Medical Martial God

Chapter 1431: God War (Part 1)

"Finally give you a chance to evacuate with the ancient gods or die!"

The voice of Tianzang, the Lord of the Galaxy, echoed on the sky, causing everyone's eyes to fall involuntarily on Gudna, who was holding the ancient **** tripod, waiting for his answer.

"Either you roll or you die!"

Gudner's majestic momentum erupted, and there was a powerful voice in his mouth.

At the moment when his words fell, there was a roaring roar within the ancient **** tripod, the light circulated, and countless divine powers poured down on Gudner and poured into his body, making his eyebrows bright. With a dazzling light, the sixth ancient **** star is slowly condensing out, followed by the seventh ancient **** star.

Not only that, the Nine Daolong Souls surrounding the ancient Shending rushed into Gudner's body at this moment, making his momentum stronger at this moment.

"Since you are looking for death, then you are good to complete this seat."

In the eyes of the master of the Milky Way, Huangfu Tianzang, the murderous intentions rushed, the body's momentum exploded, one-handed seals, and the appearance of the ancient **** behind him made him like a flood, surging completely.

He flew out and landed steadily on top of the god's head. The palm of the star's power slammed against the god's head.


The closed eyes of the idol suddenly opened up and sprayed two gods of light towards the main lord of the Galaxy, Huangfu Tianzang.

The divine light is powerful and the destructive power is amazing. Even the face of the Northern Underworld Master Bei Cong and others have changed their faces, and their eyes are full of dignified light.

The idol summoned by Huangfu Tianzang is completely different from the real body called by Beicong and others, but it is a more advanced and powerful existence, and the attack power is more terrifying and fierce. Every attack can easily reinvent the real master. .


The power of the ancient **** Ding Gudna, the strength soared to the seven-star ancient god, although he could not hire the American realm, it was more powerful than many times.

At the moment when the two Divine Power Beams came, he directly smashed the ancient Divine Ding and rammed it, collided with the Divine Power Beams, bursting with a harsh metallic sound, and flicked the two Divine Power Beams away directly.

And Goodner was slamming the ancient **** Ding to the Huangfu Tianzang.


Huangfu Tianzang's face was cold, his thoughts moved, his palm pressed against the idol, the huge idol opened his mouth and spit out suddenly, spit out a flood-like pillar of power on the ancient **** tripod, which will rush Goodner retreated from the shock.

At the same time, the idol was surrounded by the power of stars, rushed out like lightning, and fisted at Gudna with his fists.


Goodner did not fear and dodge, the light in his eyes flowed, his fists clenched, and a straight fist blasted out, colliding with the fist hit by the idol.

A huge explosion sounded, the golden ancient **** energy and the red divine power spread in all directions from their fists.


Huangfu Tianzang's mouth gave a stern drink, and the more terrifying and wild power whistled from the fist of the idol and rolled towards Goodner.

Goodner's fist was shaken directly, and the idol smashed his fist into his face without any loss.

Goodner looked cold and reacted very fast, blocking the ancient gods in front of him.


A loud collision sounded, and the dense runes on the ancient **** tripod lit up the dazzling brilliance, returning the power carried by the fist of the idol to the shock.

"Kick kick..."

The idol was shaken back dozens of steps before stabilizing the figure, while Goodner was shaken backwards hundreds of meters to stabilize.

Obviously, even with the blessing of the ancient god, he is not an opponent of Huangfu Tianzang.

Of course, Huangfu Tianzang himself was not satisfied with this result.

His thoughts moved, and the majestic divine power was poured into the idol to make the idol more magnificent. His eyebrows were split with a golden vertical eye, and a red beam of light rushed out of his eyes and was attacked by Goodna. go with.

At the same time, the idol protruded with his right hand, torn the space, and pulled out a silver holy sword that was several thousand kilometers away from the inside, holding it in his hand.

This sword was condensed by Huangfu Tianzang's use of the power of faith in the Milky Way. It has great power, amazing lethality, and the power to destroy the stars. It is called the Holy Sword of the Silver Domain!

Silver domain holy sword in hand, the idol burst out of the whole body, the power of the stars circulated, holding the silver domain holy sword and slashed at Gudna.

A sword was slashed out, and the awn of tens of thousands of meters flashed, and the first to attack Gudna.

There is a Shinto beam shining from the third eye of the idol in front of him, and the silver domain holy sword cut out by the idol at the same time makes Gudner fall into a very passive situation.

Gudna's expression was cold, and there was no slight fluctuation on his face. He suddenly turned the ancient **** Ding, aimed at Huangfu Tianzang, and slapped Ding on his palm.

