Medical Martial God

Chapter 1479: Ye Xuan surrounded!

Universe Bank Tianhe Branch.

In the luxurious and lavish hall, Ye Xuan sipping leisurely Sima Yuying's warm spirit wine while listening to the beautiful song she played and admiring her graceful posture, her disturbed heart gradually calmed down .

This Sima Yuying is indeed versatile, and the melody played is quite interesting, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"Kick kick..."

It's just that the quiet atmosphere didn't last long before it was interrupted by rapid footsteps.

As the footsteps sounded, Jin Yuan Hao, the head of the Jin family, came in with a large number of Jin Jiaqiang.

They were able to get here so easily because Sima Yuying's order didn't let security personnel stop them. Otherwise, if they wanted to get here, it was naturally not so easy.

After all, this is a universe bank, which is a terrifying existence in the entire universe.

"Have seen President Sima!"

Looking at the Sima Yuying sitting on the side of the piano, the angry Jin Yuan Hao Qiang pressed down the anger in his heart and politely clenched his fists.

"The Patriarch Jin is here. Please sit down!"

Sima Yuying nodded with a smile and spoke lightly.

"It's not necessary to sit down. I came here to find this kid to settle the accounts...I suppose President Sima wouldn't mind?"

Jin Yuan Hao gently waved his hand, set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body, his eyes shone with the light of Sen Han.

This kid is just nirvana cultivation, he didn't put it in his eyes at all.

The reason why he asked Sima Yuying this way was that he hoped that Sima Yuying would not intervene.

He even suspected that it was Sima Yuying who had previously saved the kid from the hands of the Jinjia commander and others, thus killing the Jinjia commander and others.

After all, in his view, the kid in Nirvana was not at all concerned, and he did not have the strength to kill the Jinjia commander.

Hearing Jin Yuan Hao’s words, Sima Yuying couldn’t help but smile. She stretched out her white jade hand to caress the bangs in front of her forehead, and there were beautiful words in her mouth: “Princess Jin smiled and laughed, but our Universe Bank is unwritten. Regulations, it is forbidden to get involved in any power struggle, only to do business with peace of mind!"

"But as an old partner who has cooperated for many years, Patriarch Jin... I have to remind you that you have to think twice before doing anything."

Sima Yuying's sentence was a warning and hint to Jin Yuanhao.

"President Sima meant to keep me from moving this nirvana kid?"

Jin Yuan Hao's eyes flashed, his eyebrows raised, and asked coldly.

Sima Yuying wanted to say something, but after seeing Ye Xuan's gently raised eyebrow, she dismissed her idea: "The Jin patriarch is the head of a family, and I must do everything in my own right. Words."

"I hope that President Sima will not intervene for a while!"

Jin Yuan Hao nodded, and then his eyes fell on Ye Xuan's body, and said with a cold voice: "Boy, are you letting us come and lead the death?"


Ye Xuan did not deny it, but nodded gently.

"Every nirvana is so arrogant that it really doesn't know life or death, come here... take him to me!"

At the moment, Jin Yuan Hao's eyes flashed a murderous opportunity, and shouted sharply.

As his words fell, suddenly a large number of Jin masters rushed towards Ye Xuan.


But at this moment, the majestic voice sounded at this moment.

With the sound of this sound, the majestic pressure quietly descended so that the several gold guards who rushed towards Ye Xuan seemed to be stuck in the quagmire, unable to move.

Under the cold and surprised eyes of Jin Yuanhao, a majestic middle-aged man hurried in with a group of masters.

There is a pagoda logo guarded by the nine-headed golden dragon on their costumes, showing their extraordinary identity.

This is the shadow guard of the Kowloon Pavilion.

The middle-aged man headed by is Nan Chenwu, the patriarch of the Kowloon Pavilion.

"Brother Nan, what do you mean by the Kowloon Pavilion?"

Looking at the coming Nan Chenwu, Jin Yuan Hao frowned slightly and asked suspiciously.

In the eyes of Ye Xuan sitting on the sofa next to him, there was a flash of surprise. Obviously, he did not expect that the people of the Kowloon Pavilion would come over at this time.

And it seems that he still came for himself.

Faced with the question of Jin Yuan Hao, Nan Chenwu didn't pay attention, but quickly walked to Ye Xuan's side, his face covered with smiles and said apologetically: "Sorry, night boy, we are late, let You are frightened."


Ye Xuan did not say much, but pointed to the seat next to it.

Nan Chenwu nodded and sat down on the sofa next to it.

"Brother Nan, what do you mean?"

Jin Yuan Hao's eyes flashed a faint cold awn, and asked coldly.

"King Patriarch, Ye Gongzi is a distinguished guest of our Jiulong Pavilion. Today, it would be better to give me Nan Chenwu a face, so how about that?"

Nan Chen Wu Jiang's eyes fell on Jin Yuan Hao, Shen Sheng said.

"Dare to ask Brother Nan, who is this son of you, and you want to protect him despite our friendship?"

Jin Yuan Hao pressed the anger in his heart and asked coldly.

Some of their Jin family cooperates with the Kowloon Pavilion.

"I said, Ye Gongzi is a distinguished guest of our Kowloon Pavilion, and his business is our business of the Kowloon Pavilion... If your Jin family wants to move him, then ask us the Kowloon Pavilion first!"

Nan Chenwu's whole body exploded, showing their position completely.

Although they have some cooperation with the Jin family, they are not happy. After all, the cooperation between the Jin family and the Baoqi Pavilion is deeper.

