Medical Martial God

Chapter 1505: apologize!

Soon, Mrs. Cui, the person in charge of Wangxianlou, walked into the box under the leadership of the guard.

When she saw the blood on the floor, her brows were wrinkled without traces, a flash of cold flashed in her eyes, and a trace of anger flashed on her cheeks.


Looking at the coming Lady Cui, Yi Haihai quickly and respectfully spoke.

"Have seen Mrs. Cui!"

Six princes Hai Shixin, Huang Yincheng, Duan Mu Tianchen, Gu Sulan and others also stood up at this moment to respectfully clenched their fists.

As the person in charge of Wangxianlou, Mrs. Cui's status is not weaker than that of the Sea Emperor Realm. They naturally dare not be negligent.

After all, the power and influence of Wangxianlou in the universe can be described as terror.

Mrs. Cui was about to respond. When her gaze fell on Ye Xuan, who was standing beside her, her complexion could not help but change. Her respectful cheeks showed a lot of respect and concern. She bowed respectfully to Ye Xuan: "Concubine Have you seen your son, are you not injured?"

When listening to Mrs. Cui's words and watching her ignore the greetings from the Sixth Prince and others, and greet Ye Xuan and his respectful attitude to Ye Xuan, Yi Hai's pupil shrank, but there was a shock in her heart.

He did not expect that the son of Nirvana had such a huge card that Mrs. Cui would treat like this.

At this moment, Yi Dahai couldn't help but think of the rumors he had heard before that there were VIPs who let Mrs. Cui meet him personally.

And toward Yi Dahai, it is certain that the distinguished guest whom Mrs. De Cui personally met was the son of Nirvana.

Thinking of this, Yi Hai could not help but take a breath.

At the same time, there was a lot of happiness in his heart for the rest of his life.

He was glad that he did not rush to Ye Xuan. He was glad to call Mrs. Cui, and he was not too late to make a big mistake.

Otherwise, once he completely offended the son, the trouble would be great.

"how come?"

"How is it possible? This kid treated Mrs. Cui like this?"

Six princes Hai Shixin, Duan Mu Tianchen, Huang Yincheng and others saw that Madame Cui ignored them and greeted Ye Xuan, their pupils could not help shrinking into needle-like shapes, their eyes were squinted and their mouths were even open Cram in an egg.

They had never seen Mrs. Cui treat people like this. Even when it was the new father and emperor of the sixth prince, Haishi, that Mrs. Cui did not show such an attitude.

Ye Xuan glanced lightly at Mrs. Cui and nodded gently.

Seeing Ye Xuan was not angry, Madam Cui sighed with relief in her heart.

It's just that she didn't understand that Ye Xuan was not in the box next door, how come she came here?

Could it be said that he is trying to breathe Mrs. Lan?

First figure out the situation here.

At the moment when the thought flashed in her heart, Mrs. Cui set her eyes on Yi Dahai and asked Shen Sheng: "Deacon Yi, what is going on here?"

"Ma'am, this is the case...Your Highness Sixth, they accused the son to kill Grandpa Jin..."

At the moment, Yi Haihai tells the story of the story.

After listening to Yi Dahai's story, Mrs. Cui's eyes flickered. Instead of asking Ye Xuan, he directly said: "Use the secret method to restore the course of things here!"


Hearing Mrs. Cui's words, Yi Dahai took a deep breath and nodded respectfully.

This mysterious method consumes soul and physical energy very much, and it is not easy to use it until the last time.

Now Mrs. Cui asked him to use this secret method, which shows how important this son is in Mrs. Cui's heart.

Subsequently, he urged Wang Xianlou's unique time-retrospective secret method, and a transparent energy crystal ball appeared in front of him.

In the crystal ball, what happened in this box is played back.

Duanmu Tianchen went to invite Ye Xuan to come to the box. Gong Gong took the lead in kicking Ye Xuan and other things were restored at this moment, which made De Yihai and Mrs. Cui see clearly, making their faces look cold. .

Looking at the energy image traced back, the six princes are new to the sea, Duanmu Tianchen, Huang Yincheng and their looks are particularly ugly. Obviously, Wang Xianlou has no such means.

They thought they could let Wangxianlou take the kid and give them an explanation.

Now it seems that it is a bit troublesome.

And the situation seems to be very bad for them, after all, they are actively looking for fault in Wangxianlou.

Not to mention Mrs. Cui, but apparently partial to the nirvana kid.

After watching the retrospective video, Mrs. Cui's face was cold, and she placed her indifferent eyes on the sixth prince, Hai Shixin: "Your Highness, do you not take my Wang Xian Lou's rules too seriously? Take the initiative in me Looking for faults in Wangxianlou?"

