Medical Martial God

Chapter 1397: Daily Gemini

"The system prompts that the shadow assassination of the captain Han Bing and the fluctuation of his life disappeared, and the enemy is approaching the cockpit. Please prepare the soldiers for battle."

"Repeat, the enemy is approaching the cockpit, please prepare the soldiers for battle."

Many soldiers in the daily carrier are gathering in the hall to watch the battle between the ten fierce beasts and the aircraft carrier fleet, but the electronic sound of the cold machinery is ringing at this moment.

With the sound of this sound, the faces of the Hengyunfu soldiers gathered in the hall could not help changing, and there was a shock and horror in his eyes, and there was an incredible voice in his mouth: "What? Captain Ice leads The shadow assassination team has been wiped out? "

"Damn, how is this possible? Captain Ice is so powerful, even the immortal powerhouse can't help her. The Shadow Assassination Team is one of the three strongest teams in our daily carrier, but they are completely annihilated. All dead? "

"How could this be?"

"That intruder killed Captain Ice and her team by himself?"

This news is extremely shocking and shocking to the people gathered in the hall. After all, they are well aware of the strength of the ice captain and the terrible assassination ability of the shadow assassination team.


Just when they were shocked by the news, the dull collision sound came suddenly from the rear, causing a trace of doubt to flash on their faces, turning their heads to look, and it was a particularly shocking scene that appeared in their eyes.

Under their horrified gaze, a huge explosion sounded, and the closed passage door at the rear burst open without warning, and the terrifying energy roared out like a wild animal, drowning the people in the hall, drowning them Lifted his body.

Some weaker people were swept by energy on the spot, spit blood and flew out and smashed on the wall to become meat.

Some powerful people can barely stabilize their bodies, but the body is filled with blood and blood, and a mouthful of black blood can't help being sprayed out.

Only the two middle-aged men were not affected by the strength of energy, and sat in the corner consuming their own food, as if all this had nothing to do with them. The sweeping strength did not come close to them automatically. dissipate.

When the energy gradually dissipated, what appeared to them was a cold, slender figure.

He has a sword-like face, dressed in the armor of the Holy Light, holding a cool long sword, and exudes a lingering and sacred atmosphere, like a Knight of Light coming out of the darkness.

He is Ye Xuan.

After killing Han Bing, Ye Xuan entered the inside of the daily carrier with Han Bing's identity card. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for Han Bing's identity card to be restricted, and he couldn't let Ye Xuan move forward. He could only break open The alloy gate that blocked his pace.

"Emergency reminder, emergency reminder, the central gate has been damaged, the intruder has broken into the aircraft carrier's central hall, please ask the soldiers inside the aircraft carrier to rush towards the central hall ..."

"Repeat it again, repeat it, please rush the soldiers inside the aircraft carrier towards the central hall ..."

The mechanical electronic sound continued to reverberate in the hall, causing the shocked and shocked Hengyunfu soldiers around him to gradually recover. He glared at Ye Xuan, and the strong killing intent in his eyes was surging, and he could not help grasping it. Own weapon.

There is no doubt that the man in front of him is an intruder.


"kill him!"

"Kill him!"

In the next moment, a large number of Hengyunfu soldiers roared and shouted in their mouths, pulled out their war swords, picked up their weapons and rushed towards Ye Xuan at a super fast speed.

These guys are fierce, and the speed of rushing is particularly fast. The offensive is fierce, just like a group of tigers who have seen their prey.

Unfortunately, the prey they hunted was not a lamb slaughtered by anyone, but a awakening dragon.

Looking at the enemies who rushed in, Ye Xuan's face did not have the slightest expression and fluctuation, the cold light flashed in his eyes, and the dragon blade in his hand waved violently, cutting out. The sword is like a waterfall, and the years are like a shuttle!

At a glance the world is separated!

Those Hengyunfu fighters who rushed to Ye Xuan only felt that the knife flashed in their eyes, and when they were brought back to their minds, their heads were separated from their bodies, with deep consternation and unwillingness to fall in the pool of blood in.

With just a knife, Ye Xuan killed nearly a third of the strong enemy.


But those guys didn't have any fear and fear. With the icy sound, many soldiers had already drawn a longbow, aimed at Ye Xuan, and shot Ye Xuan.

Suddenly, the dense arrows with Ling's murderous intent fell like a torrential rain in a waterfall, facing down to Ye Xuan and coming to Ye Xuan.

There was no slight expression or fluctuation on Ye Xuan's face. His thoughts moved, and a golden **** appeared quietly behind him to protect Ye Xuan's body.

The third form of Tenjin Fury: Guardian of Tenjin!

"Ding Ding Ding ..."

The dense arrow rain shot on the body of the guardian **** made a crisp and harsh sound, which could not shake him at all, and even no trace of it left on his body.

Ye Xuan is expressionless, holding a dragon blade and walking towards the enemy in front, guarding the gods and adding body, making him like an invincible **** of war.

No matter how crazy the enemies in front attack, he can't hurt him, and these enemies look terrified and retreat subconsciously.

The enemy in front of him was so powerful that he felt so strong that even if he tried his best, he would not be able to defeat his life.

The strong pressure permeated their hearts, causing them to sweat coldly on their foreheads, constantly receding.

