Medical Martial God

Chapter 1398: Kill the immortality again!

When other Hengyunfu fighters in the daily carrier were notified and hurried to this central hall, Ye Xuan's figure had long disappeared. After killing the Gemini, he left without any stay.

The corpses everywhere in the central hall exuded a disgusting **** breath, and the white floor was stained with bright red blood, which fell into the eyes of the soldiers of Hengyun Mansion who came around, making their expressions dignified White.

Even some fighters who were already used to killing were frightened by the scene before them.


Some people even felt short of breath on the spot and vomited.

A shocking voice came from their mouths: "Dead ... all dead, no one left a live mouth ..."

"How did he do that **** guy?"

"What about the two adults Charlie and Chad? Are they here? Why didn't they stop the **** invader."

"That's it, two adults Gemini? They must be able to take down the invader.

Just when people questioned the twin brothers Charlie and Chad who were not here and stopped the invader Ye Xuan, a cold and quiet voice came from the corner.

"Sir Gemini is dead."

A young Hengyunfu warrior looked at the heads of the twin stars Charlie and Chad cut down by Ye Xuan in horror. The expression on his face was like a ghost, and there was a deep voice in his mouth.

"What? Lord Gemini is dead?"

Hearing the young warrior's words, everyone on the scene couldn't help but be surprised, and turned around to look in the direction he was.

When they saw the heads of the twin stars Charlie and Chad on the ground, the expressions on their faces became particularly exciting.

They widened their eyes, narrowed their pupils, and opened their mouths, making it difficult to speak for a long time.

Even the face of Xiang Jianjue, the person in charge of security for the entire day-to-day aircraft carrier, also changed, and the expression on his face became extremely ugly and dignified.

He is well aware of the strengths of the twin stars Charlie and Chad. In the entire aircraft carrier, their combat power is enough to rank in the top five, but now ... they are dead.

How could this not make Xiang Jianjue's expression dignified and shock him?

After a brief shock, he quickly recovered and set his eyes on the passage leading to the bow of the ship, his eyes gleaming with cold light, and there was a sound of words in his mouth: "He went to the cab , Chase me! "

As his words fell, he didn't stay any longer and chased forward at a super fast speed, and those men followed.

At this moment, Xiang Jian only hopes that Jin Yi, who is responsible for protecting Wu Ming's safety, will be able to drag the kid a little longer and insist that he rushes with him.

In the comfortable and luxurious leisure hall, with blonde hair and a golden robe, the handsome Jin Yi lay lazily on the sofa while tasting the fruit placed on the coffee table, while lazily drinking the wine in the glass, looking Especially enjoy.

As the head of the three major teams on the daily battleship, Jin Yi has the supreme power. Many things Jin Yi does not need to do it himself, but only needs to be handed over to his lovely group.

For example, just after he got the news that the intruder broke into the aircraft carrier, the ice has fallen and defeated, and the Gemini has also fallen. The intruder is coming to the cockpit and waiting, but Jin Yi is not at all panic.

Even he did not intend to do anything at all, but sent eleven capable men of his team to deal with it, and he himself ate leisurely here to eat fruit and drink wine.

For the eleven men who followed him faithfully, Jin Yi was full of confidence.

After all, even the eleven of them did not dare to be underestimated.


But at this moment, the dull collision sounded quietly.

With the sound of this sound, the closed door in front was knocked open arrogantly, and an embarrassed figure flew upside down, hitting Jin Yi heavily.

This embarrassed figure is the deputy captain of the Jinyi team, a strong man at the top of the undead.

"King ... Master Kim ... he ... he ... pouting ..."

The deputy captain held his chest hard and put his eyes on Jin Yi's body, trembling with his fingers and pointing at the broken door in front of him, and there was a weak voice in his mouth.

However, before his words were finished, his body was trembling, his eyes closed, his mouth vomiting blood, and he died in anger.

The sound of "sand" came from the front, and Ye Xuan's figure slowly emerged in the leisure hall.

Looking at Ye Xuan who came, and looking at the deputy captain in front of him, Jin Yi's complexion was particularly cold and ugly at this moment.

