Medical Martial God

Chapter 1408: Jedi counterattack!

In the black night, a huge explosion sounded endlessly, but the soldiers of Hengyun House bombarded one after another, and the beams of destruction continued to bombard the blue enclave to break the blue enclave. .

It's a pity that all this seems futile to them.

No matter how they attack or use any method, they cannot break the blue enchantment.

However, these guys did not give up under the orders of the main player of the Hengyun world, Xiang Yuanchao, and were still attacking continuously.

Time passed little by little, and in a blink of an eye the day and night passed quietly.

The army of Hengyun House is still tirelessly attacking the blue enchantment, and the fighters on the dragon's nest took advantage of this free time and time to complete a certain rest. The fatigue of the dragon's nest fighters dissipated a lot. The energy consumed by the body has also been replenished and restored.

The wounds on the wounded soldiers were treated a little better.

Ye Xuan also adjusted his state to the peak.

Looking at the army of Hengyun House who are still tirelessly attacking the azure front, the dragon fighters' eyes flashed with deep anger and hatred.

However, they did not rush to attack these guys and attacked them, but continued to practice healing and adjust their status.

They are waiting for the opportunity, and when these guys are completely tired, they will fight back.

In an instant, two days passed by quietly, and the azure enclave remained unbroken.

However, under the tireless attack of these guys, the color of the blue enchantment has become a lot dimmed, and some traces of the attack have surfaced on it.

It seems that according to the current progress and speed, it is only a matter of time before the azure barrier is completely broken, which undoubtedly gives the Dragon Nest fighters an invisible pressure.

Everyone knows what everyone will face once the azure barrier is broken.

"Master Realm, we can't break the blue enchantment. The two subordinates have tried their best. Now everyone is exhausted, and many soldiers have fallen out of their strength. They also asked the Lord Realm to order the withdrawal of the army. The big guy takes a break! "

On the head of the Black Shark Mother of Light, Zhong Ran bowed his fists and reported to Xiangyuan Chaohui, the main player of the Hengyun world sitting on the throne.

"A group of useless waste can't be broken even by a barrier, I really raise you white ..."

Looking at the barrier that could not be broken for a long time, the face of Hengyun Realm Xiangyuan Chao looked particularly ugly. He slapped heavily on the seat and opened his face with anger.

"The subordinates are incompetent, and they also ask the master to punish!"

Looking at the angry Hengyun Realm Master Xiang Yuanchao, Ghost Sword, Zhong Ran, Greedy Wolf, Mei Tianqi and others all changed their faces slightly, kneeling on one knee and asking for sin against Xiang Yuanchao.

"No, no! Just keep these guys alive for a while, and wait until the master of the domain arrives."

Looking at the people who kneeled on one knee and asked for sin, and looked at the tired soldiers in Hengyun Mansion around them, Xiang Yuanchao sighed softly, waved his hand, and there was a deep voice in his mouth: "Submit the order Withdraw troops to Ziweixing! "

"Warship Department listens to orders and withdraws troops!"

"The beast war department listens to the order and withdraws the troops!"

"Hengyun Sect disciples, withdraw their troops!"

"Chai Hai Shenzong disciples listened to the order and withdrew their troops!"


For a time, the slogan of the withdrawal of troops sounded over the azure front at this moment.

The tired army of Hengyun House finally began to evacuate at this moment.

"Want to go? Is it possible?"

Seeing this scene, Su Hanyan, Ye Sifeng and Su Haoran all showed a sneer on their faces, and there were cold and majestic words in their mouths.

"The generals of the dragon's nest will listen and follow me to charge the enemy!"

With Ye Sifeng, Su Hanyan, Su Haoran their words falling, the three of them took the lead to rush out with a fierce killing intention and headed for Xiang Yuanchao, the main player of Hengyun.

Behind them, already ready to go, the war-torn army of dragons is like an overwhelming locust rushing towards the army of Hengyunfu with a monstrous killing intention, and they are ruthlessly tired of them. Massacre.

"Ah ... damn, those guys broke out of the blue enchantment ..."

"Don't run, don't withdraw, hurry ... quickly form a formation to meet the enemy!"

"Crazy, the guys in Dragon Nest are all crazy, we all started to withdraw troops, but the guys rushed out like crazy ..."

"Save me, don't leave me, please, don't leave me, take me with you ..."

"Ah ... I fight with you, you lunatics ..."

All of a sudden, the frightened, desperate and crazy screams of the Hengyun House troops rang throughout this moment.

These two days have continuously attacked the azure enclave. These guys have exhausted their physical strength, and they have long been exhausted, and their fighting intentions have dropped sharply.

In addition, Xiang Yuanchao has agreed to order the withdrawal of the troops. All the Hengyunfu troops have no intention of war. They have completely relaxed their vigilance and are eager to evacuate.

Faced with such a fierce counterattack by the Dragon Nest Warriors, they have absolutely no resistance and courage to fight, just like the dog of the mourning family fleeing frantically with its tail.

Perhaps, they had never dreamed that the warriors of Dragon Nest would rush out at this time.

For a time, the situation on the whole battlefield was completely one-sided. The dragon nest fighters were like the **** of war possessing all their grief and anger into their strength. They slaughtered the soldiers of the Hengyun House and put down a famous enemy.

In just a short period of time, the Hengyun Army had suffered heavy casualties.

Ye Xuan held the dragon blade on the battlefield, just like an experienced hunter looking for prey and targets.