He has a very good personal relationship with Zhang Lin, the manager of the Universe Bank. Zhang Lin has told him that Ye Xuan has a limited-edition purple gold main card, and then he associates Ye Xuan’s previous handwriting so he did not hesitate to stand up and support Ye Xuan. , To show their position in the Kowloon Pavilion.

If this time, hold the thigh of Ye Gongzi, they will inevitably step on the foot of the Baoqi Pavilion.

"Nan Chenwu, do you know the consequences of what you do?"

Jin Yuan Hao Li shouted: "This kid is offended not only by our Jin family, but also by the Hua family, and even the castle mansion! Don't you know that Hua Mei was killed by him? Don't know that she is the daughter-in-law of the castle lord's door?"

"You Jiulong Pavilion can go to Tianhe City to the point where it is today thanks to the support of several big families. Do you know what your current behavior means?"

"I know exactly what I am doing."

Nan Chenwu said indifferently.

"Since this is the case, then you intend to let your Jiulong Pavilion be completely removed from Tianhe City and disappear from the Tianhe Star?"

Nan Chenwu's words had just finished falling, and the cold and majestic voice sounded at this moment.

With the sound of this sound, Tianhe City Lord Luo Tianhu, Hua Youyan, the head of the Hua family, and a large number of strong men broke into the hall, and Ye Xuan, Nan Chenwu, and the Jiulong Pavilion were surrounded by water, leaving them without Lu escaped.

Seeing this scene, Sima Yuying shook her head secretly, but she said nothing.

At the same time, she was also curious about how Ye Xuan's cultivation of Nirvana now confronted the tyrants of Tianhe City Master and Hua Youyan.

After all, their cultivation is not an immortal state, but the pinnacle of the immortal state or even the existence of the Great Consummation.

Even if he now has the Kowloon Pavilion to help face the three forces in front of him, he has no advantage or chance of winning.

The son can cross the three super-large realms to kill the group of people in Tianhe City? In the opinion of Sima Yuying, it is obviously impossible.

"City Lord!"

"Have seen the city master!"

Looking at the coming Luo Tianhu, Jin Yuan Hao and many masters of the Jin family clenched their fists.

Nan Chenwu, the owner of Jiulongge Pavilion, frowned, and his face did not fluctuate much.

"President Sima, take the liberty to disturb and hope to forgive me!"

Tianhe City Lord Luo Tiancheng, the head of the Hua family, when they walked in, greeted Sima Yuying.

After all, Sima Yuying is the president of Tianhe Branch of the Universe Bank, and his status is extraordinary.

"Master Lord, the Flower Chief is welcome!"

Sima Yuying responded lightly.

Her attitude at the moment was much colder than usual, but Luo Tiancheng, Hua Youyan, did not notice.

"Nan Chenwu, at this moment you took the people from Jiulong Pavilion out of here. We can not blame this matter in the past. We will still do business with you in the future."

After greeting, Tianhe City Lord Luo Tiancheng set his eyes on Nan Chenwu and said coldly.

As the owner of Tianhe City, he has a unique identity and is in charge of a city. He really has the qualification to speak to Nan Chenwu in this way.

Nan Chenwu looked ugly, and was about to speak, but Ye Xuan said lightly: "Nan Pavilion Master, I have your kind intentions. I still don’t want to get involved in the Kowloon Pavilion, just watch it aside. Right!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Sima Yuying couldn't help but flash a trace of surprise. Isn't Ye Yezi planning to deal with Luo Tiancheng and Jin Yuan Hao alone?

Nan Chenwu still wanted to say something, but after seeing his calm gaze, he finally nodded his head and put his gaze on Luo Tianhu. Shen Sheng said, "We here in the Kowloon Pavilion will no longer intervene."


After receiving Nan Chenwu's answer, Luo Tiancheng nodded in satisfaction, and Hua Youyan and Jin Yuanhao quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if they intervene at the Kowloon Pavilion, they are more or less troublesome.

"Boy, you are very calm... Now that there is no Jiulong Pavilion covering you, what can you do with a little nirvana?"

Jin Yuan Hao set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body and said cruelly and sensibly.

"I don't like killing people. I will give you a chance before we start. If you now kneel down and apologize to me, I can't blame you for what happened today! Otherwise, I don't mind letting you disappear from the world. "

Ye Xuan took a leisurely sip of Lingjiu, put down the glass, his eyes slowly swept from the crowd, and said indifferently.

"Haha... This kid is so crazy, is it true to say such things now?"

"I don't think he is crazy, but he is scared and stupid. How dare he speak in a nirvana environment?"

"This kid is so lively and crooked!"

"I really don't know that the sky is thick!"

Ye Xuan's words fell into the ears of Jin Yuan Hao, Hua Youyan, Luo Tiancheng and their subordinates, making them laugh like they heard Tianda's joke.

The people of Nan Chenwu and Jiulong Pavilion were also taken aback by Ye Xuan's remarks.

This is really crazy.

In Sima Yuying's beautiful eyes, there was a flash of splendor...

For the first time, she met such a madman.

"It seems that you have already made your choice. Since that is the case... then you should die!"

Upon seeing this, a trace of impatience flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes, and he slowly stood up from the sofa and took hold of the dragon blade hilt in his hand.

Shangguan Confucian, who was sitting in the teahouse opposite the Universe Bank and watched this scene, said excitedly and excitedly.

"Are you finally going to fight?"

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