He did not expect that his eleven capable men would be killed by the kid in front of him.

He just wanted to steal a bit of laziness, so he did not personally dispatch with them, but did not expect that it would be such an ending.

The killing in his eyes surged, and he slowly raised his head to put his eyes on Ye Xuan's body, and there was a cold and indifferent word in his mouth: "Good boy, it's my miscalculation. Even my eleven subordinates are lost in your hands ... "

"There are many things you didn't expect, for example, you will die next."

Ye Xuan gazed calmly at Jin Yi and answered indifferently.

The eleven subordinates who just solved Jin Yi had spent a lot of money, and those guys' combined martial arts skills were indeed quite difficult.

"Hehe ... arrogant, do you think they killed the ice, Gemini would be invincible? I tell you, they are nothing more than a useless waste, their cultivation is only the perfection of the undead, relying on their own weirdness The means and methods of barely possessing the power to hire the US and even kill the powerhouses of the immortal realm. "

"But my gold is different, I'm a real immortality ..."

Jin Yi smiled coldly, and stared at Ye Xuan coldly, with a voice of Sen Han in his mouth.

As his words fell, his powerful breath of immortality spread out unreservedly, and a terrifying gust of wind blew inside the hall, blowing Ye Xuan's clothes and hunting.

"Is the Immortal Reality strong? I have killed and I don't know how many."

Ye Xuan answered calmly.

"Then let me learn your skills!"

The killing intention flashed in Jin Yi's eyes, and the sole of his foot slammed with a powerful force, pushing his body toward Ye Xuan at a super fast speed.

At the moment of rushing out, a golden flame instantly burned on the surface of his body. His right hand was wrapped in immortal power, turned into a fist, carrying Ling Xian's murderous intention and smashed towards Ye Xuan.

People have not arrived yet. The terrible fist style raised by his fist came screaming, and the blow on Ye Xuan's body was like a knife, and it was extremely uncomfortable, causing his hair to fly.

I have to say that the power of Jin Yi's move is very extraordinary and powerful.

Although this guy is just the realm of immortal realm, his attack power is no less than that of immortal realm or even peak.


Ye Xuan's face was cold, and a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes. At the moment Jin Yi's fist hit him, his right hand flew out like a lightning, and even caught Jin Yi's fist firmly, making it stay in Ye Xuan's in front of.

The attack was blocked, Jin Yi was not surprised, a sneer appeared on his face, his arm shook like a brush, and the terrible immortal gas burst from his fist and poured into Ye Xuan's body.

Ye Xuan's palm holding Jin Yi's fist became dry and aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if to become a pair of old hands, making Ye Xuan's eyes flash a bit of surprise.

This immortal gangue of Jinyi has the effect and effect of erosion and decay.

However, this is nothing to Ye Xuan at all.

His thoughts moved, and Star Emperor Long Yan burst out of his body, wrapping his entire arm, so that his withered and decaying arm instantly returned to its original state, and eroded the immortal gangue of Jinyi. Resisted by the decay, it also burned that immortal force into nothingness.

Not only that, Ye Xuan had a stiff waist, his body shook, his arm shook, and Xingdi Longyan sprang out from his palm, turning into a fire dragon biting toward Jinyi.

"Damn, is this a strange fire?"

A strong crisis permeated Jin Yi's heart, causing his face to change drastically. He wanted to draw back his fist, but he was firmly grasped by Ye Xuan's palm. No matter how hard Jin Yi struggled, it would be useless.

Under Jin Yi's unsightly gaze, his entire arm gradually became hot and scorched under the burning of Xingdi Longyan, and a large number of blood bubbles appeared. Xingdi Longyan fire also followed his arm toward him The body spreads, if it continues like this, his entire body may be burned into nothingness by Xingdi Longyan fire.

"How can this guy have a strange fire? And this strange fire can also restrain my immortal gas. I am afraid that the ranking on the universe's strange fire list is within 200, and my arm may not be able to keep it."

Jin Yi looked ugly, and thoughts flashed in his heart.

At the moment his thoughts flashed, he snapped his teeth, and a long sword appeared in his hand, slashing at his arm.

