Medical Martial God

Chapter 1478: decision!

The Chamber of the Jin Family Courtyard.

Jin Yuan's current patriarch Jin Yuan Hao Zheng was sitting in the lobby with many elders and seniors of the Jin family to discuss the affairs of the family and plan the future development of the Jin family.

However, at this moment, a clan hurriedly pushed open the door of the meeting hall, and anxious words came out of his mouth: "Clan... Patriarch, Zhu... Elders, big ...The big thing is not good."

"What's so panic? What system?"

Looking at the fussing tribe, Jin Yuan Hao flashed a little displeasure on his face and said with a solemn expression.

The frowns of other gold parents and senior staff also slightly frowned.

They are negotiating a major event, what is it that a servant breaks in with such fuss?

"Clan... The patriarch, just sent a message from the Universe Bank to hunt down the Jin Da commander and all the guards who killed the three masters..."

The clan said with a trembling shock.

"What? They are dead?"

Hearing the words of the servant, the faces of Jin Yuan Hao and Jin Jinlao could not help but can't help but there was a stunned voice in his mouth.

"Who the **** dare to murder us in Tianhe City, don't they know that most of the Tianhe City belongs to our Golden Family?"

In Jin Yuanhao's eyes, the murderous flickering, the powerful breath spread, and there were angry words in his mouth.

"Clan... The patriarch is angry, and the murderer who killed the commander is still waiting for the Universe Bank, and makes you..." The man hesitated for a moment and didn't know what to say.

"What do you want me to do?" Jin Yuan Hao said aggressively.

"Let you take our Jin family members to lead the death!"

The man gritted his teeth.


Hearing his words, Jin Yuan Hao and many elders couldn't sit still anymore, stood up at once, smashed heavily on the table with a slap, and said angrily.

"Submit the order, call the family master to follow me!"

At the moment, Jin Yuan Hao issued an order.

Huajia Courtyard is located in the east of Tianhe City, but it is the overlord in the east.

Now in the back garden of the Huajia compound, a middle-aged man who looks like a tiger is playing chess with the Huajia patriarch Hua Youyan while drinking tea and chatting leisurely, looking very special. Leisurely, not disturbed by the world.

The Hua family elder Hua Youyan looks like she is in her forties, with a handsome face, a straight posture, and a very chic look, which can be described as complementing his name, and is very prestigious in Tianhe City.

The tiger-like middle-aged man playing chess with him is Luo Tianhu, the owner of Tianhe City. His reputation in Tianhe City is extraordinary, second only to the star owner of Tianhe Star.

Hua Youyan and Luo Tianhu are close friends, and they have a very good relationship.

Miss Huajia Huamei will marry Luo Tianhu's son. Once the family affairs are completed, the two parties can be said to be intimate.

It's a pity that Miss Huajia's Hua Mei was killed by Ye Xuan and they caused this family matter to be yellow...

But this incident made Hua Youyan feel ashamed, and has not told Luo Tianhu.

"By the way, Brother Hua... I heard on the way that someone said that the girl of Hua Mei was killed by someone, should this be a rumor?"

As if thinking of something, Luo Tianhu set his eyes on Hua Youyan and asked Shen Sheng.

Hearing Luo Tianhu's words, Hua Youyan couldn't help but stunned, then a thick bitter smile and apology appeared on her face, and there was a deep voice in her mouth: "Brother Luo, I want to tell you this when I asked you this time It’s just that I don’t know how to speak, so..."

"Brother Hua, do you mean that outside rumors are not rumors?"

Luo Tianhu raised his eyebrows and put down his chess piece.

"It's really not a rumor... Hua Mei's girl had an accident and was killed outside Tianhe Xing..." Hua Youyan felt extremely irritable in her heart and never thought of playing chess again, throwing the pawns aside and helplessly speaking.

Hua Mei is his daughter, and the pain of bereavement makes him particularly uncomfortable, but there is nowhere to tell that he can only play chess to relieve boredom. Unexpectedly, Luo Tianhu asked about this.

"Fuck, who did it? Did the murderer catch it?"

Luo Tianhu patted the table, his eyes flashing fiercely, and his face was angry.

"Hua commander has sent someone to arrest, I believe that the murderer will be brought back soon."

Hua Youyan looked coldly and said, "Dare to hurt my daughter, I have to peel off the shit..."

"The clan... the patriarch... the big... The big thing is not good. Just now the Universe Bank sent someone to say that the Great Commander was killed in their bank. The murderer is waiting for the Universe Bank to let you lead the past!"

Hua Youyan's words had just finished falling, and a servant hurried over to gather reports.


Hearing his words, Hua Youyan's face could not help changing.

"Who dares to be so bold and so arrogant in Tianhe City?"

Luo Tianhu asked fiercely.

"It belongs to... I don't know, according to... It is said to be a young man...Miss Hua was killed by him."

The men did not dare to look directly at Luo Tianhu's gaze, lowering his head and whispering.

"It is extremely arrogant! Brother Hua, [58 Novel] go... I will accompany you on a trip!"

At the moment, Luo Tianhu said agrily.

"Notify me, order the masters of the family to follow me to the Universe Bank! I want to see who is so bold and dare to be against my Huajia!"

The flower burned with anger and said coldly.

When the words fell, he walked quickly out of the courtyard.

Shangguan Mansion is the home of Shangguan, one of the three major families of Tianhe City, located in the south of Tianhe City.

Now in the study room in Shangguan Fuzhong, a middle-aged man is holding a brush to practice writing.

