Medical Martial God

Chapter 1410: Double repair!

In the cozy and comfortable room, the night goddess Aini looked pale, curled up on the bed with her hands holding her head like a wounded kitten, her body trembling unsteadily, her delicate cheeks twisted and deformed by the pain, a trace of blood Overflowing from the corner of her mouth, dyed the white sheets into a **** color.

Her knowledge of the sea has long been broken, and the soul of the baby inside is covered with dense cracks, just like a ceramic doll can be broken at any time, the entire space of the sea of ​​knowledge is filled with white flames, there are still on the sky A round of daylight radiates a hot and radiant light that compresses and destroys her knowledge of the sea, making her spirit abnormal, and even her consciousness gradually becomes blurred.

In her mind, there were a lot of pictures flashed in the past, as if it was showing a movie, it made her dizzy and painful.

"Tear ..."

The sound of the broken cloth sounded, and the sheets were torn by her into two halves. The intense pain made her almost crazy, and her eyes were covered with blood, but she tried not to let her mouth groan even with a pain. It ’s hard to imagine what kind of pain and torture her body suffered in the end, for fear of being known by others.

"Boom boom ..."

"Nina, are you in the room?"

However, at this time, the crisp knocks and familiar sounds came from outside the room, making the painful night goddess Ainina stunned.

"Sir, wait a moment, I'm taking a shower, and I will open the door for you ..."

The night goddess Ainina quickly recovered, tolerating the severe pain from her body and gritted her teeth.

In the speaking room, she quickly got up from the bed, cleaned up the blood-stained bed and tidied up the room, and then stumbled into the bathroom, opened the faucet, and briefly rinsed her. Wet her hair, put on her pajamas, and painted her makeup in a delicate and simple way, making her face look less pale and a little more ruddy.

Ainina then walked out of the bathroom and opened the door.

"Master, why are you here?"

Looking at the man standing outside the door, a light smile appeared on the exquisite face of the night goddess Ainina, and there was a beautiful voice in her mouth.

She tried to suppress the injuries in her body, making her look more natural, but the palms behind her were clasped together due to the pain and trembling.

"I happened to pass by, so I came over to see you ... wouldn't you invite me to sit down?"

Ye Xuan looked at Ainina, the goddess of the night, and a smile appeared on his handsome face, jokingly said.

"You are my noble guest and idol. Of course you have to come in and sit down. Please come in."

The night goddess Ainina stood aside and extended her palm to Ye Xuan to make a gesture of please.

Ye Xuan gave Ainina a deep look and walked in with her steps.


Looking at Ye Xuan walking in front, Ai Nina leaned half against the wall, holding her jade hand tightly and sighed in relief.

"Sir, wait a minute, I'll make you your favorite tea."

Later, Ainina endured the pain from her body and said with a smile.

Not waiting for any answer from Ye Xuan, she hurried to the kitchen next door and started to get busy. The whole person seemed to be completely unharmed, but she didn't know when her forehead was covered with cold sweat. The clothes were unconsciously wet with sweat.

"Bang ... click ..."

She brewed the tea and was about to walk towards the living room, but there was an unbearable pain in her head. Her feet were soft and she was staggering. The teapot in her hand fell on the ground and shattered. I almost fell but felt myself falling into a warm embrace.

However, Ye Xuan didn't know when to appear in the kitchen and hugged her body that was about to fall.

"Adult ... how did you come here? You're going to sit down, I ..." Looking at Ye Xuan, who was holding her body, Ainina said quickly.

"If I can't come, you have fallen now ... Why don't you tell me when you are injured?"

Ye Xuan embraced the body of Ainina, the goddess of the dark night, staring at her scorchingly, and asked with a stern expression.

"I ... I just suffered a little internal injury, as long as I rest for a few days ... cough ..."

Hearing Ye Xuan's question, Ainina, the goddess of the dark night, was amazed. A beautiful smile appeared on her exquisite cheek, and she smiled.

However, she couldn't help coughing when the words arrived.

"Silly girl, do you think I can believe your words?"

Ye Xuan gave her a weird look, quickly grabbed the wrist of the night goddess Aina and carefully pulsed her pulse.

The night goddess Ainina wanted to struggle, but Ye Xuan grabbed her hand firmly and sternly said: "Don't talk, don't move!"

When Ye Xuan drank it like this, the night goddess Ainina lowered her head, and her expression gradually became dim.

A moment later, Ye Xuan's expression gradually became dignified, his brows were tightly wrinkled together, and a ray of consciousness drilled into her body along the wrist of the night goddess Ainina. Sensing her body carefully.

Soon, Ye Xuan's consciousness came to the sea of ​​knowledge of the night goddess Aina, looking at her broken sea of ​​knowledge, looking at the cracked Nirvana Yuanying and the sky in the sea. Hanging to release the light eroding the day when he knew the sea, Ye Xuan's heart could not help sinking.

The injury suffered by the night goddess Ainina was too serious, the sea of ​​knowledge was destroyed, Nirvana Yuanying was nearly broken, her whole body was exhausted, and her spiritual consciousness was greatly affected. In other words, others have been unconscious , Became a vegetative, where she can still maintain a certain degree of sobriety and self-awareness, and even boil porridge to Ye Xuan in the morning, at this moment also pretend to be a boring person.

