Medical Martial God

Chapter 1259: Nirvana!


Tens of thousands of miles away, the vast starry sky, the split sea Xuanlong whale wandering at a very fast speed, Ye Xuan in Xuanlong space also took a long sigh of relief at this moment.

They finally got rid of the pursuit of Mochizuki.

Thinking of the ancient moon-watching moon that can easily destroy a planet, even now Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa and Xue Tianhen, they only feel terrified.

After all, that guy is too powerful and horrible, it is completely beyond their scope.

Of course, this incident also sounded an alarm for Ye Xuan.

The sky is vast and there are countless powerful creatures. Be cautious when doing anything. Don't try it easily before you have enough confidence. After all, this trip to the Blood Eye Star is a good warning.

If it was n’t for Ye Xuan ’s second avatar, he would wake up in time, if Su Hanyan ’s legendary character appeared, Ye Xuan ’s life might have been nine deaths, and his second avatar would not be able to keep it.

Although this time they experienced risks and even nearly lost their lives, Ye Xuan's trip to the blood eye star this time was a huge gain.

Let's not talk about the excessive military power rewards after the completion of the three tasks of Blood Eye Star, nor mention Ye Xuan that they killed Aoyue Sect's third lord Jian Tiancheng, Yuanruan, Xuekang, these immortal masters. The huge amount of property in the ring does not even mention the Jiuyin Tianji fruit, Bayin Zengshen grass, and seventh-level Yin marrow taken from the moon, only the moon-moon bones, moon-moon supreme bones, and moon-moon bone marrow fluid. It is a pricey treasure.

Not to mention Ye Xuan, he also got Ling Chi, a half-step leader, and a four-headed full moon cub.

This is definitely the biggest harvest ever for Ye Xuan.

Right now, when Ye Xuan thought about it, he took out the storage of the five of Jian Tiancheng, Yuanruan, Xuekang, Meng Xuan, and Soul Domination.

Jian Tiancheng's storage ring contains about 100,000 immortal spirit stones, 100 million top-quality spirit stones and one billion medium-quality spirit stones, as well as a Supreme Card method of the Universe Bank. I am afraid that there are many star coins in it.

In addition, Jian Tiancheng's storage ring also contains a large number of god-level exercises and sword skills, as well as a copy of the imperial order and a skill of the imperial order. "Heart" and "Awesome Moon Sword" should be the extremely advanced exercises and sword skills of Aoyue Sect.

However, none of these Ye Xuan intends to practice, after all, if he wants to practice swords, he can directly practice the skills and sword skills of Jiutian Sect.

Yuanruan, Xuekang, and silence. The spirit stones in the storage ring of the three of them are much less than Jian Tiancheng. The three people add up to about 200,000 fairy spirits, 300 million top-quality spirits, and 2 billion. Zhongpin Lingshi also has a bank card handled by Universe Bank, but it is just an ordinary card. The star currency in it is unknown.

In addition, the three of them have a total of three emperor-level lower-ranking exercises and three god-level upper-ranking martial arts skills, and more than ten god-level middle-ranking martial arts and exercises.

If placed outside, these exercises and martial arts are certainly valuable, but for Ye Xuan, there is not much temptation. After all, the martial arts he cultivates are all emperor-level priming, and he does not have any interest in god-level martial arts.

In addition, there are various elixir and daily necessities in the storage ring.

The storage ring of Soul Batian is mixed with a lot of cold. There are about 150,000 immortal spirit stones, 80 million top quality spirit stones, and there is also an emperor-level middle-class titled "The Falling Star Soul Jue". Soul martial arts and some daily necessities.

There is no other than these, not even the bank card of Universe Bank.

Obviously, that guy in Soul Batian is more cunning, and he didn't put all his belongings on the part that Ye Xuan killed instead of acting on the body.

But even so, Ye Xuan is quite satisfied with the contents of the Soul Batian storage ring, especially the soul martial art "The Fallen Star Soul Technique", after all, Ye Xuan has very few soul martial arts, and can take a shot Not many.

"Meteor Falling Star Soul" has a total of three moves, namely the streamer stars falling, star soul extermination knife and Vientiane sky fall!

Among them, the power of Vientiane sky meteorite is the most powerful. It can summon meteorites and even planets to attack targets with its powerful soul power.

Ye Xuan has already decided to practice the three major moves of "The Fallen Star Soul".

Of course, they had to find a quiet place to heal and restore strength before that.