He looked like he was in his fifties, with a gentle face, a thin figure, a book smell, and a Confucianism in his hands.

His name is Shangguan Confucianism, but the patriarch of the Shangguan family.

Among the three major families in Tianhe City, the Hua family is the most powerful, followed by the Jin family, and the Shangguan family is ranked last, because Shangguan Confucianism does not like to fight.

"Boom boom..."

Just as Shangguan Confucian practiced writing, the crisp knock on the door rang at this moment.

"Come in!"

Shangguan Confucius stopped writing and said lightly.

Soon an old man dressed as an old housekeeper came in.


The old housekeeper respectfully greeted the senior officials.

"What's the matter? Have you looked at the killing of our people outside the Tianhe?"

Shangguan Confucian put down his pen and asked casually in a chair.

"There are eyebrows. It is said that it was done by three outsiders, a young man in Nirvana and two women who were trained to be advanced. It was they who killed the three young masters of the Jin family and the young lady of the Hua family... and not long ago. The commander and the Hua family commanded a large number of guards to go to the young man to settle the accounts."

"Youth is doing business in the Universe Bank. I heard people say that after the Jin family and the Hua family entered, all of them died, and no one came out of it alive...and the young man also spoke out to let the Jin family head. The head of the Hehua family passed away."

"Just now I got the latest news. Hua Youyan and Jin Yuanhao have rushed past with the masters of the clan, and the master of the city is also accompanied. Do you think we should go over to see? After all, several of our clan also died there. In the hands of young people."

The old housekeeper respectfully told the news he found.

Hearing the words of the old housekeeper, Shangguan Confucian's brows could not help but frowned, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a wise light surging in his eyes, and he fell into a long contemplation.

He didn't care about the fact that they died a few people.

After all, he understands the course of events, it is their people who went to seize other treasures because they were not as good as people were killed...

He was curious as to what the other party was, and even dared to kill the commander of the Jin and Hua families directly, and let the two heads of the family die.

According to the judgment of Shangguan Confucianism, the other party's origin is great.

And... still killing people at the Universe Bank.

"What is Sima Yuying's attitude?"

At the moment, Shangguan Confucian Shen Sheng asked.

"President Sima's attitude is unclear, but as far as we know, Universe Bank has not intervened in this matter..."

The old housekeeper apparently made the matter very detailed.

"This is a bit anomalous, it seems that the other party is coming from an unusual place, otherwise, with the cooperative relationship between Jinjia and Huajia and Cosmos Bank, they cannot let Jinjia and Huajia die there... Jinjia and Huajia are in It’s time for Tianhe City to rampage and dominate for so many years. If they still have no one in their eyes, I am afraid they will suffer a big loss this time!"

"Submit the order, and use all the masters of the clan to secretly encircle the Jin family and the Hua family! No one should be exposed without my order."

The fierce light flashed in the eyes of Shangguan Confucianism, and he made a decision.

"Patriarch, are you going to start with these two families?"

The old housekeeper asked puzzled.

"We have endured so many years now that the time has come. Let them see who is the owner of Tianhe City!"

Shangguan Ru said coldly.


The old housekeeper took a breath and nodded respectfully.

"I went to Universe Bank for a walk!"

Shangguan Confucianism dumped the next sentence and walked towards the study outsider.

Baoqi Pavilion, antique room.

Yafei and the three elders of the Baoqi Pavilion sat in chairs, and Xu Shang stood respectfully beside them, telling them what happened to the Universe Bank.

"Shen Ximu, Jin commanded them all dead, killed by that son?"

When listening to Xu Shang's story, Yafei frowned tightly.

"It's so bold that I dare to kill someone in my treasure cabinet!"

The three elders clapped the table and said angrily.

Anyway, Shen Ximu is also the fourth deacon of Baoqi Pavilion. He was killed. How could he not be angry?

"The three elders don't need to be angry. Shen Ximu, the brainless guy, will die if he dies! Xu Shang, why didn't you tell me earlier that they killed the three young masters of the Jin family outside Tianhe Xing..."

Yafei narrowed his eyes narrowly and focused on Xu Shang.

"They were driven away by Shen Ximu at that time, so I just..." Xu Shang lowered his head.

"What is the situation of the Jin family and the Hua family now?" Yafei asked again.

"The head of the Jin family, the head of the flower family, and the city owner took them to the Universe Bank..." Xu Shang replied.

"So what do you think we should do?" A flash of coldness flashed in Jaffe's eyes.

"I think we should stand in the night boy." Xu Shang hesitated and answered.

"Why?" Yafi asked again.

"Because Sima Yuying is in awe of Ye Gongzi. And... Ye Gongzi has a limited number of Supreme Master Cards!" Xu Shang Shen Sheng said.

"Limited Edition Supreme Master Card?"

Yafei's face changed, and the three elders next to him moved.

They know exactly what the Supreme Master Card means.

"Yes... Although I only glanced at the card, it's definitely not wrong, and it was the night boy received by Sima Yuying." Xu Shang nodded.

"Do they know about the Kowloon Pavilion?"

Yafei forced down the shock in his heart and asked again.

"When I returned, I saw that Nan Chenwu, the owner of Jiulong Pavilion, had taken people out. It should have been to the Universe Bank."

Xu Shang replied again: "Master Yafei, we have missed an opportunity before, but now we cannot miss it again."

"What are you waiting for? Take someone with me!"

At the moment, Yafei made a decision instantly, stood up and walked towards the outside of the room.

PS; Dragon Emperor Lanfeng Range Canglong Star 03 has been updated, follow the WeChat public account Xiaoming to read!

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