Medical Martial God

Chapter 1409: She is dying!

When the sunlight of dawn poured down through the clouds, the army of Hengyun House had been completely defeated, leaving behind densely packed bodies and messy ground.

On this day, Ye Sifeng beheaded 300,000 enemy troops with one person and chased them to Ziweixing.

On this day, Su Haoran used one person's strength to defeat the 100 immortal realm of Hengyunfu and hit the top level of Hengyunfu hard.

On this day, the card dog emperor Ouyue Yun beheaded 100,000 strong enemies and cut the henchmen of Hengyun Realm Xiang Yuanchao, half-step Realm Master Zhong Ran under the sword.

On this day, with the terrible strength, the world ’s first handsome Wang Xiaoshuai, alone, hunted down three enemy warship groups and destroyed 300 warships.

On this day, Ye Xuan defeated 86,000 enemies, including three hundred immortal powerhouses and eight immortal powerhouses.


On this day, Dragon Nest counterattacked and won all round.

Under the full chase of the Dragon Nest, the Hengyun House army suffered heavy prehistoric damage.

After fierce fighting, the azure front was finally defended by the whole army of Dragon Nest.

Wu Ming succeeded in joining many dragon enemies with the day-to-day number, and he was accepted by everyone!

When night came, the azure front full of corpses was cleaned up, and the entire azure front was restored to a clean appearance.

For Dragon Nest, this is an unprecedented victory and a battle worth celebrating.

Of course, this battle is full of too much suspense and danger.

If the main item in the Hengyun world is slightly less arrogant, if he is a little more stable, he will not evolve into this.

If when the Dragon Nest Warriors withdrew all back into the Azure Enchantment, he would not order the Hengyun Fu Army to attack the Azure Enchantment without stopping, causing them to consume a lot of physical strength and equipment and being in a state of fatigue. Counterattack, they also have the power to fight.

If the azure enclave could not hold on to the attack of the Hengyun House and was broken by them, then Dragon Nest would be in desperation ...

Unfortunately, where is there so much if?

In any case, Dragon Nest won after all.

Although it is not known when the Hengyun House will kill them again, this does not prevent the Dragon Nest from celebrating victory.

That night, a huge celebration was held at the Azure Base.

Many warriors were drunk and drunk. At the same time, there were a large number of dragon nest warriors and the top 100 men on the military list to toast Ye Xuan, making Ye Xuan tired of coping ...

After this battle, Ye Xuan ’s fame and reputation in Dragon Nest did not know how many times it had skyrocketed. After all, his appearance was so amazing.

Especially those Dragon Nest Warriors who were blessed and protected by Ye Xuan on the battlefield, their gratitude to Ye Xuan is beyond words.

The severely wounded Han lived up to the sword, Nie Feng, Xia Liu and others also came to the celebration and toasted Ye Xuan to express their respect.

Throughout the celebration, Ye Xuan was infinitely beautiful and nearly became the protagonist.

Some people even speculate that this time Ye Xuan is likely to break into the top 50 of the top 100 military list.

After the celebration, Su Haoran delivered a series of speeches, at the same time expressed his deep condolences to the deceased Dragon Nest soldiers, and issued a series of measures to settle their descendants and so on ...

Their names on the military list will never be wiped out, and everything they pay will be remembered.

At the same time, the military value they set will also be inherited by their descendants, and the right to use military points will also be dominated by their descendants. You can exchange various treasures and training resources in the military system store ...

This series of measures has undoubtedly won the hearts of the people and won the favor and recognition of the Dragon Nest Warriors.

This night, everyone drank a lot of wine and said a lot.

This night, Ye Xuan was directly fed by the enthusiastic big guy.

The next day, Villa No. 98, when the morning sunlight was pouring down from the sky, Ye Xuan, who was sleeping in bed, gradually opened his hazy eyes. He wanted to sit up, only to feel that his head was sore, obviously it was I drank too much last night.

"Woke up?"

A crisp and beautiful voice sounded, and a beautiful figure came out of the kitchen with a bowl of porridge.

"Nina ..."

Looking at Ainina who came out of the kitchen, a strange color flashed across Ye Xuan's face, shook his groggy head, and sat up from the bed.

"You drank too much last night and was carried back by the big guy ... Hurry, give this sobering porridge."

Ai Nina walked to the bed to support Ye Xuan's body and smiled.

"Thank you……"

Ye Xuan nodded his head, picked up the bowl and drank the sobering porridge. He only felt that his dull head was awake a lot, and the whole person was a little bit energized.

"I'll fetch water to wash your face ..."

Looking at Ye Xuan, who had finished drinking the porridge, Ainina's delicate cheeks appeared a charming smile, carrying the bowl toward the kitchen.

"Poof ..."

It was just that she hadn't had time to take two steps, her footsteps stopped, but her body shuddered suddenly, her mouth was sprayed with black blood, and her body was unsteady and planted heavily towards the ground ...

"Nina, what's wrong with you? Nina!"

This sudden change made Ye Xuan's face change, and quickly rushed to Ainina's side to support her fallen body, and there were words of concern in her mouth.

"Adult ... I'm fine, but I was injured on the battlefield. The injury broke out and I couldn't suppress it ... I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, a dark smile appeared on the exquisite face of the night goddess Ainina, and there was a deep voice in her mouth.

