Medical Martial God

Chapter 1504: Please Mrs. Cui!

In the luxurious private room, Ye Xuan drank and drank alone, but I didn’t know why although the wine and food were all good, the wine tasted like white water, but the food tasted without salt.

Perhaps it was the arrival of the Grand Duke Jin who had just destroyed his Yaxing.


He had just picked up the glass and hadn't had a sip before the door of the box was kicked.

Duan Mu Tianchen walked in from the outside with an imposing momentum and exuberance and oppression.

"Boy, you just rejected the invitation of the Sixth Prince?"

Duanmu Tianchen stared at Ye Xuan, his eyes shone brightly, and spoke coldly.

The arrival of Duanmu Tianchen is undoubtedly sweeping away the last bit of Ye Xuan drinking.

"Not bad."

He slowly put down the wine glass in his hand and spoke lightly.

"It's kind of... Do you think that martial arts are prohibited in Wangxianlou, and you can't help the Sixth Highness?"

Duanmu Tianchen said coldly.

He just remembered that this kid seemed to be the kid from Nirvana who was stopped outside the door when he and Huang Yincheng came to Wangxianlou.

Although I don't know how this kid came here in the end, this does not mean that Duanmu Tianchen can take Ye Xuan into his eyes.

What can a nirvana kid do?

He could blow him to death in one breath.

Ye Xuan quietly looked at Duanmu Tianchen, and did not speak.

"Boy, Your Sixth Royal Highness has an invitation. If you know you, please come with me. Otherwise, I don’t mind killing you here. Although Wangxianlou prohibits fighting, it’s easy for me to kill you. ...I'm not threatening you, but explaining a fact to you."

The cold light flashed in Duanmu Tianchen's eyes, and the breath of being a half-step boundary master quietly emerged, which caused a huge oppression in the box.

"Since His Highness is so kind, then I will see you!"

Ye Xuan dropped the glass, stood up, and spoke lightly.

The Six Highnesses came to the door three times and four times, but if they weren't there, they couldn't make sense.

The food and drink here is tasteless, so simply add a bit of flavor, anyway, that Ying Weng has nothing to come.

"Huh, you're the acquaintance. Come with me!"

Seeing Ye Xuan agree, Duan Mu Tianchen let out a sneering sneer in his nose and turned towards the outside of the room. Ye Xuan followed the pace slowly.

"Brother Duanmu is back? What about the kid?"

"Are you killing the kid?"

In the box, looking at the returned Duanmu Tianchen, Huang Yincheng, Gu Sulan and others could not help but ask.

Sixth Prince Hai Shixin drank wine on his own.

"It doesn't exist... A little boy in Nirvana Realm is worth my hands? This boy is quite acquainted, and he came with him. Come in!"

Duanmu Tianchen opened the box door a bit and said coldly.

Ye Xuan strode out of the room and walked in.

"Huh...who should I be? It turns out to be you kid."

Looking at Ye Xuan, who walked in, Huang Yincheng's face sneered, and he said disdainfully.

"Brother Huang knows this kid?"

Gu Sulan asked curiously.

"Remember the kid who was stopped outside when we came in Wangxianlou?"

Huang Yincheng said lightly: "It's him! It's just that I didn't expect how this boy who didn't qualify to come in later came in."

"The Huang patriarch knew him well?" Sixth Prince Hai Shixin asked with some surprise.

"His Royal Highness, I am not familiar with this kid... But Mrs. Lan seems to know this kid very well."

Huang Yincheng set his sights on the six princes Hai Shixin, Shen Sheng replied.

"She knows this kid very well?" A glimmer of coldness and doubt flashed in the eyes of Sixth Prince Haishixin.

"Well... when I came to Haihuang City..." Huang Yincheng nodded gently, and then said what happened to Mrs. Lan and Ye Xuan after he was out of the teleportation array. Talked about the unusual relationship between Mrs. Lan and Ye Xuan.

After listening to Huang Yincheng's remarks, the Sixth Prince's face looked particularly ugly and cold, and set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body, coldly: "Boy, what is your relationship with Mrs. Lan?"

"Are you asking me to ask this?"

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed, a flash of coldness and impatience flashed in his eyes.


"Ravage! Hugh is rude to His Highness!"

Ye Xuan's arbitrary and arrogant attitude made Gu Sulan, Duanmu Tianchen and Huang Yincheng all look cold and shouted.

"Kneel down and talk to me!"

Grandpa Jin kicked kicking Ye Xuan back.

This guy wants to kick Ye Xuan's legs off.


At the next moment, a dull collision sounded.

Ye Xuan, who was expected to have kicked his broken leg, did not happen. His body remained motionless. On the contrary, it was Jin Gonggong's kick that kicked Ye Xuan's leg. It was very painful. It was like kicking on a piece of super-hard alloy. The powerful anti-shock force shocked Jin Gonggong's legs, which made him extremely embarrassed.