"Ah ... I can't stand it anymore, let me die!"

Looking at the approaching Ye Xuan step by step, some people could not bear it finally, a roar in his mouth, holding the sword and rushed out violently with all his strength to hack the Ye Xuan.

"Xilah ..."

Ye Xuan looked cold, waved his hand, and his blade was thin, tearing their bodies into two halves.

"Fight with him."

The roar sounded, and the soldiers of the Hengyun Palace looked ugly. They couldn't bear the oppression anymore. They rushed towards Ye Xuan in desperation and launched a siege against him.

However, all of them are in vain, no one can stop Ye Xuan a sword.

The sword light flashed, the blade passed, and a headless body fell silently.

In just a moment, almost all the Hengyunfu soldiers in the hall fell and died, leaving only two middle-aged men sitting in the corner to eat quietly there.

At this moment, they had finished the dishes on the table and finished the last bite of bright red blood wine in the glass.

They took the napkin and wiped the corners of their mouths, threw the napkin at once, slowly stood up, turned around, and set their eyes on Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan only saw the appearance of these two people.

They looked like they were in their forties, with a stiff face, short beards, short hair and camouflage armor, two short knives on both sides of their waists, a murderous look all over, exactly the same look, as if carved in a mold It came out generally.

They are a pair of twin brothers. They are known as the Gemini of Hengyun Realm. Their strength is extremely powerful and terrifying, their minds are connected, their reputation is outstanding, their status is not weaker than the ice, but they are the strongest on the daily carrier. One of the three teams.

The ice assassination team has a total of sixteen people, and their twin team is only two of them.

"I'm so impatient. After killing Hanbing, I still have the strength to kill so many people."

Gemini stared at Ye Xuan with a cold voice in his mouth.

"Xilah ..."

The cold light flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes, and he didn't speak. The dragon blade waved violently in his hand, and a knife rushed toward Gemini with a fierce killing intent. "Click ..."

Upon seeing this, the twin star Chad's eyes flashed coldly, took a step forward, and his palm protruded, directly grasping the blade of Ye Xuan's knife and crushing it into a powder.

This scene made Ye Xuan's eyes narrowed, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Although after such a long battle, his strength and physical strength are hugely consumed, and the combat power has declined, but the power of the knife just now is also enough to kill an undead strong, but unfortunately it is easily blocked by this guy in front of him. , Crushing the knife in his face.

One can imagine that the strength of these two guys is extraordinary.

"It's our turn."

When Ye Xuan secretly surprised at this, the twin stars Chad and Gemini Charlie flashed murderously, and they all said in unison.

At the moment when their words fell, their figure disappeared strangely. When their figure appeared again, they came to Ye Xuan. Their double-edged short swords appeared in their hands, carrying Ling on the left and right. Xian's murderous intention launched a fierce attack on Ye Xuan.

Their offensive was fierce and fast as electricity. Ye Xuan's eyes only had dense shadows of knives. It was really extremely difficult to make Ye Xuan's eyes flash of interest.

These two guys' knife skills and knife skills are quite good, not only contains the blade of the sword, but also has the meaning of the knife, each knife contains an invisible power, pulling people into a unique world.

Moreover, because the two men are twins, they are connected with each other, and the attack can be described as a tacit understanding. In the face of the siege of these two men, they will be secretly intractable and tricky.

Even Ye Xuan was not easy to face such a siege, but it was still able to deal with it calmly.

The eyes of the star emperor opened quietly, and the attack trajectories of the two men clearly fell into his eyes. In his mind, a coping style was automatically formed. Ye Xuan waved the dragon blade to resist all their offensives.

"Damn, how could this happen? Our 108-style double knives are all in 100-style, and we haven't won him yet!"

"Our knife is completely seen by him, how did he do this guy? No one has ever been able to stick to a hundred styles under our 108 style double knives."

"This guy is clearly a nirvana, and his combat power is so unfavorable? What should I do? It will be more and more unfavorable for us both!"

With the constant crazy offensive, but he was unable to win Ye Xuan, Gemini Charlie and Gemini Chad were filled with horror and shock, as well as a deep anxiety.

"Use the trick!"

In the next moment, the two of them looked at each other and suddenly changed their moves.

The double knives in their hands suddenly merged together at this moment, and the light flow turned into a cold and long sword, carrying a fierce killing intention to stab Ye Xuan's heart, bringing a hurricane.

The ultimate meaning of the one-hundred-and-eight double swords: two swords combine, two swords destroy the enemy!

Sword qi is like a rainbow, piercing the sky.

A crisis permeated Ye Xuan's heart.

The sudden change of the Gemini made him almost unable to adapt.

However, Ye Xuan's reaction was quite fast, and Dragon Blade blocked him.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

The double-sword stabbed on the dragon blade sword, rubbing a brilliant spark, but could no longer enter the cent.


Both Gemini and Chad's faces changed, and a look of horror and shock appeared in their eyes.

"It's my turn!"

When they were distracted, Ye Xuan's cold voice sounded at this moment.

His hand holding Dragon Blade shook violently, and the powerful force roared vertically and horizontally, shaking away the long swords of the two Gemini stars.

"Xilah ..."

The blade of light is vertical and horizontal, the blade gas is thin, two heads fly, and the bright red blood spurts out.

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