"Don't move ... I will help you see ..."

Ye Xuan raised a brow, Shen Sheng said.

"No, Master has seen it for me. She said it would be better if you rest for a while ..."

During the talk, he had already stretched out his palm and placed it on the wrist of the night goddess Ainina, who was about to investigate, but Ainina quickly pulled her hand back.

"Okay, then you can go to recuperate and heal yourself. It's better for me to come here."

Wen Yan Ye Xuan nodded, and the night goddess Ainina lifted her up and smiled.

The master of Ainina is Queen Anil, the blue shark. Since she has helped Ainina, Ye Xuan is not worried.

"Okay ... Master, take care of yourself."

The night goddess Ainina nodded her head lightly, wiped the blood from her mouth and left in a hurry, disappearing into Ye Xuan's sight.

Looking at the back of the night goddess Ainina, Ye Xuan's brows were tightly wrinkled together, and she always felt that Ainani today was a bit abnormal.

However, Ye Xuan was anomalous but couldn't tell. In short, it felt weird.

However, Ye Xuan didn't think much, but simply washed it, changed his clothes and walked out of the room.

Coming to the lobby, Ye Xuan discovered that the crazy devil Lin Feng, the holy devil Di Luoke, and the beast demon Qin Shou were not there, only Xue Tianjian, Queen Medusa, Gu Bena and Gu Kehong were here.

"grown ups……"

Watching Ye Xuan coming out, Gu Bena, Xue Tianjian, Gu Kehong all hurriedly greeted each other, and Queen Medusa just nodded to Ye Xuan and did not speak.

"Lin Feng, what about them?"

Ye Xuan Shen Sheng asked.

"They were wounded in the previous battle and are now retreating in the underground practice room to heal."

Xue Tianzhen replied in a deep voice.

"Are you all okay?"

Ye Xuan nodded, and looked away from Queen Medusa and Xue Tianjian, and asked with concern.

"Master, rest assured, we are all okay ..." Gu Beina answered with a smile after hearing Ye Xuan's question.

As an ancient god, she is almost domineering on the battlefield, invincible existence, there are very few people who can help her.

The same is true for Gu Hongke. On the battlefield, they killed a lot of enemies and dragged down many masters in Hengyun Mansion.

Xue Tianjian and Queen Medusa have also made many achievements on the battlefield, killing a large number of powerful middle and high-level enemies.

And after this series of battles, Ye Xuan found that Xue Tianjian and Queen Medusa were more powerful and more solid, and their cultivation was unfathomable and difficult to peep.

"It's okay, take a good rest. There should be no more fighting these days."

Ye Xuan went to the sofa and sat down, smiling and speaking.

"Ye Xuan ..."

Ye Xuan just just sat down, but the crisp and cold voice sounded at this moment.

With the sound of this sound, the blue emperor Anneel, who showed her perfect body in a light blue robe with her long blue hair, came to the door of the villa.

"Senior Annie, why are you here? Please come inside quickly."

Looking at the blue-eyed girl Anil who suddenly visited, Ye Xuan first stood up and quickly hurriedly greeted him.

"No need, I'm here to want to talk to you alone."

Queen Angel the Blue Shark shook her head and spoke lightly.

"Okay, please here!"

At the moment, Ye Xuan led Queen Angel the Blue Shark to the garden.

"Senior Annie, what the **** are you looking for?"

Ye Xuan set his eyes on Queen Anne, the blue shark, and asked suspiciously.

"Have you seen Ainina?"

Queen Anne, the blue shark, spoke quietly.

"Well ... I have seen her. I think she is a little strange today. It seems that she was injured. I want to check it for her, but she refuses to let me say that it's okay for you to help her see it?"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, and a bad hunch surged in his heart.

"She ... is dying."

Queen Anne the Blue Shark hesitated and whispered.


Hearing the words of Queen Angela Anil, Ye Xuan's face changed drastically, and there was a startled word in his mouth: "What the **** is going on?"

"She was attacked by the Hengyun Sect Master Heng Tianyu, her soul was hit hard, Nirvana Yuanying was nearly collapsed and scattered, and the sea was damaged ... Unable to repair, there is no medicine to save, only less than three days left ... I have invited Many friends have no way to check the healing for her. She will not let me tell you, I think you have the right to know about this ... "

Queen Anne, the blue shark, sighed softly, and a low word came from her mouth.

"I will be away from the azure front for a few days and Ainina will ask you to take care of it."

Having finished speaking, Queen Anne of the Blue Shark turned around and left without any stay.

"Senior Annie, where are you going?"

Looking at the departed Queen of the Blue Shark, Annie, Xuan quickly asked.

"Take the first level of Hengtianyu!"

He responded to the cold and domineering words of Queen Anne, the Blue Shark.


"The top priority is to take care of Ainina, just leave the rest to me."

Ye Xuan wanted to say something but was interrupted by the indifferent voice of Queen Anne of the Blue Shark.

The words dropped, and the Queen of the Blue Shark Annel quietly appeared a door of time and space, and her figure disappeared into Ye Xuan's sight.

"Ainina ..."

Ye Xuan clenched his fists, and went to the underground practice room for a while. After the second avatar was closed, he quickly moved towards the home of the night goddess Ainina.

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