Along the way, he brought a **** storm and killed a famous enemy easily.

His goal is very clear, it is aimed at killing the undead strong in Hengyun House. After all, the destructive power and effect of an undead strong on the battlefield far exceeds that of reincarnation strong or Hengyun. Those ordinary soldiers.

After all, any strong man in an undead state holds a high position in Hengyun Mansion and has certain power and status.

Of course, he doesn't mind killing them together when he meets enemies who obstruct the road.

At the same time, if you meet the immortal realm power who is not very strong, Ye Xuan will also try to kill them, but it takes a certain amount of effort to kill an immortal realm powerhouse, especially the powerful immortal realm power. In fact, it is far less efficient to hunt undead powerhouses.

Seen from a distance, the army of Hengyun Mansion is furiously fleeing, while the Dragon Nest Warriors are frantically chasing. What they have walked through is the mess and corpses everywhere.

These corpses are almost all from Hengyun House, and only a very small part come from Dragon Nest.

After all, every fighter in Dragon Nest has adjusted their fighting state to the best after these two days of training, and the Hengyunfu fighters have been attacking the blue enclave these two days, and they have been exhausted for a long time. It is already out of force, where can it be compared with the Dragon Nest Warriors?

If they did not withdraw their troops and had maintained their fighting status, they still had the power to fight against the sudden counterattack of the Dragon Nest Army.

As for now, they are completely defeated.

Every Hengyunfu soldier was in a state of embarrassment at this moment, with no intention of war. With all his heart in mind, he dared to stop and fight.

"Don't run, don't run anymore, leave me to fight!"

"Don't run, don't mess up, listen to me and reorganize the war department to fight against them ..."

"We can beat them, don't run away, pick up weapons and fight ..."

Even at the moment, the top executives of the Hengyun Government stood up and tried hard to reorganize the war department and restore morale, but no one would listen to them even if they called their voices broken.

"Run fast, run fast ..."

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly ... why do you withdraw faster ..."

"Crazy, the guys in Dragon Nest are all crazy, don't think of fighting the madman, run away ..."

"Grass, why can't you be faster? Stop me from running away ..."

Even, there were disputes and internal battles between the soldiers and soldiers of the Hengyun House because they were running away, and some people fought themselves ...

At this moment, the army of Hengyun House was completely scattered.

Even the Yuan Yunchao, the main player of the Hengyun industry, used his own power to stop the many high-level leaders of Longchao from being able to return to heaven.

"Damn, follow me ..."

Looking at the army of dragon nests rushing in from behind, Xiang Yuan, the main player of the Hengyun Realm, looked cold and gritted his teeth. Many heroes of Yunfu strengthened and streamed towards the distance ...


Looking at those who are no longer fighting, but fled Hengyun Realm Xiang Yuanchao and others, Ye Sifeng and Su Haoran smiled coldly, and did not open their mouths to them, but issued a stern drink to the fleeing Hengyun Mansion Rushed away and started a **** massacre.



With the roar of the earth-shattering beast, Wannian Profound Turtle, Ice Lord Bai Ze, Swallowing the Prison Cattle, Thunder Sculpting Eagle, Biting Dragon, Eight-claw Panlong, Five-claw Golden Dragon, Evil Emperors, Bailong Qilin and other fierce beasts also flew from afar with wild killing intentions, rushed into the army of Hengyun House, and launched a ruthless slaughter.

Looking at the many fleeing beasts of the Hengyun Mansion, the Ten Thousand Years Black Turtle, the Ice Lord Bai Ze, the Swallowing Prison Cattle and other fierce beasts at this moment, they released a very large-scale attack with lethality.

Ten Thousand Years Xuanqi Bomb!

A cannonball with terrifying profound energy spit out from the mouth of Wannian Black Turtle, bombarding them in a group of interstellar warships fleeing far away with accuracy and detonating them!

Ice Wings!

The ice lord Bai Ze's huge ice wings flapped, and a huge hurricane of ice engulfed the enemies who fled ahead, freezing them into eye-catching ice sculptures.

Thunder Hurricane!

A thunder screamed in the mouth of the Thunder Sword, fanning around the wings of the thunderbolt, and the massive thunderstorm tornado rushed forward, enemies tens of thousands of enemies.

Kill the Yin Cannon!

The Yinguo Long was surrounded by anger and spit out suddenly, a black energy cannon shot into the distance, engulfing the dense enemies, making them a dry bone skeleton ...

Panlong Tail Bomb!

The huge tail of the eight-clawed dragon flicked, and a huge energy ball was pulled out by its dragon tail and smashed into the madly fleeing enemy army. The place where they were instantly turned into a thunder pool, and a large number of soldiers were shocked by the terrible lightning Engulf ...

Sin Arrows!

The evil emperor showed his true body, opened a long bow, and countless arrows of sin suddenly shot out, engulfing tens of thousands of Hengyunfu soldiers ...


At this moment, the fierce ten fierce beasts showed their magical powers and exerted the terrible destructive power of their war weapons.

At this moment, the army of the Hengyun House was completely defeated, and there was no longer any power in the world.

At this moment, the fighters of the Dragon Nest enthusiasm is high, and their killing intentions are surging, just like the possession of the God of War, the more war and the more brave!

At this moment, the army of the Hengyun House was like a dog of the family, frightened buttocks urinating, fleeing with its tail.

This is a Jedi counterattack of Dragon Nest!

This is a victory for the whole army of Dragon Nest!

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