Medical Martial God

Chapter 1432: God War (Part 2)

Xue Siyan only had anger in her heart.

She is the master of the Xuehan Realm. She has a high status and is admired and admired by thousands of people. She admits that she is extremely talented and above all living beings.

Which one saw her [] was not awe in surrender to her?

But when did she eat such a big loss?

In front of everyone, the Queen of Dragon Field Mi Weier was repelled and even nearly disfigured.

As a lord of the world, does her face still need to be?

At the moment, the sharp cold light in Xue Si's eyes flashed, the whole body rushed coldly, and went straight to the Queen of the Dragon Field, Mi Weier.

The practice of Xue Siyan belongs to the nature of ice, and the lethality is particularly huge. It can be frozen in a single thought.

It seems that it is due to the influence of her breath, even people who are far away feel a bit of icy cold, and the next ice crystal snowflakes fall on the sky, making people instantly fall into the freezing winter.

Xue Siyan didn't know when there was an almost transparent long ice sword in his hand. He instantly came to the Queen of the Dragon Field, Mi Weier. The cold ice sword waved and took Mi Weier's throat straight.


The sound of weapon collision sounded, Xue Siyan's cold sword was resisted by the long sword in Mi Weier's hand.

The cold light overflowed, and the terrible cold erosion caused the long sword in Demi's hand to condense a layer of frost, and it was still spreading along the arm toward her palm holding the sword, trying to freeze her whole person.


Emperor Longwei Miweier's delicate cheeks did not have any slight fluctuations, her arms flickered violently, and terrible energy burst eruptively, as if the golden fire waves swept in all directions around her body, directly shaking Xue Siyan. Go backwards.

Still waiting for Xue Siyan to stabilize her figure, Mi Weier had already appeared beside her again, and the long sword in her hand cut out.

Sword light overflows, killing intention blooms.


Xue Siyan has no way to retreat and can only block with a sword.

The weapons collided, and the majestic energy roared, and the ice-condensed long sword in Xue Siyan's hands broke for a moment, and the long sword in Mi Weier's hand was carrying Ling Xian's murderous intent. Reduce the ground and cut towards Xue Siyan.


A strong crisis permeated Xue Siyan's heart, causing her face to change drastically and her body suddenly retreated.

Unfortunately, her movement speed is still too late.

The long sword passed by, the cold light overflowed, and the sound of the long sword piercing the clothes and the skin quietly sounded.

Xue Siyan's body flew out heavily, hitting a distant asteroid with a dull collision sound, setting off the dust in the sky.


A jet of black blood spewed out of Xue Siyan's mouth.

At this moment, the entire asteroid was frozen by the cold air released from her body and turned into a striking ice planet.

A slender sword mark appeared in front of Xue Siyan's chest. The sharp sword not only cut through her protective soft armor, but also left a deep mark under her most towering and proud mountain. There is blood constantly flowing out.

Looking down at the wound on the chest, Xue Siyan's face was as ugly as ugly.

As this is what she is most proud of, but the Queen of the Dragon Territory, Mi Weier, scratched them. In Xue Siyan's view, the woman was simply trampling her dignity again and again. .

"I will let you die without burial!"

Xue Siyan raised her head to stare coldly at Longwei Empress Mi Weier, and the ice-cold voice came from her mouth.


When her words fell, the more cold and terrible coldness spread around her body and spread to all sides, freezing all the planets around.

From a distance, the white coldness permeated, and the world where Xue Siyan was located became a snow and ice world. The planets frozen by her were pulled by her power to rotate around her at high speed, setting off a cold vortex.

"Go die to me!"

Xue Siyan pinched the tactics with both hands, the printing method changed, and there was a scream in his mouth.

The ice planets that revolved around her at high speed were all pulled by the force at this moment, and they rushed towards Mi Weier endlessly.


At the same time, the roar of the ice dragon sounded, and a huge ice dragon with a length of tens of thousands of feet was washed away from the ice vortex behind Xue Siyan, followed by the ice planet that was smashed, and then toward Mi Weier Rushed away.

This was a particularly spectacular scene, and a huge crisis followed.

There is no slight expression or fluctuation on the face of Empress Dragon Queen Miweier, and there is no meaning of dodge, but a step forward is turned into a streamer towards the ice planet smashed in front by the roar, and the long sword in his hand Waving, a brilliant beam of sword light bloomed with it, colliding with the ice planets.


A huge explosion sounded, and the ice planets were directly torn into two halves by the Miweier sword, and the ice crystals flew in all directions. The energy of terror spread like a turbulent wave in all directions, setting off a terrible cold wave and swallowing all around. Going away, the people who watched the surroundings exploded crazy.

As the ice planets were chopped, Mi Weier was left with the rushing ice dragon and the snow casting smoke in front of him, and the eyes shone with cold light.