Feeling Mrs. Cui’s cold eyes, the sixth prince Hai Shixin’s face was quickly filled with smiles, and said with a bitter smile: "Mrs. Misunderstanding... I just invited this kid... This son came over for a drink. But It was my discipline that made Xiaojin so bold to dare to deal with this son in Wangxianlou. Now that Xiaojin has been killed by the son, it is deserved of sin. I will not pursue this matter anymore. This was revealed in the face of my father and emperor."

"Mrs. Cui, we really have no intention of making trouble, this is just a misunderstanding..."

Mrs. Cui represents Wangxianlou. Now her attitude is already obvious. She has clearly stated that she wants to support Ye Xuan. Even the six princes have already confessed. Huang Yincheng and Duan Mutianchen can only bow their heads.

If it’s Neptune who has the most prestige and fear besides Neptune Realm Master, then it’s naturally Mrs. Cui in Wangxianlou.

In the Sea Royal City, even the Sea Royal Realm and the entire universe, no one wants to be an enemy of Wangxianlou.

And they are naturally no exception.

Now this kid is expected to support Xianlou, and here is the site of Wangxianlou, so they can only admit temporarily.

When they walked out of Wangxianlou, they had a thousand and one ways to find this boy to settle their accounts.

"Now that you have all admitted your fault... then apologize to Night Master!"

Mrs. Cui swept the six princes Haishixin, Duanmu Tianchen, Huang Yincheng and others glanced coldly.


Hearing the words of Mrs. Cui, the six princes Hai Shixin, Huang Yincheng, Duan Mu Tianchen, Gu Sulan, and Bei Cong Ge Yun all flashed a little consternation on their faces.

What are their identities and positions? They have always been bullying, and when did they apologize to others?

"How? A few are unwilling?" Madam Cui's eyes were cold, her face cold.

"Mrs. Cui's request is too much, he is just a kid in Nirvana... if not for your support..."

Huang Yincheng said ugly.

"You think..."

Mrs. Cui's face looked a bit ugly, and she wanted to explain something.

"People who take you withdraw from it. My own affairs still prefer to be resolved by my own means."

However, before Madam Cui's words were finished, she was interrupted by Ye Xuan's indifferent voice.


Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Mrs. Cui couldn't help being surprised, and her face was filled with a smile, and she quickly said: "The son should not be angry, the concubine is the person in charge here, you are the guest, the concubine can't let you be here This is wronged and bullied..."

Afterwards, Mrs. Cui set her eyes on Huang Yincheng and others, her eyes gleaming coldly and coldly, and said coldly: "Everyone, I advise you to apologize to the son before he is angry. Otherwise, today you are afraid that you cannot get out of this Wangxianlou!"

As Mrs. Cui's words fell, a savage gas spread from the body of many guards in Wangxianlou.

"Ms. Cui is going to start with us?"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Sixth Prince Hai Shi, and Shen Sheng spoke.

"You are making trouble in Wangxianlou and undermined the rules of Wangxianlou... I see that in the face of the old customers in Wangxianlou, I don't want to embarrass you, I just want everyone to be humble and calm. If you don’t want to, then I have no choice but to act in accordance with the rules."

Mrs. Cui's eyes flashed, and there was a calm voice in her mouth.

She has spoken clearly and clearly, and has given this group of guys a good face.

Hearing Mrs. Cui's words, Huang Yincheng, Duanmu Tianchen and others all looked particularly ugly. They didn't expect Mrs. Cui to be so unkind to this nirvana kid.

At this moment, they all involuntarily set their sights on the Sixth Prince Haishixin, waiting for his response and answer.

"Mrs. Cui said very much that today is our recklessness... Yezi, I'm really sorry, I also invited Yezi to come to my house, and I ordered someone to prepare fine wine and good food to personally indemnify Yezi!"

Slightly pondering, the Sixth Prince Hai Shixin smiled slightly, bowing his fists toward Ye Xuan.

His attitude and tone are very sincere, if anyone really thinks this guy is really guilty.

But Ye Xuan found out the deep meaning in this guy's discourse. He nodded with a smile, and said lightly: "Since the Sixth Prince is sincere in guilt, how can I not accept the gift?"

"Tomorrow evening I ordered people to prepare good wine and vegetables and wait for the night boy to arrive. By then, we must not be drunk!"

Sixth Prince Haishixin said with a laugh.

Looking at the smiling face of Sixth Prince Hai Shixin, Huang Yincheng, Duan Mu Tianchen and others did not wrinkle their brows, and a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes.

They didn't understand why the Sixth Prince suddenly became so good-spoken, and chose to bow his head to compensate.

"It's your turn?"