"Is it painful?"

Looking at the look of the night goddess Aini Na at the moment, Ye Xuan's heart filled with self-blame, his eyes full of deep regret.

"An adult is not happy at all ..."

The night goddess Ainina grinned, shook her head vigorously, and smiled.

"Silly girl ... I was so seriously injured, why didn't you tell me?"

A princess of Ye Xuan directly hugged Ainina, the goddess of the night, and asked.

"My injuries are too serious, the sea of ​​knowledge is destroyed, Nirvana Yuanying is almost broken, no one can save ... I don't tell you, I am afraid that you will worry about me when you know it." On Ye Xuan's chest, there was a weak voice in his mouth.

"Puff ... cough ..."

Her words hadn't finished yet, her face was suddenly white, her mouth was sprayed with black blood, and the whole person coughed violently, her consciousness became blurred at this moment: "Big ... Adult ... … I ... I ca n’t live, you do n’t need to be sad for me when I ’m gone, you have to take care of yourself, do n’t always rush to the front when you are fighting ... ”

"I won't let you die!"

However, Ainina's words were interrupted by Ye Xuan's indifferent and decisive words before she finished speaking.

As his words fell, he quickly took Ainina to the bedroom, put her body flat on the bed, and then quickly took out the Duerjin needle and pricked it into the acupuncture point on her body. It ’s a pity that she ’s living her injury ...

Even Ye Xuan ’s thirteen stitches against the sky and the nine stitches of the fixed soul can barely stabilize the broken and broken sea of ​​knowledge of the night goddess Aina, but she ca n’t stop it from continuing to crumble and break, let alone her Nirvana Yuanying is cured ...

Knowing the sea is the most important place for a monk. Once it is hit hard, it is almost a fairy.

There are very few people like Ainina who have been hit hard and can barely survive, all supported by her will.

"How could this happen? Neither the Nine Changed Soul Needle nor the Nineteenth Needle Needed Nothing?"

Ye Xuan looked ugly, he summoned the medical scriptures to quickly find a way to treat Ainina, but there was no clue to make Ye Xuan anxious.

"Zihuang ... Zihuang ... You come out for me!"

"Purple phoenix, purple phoenix ... you tell me quickly, what can save Ainina?"

Ye Xuan yelled the name of Zi Huang hard in his heart, and asked her about how to save Ainina.

"She knew the sea was destroyed, Yuan Ying was broken, and she was saved ..."

Purple Phoenix's voice resounded in Ye Xuan's heart, which made Ye Xuan's heart cold. "Did you even have a way to save her?"

"Unfortunately, I don't have a way to save her. If I might be able to save her in his heyday, I can't do it now ..."

Purple Phoenix's answer made Ye Xuan's whole person stay like a deflated ball.

However, he did not give up, but urged the thirteen-needle acupuncture method to continuously input his vitality and life into the body of the night goddess Aina, but unfortunately it had no effect.

To some extent, Ainina's body was not injured. What hurt her was her knowledge of the sea and her soul ...

"Adult ... don't try it in vain, Master, they tried it, it's useless."

Looking at Ye Xuan who was struggling to save himself, Ainina's pale cheeks showed a smile, reaching out to grasp Ye Xuan's hand with needles, and looked at his deep eyes, with Weak words came out: "Adult, you can die in your arms, Ainina is satisfied."

During the speech, Ainina leaned her head into Ye Xuan's arms, making Ye Xuan feel sorry for a while.

"With ..."

Seems to have thought of something, Ye Xuan quickly took out the great compassion gift he got from Soul Yuying, and carefully studied it.

This exercise is dedicated to the cultivation and nourishment of the soul. It requires both men and women to practice at the same time. It is very helpful to the soul and has the effect of repairing the soul.

"Nina, I got a book dedicated to nourishing and repairing the soul. You will quickly write down the law above. We practice together, and it will definitely relieve your injury. Hurry ..."

Now Ye Xuan took the book to Ainina's eyes and asked her to check it.

"This ... this is a double cultivation method?"

Looking at the contents, Ainina couldn't help but stunned, a beautiful smile appeared on her exquisite face: "Adult, are you finally willing to accept Nina?"

"Adult ... I love you!"

Ainina stretched out her palms and stroked Ye Xuan's cheeks with a deep expression of affection.

"I ... I love you too!"

Looking at Aina, who was dying in her arms, Ye Xuan hesitated and whispered.

"Adult ... let's practice together?"

"Hmm ... did you remember the exercises?"

"Remember, let's start ..."

"it is good!"

Ye Xuan nodded gently.

The clothes of the two people gradually faded away, the flow of yin and yang began, and deep communication began, soul communication ...

A unique airflow poured into their bodies with their movements. The two seemed to merge into one. Ye Xuan could clearly feel the pain suffered by Ainina, and Ainina could also Clearly feel Ye Xuan's mood at this moment ...

As the yin and yang currents flowed into Ainina's sea of ​​consciousness, her broken sea of ​​consciousness showed signs of being repaired, which made Ye Xuan and her both happy.

It seems that this practice is indeed effective ...

In the next moment, the two invested more and more, and the movement became more and more powerful.

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