"Poof ..."

The blood was thin, and Jin Yi's arm was directly cut off by his long sword.

His body also returned to freedom, and instantly distanced from Ye Xuan.

Looking at Jin Yi, who decisively abandoned one of his arms, a hint of appreciation flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes. This guy was a decisive person and a fierce person.

Such opponents are undoubtedly extremely tricky and difficult.

"It is commendable to be brave in such a situation!"

Ye Xuan stared at Jin Yi with a calm voice in his mouth.

"I didn't expect you to have the legendary strange fire. I wrongly underestimated your strength. I apologize for my contempt for you just now. Then I will try my best to fight you.

Jin Yi ignored his broken arm injury and stared at Ye Xuan with a fierce battle spirit and madness in his eyes.

"Come out and fight with me? You broke your arm, can you still show all your strength?"

There was no slight fluctuation in Ye Xuan's face, and his expression spoke indifferently.


His words hadn't had time to fall yet, but Jin Yi's body shuddered violently, and one arm actually came out of his broken arm.

"Regeneration ability?"

Ye Xuan raised a brow, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

"No ... this is the power of my bloodline. Your lowly earth star ants don't have this ability."

The cold light flashed in Jin Yi's eyes, and his body was full of energy. His body turned into gold at this moment, as if it were made of gold, which made him rise in momentum.

This is the power of Jin Yi's bloodline, which not only has a strong regeneration ability, but also enables his body to become extremely strong red gold in the universe, and his defense and combat power are doubled.


Jin Yi gave a stern drink, carrying a wild murderous intention, smashing his fist against Ye Xuan.

Power of Bloodline: Undefeated Red Army!


Seeing that, Ye Xuan's face had no slight fluctuations, the ancient nerves in the body were running, the power of the ancient **** rushed, and he punched out with fists.

Power of Ancient God: Ancient God Fist!

The next moment, Ye Xuan's fist and Jin Yi's fist were tough together, and the energy of terror spread like a raging wave.

"How ... how is it possible? What ... what power is this?"

Under Jin Yi's horrified and horrified gaze, he saw a thin crack appear on his arm that had turned into red gold, and finally the entire arm was shocked by the terrible force carried by Ye Xuan's fist.

"Poof ..."

Ye Xuan's fist hit the face of Jin Yi without any loss.

Blood mixed with broken teeth spewed out of Jin Yi's mouth. His body flew out like a dead dog, hitting heavily on the rear wall, making a dull collision sound.

His body transformed into a red gold body changed its original flesh and blood body, his face pale as paper, his gaze to Ye Xuan was full of uncovered horror, and there was a trembling voice in his mouth: "You ... What kind of power did you just use? How could you, a terrestrial ant, have the power to crush my bloodline ... this is impossible ... you ... who are you? "

"No ... you ... you are not human!"

At this moment, Jin Yi was like crazy.

He could hardly accept that the bloodline he was proud of would have been defeated so thoroughly.

"Go to **** and ask Lord Yan!"

Ye Xuan answered indifferently.

The moment the words fell, he waved the dragon blade in his hand and cut out Jin Yi, who was seriously injured.

The majestic Haotian knife rushed towards Jin Yi with the momentum of destruction, as if a dormant great white shark suddenly launched an offensive, revealing his sharp fangs.

"Do not……"

Jin Yi's face changed drastically, and there was a cry of fright and despair in his mouth.

In the face of Ye Xuan's knife, he couldn't dodge the serious injury.


Seeing that the knife qi was about to fall on Jin Yi's body, a majestic sword qi suddenly flew from the side and collided with the knife.

The terrible power roared vertically and horizontally, and Jin Yi's whole person was shocked by the terrible energy and flew out.

His clothes were all cracked, dense scars appeared on his body, blood was flowing, and he looked especially scary, barely saving a life.

This sudden change made Ye Xuan look awkward and turned his head to look in the direction of Jian Qi flying.

A ruthless figure with a large number of strong men hurried at this moment, rushed into the leisure hall with lightning, and surrounded Ye Xuan to the regiment.

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