On the side of her body, a sensitive dodge evaded the ice dragon with its big mouth open, and the long sword in her hand fell on the ice dragon's head.

Then she rushed forward, and the fierce and fierce ice dragon was torn like a tofu by Miweier's long sword from the middle, and it was cut from its dragon head along the dragon ridge to the dragon's tail. Divided into two, burst, and turned into ice crystals falling down.

Mi Weier was carrying the monstrous fierce power, and he was steadily attacking Xue Siyan. The sharp sword gleamed in the cold glare under the sunlight, and straight toward Xue Siyan. The heart pierced.

The attack was broken so easily by Mi Weier, but this was something Xue Siyan never thought of.

Looking at the long sword that killed the stab, Xue Siyan's face changed drastically, thinking about it, the sixteen energy planets surrounding him instantly formed a cold shield to resist her.

"Snow Cold Shield!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mi Weier's powerful attack was blocked by the ice shield.

The attack was blocked, Mi Weier's eyes shone with endless cold light, his arm shook, and a more majestic force burst out, forcing Xue Han, the main leader of Xuehan Realm, to retreat again and again, and exquisite cheeks appeared on his cheeks. With a touch of paleness, there is blood flowing from the corners of the mouth...

Seeing this scene, Huangfu Tianzang, the Lord of the Milky Way, could not help but frown, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, and at the same time his gaze at Mi Weier became more greedy and hot.

Worthy of being a Dragon Emperor's woman, both in appearance and strength are a must.

In particular, she used the half-step major as a major to suppress Xuesiyan, which made Huangfu Tianzang more interested and admired for Miweier.

As for the North Underworld Master Bei Cong, Dongming World Lord Hong Tian, ​​Youquan World Lord Di You, Nanwu World Lord Nangong Ziruo's brows could not help but pick one's eyes with cold light flashing, his face flashing a trace of coldness and dignity.

Obviously they did not expect that Xue Siyan, the master of Xuehan Realm, would be completely crushed by the Queen of the Dragon Field, Mi Weier, and there was no room for resistance.

You must know that in their eyes, Mi Weier's cultivation behavior did not enter the realm of the realm at all, but only a half-step realm, but her fighting power was terrifying and frightening.

At the moment, they waited for each other to look at each other, and at this moment they all attacked and embarked on the dragon domain queen Miweier, surrounded her to the regiment, so that she did not retreat in the slightest.

"Dare to attack under our eyelids, you are too worthy of yourself."

The cold voice resounded in Mi Weier's ear, bringing her a strong crisis, making her face cold and ugly to the extreme.

This sudden change made the faces of the Dragon Nest Warriors who were shocked by Mi Weier's power all change, and there was anxious words in his mouth.

"Master Miweier, be careful!"

"General Mi Weier, hurry away!"

Obviously they didn't expect those guys to be so shameless, they wanted to launch a group attack on Mi Weier.


A cold voice came from Mi Weier's mouth, she decisively gave up the attack on Xue Siyan.

The space in front of her shattered, and a sharp dragon claw protruded and grabbed her body into the void, so that the Northern Underworld Master Bei Cong and others all threw a void.

A few kilometers away, Mi Weier's figure slowly emerged.

At her feet was a huge golden dragon, which made her rise.

"Sister Xueer, how are you? Are you okay?"

"Sister Si Yan, are you okay?"

Fu Xi, the master of the West Sea Realm, Zi Ruo, the Master of the Nanwu Realm, and Di You, the Master of the Youquan Realm, came to Xue Siyan and asked with concern.

"I will kill her!"

Xue Siyan's face was ugly, and she stared at Mi Weier coldly, with angry and bitter words in her mouth.

"Sister Xue, you are seriously injured, rest first!"

Xue Siyan was about to rush towards Mi Weier again, but was stopped by Bei Cong Lord Bei Cong: "I will handle the rest."

Hearing the words of Beicong, the master of the North Underworld, Xue Siyan hesitated, quickly sat cross-legged, and nodded gently.

As for the Northern Underworld Lord Bei Cong, he set his eyes on Mi Weier's body, his eyes gleamed with ice and cold, and walked towards her step by step, and indifferent words came out of his mouth: Cultivating Sister Xue, your combat power is really terrifying, but after all, it is only a half-step realm, let this seat tell you the strength gap between the realm and half-step realm!"

As the words of the Northern Underworld Master Bei Cong fell, a powerful momentum exploded from his body and swept all around.

Then, a terrible energy broke out and he went straight to Mi Weier with a wild killing intention, so that everyone's eyes were amazed.

Mi Weier's face was cold, and he was about to start, but the cold and majestic voice sounded at this moment.

"What is the ability to bully a woman, have the ability to come to the seat!"

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