After all, it was not only Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa, Xue Tianhen who were seriously wounded in the battle with Mochizuki. All of them were seriously injured. Even the sea-scratching whale has suffered unprecedented damage.

After their injuries are healed, Ye Xuan will return to Long Pingxing to deliver the task.

As for Ye Xuan's second avatar, Ling Chi was separated from Su Hanyan after he escaped the pursuit of Yueyue by Su Hanyan's blue airship, and is now on his way to join Ye Xuan.

At the moment, Ye Xuan was thinking, and the Xuanlong Whale found a nearby asteroid and flew towards it. He fell asleep and healed deep in the abyss.

Ye Xuan, Queen Medusa, and Xue Tianhen also found a quiet place in Xuanlong Space to heal each other.

Before they separated, Ye Xuan got Jiuyin Tianjiguo, Bayin Zengshencao, and seventh-level Yinyin from the moon-moon body.

These things not only greatly help their injuries, but also have a huge effect on their strength.

I believe that after the blood eye star battle, their strength should go further and become more powerful.

Xuanlong Space, Xuanlong Hot Spring.

Ye Xuan sat cross-legged on the ancestral lotus seat. The majestic aura between heaven and earth was continuously poured into his body. In addition, Ye Xuan swallowed a bottle of moon-moon bone marrow fluid before. The speed visible to the naked eye is recovering.

Not only that, under the action of Mochizuki's bone marrow fluid, Ye Xuan's whole body's bones also changed slightly. The surface of the bones was covered with a layer of light gold, surrounded by golden light, and the energy flow, not only made the bones more tough. It also made it more destructive and explosive, and made Ye Xuan secretly delighted.

The time passed little by little during the practice, and the seven days of time slipped away in a blink of an eye. A sudden shock came from the distant horizon, and a large cloud of robbery emerged. A giant snake wearing a crown bathed in The sky is full of thunder, and it looks fierce.

"Did Medusa's realm break through?"

Looking at Jieyun in the distance, a smile appeared on Ye Xuan's face, and there was a muttering voice in his mouth.

Obviously, the distant scene should be the queen of Medusa ’s strength and caused the calamity, but this is not a breakthrough in the realm, and the calamity is not fierce.


Ye Xuan's words had just ended, and the other half of the sky was also surging with thunder and clouds, and the clouds were pouring down with thunder.

An imposing figure of immortal spirit was rushing into the Thunder with supreme might, and it seemed to be extraordinarily happy and enjoyable. Obviously, it was Xue Tianhen's strength that had also been improved and breakthrough.

After all, Ye Xuan gave them many treasures in Mochizuki.

"Looks like I need to break through to reincarnation as soon as possible."

Seeing this, Ye Xuan's mouth murmured.

As his words fell, he continued to practice with his eyes closed, untouched by the outside world.

A steady stream of aura poured into Ye Xuan's body and merged into his Dantian, which kept his breath rising. The energy in Dantian gradually became full, but no matter how Ye Xuan cultivated, his cultivation Ye Xuan was unable to make a breakthrough in half a step, which made Ye Xuan frown tightly, her eyes were full of doubts.

He didn't understand what went wrong.

"In your current state, there is no way to make a breakthrough."

When Ye Xuan carefully thought about what went wrong that prevented him from breaking through, Zi Huang's voice sounded in his heart, making Ye Xuan frown and couldn't help but ask: "Why? "

"How heavy is your yin-yang tactics?"

Purple Phoenix flew out of the dragon ring, suspended in mid-air, staring indifferently at Ye Xuan.

Maybe it was the absorption and fusion of her avatar on the Blood Eye Star. At this moment, the breath on her body became more holy and powerful, and the body was no longer an illusion and looked like an entity.

"Ninth, what's wrong?"

Ye Xuan groaned for a moment, and she answered in a deep voice.

However, the color of doubt was stronger in his eyes.

"Can it be tenth?" Zi Huang asked again.

"No, there are only nine!"

Ye Xuan shook his head gently.

The yin and yang domineering tactics are only nine in total. Nine different martial arts are conferred on nine different martial arts. There is no tenth.

"This is why you can no longer make breakthroughs. Although the yin and yang domineering method is the peerless method of ancient times, it only has a total of nine realms of practice. Once a practitioner breaks through the nirvana realm, there is no follow-up practice, so The realm can no longer be promoted and breakthrough. Of course, it has laid a solid foundation for you in the first nine realms. The level of vigor in your body is much higher than other monks, and you have cross-border The power of fighting ... "

"However, after all, it is only ninefold. If you want to continue to improve the realm of breakthrough, then you need to consider the method of changing work, and it is not suitable for you now."