"Eternal flood!"

In an instant, the majestic power of the ancient gods poured out of the ancient **** tripod, turned into a golden dragon, and rushed forward violently, smashing the magic power beam, and collided with the slashed silver domain holy sword. together.


A huge collision sounded, and the eardrums were hurt, and the surging power roared across the sky, setting off a huge wave of energy.

Under the shocking gaze of the people, the silver domain holy sword cut off in the hands of the idol directly cut the head of the golden dragon converted by the power of the ancient **** into two halves, cutting the entire golden dragon from the middle into two halves, riding the wind and waves. Standing on the ancient **** tripod unrelentingly, bursting with dazzling sparks.


The powerful forces roared in height, and the whole person was badly hit. The ancient **** tripod was shaken in his hand. A large amount of black blood was sprayed from his mouth. The whole person flew out heavily and smashed an asteroid in the distance. Go to smash the asteroid.


"Master Patriarch..."

This scene made the ancient Protoss warriors change their faces one after another, and hurried to rush to support Goodner's body.

The cold light flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes, and his mouth was full of words. The ancient God Ding Zhenzhen turned into a streamer and continued to shrink, flying into his hands.

"Patriarch Goodner, how are you?"

Ye Xuan's body movement appeared beside Goodner, Shen Sheng asked.

"It's okay... If I can be promoted to the eight-star realm, I can still fight with that guy, but unfortunately it is still a bit worse."

Goodner stabilized his figure, shook his head gently, and raised his head to focus on the impeccable Huangfu Tianzang, with an ugly expression.

Even with the blessing of the ancient **** tripod, he is still not the opponent of Huangfu Tianzang.

After all, that guy is a domain powerhouse, and looking at the entire galactic domain is only such a powerhouse. Looking at the entire universe is also a rare existence, the most powerful.

"Patriarch, we will go with you!"

Many warriors of ancient **** clan Shen Sheng said.

"Yes, we can go and kill them together."

Gu Kehong, the left priest and the right priest also echoed.

"Gudner, I advise you to stay with your clan and leave. The ancient **** clan can't go through this water, and you can't keep this group of people."

The galactic master Huangfu Tianzang gazed coldly at Gudna, Gubena and others, with a cold voice coming out of his mouth: "Just now I have left my men, otherwise you have just become the seat. Don’t you understand the soul under the sword?"

Goodner looked cold, staring at Huangfu Tianzang with no words.

Upon seeing this, Huangfu Tianzang, the Lord of the Galaxy, did not say anything to him, but set his eyes on Ye Xuan, Ye Sifeng, and Queen Medusa. Their eyes shone with the light of Sen Han and spoke coldly: "Don't think that the ancient gods can protect you, and now this seat will send you on the road..."

"Really? Would you please try them?"

However, the words of Huangfu Tianzang, the Lord of the Galaxy, had just fallen off, and the cold and crisp voice came from afar.

This sudden sound made the people in the Dragon's Nest all have a strong sense of joy on their faces, so that they all turned their heads subconsciously and looked in the direction of the sound.


Under their shocking gaze, the roar of the dragons sounded.

A magnificent army emerged from the distant sky, and countless dragon warriors flew quickly on the giant dragon.

Headed by a golden dragon with nearly one hundred thousand feet long, standing on top of her head was a woman dressed in a camouflage uniform and carrying a shoulder-looking woman resembling a Barrett's heavy artillery, who was full of glorious elegance. The posture makes people look around.

In addition, there are a number of beautiful and moving fairy tales in the attic pulled by another dragon. People can't help but indulge in it.

They are the miraculous queen Miweier, the gentle queen Ye Jie, the emperor Ruo Qingya, and the dragon army.

"Sister Miweier!"

"Sister Ye!"


"Master Miweier..."

"Master Queen!"

Looking at the dragon domain queen Mi Weier and others who came with a group of dragons, the dragon nest warriors had a thick ecstasy on their faces, and there were excitement in their mouths.

Ye Sifeng, Su Haoran, Su Hanyan also had smiles on their faces.

They persisted for so long and finally waited for the reinforcements from Longyu.

In just a moment, Queen of the Dragon Field Mi Weier took the army of the Dragon Field to cross the line of defense of the Hengyunfu camp, came to the battlefield where Ye Xuan they were, and joined the camp of the Dragon Nest.

Looking at the Dragon Queen Empress Miweier and the gentle Queen Ye Jie, among others, Ye Xuan couldn't help but secretly praised: "Senior Lan Feng is really a blessing, a winner in life, every wife It’s the national appearance of Tianzi, the temperament is excellent, and the human beings..."