Upon seeing this, Mrs. Cui's eyes flashed and nodded, then her eyes fell on Huang Yincheng, Duanmu Tianchen, Gu Sulan and others.

"Yongzi, there are many offenses and offenses today. I also hope that Yezi will forgive me... There are many outsiders in the Sea Royal City recently, which are not very safe. I also want Yezi to be careful."

Huang Yincheng's face was filled with flattering smiles, and he bowed his fists toward Ye Xuan.

His attitude seemed sincere, and the following words seemed to kindly remind and care about Ye Xuan, but in fact threatened Ye Xuan.

"Thanks for reminding the Huang patriarch, but he still cares about himself, after all, you can't live tonight."

Ye Xuan stretched out his palm and patted Huang Yincheng's shoulder, and said nonchalantly: "In addition, your posture of apology is not right, I will correct it for you."

"Click click... bang!"

As Ye Xuan's words fell, his arm on Huang Yincheng's shoulder suddenly exerted force, and a huge force suddenly burst into Huang Yincheng's body, causing Huang Yincheng's face to change drastically. He tried to resist this force, but his body made an overwhelming sound.

In the end, Huang Yancheng's knees softened and his knees slammed heavily on the floor under the horrified gaze of others around him. The whole person kneeled directly in front of Ye Xuan.

He struggled struggling to get up, but couldn't lift the slightest energy.

Every time he wants to exert force, the immortal power, vitality and energy in his body are madly gathered towards Ye Xuan's palm at this moment, pouring into his body and becoming Ye Xuan's nutrients.

Huang Yincheng's face gradually became pale, and the whole person slowly looked old, gradually losing his resistance in Ye Xuan's hands.

This is Ye Xuan directly used to swallow the magic power of the sky to Huang Yincheng.

"Apologize now!"

Ye Xuan stared at Huang Yincheng indifferently and spoke coldly.

"Ye...Yuzi, I don't know Mount Tai in my right eye, and I'm offended. I also want to see Haili Hanzi...I kowtowed you."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Huang Yincheng opened his subconsciously, and bowed his head respectfully to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan slowly let go of his palm and said lightly, "OK, next!"

Huang Yincheng was like an amnesty, and then stood up tremblingly. The whole person looked ten years old.

Ye Xuan planted a magic seed in his body just now. If it is not released, this guy will not survive tonight.

Looking at the pale, ten-year-old Huang Yincheng, Duanmu Tianchen, Gu Sulan, Bei Cong and Ge Yun who all stood up ten years old and slowly stood up from the ground Xuan's eyes were full of shock and horror that was not concealed.

Where did they think that Huang Yincheng had no trace of resistance in front of this nirvana kid, which was really terrifying.

They are all people with extraordinary eyesight, and it is natural to see that Ye Xuan has completely crushed Huang Yincheng with strength.

They really don't understand a nirvana, why is it so strong?

He was only able to kill Grand Duke Jin, but even Huang Yincheng, the half-step leader, was directly crushed by him.

The new eyes of Sixth Prince Haishi also appeared particularly dignified and ugly. Ye Xuan's hand just shocked him.

Huang Yincheng is his man, he has no doubt that Ye Xuan is killing chickens and monkeys.

As for Mrs. Cui, members such as Yi Dahai and Wang Xianlou were also shocked. They did not expect Ye Xuan in Nirvana to be so powerful.

Fortunately, Mrs. Cui knows that Ye Xuan has Wangxianling, and his status is extraordinary, but he is the young master of Wangxianlou. Although only Nirvana Realm is cultivated, there must be something extraordinary.

But Yi Dahai didn't understand it. He couldn't imagine or even understand why Huang Yin became so relaxed and was crushed by Ye Xuan in Nirvana.

Not to mention the guards in Wangxianlou, let alone shocked and doubtful.

"I didn't know Mount Tai when I saw it, I ran into my son today, and I hope the son will forgive sins."

"I don't intend to be an enemy with my son, and I hope the son will forgive me."

"The son is generous, and he hopes that he will not mind what is happening today."

After a short period of consternation, Duanmu Tianchen, Gu Sulan, Bei Cong and Ge Yun quickly and respectfully apologized to Ye Xuan.

After all, they are the heads of a family, and their status is extraordinary. It is really impossible to put down their dignity and kneel down to Ye Xuan to apologize...

It seems that this kind of apology is inappropriate and not sincere. These guys quickly took out a star coin card from their pocket and handed it to Ye Xuan: "Son, these two million star coins are our sincerity. !"

Three star coin cards, two million star coins per person, three of them are six million star coins, this is a lot of extremely expensive income.

I have to say that these three guys are quite good.

"I heard that you are going to start with Mrs. Lan?"

Ye Xuan took the three star coin cards in his hand to play, stared at the three sharply, and spoke lightly.

