Medical Martial God

Chapter 1258: Su Hanyan shot!

How to do?

Looking at the irresistible finger of Wang Yue, Ye Xuan's heart burst into a deep weakness.

Even if this second avatar Ling Chi is already a half-step leader, he does not have the strength to compete directly with Mochizuki, and it is impossible to stop Mochizuki's shocking power.

This refers to Mochizuki concentrating all the strength of his whole body on this point, and its destructive power can be imagined.

I'm afraid that even the strongest in the world can't stop it?

At this moment, Ye Xuan was hesitant to take back his mind.

If he withdraws his mind from Ling Chi, the second avatar, it is equivalent to giving up the second avatar, which he has just got shortly, and letting him survive.

However, if he does not recover his mind from Ling Chi, the second clone, then once the second clone is severely damaged, Ye Xuan will also suffer unprecedented damage, his heart is damaged, his soul is damaged, and even his future martial arts road will be ruined. .

"Take your mind back. Your second avatar is afraid you can't keep it."

The voice of Zi Huang was in the bottom of Ye Xuan's heart, and she could feel the hesitation and hesitation of Ye Xuan's heart: "If you don't have an avatar, you can continue to find it, but once your body is seriously damaged, then the future road is probably ..."

"Abandoning the second clone is the best option for you at the moment. He has already secured enough time for us. Destroy the second clone and let us escape from Mochizuki's mouth. This is the most cost-effective sale. . "

Seeing Ye Xuan's body not speaking, he was still hesitant, Zi Huang continued to speak.

"I want to give it a try ... and feel how terrible the finger of Mochizuki is."

Ye Xuan's body groaned for a moment and slowly said, "If I can't stop that finger, I will recover my mind as quickly as possible to prevent the body from being injured."

After speaking, Ye Xuan put his mind on the confrontation between the second avatar and Mochizuki.

Looking at the pursuing finger of the full moon, Ye Xuan looked cold. Nine days under her feet, she walked wildly, changing her position constantly, leaving dense shadows in the air.

He wanted to weaken a part of the power contained in the finger of Mochizuki by distant distance and then try to give it to the next.

However, the distance between their fingers and Wang Yue's fingers kept narrowing with the passage of time. Seeing that his finger was about to fall on himself within a distance of less than 100 meters, Ye Xuan looked cold and stopped suddenly. Come down.

When he was thinking, the majestic energy burst out from his body, and the dense and famous swords flew out of the nine-day Tibetan sword box transformed from the nine-day burial sword coffin on his back, making a sound around Ye Xuan Loud swords.

"go with!"

Ye Xuan looked dignified and pointed out his fingers at Wang Yue.

"Hmm ..."

In a moment, the densely packed famous swords around him seemed to get some kind of instruction at this moment. At this moment, they began to merge rapidly, and turned into a huge sword with a huge length, sending out the dazzling sword light. Mochizuki's tentacles stabbed her fingers.

The Ultimate Uprising of Jiushan Wushuang Sword——One Sword in One!


The next moment, the giant sword transformed by Wan Jian collided with Wang Yue's fingers.

The power of the mountains and the sea exploded suddenly, and the terror energy swept across in all directions like the roaring waves.

The hard and incomparable sword body of Wan Jian's giant sword is full of fine cracks, and the cracks continue to spread with the passage of time.

"Kacha Kacha ..."


In the end, the sword with the fusion of ten thousand swords can no longer withstand the force of Mochizuki suddenly burst. Numerous famous swords are broken and destroyed into fragments at this moment, and the intact famous swords automatically fly into nine days. It disappeared in the hidden sword box.

"Hmm ..."

Wan Jian was broken, Ye Xuan was back bitten, and if the whole person was struck by lightning, a black blood sprayed from his mouth.

Wang Yue's fingers were attacking Ye Xuan with a horrific killing intent, and constantly enlarged in his pupils, making a helpless smile appear on his face.

Mochizuki's finger is really too strong, and his avatar plus the power provided by the body is not the same enemy.

Seeing that Mochizuki's finger was about to fall on Ling Chi, the second avatar, Ye Xuan, who had a pale face in Xuanlong Space, was about to take back his heart, but at this moment a loud drink sounded.

"The Blue Wall!"

With the sound of this pampering drink, the void in front of Ye Xuan shattered suddenly, and the deep blue water fell from the sky, turning into a huge ocean waterfall to block in front of Ye Xuan.


A huge explosion sounded loudly, Mochizuki's finger fell on the waterfall transformed by the ocean.

The terrifying force roared, the terrible force burst out, and after a while, Ocean Falls was pierced by the fingers of Mochizuki.

