Medical Martial God

Chapter 1399: Xiang Jianjue!

Xiang Jianjue stared indifferently at the young man in front of him, his eyes gleaming fiercely, as if he wanted to see through the secrets hidden in him.

It's a pity that he regrets ... He can't see the young man in front of him at all.

All he can see is the cultivation of Nirvana, the powerful soul.

In addition, Xiang Jian could never see more, as if the young man was surrounded by a mist.

As a strong man who has stayed in the immortal state for hundreds of years, he even felt a trace of hidden danger in the young man in Nirvana.

Such a person, Xiang Jian has never encountered.

When Xiang Jianjue looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan also looked at him quietly.

This guy was able to dissolve his Haotian Dao gas and rescued Jin Yi. His strength is absolutely extraordinary. His fighting strength is probably more powerful than Jin Peng.

"Cough ... Master Xiang ... Thanks a lot ..."

Jin Yi has recovered from the edge of death. His gaze to Xiang Jianjue is full of gratitude, and a weak word comes out of his mouth.


Xiang Jian responded indifferently, his gaze still stayed on Ye Xuan.

The guards around were holding their arms with high vigilance, containing the offensive, and preparing to launch a surprise attack on Ye Xuan at any time.

"kill him!"

In the next moment, Xiang Jianjue's eyes flashed coldly and suddenly ordered.


The guards around them all made a knife, and the huge offensive immediately enveloped Ye Xuan.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan didn't take it seriously, a cold light flashed in his eyes, his thoughts moved, Xingdi Longyan turned into a circle of fire waves swept out around him with his body as the center, and rushed those The guards drowned as much as possible.

There was no blood thinning, nor a cry of sorrow and pain. Under the ugly gaze of Xiang Jianjue and his adjutants and his men, the moment when the guard body attacking Ye Xuan was swept by the fire, Eccentrically turned into ashes, scattered with the wind, as if evaporated from the world.

Dozens of reincarnation-level strongmen quietly fell without a trace of struggling strength.

"Is it possible to release the fire into your own momentum?"

Xiang Jianjue's eyes stared coldly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and there was a cold voice in his mouth.

Ye Xuan's invisible means is indeed a bit clever. After all, this means is not something that ordinary people can easily master.

"Do it, don't talk nonsense, I'm in a hurry!"

Ye Xuan ignored Xiang Jianjue's words and spoke indifferently.

He did not know what was going on outside, and he had to grasp the initiative of this aircraft carrier as soon as possible.

"Knot the Ghost Sword Formation!"

Xiang Jian pulled out his waist sword and spoke coldly.

"Oh, uh ..."


As his words fell, Qi Qi, the guard who lived around Ye Xuan, uttered a low drink, cut the palm of his hand with a long sword, and thrust the long sword into the ground.

The light flashed, and blood flowed down the sword body, forming an ancient formation that enveloped Ye Xuan, making a flash of coldness flash in his eyes.

He waved the dragon blade in his hand, trying to slash the guards who were controlling the formation, but the cry of the ghost crying wolf sounded at this moment.


A fierce and fierce fierce ghost suddenly appeared in the sword formation. They were as thin as bones, surrounded by black aura, releasing a breath that was not weaker than the undead strong, flying in the air at high speed, releasing The unabashed viciousness, the gaze looking at Ye Xuan is full of unabashed greed.

"go with!"

The guards around him snapped their teeth, injecting more blood into the formation, and gave a stern drink in their mouths.

With their movements, a pale face appeared on their faces, their own breath became weaker, and the eyes of the ghostly green oil instantly turned into blood, and the momentum was stronger, and the mouth opened a **** long sword from his mouth, Carrying a fierce killing intent, went straight to Ye Xuan.

From a distance, it looks like a hundred soul swordsmen with long swords launched a siege against Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan looked as usual, his eyes shone with cold light, the dragon blade was waving in his hand, and the majestic knife burst into bloom, directly tearing the dozen or so ghosts who rushed first.

"Poof ..."

At the moment when he tore and slashed these dozens of ghosts, the guards who formed the formation suddenly had a white face, a blood line appeared in his eyebrows, and a black blood was sprayed from his mouth, and he fell heavily. On the ground, the whole body's blood flowed into the formation, making the remaining fierce ghosts more fierce and brave.

These fiendish ghosts are extremely powerful, possess the strength of hiring the beautiful immortality, and are capable of exquisite swordsmanship. They are extremely difficult to tangle. If the immortal realm is trapped in it, it will be seriously injured and will be seriously injured in a short time. Escape in formation.

Ye Xuan facelessly resisted the attacks of these ghosts, wielding the dragon blade to kill these ghosts, and slashing each ghost under the dragon blade.


A ghost appeared behind Ye Xuan and opened his mouth violently, revealing sharp fangs to bite towards Ye Xuan's neck, but Ye Xuan slammed back and pierced his head with a sword.

Three Li Gui took advantage of the situation to siege Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan looked cold, Xing Di Long Yan burst out, burning them all into nothingness.

The five Li Guis showed up and down, holding long swords to siege Ye Xuan, but they were cut in half by Ye Xuan's sword.