You know, he has the strength of the Great Consummation of Immortal Realm, and the kid in front of him is just Nirvana.

This result made Duanmu Tianchen, Gu Sulan, and Huang Yincheng all their eyes, and there was a trace of consternation and surprise in their eyes.

What's happening here?

This is completely wrong.

"Grandpa, are you kidding us on purpose?"

After a moment, Huang Yincheng said with a joke.


The cold light flashed in Jin Gonggong's eyes, and the immortal power in his body wrapped his right leg so that his right leg was surrounded by fire. A scream was made in his mouth, and he kicked again towards Ye Xuan's leg.

He doesn't believe in evil today, and his immortal realm can't deal with a nirvana realm kid?

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan looked cold, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, and at the moment Kick Duke kicked his leg, his leg kicked out as fast as lightning.

"Bang! Click!"

The dull collision sound and the sound of broken bones quietly sounded.

Under the stunned and unbelievable gaze of Duke Jin, he saw that the leg he kicked was twisted and deformed instantly, and the bone inside was also broken.


In the next moment, the terrible and painful howling came from the mouth of Duke Jin.

"I'm going to kill you, this shit..."

King Gonggong endured the pain of his broken leg, a roar in his mouth, and his right hand slammed into Ye Xuan with a fist.

It's a pity that he was randomly grabbed by Ye Xuan's palm, and then Ye Xuan's palm slammed.


The sound of broken bones sounded again, Grandpa Jin's wrist was broken, and the whole person knelt in front of Ye Xuan.


He stared at Ye Xuan with a vicious eye, and was about to speak. Ye Xuan's eyes flashed with a murderous thought, and his thoughts moved. Star Emperor Long Yan burst out from the ground and instantly wrapped the body of Jin Gonggong, wrapping his body one by one. Burn down to nothingness.

"Do not……"

In an instant, Grandpa Jin was burned to ashes, and only the screams before his death echoed in the box for a long time.

Watching the golden father-in-law that was burned into nothingness to evaporate from the world at that moment, looking at Ye Xuan, who stood upright and breezy, whether it was Huang Yincheng, Duanmu Tianchen, Beicong Geyun or Gu Sulan, the six princes Haishixin they There is a sense of unreality.

It is really hard for them to believe that the Nirvana Realm kid in front of him instantly killed the Grand Duke Jin who had achieved the Great Consummation of the Immortal Realm.

This happened so quickly that they never had time to intervene.

"This guy actually killed Grandpa Gong? He didn't know that Grandpa Gong was the man of His Highness Six?"

"How could this nirvana guy have such a terrible combat power? Is he going to work with His Highness Six?"

"How could a monk in Nirvana be so strong?"

At this moment, Huang Yincheng, Bei Cong Ge Yun, Gu Sulan, Duan Mu Tianchen were all filled with shock and doubt.

However, they quickly recovered and looked at Ye Xuan's eyes full of undisguised coldness. A strong killing intention spread out from their bodies.

Huang Yincheng said with a sneer: "Boy, although I don't know what method you used to kill Grandpa Jin, but do you know the rules of Wangxianlou? Fighting is prohibited here, and we can play you without hands!"

During the speech, Huang Yincheng directly pressed an emergency help button set on Wangxianlou on the table.

This is the emergency help button set in Wangxianlou. Once pressed, a large number of escorts from Wangxianlou will come.

Sixth Prince Hai Shixin did not speak, but stared at Ye Xuan indifferently, with a sharp light in his eyes, as if to see Ye Xuan through.

His keen intuition told him that the kid in front of him was not as simple as it seemed.

Nirvana Realm is very good, even hard to understand, as the Grand Duke who can kill the Great Consummation of the Immortal Realm.

What's more, Mrs. Lan seems to have a soft spot for this kid.

This shows that there is a secret in this guy.

He was not in a hurry, but was waiting.

What are you waiting for?

People waiting for Xianlou.

Fighting is prohibited in Wangxianlou!

This guy killed people here and broke the rules of Wangxianlou, then let the people of Wangxianlou handle it.

Let Wangxianlou try this kid's bottom.

The people present were all smart people. After Ye Xuan easily killed Grand Duke Jin, they were already keenly aware of what was happening.

People who wait for Wangxianlou to come, wait for Wangxianlou to give them a satisfactory explanation.

"Kick kick..."

Soon a hurried pace came from the corridor outside.

Later, a manager of Wangxianlou came to the box with a large number of Wangxianlou's guards.

This steward looks like he is in his seventies.

After entering the box, he looked very polite and greeted the six princes Hai Shixin, Gu Sulan, and Duanmu Tianchen: "The old man has seen His Royal Highness, the Huang patriarch, the patriarch Gu... I don’t know what happened here. What made you press the emergency help alert?"