While taking advantage of this gap, Ye Xuan displayed nine days of misty steps and escaped the attack of the moon finger.

"Hmm ..."

A few kilometers away, Ye Xuan's body had just surfaced, and his mouth was sprayed with black blood.

Although the appearance of the ocean waterfall helped him to block the attack of Mochizuki's fingers and provided him with a chance to escape, the aftermath of Mochizuki's fingers seriously injured him and caused him severe wounds.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of that ocean waterfall, to provide time for his escape, I'm afraid Ye Xuan had already died, and died under the finger of Mochizuki.

Ye Xuan turned his head to look at the source where the sound had just sounded, and a figure in a military coat that looked heroic appeared slowly in the air.

She had long hair, a delicate cheek, a graceful figure wrapped in a military uniform, and a military coat on her shoulders. Even so, it was difficult to hide her mature and hot shape.

She exuded a pure, high-cold temperament, holy and majestic, like the empress in charge.

"Actually ... actually ... is she?"

Looking at the female soldiers appearing in midair, Ye Xuan's face was filled with deep consternation, and the bottom of her heart set off a terrible storm.

He knew this woman, but she was in the annals of history. She is the wife of Long Emperor Lan Feng, who was the highest head of the Xia Kingdom and one of the two great queens of the Western Dark World.

Her name is Su Hanyan.

Ye Xuan never thought that the woman in this legend would appear in front of him in this way.

Moreover, her strength turned out to be so horrible that she could block most of the power of Mochizuki.

"Do you, are you okay?"

Su Hanyan's feet flashed, her body disappeared strangely and disappeared. When she appeared again, she was already in front of Ye Xuan, with a cold voice in her mouth.

"I'm fine, thank you, Su ... Daoyou rescued. If it weren't for Daoyou rescued, I'm afraid I've fallen into this moon-watching hand."

Ye Xuan was about to call Su Hanyan as his predecessor. He seemed to think of something, and he changed his word quickly.

After all, he was using the second avatar, not his own body, and Su Hanyan didn't know him.

Su Hanyan glanced over Ye Xuan's body, frowned slightly, and then took out an image to present in front of Ye Xuan: "How do you call Dao You, where do you come from? I do n’t know if You have seen these three people? "

"Xia Lingchi, from Jiutian Starfield."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, and when he saw the three men painted on the portrait in Su Hanyan's hand, he completely choked.

Because the three were not others, it was him, Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen.

Ye Xuan groaned for a moment, and replied, "I encountered three of them not long ago, but I didn't see their faces clearly, and couldn't be sure ... I don't know, what did the Taoist friends look for?"

Ye Xuan's answer was given after careful consideration.

"Jiutian Star Field?"

Su Hanyan didn't frown with traces, but a little doubt flashed in his eyes, but he didn't ask much. He paused and said, "These three people are important figures in the earth's military. I recently received S The level mission went to the Blood Eye Star for a long time. I heard about it and searched. Where did the Dao meet the three people? "

Hearing Su Hanyan's words, Ye Xuan could not help but secretly startled and moved.

Obviously, Su Hanyan, a legendary figure, would pay attention to himself, and came to look for them.

"On the Blood Eye Star, they were also followed by a minor split sea Xuanlong whale, but later the Blood Eye Star changed to reveal that its true face is still this full moon. They seem to have fled in the Split Sea Xuan Long Whale ... ... "

"I want to walk away, but I didn't expect to be entangled by this moon ..."

In order not to let Su Hanyan worry about his comfort, Ye Xuan thought and answered.

Ye Xuan's words fell into Su Hanyan's ears, so that she felt a lot of peace at the moment, and the whole person was relieved.

Her actions fell into Ye Xuan's eyes, which made him a little puzzled. After all, he didn't know Su Hanyan, and he didn't understand why Su Hanyan was so worried about nervousness.


During the conversation between Su Hanyan and Ye Xuan, Wang Yue issued a snarling roar, and waved his tentacles of dancing teeth to attack them.

It will devour the two humans in front of it.

"The two of us are not opponents of this moon-watching. I have a magic weapon to get rid of this moon-watching. Troublesome friends delay for a while."

Seeing this, Su Hanyan took out a blue boat and said with a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Ye Xuan nodded, resisting the severe pain from his body, blocking the attack from the moon.

Su Hanyan urged the blue boat of Indian law to turn into a blue speed boat in response to the storm.

This is her magic weapon, named Youlan Airship, which is extremely fast and can travel through the void.

"Taoyou, go!"

Start the blue airship, Su Hanyan quickly spoke.


Ye Xuan nodded and fell into the blue airship.

The blue airship turned into a streamer, suddenly tearing the void towards the distance.


Behind them came the roar of unsatisfactory moon watching.

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