A ghost was killed by Ye Xuan's relentless slaughter. A guard who maintained the formation fell silently, pouring blood into the formation, maintaining the operation of the formation.

At the same time, there are continuous guards behind to fill the position of the dead guards.

Xiang Jian absolutely stood outside the array and watched all this coldly, his eyes gleaming cold and dazzling.

Ye Xuan's powerful display shocked him secretly.

"You make up for me!"

Looking at the men who were struggling to support the formation, he looked cold and cold.


As his words fell, the adjutant around him joined the formation of the formation with more than ten men, maintaining the consumption of the formation.

Xiang Jianjue intends to use this formation method to consume Ye Xuan's physical strength to a certain extent, and then accidentally kills him.

However, in the formation, Ye Xuan's eyes were already filled with impatience, the cold light in his eyes flashed, the soles of his feet slammed violently, the white magic gas burst from the ground, and the columns of white magic gas burst out like a dragon. Fiercely blasted into the formation.

Great Devil Realm!


"Poof ..."

A huge explosion sounded, and the terrible energy shouted to the surroundings like a tsunami, engulfing everything, and the entire sword array trembling violently, as if it could be broken at any time.

In the end, it could no longer withstand the impact of the Great Demon Realm and burst on the spot.

A huge magic enchantment is constantly expanding with Ye Xuan as the center, covering all the people in the whole hall.

A large number of guards were shocked by the terrible energy and flew out. They had not been able to stabilize their bodies before they were swallowed by the spreading devil qi. The body was transformed into dry bones little by little under the corrosion of the devil qi.


"Don't ..."

"Master Xiang, save me ..."

The sound of desperate despair rang continuously, and a large number of guards were corroded and killed by the evil spirit.

In just a moment, more than half of the people brought by Xiang Jianjue had died and suffered heavy casualties, making him look extremely cold.

Jin Yi, who had just been rescued from the edge of death, once again fell into the death hell. He looked at his body eroded by the magic energy, with a deep pleading voice in his mouth: "Master Xiang, save I……"

"Useless things, saving you is also a white rescue, it is better to use your life to help me!"

But what responded to him was Xiang Jianjue's cold and ruthless words.

In the moment when his words fell, his palm protruded into claws and fell sharply on the top of Jinyi's head. A powerful suction erupted from his palm, extracting the power and vitality in Jinyi's body and turning it into his own. The strength made him breath soar.

"And you too ..."

Looking at the men struggling under the erosion of magic energy, Xiang Jianjue said indifferently.

His soles slammed violently, and the cyan immortal field suddenly spread out to cover those men, arbitrarily drawing their power, so that their faces quickly became old, and finally turned into a dead bone!

In just a moment, only the Great Demon Realm that enveloped the hall was left with Xiang Jianjue and Ye Xuan.

After absorbing the vitality and power of many subordinates, Xiang Jianjue's cultivation directly rose from the immortal realm to the immortal realm, improved the two realms, and the combat power was greatly improved. The whole person was much younger, and the immortal power Condensed into a very delicate armor, making him look like a god.

This is a particularly powerful opponent.

He was cruel to his enemies, as well as to others, and he never gave up to achieve his goals.

"I give you a chance to take the lead!"

Feeling the surging power in his body, Xiang Jianjue felt that he was invincible. He gazed indifferently at Ye Xuan, and a cold voice came from his mouth.

"Then don't regret it."

Ye Xuan answered coldly.

He palmed out and grabbed it from the air, the magical energy rushing in the big demon world gathered towards his palm, and a magic energy ball gradually condensed and formed, and continued to grow ...

"Sorry? Just a nirvana in your area is also suitable? Let's do it!"

Xiang Jian answered with a sneer.

He feels like he has never been stronger now, he feels he can overcome everything.

"as you wish!"

Ye Xuan answered indifferently, violently smashing the devil-like bomb in his hand against Xiang Jian.

"Ridiculous, this is your attack? It's not worth mentioning, it's inferior ..."

Seeing this, Xiang Jian smiled coldly, his long sword suddenly came out of the sheath, and slashed at the magic gas bomb.

"How can it be?"

He thought that he could easily cut through this magic gas bomb, but he was surprised to find that his long sword could not break through this magic gas bomb, but instead he was pushed back by the terrible power contained in the magic gas bomb.

And this magic bomb continued to expand and grow under his amazed gaze.

As the magic gas bomb continued to expand and grow, a terrible atmosphere of destruction spread out from it, making Xiang Jianjue's face change greatly ...


Ye Xuan didn't have the slightest expression and fluctuations on his face, and gave a snap.


The next moment, the huge magic gas bomb suddenly burst open, engulfing Xiang Jianjue's body ...

"Do not……"

The screams of despair and horror came from Xiang Jianjie's mouth, and he was shocked to find that he was dying.

"Then don't regret it ..."

At this time, Ye Xuan's words before him sounded in his mind.

At this moment, Xiang Jian absolutely regretted it. He found how stupid and wrong he was at the time ...

Unfortunately, this family has no regrets.

His body turned into nothingness in the explosion of the magic gas bomb ...

Ye Xuan had no expression on his face, opened the passage leading to the cockpit in front, and disappeared in the hall ...

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