"Oh... There are a group of dead people again, but there are quite a few people who can't think of your earth star. No wonder Xiang Yuanchao's waste has failed to take the earth star..."

Looking at the coming Queen of the Dragon Field Mi Weier, the gentle Queen Ye Jie and others, Huang Fu Tianzang's eyes flashed with thick greed and scorching, and there was a cold word in his mouth: "But...I have to admit, The beauty of your earth star is quite unique. These women look pretty good. It is worth playing a while or taking it as a dungeon."

As the master of the Milky Way, Huangfu Tianzang was accustomed to all kinds of beautiful women, but after seeing the peerless beauty of Longyu Queen Mi Weier, Ye Jie, and Ruo Qingya, they were still amazed by them and their hearts rose. A greed and fiery.

These beautiful women, even if they are the virgins of many holy places, can't compare with the queen. He has never played with them.

"Destroy something that is filthy!"

Wen Yan, Empress of the Dragon Field Mi Weier looked cold and suddenly raised the unique sniper heavy artillery in her hand to pull the trigger against Huangfu Tianzang.


The piercing gunshots sounded, and a dragon gas bomb carried a wild murderous intention into a fury dragon and went straight to the Tianfu Zang, the main galactic master of the Milky Way.

"Dragon air condensed bullets? It can threaten the main power and cause damage to the main power. The weapon in your hand is a bit interesting, but unfortunately you can't take this seat!"

Upon seeing this, Huangfu Tianzang sneered, with his palm protruding directly towards the incoming bullet and grabbing him in his hand. The bullet twisted like a golden dragon but could not break away.


Queen of the Dragon Field Mi Weier looked cold, a long sword appeared in his hand, rushed out like a ghost, and his body appeared like a ghost in the side of Huangfu Tianzang. The long sword cut the void and cut away towards his neck. The picture beheaded him.

It is a pity that he was evaded by Huangfu Tianzang.

"Let the palace come and meet you."

Queen of the Dragon Field Mi Weier looked cold and was about to attack Huangfu Tianzang again, but the icy voice quietly sounded at this moment.

With the sound of this sound, a shadow of shadow appeared in front of Empress Miweier of Longyu quietly, and the white jade hand slammed down on Miweier's shoulder with a fierce killing intent.

However, Xue Siyan, the leader of Xuehan Realm, launched an attack on Miweier, the Queen of the Dragon Field.

As a woman, even as the Lord of the Realm, she was jealous of Mi Weier's beautiful face and temperament.

And her favorite thing is to slaughter women who are even prettier than she is in the world, so in the first time she launched a raid on Mi Weier.

A faint crisis permeated Mi Weier's heart, but there was no slight wave on her delicate cheeks, a small sideways skillfully avoided Xue Siyan's attack, and at the same time the long sword in her hand turned back, Shaved towards Xue Siyan's white neck.


Xue Siyan responded very quickly, and a short sword appeared in his hand to block the collision with the long sword of the Queen of the Dragon Field, Mi Weier, and a crisp collision sound was made.

Mi Weier's expression was cold, the cold light flashed in his eyes, and the other palm was snapped towards Xue Siyan's chest.

Xue Siyan was not afraid at all, and her white jade hand protruded and shot towards Mi Weier's palm.


The two palms face each other, the palms are thin, and the majestic energy roars.

The attack was blocked, and there was no slight fluctuation in Mi Weier's face, her arm shook violently, and a more majestic force burst out of her palm.


The sudden tremendous power made Dexue Siyan's face change, a mouthful of blood was sprayed from his mouth, his body was completely out of control, and was sent out by the terrible force.

Mi Weier's figure passed by her side, and the sword light turned on, bringing Xue Siyan a fatal crisis.


She didn't want to think about it. She slammed sideways and her short sword came out.

The sound of metal handover sounded, the terrible sword gas was thin, the short sword in Xue Siyan's hand was broken, the whole person was struck by lightning, and a large amount of black blood was sprayed from his mouth and flew out.

Bright red blood and broken hair fluttered in the air...

"Kick kick..."

Xue Siyan was shocked by a terrible sword and flew for thousands of kilometers before stabilizing her figure. There was a deep blood stain on her delicate cheeks, and the bright red blood continued to flow along her cheek wounds. Down...

Looking at the scars on his face and the severed hair, Xue Siyan's face was unsightly.

She raised her head and stared at the starry dragon queen Mi Weier, who was standing in the air and sheathing her long sword in front of her, with a cold flash of light in her eyes, and the words of anger and corruption in her mouth.

"Bitch, I will kill you!"

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