hiding behind a giant rock watching the battle, they were lifted up by this terrible energy, and the giant rock was shocked into powder ...

When everything stops, the energy of the riot gradually disappears, and the whole spring bottom of the Blood Eye Yinquan is almost in ruins.

The four moon-watching cubs were lying bloodily under a distant wall, with the greatest fear since birth.

Under the explosive devastating attack, they were seriously wounded and had lost their mobility.

Not only that, Yuan Ruan, Xue Kuang, and the silence of the three of them at the moment are also extremely miserable.

Yuan Ren's half of his forehead was peeled by the sword gas, revealing the Sensen bones and brain tissue inside. His left arm was completely broken and separated from the body. There was a lot of blood flowing out of the broken arm and fell into it. Absolutely serious injury, on the verge of death.

The blood-sworded sword in the hands of Xuemang was completely broken. There was a huge hole in his chest, and the internal organs had disappeared. As if being hollowed out, blood was constantly flowing from the edge of the wound. Stepped into the ghost door.

The dead Buddha's body was broken long ago, his hands and feet were broken, his sternum was broken, his chest was sunken, and the whole body of blood was flowing. It seemed to be shocking, but he was also seriously injured, and only one breath was left.

"Ahem ... oh ..."

They just wanted to take action, but just before the move, their injuries were involved, making them cough violently, and a lot of blood sprayed out of their mouths ...

"The three of you ... are quite resistant, but ... are they not dead?"

With the weak voice coming out of the side of the rock pile, the rock pile was opened first, blood was flowing all over, and without an arm, Jian Tiancheng with a distorted face struggled to crawl out of it ...

Under the attack and collision just now, he was as strong as he was, and he suffered severe injuries. He broke an arm and suffered internal injuries, and the combat effectiveness was severely reduced.

It's just that he looks better than Yuan when they come.

"Relieve ... relieve ... keke ... they will die soon."

A weak cough sounded, and Soulmaster climbed out of the rubble beside it.

His neck was distorted and distorted, turning into a crooked head, broken an arm and a leg, covered with blood, constantly flowing out, and looking miserable.

His three crickets lay beside him and became a puddle of flesh. If it weren't for the momentary transition of the crickets that he followed at the critical moment, I am afraid it would be him, not his crickets.

Looking at the severely wounded dying Yuan, Xuekang, death, the soul grinned and grinned, showing two rows of white teeth, with a cold voice in his mouth: "After the three of you die, I will Refined into the most perfect cricket, go obediently. "

As the words of the soul domineering fell, he exhausted the last trace of soul power to open the eyebrows, and a puppet with only Nirvana's great perfection was drilled out and stood beside him respectfully.

"Go and kill them!"

The indifferent voice sounded, the nirvana repaired by the nirvana carrying a long knife step by step towards the severely injured Yuan Ren, Xuemang, and silence went on.

Even the puppets of the Nirvana Realm were enough to kill them at this moment.

"Soulmaster, do you really want to do such a thing?"

Yuan ruthless, Xuekang, and finally, their faces changed, and they shouted loudly.

"It's all here, don't you want us to stop? Let's get on our way!"

Soul Batian answered coldly.

"Dora ..."

His words had just ended, and Nirvana rushed out with lightning to the ruthless sword, and they cut it off.

The blade of light passed, the blood was thin, and three heads flew up at this moment.

"Hmm ..."

Seeing that there were three lights and shadows coming out of those three heads, the well-prepared Jian Tiancheng urged the sword gas and shredded them into powder.

"Hmm ..."

After doing all of this, Jian Tiancheng and Soul Batian sprayed a black blood in their mouths, exhausted their last strength and fell to the wall, and the whole man breathed a long sigh of relief.

"This super fairy gold source energy vein is ours."

Looking at the huge vein in front of them, Jian Tiancheng and Soul Batian looked at each other, their faces were full of smiles, and a murmur of words came out of their mouths.

"No, you are wrong. This gold source vein is not yours, but ours!"

However, their words had just ended, and the cold voice sounded at this moment.



This sudden sound made both De Jiantiancheng and Soul Batian's faces change dramatically, yelling loudly.

They were seriously injured at this moment, and there was no force to fight anymore. The sound of the sudden sound made them very disturbed.

There should be only five of them, and no one else will exist at all.

"Rustic ..."

Under their ugly gaze, rustling footsteps sounded.

The three slender figures stood out slowly from the side, appearing in the sight of Jian Tiancheng and Soul Domineering, making their faces completely gloomy and difficult at this moment.

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