"Oh... The son misunderstood me. Where dare we do something to Mrs. Lan, she is from the Kowloon Pavilion..."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Duanmu Tianchen, Gu Sulan, Bei Cong and Ge Yun quickly laughed with them.

"Mrs. Lan is my friend. If something happens to her... then I will be the one who bears this account!"

Ye Xuan said coldly.

Thinking of the situation when Mrs. Lan did not enter the box to leave him alone, Ye Xuan decided to take this opportunity to beat these guys.

"People...People rest assured...We can never do anything against Mrs. Lan."

Duanmu Tianchen, Gu Sulan, Bei Cong and Ge Yun quickly promised.

Even the six princes Hai Shixin admit their counsel, and with Huang Yincheng's lessons in front of them, their posture was extremely polar at this moment.

"I hope you will remember what you said today, otherwise I would not mind letting your family bury with you and be removed from the world."

Ye Xuan said lightly.

The words fell, he no longer had any stay, turned around and walked toward the outside of the box.

Mrs. Cui quickly followed.

Many guards of Wangxianlou also retreated at this moment.

When Ye Xuan, Mrs. Cui left, Huang Yincheng, Duan Mutianchen, Gu Sulan, they were just as amnesty, the whole person took a long sigh of relief.

They have been in charge of the party for many years. Their status is high, but for the first time they have been treated and frightened by today.

This kind of feeling is like they met those big people and seniors when they were young, which made them feel a sense of cowardice and insignificance.

Six princes Hai Shixin, his face is not very good-looking.

He is the son of the Lord of the Sea Emperor Realm, which can be said to exist above 10,000 people under one person in the entire Sea Emperor Realm, but he ate it here today, making him uncomfortable to the extreme.

"Don't you say that the kid didn't even have the qualification to enter Wangxianlou, was he stopped outside the door? Why did Mrs. Cui come forward for him? And from the attitude of Mrs. Cui towards him, the kid's identity is different general."

Sixth Prince Hai Shixin set his eyes on Huang Yincheng, and asked with cold face.

"This... this subordinate doesn't know." Huang Yincheng's face appeared helpless, and he shook his head with a wry smile.

"Does Mrs. Lan know his true identity?" Hai Shixin's eyes flashed and he continued to ask.

"It shouldn't be clear, otherwise she would have asked the kid to solve the problem for her at first, and she would have to be invited to come to us?" Huang Yincheng thought and answered.

"No matter what method you use, find out this kid's identity as soon as possible..."

The Sixth Prince Haishi's new eyes were sharp, and he said coldly.


Hearing his words, everyone answered quickly with respectful fists.

This breath, they naturally cannot swallow so easily.

The so-called confidant knows each other and wins a lot of battles. Before they retaliate against Ye Xuan, they must first figure out his identity and make further plans.

If the kid's background is extraordinary, and they can't provoke them, then they can only admit that...

If this kid does not have a strong background or something, then waiting for him will be the six princes of their crazy revenge.

"Let's go, all gone!"

Tonight they no longer have Yaxing who continue to eat and drink, waved their hands away gradually...

"His Royal Highness? Brother Huang, Brother Duanmu... Are you?"

They just came out of the box and met Yu Canghai, the head of the Yu family, in the corridor.

"His Royal Highness, Brother Huang... Today I hosted a lot of distinguished guests from the main gates of Jiu Tianxing. Would you like to come in and have two drinks together?"

Not waiting for the Sixth Prince Haishixin, Huang Yincheng replied, and Yu Canghai continued to speak.

Hearing Yu Canghai's words, the six princes Hai Shixin and Huang Yincheng flashed their eyes, a little moved.

Jiu Tianxing is the most prosperous planet in the Jiu Tianxing domain. There are countless powerful people who can let Yu Canghai feast. There are no ordinary people. If they can get acquainted, it will be of great benefit to them.

"His Royal Highness, Brother Huang, Brother Duanmu, let's go, let's have a few drinks!"

Seeing the six princes Hai Shixin, Huang Yincheng their intriguing appearance, Yu Canghai quickly inviting him again while hot.

"Something disappointing happened tonight, it's really unpleasant to stop drinking two glasses..."

Huang Yincheng said.

"Since the Yu patriarch is so kind, he is disrespectful!"

Sixth Prince Hai Shixin answered with a smile.

"Brother Yu, I still have something to do, I will not accompany you tonight..."

Instead, Duanmu Tianchen, Gu Sulan, Bei Cong and Ge Yun did not have any interest, and chose to leave.

"Your Highness, Brother Huang, please here!"

At the moment, Yu Canghai led the six princes Hai Shixin and Huang Yincheng into the box he ordered...

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