Zi Huang looked at Ye Xuan and said seriously.

"That's the case, no wonder I feel like I'm on the verge of breaking through, but I can't break through."

Hearing Zi Huang's words, Ye Xuan's face showed a sudden realization.

Zihuang nodded gently and continued to say, "It ’s good that you understand this. The vast universe divides martial arts into three types: spiritual cultivation, spiritual cultivation, and physical cultivation (martial arts). Cultivation is the cultivation of the soul, and strengthening oneself with the soul. Physical cultivation is the cultivation of the flesh, and the physical body is strengthened through various cultivation methods. "

"Before you practiced" Yin Yang Ba Ti Jue ", you have perfectly combined the three different cultivation methods of spiritual cultivation, soul cultivation, and physical cultivation, so that you have achieved the spiritual, soul, and physical cultivation. Deep foundation of the country. "

"But now," Yin Yang Ba Ti Jue "can no longer be used, then you have to find the proper exercises again. If you want to continue training the soul, the breath, and the body, then you need to find three Different kinds of exercises are practiced at the same time. In this way, I am afraid that your ascension of the realm will be slowed down. After all, you used to practice only the yin and yang tactics. Now there is no yin and yang tactics, but you need both Practice three exercises, which will take most of your time. "

I have to say that Zi Huang's analysis was thorough and thorough, which allowed Ye Xuan to be enlightened instantly, and at the same time, his frowns were tightly frowned, and he fell into a long silence.

He needs three different methods of cultivation: physical training, radon training, and soul training. This is really a bit difficult.

"I have a method here that works well for you."

Seeing Ye Xuan's silence, Zi Huang continued to speak.

"What exercises?" Ye Xuan looked up and set her eyes on Zihuang.

"Its name is Nirvana. It is a practice that can only be practiced in Nirvana, and it can only keep the state of practice of the practitioner in Nirvana, and it cannot be broken."

Zihuang thought for a while and said.

Ye Xuan was so frustrated that she was greatly lost.

He thought it was a peerless method, and Nima was like that?

Staying in Nirvana all his life, unable to break through?

What is this exercise?

Looking at the expression on Ye Xuan's face, Zihuang continued to say, "Although this technique can only keep your cultivation in Nirvana and cannot break through, his ability can keep your combat power going. If you cultivate it to the peak, even the domain owner will not be your opponent, even if it encounters the horrible existence on the universe's strong list ... "

"Because the nirvana realm of others is only Xiaocheng, Dacheng, Pinnacle, and the Great Perfection, there are 4 small realms, but the method of Nirvana is to divide the nirvana realm into 99,99 small realms, which is 99999."

"What? 99999 small realms, 9999 heavy?"

The words of Zi Huang made Ye Xuan aggressive again.

"Yes, these 9,999 small realms include all realms of Budo."

Zihuang nodded, and paused to continue, "Do you want others to be Nirvana 4th, your Nirvana 99999, can you compare it? And if I guess correctly, this" Nirvana "is like your" Dying House " It should be from the same mysterious place. You should have realized the power of "Diesha". Do you think "Nirvana" with his origins will be weak? "

"It seems a bit reasonable." Ye Xuan nodded thoughtfully at Zi Huang's words.

"How about, should you consider practicing" Nirvana "? This method was obtained in a mysterious place before I spent countless efforts before it fell." Zihuang asked hotly.

"Can anyone practice this" Nirvana "before?" Ye Xuan asked in a deep voice.

"No." Zi Huang shook her head gently.

Ye Xuan frowned and fell into a long silence.

After a while, he finally made up his mind to practice this "Nirvana" method. After all, if the wealth and danger are sought, if it is not possible, then he can change the method again.

"Well, I decided to practice Nirvana and give me this technique."

Ye Xuan took a deep breath and said decisively.

Purple Phoenix thought, a black ancient book like a tile appeared in his hands, and the word "Nirvana" written in it seemed to have some magical power, and it should **** people's eyes into it.

"This is Nirvana?"

Ye Xuan took the book from Zihuang and read it carefully.

Soon Ye Xuan was attracted by the gigantic and strange content inside, and at the same time the radon in his body automatically operated according to a strange route ...

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