This steward is named Yi Dahai, but is a deacon of Wangxianlou. His status is quite high, and he is very familiar with the six princes Hai Shixin, Huang Yincheng and others.

As for Ye Xuan, he did not know, plus Ye Xuan's nirvana practice, so he chose to ignore it directly.

"This kid openly used force in Wangxianlou to kill Grandpa Jin... I need you to give Ben Wang an explanation."

Sixth Prince Hai Shixin pointed to Ye Xuan and said coldly.

"This... Isn't His Sixth Highness joking? This son is just nirvana realm cultivation, can kill Jin Gong Gong? Jin Gong Gong is the master of the immortal realm."

Yi Dahai thought that the six princes were joking, so he said quite politely.

What's more, he didn't see Grandpa Jin's body here.

"Deacon Yi thinks we are joking?"

The six princes spoke coldly: "Although the body of Grandpa Jin was destroyed by this kid, there are still blood stains on the ground, can't the deacon see it?"

"Yes, we can testify that this kid really killed Grandpa Jin!"

Huang Yincheng, Duanmu Tianchen and Gu Sulan all spoke at this moment.

After hearing this, Yi Hai couldn't help but look away, his expression gradually became dignified and serious.

This thing seems to be true, things are not so simple on the surface.

At the moment, Yi Dahai looked closely at Ye Xuan's body, and Shen Sheng asked: "Dare to ask this son, as they said, did you kill Grandpa Jin here?"

"Yes, that old dog who was not eye-opening was indeed killed by me."

Ye Xuan looked calm and spoke lightly.

"Deacon Yi, did you hear that? This guy has admitted himself. It is because he killed Jin Gonggong here that violated your Wangxianlou rules. Have you quickly won this kid?"

Huang Yincheng said without hesitation at this moment.

"Sonson can say something about this?"

Yi Dahai did not rush to Ye Xuan, but Shen Sheng said.

He wanted to hear Ye Xuan's remarks.

Ye Xuan was about to speak, but a bit of impatience flashed in the eyes of Sixth Prince Haishi, and said sharply: "Deacon Yi, things are already clear. This guy has personally admitted that he violated the rules of Wangxianlou and killed here. People, does Deacon Yi want to cover him up?"

"Deacon Yi, if you can't deal fairly with this matter today, then it will be bad for your reputation in Wangxianlou."

Huang Yincheng also said quickly at this moment.

"That's right, Deacon Yi said he wanted to ignore the rules of Xianlou?"

"There are no rules and there is no way around, if Deacon Yi wants to cover this kid, think about it!"

Duanmu Tianchen, Gu Sulan, Beicong Geyun, the three of them also quickly echoed at this moment and said, pressing the pressure on Yi Hai.

Hearing their words, thinking of their friendship with these guys and their identity, Yi Haihai groaned a little, and instantly made a decision.

The six princes and Huang Yincheng cannot be offended. After all, they are frequent visitors of Wangxianlou, and their influence in Haihuangcheng is extraordinary.

He was absolutely impossible to offend them because of this nirvana kid.

At the moment, Yi Dahai said without hesitation: "Come here, take him to me!"

As Yi Dahai's words fell, the guards of Wangxianlou suddenly grabbed Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan said blankly, looking at Yi Dahai and said lightly, "Deacon Yi, you have to think about anything..."

"Are you teaching me to do things?" Yi Dahai's eyes were cold, and Sen Leng's eyes were fixed on Ye Xuan, said with a cold voice.

"I'm not qualified to teach you to do things, but Mrs. Lai Cui is qualified to teach you to do things."

Ye Xuan said calmly: "You can't handle the matter here. Call her."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words and thinking of the various things happening here, Yi Hai couldn't help but fall into silence.

He understands the six princes and Huang Yincheng's temperaments. If the kid in front of him is really easy to deal with, by his means, he must have solved him long ago. How could it be possible for them to come to Wangxianlou people?

And the son also mentioned Mrs. Cui...

Things are not that simple, and the identity of this son is not ordinary.

And he seems to have heard that today, today a distinguished guest alarmed Mrs. Cui and asked her to go out to meet him personally.

If the son in front of him is the noble guest greeted by Mrs. Cui, if he offended the son, then the problem would be bigger.

Slightly pondering, Yi Dahai waved his hand to a subordinate and said, "Go and invite my wife."


As Yi Dahai's words fell, a guard hurried away.

"Deacon Yi... What happened here to alarm Lady Cui?"

The Sixth Prince Hai Shi gazed indifferently at Yi Dahai and asked coldly.

"Your Highness is a little restless, I hope Xianlou will give you an explanation and a fair one."

Yi Dahai answered calmly.

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