Medical Martial God

Chapter 1557: Gifts from the Queen!

The dragon palace of the Tiga giant monster is particularly huge, the interior decoration is very marine style, all kinds of furniture and equipment can be described as everything, many decorations are embellished by jewels, extremely luxurious.

The Tiga monster is the queen of the entire Kraken clan. It has survived for hundreds of thousands of years. Its real name is Canaan. The sea clan calls her the Canaan Queen. The Tiga giant monster is the name given to her by the outside human race. .

The Queen of Canaan and the Mammoth have been old friends for many years, and the relationship is particularly good. They have experienced catastrophes together, and they have gone through the vast interstellar together. They are friends of life and death. Therefore, I heard that Ye Xuan’s Jun Nijian is a Mammoth. After the elephant, the Queen of Canaan changed her attitude towards Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan, Qin Jiujiu and the others were sitting in the luxurious hall with the Queen of Canaan. Ye Xuan quietly told about the news and conditions of the ancient mammoths, while the Queen of Canaan quietly listened to very few words and looked extremely The ground is high and cold.

After hearing what Ye Xuan said, the Queen of Canaan showed a lovely smile on her exquisite cheeks, and said with a chuckle: "I can't imagine that the mammoth guy is going to be tired of the world, and I don't know how to come and find my old friend. Let’s chat...The emperor sits in the Dragon Palace and masters all the power of the Nine Heavens Star Territory. Although it is nourishing and worry-free, it is also quite boring, so occasionally he will take his tribe to hunt and have fun in the human race... I originally wanted to bring out the guy Qin Jiutian. Come out for a fight, I don’t know that that guy is a tortoise with a shrunken head and has been reluctant to come out..."

"Huh, the Lord of the Nine Heavens is not a tortoise, but he is in retreat, disdain to fight with you..."

Hearing the words of the Queen of Canaan, Qin Jiujiu let out a cold snort in his nose and said unconvinced.

" little girl, what do you know? Are you all saying that Qin Jiutian, the master of the nine-day star field, once came to crusade against the emperor, but the emperor hid, and he never found it. ?"

"The emperor tells you, it's not that the old guy didn't find the emperor, but was repelled by the emperor. He took his own face into consideration. That's why he declared it to the outside world. It's ridiculous that you ignorant humans still believe his words. ..."

Qin Jiujiu's words fell into the ears of the Queen of Canaan, making her laugh as if she had heard a big joke.

However, Ye Xuan looked at Qin Jiujiu, with a look of thought.

The domain owner of the Nine Sky Star Territory is called Qin Jiutian. Qin Jiujiu has the same surname as him. Could there be any connection between them?

"Huh...That's not the case. The domain master is the greatest existence in the entire nine-day star region. Because of his presence, your Sea Clan dare not invade..." Qin Jiujiu quickly argued.

"What do you know about a little girl? If it wasn't for Ye Boy's sake, do you believe that the emperor ate you?"

The Empress Canaan's eyes flickered fiercely, and she looked at Qin Jiujiu fiercely, making Qin Jiujiu shiver involuntarily.

Qin Jiujiu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Ye Xuan stopped her.

The Queen of Canaan has a temperamental personality and a fierce reputation, but she has no good fruit to annoy her.

"What is your kid doing in the nine-day star realm?"

As if thinking of something, the Queen of Canaan set her eyes on Ye Xuan and asked curiously.

"I am going to the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, but there is a grievance, and there is a rumor that a void ruin will be opened near the Nine Heavens Star, so I plan to see if I can get any chance."

Ye Xuan answered with a smile.

"You are going to the Nine Heavens Sword Sect but you are grudges?"

The Queen of Canaan raised her brows, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

"Yeah." Ye Xuan nodded gently.

"Then you kid should be careful. The Nine Heavens Sword Sect is not as simple as you think. Behind it is the Black Soul Palace of the Black Underworld as its support..."

The Queen Canaan reminded her kindly.

"Black Soul Palace?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes, he had never heard of this strength.

"A force composed of countless world masters, titled world masters, half-step domain masters, domain masters, titled domain masters and many other powerful forces. The members are extremely mysterious, and the weakest person is also the powerful power of the world master. As far as I know, today’s Nine Heavens Sword Zong has the powerhouse of the Black Soul Palace in charge."

The Queen of Canaan thought for a while and explained to Ye Xuan.

As if thinking of something, Ye Xuan continued to ask: "Have you ever heard of the name of the Dragon Emperor under the crown of the empress?"

"You said that little madman? The emperor naturally knows... and has a deep relationship with him... When he was crossing the sea of ​​nine stars, he was almost eaten by the emperor. It is strange to say that the kid also got the mammoth. The guy’s guidance and recognition... and the later achievements are quite good..."

A faint smile appeared on Queen Canaan’s exquisite cheeks, but the smile on her face gradually disappeared at the end of the words, turning into regret and helplessness: "It's a pity that guy is too sharp...Finally, the black soul palace unites the universe. It's really a pity that the major forces have been killed..."

"That... that... Senior Dragon Emperor didn't seem to have fallen."

Seeing what the Queen of Canaan looked like at the moment, Ye Xuan hesitated and said.


The Queen of Canaan sighed softly, unwilling to talk too much about this topic, and waved to Ye Xuan: "You go."

"Under the crown of the queen... the junior has a ruthless please!"

Ye Xuan gritted his teeth and said.


Queen Canaan said lightly.

"Several friends of the younger generation were captured by you under the crown of the queen, and I hope that the crown of the queen can release them..."

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice.

"The fellow Mammoth is always very accurate. Since you are the person he values, the emperor can't refuse your request, and it can be regarded as a good relationship with you! Come, bring me the three prisoners Come up."

The Queen of Canaan waved her big hand and said boldly.

Soon, the Sea-Monster guard brought Soul Yuying, Ao Bingxue, and Ye Xuan's second clone.

"The son!"

Looking at Ye Xuan sitting on the sofa, Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue spoke with surprises.

The Empress Canaan waved her sleeves and bound the soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue. The rope of Ye Xuan's second avatar was automatically disconnected. She flicked her finger, and the three translucent blue water droplets fell into the soul Yuying, Ao Bingxue. In their bodies.

Under the gaze of Ye Xuan's gaze, Soul Yuying, Ao Bingxue, and Ye Xuan's second body's injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they recovered in just an instant. Not only that, but also their aura. At this moment, it seemed that they had become more prosperous, and their cultivation bases had increased to a certain extent, which made them extremely shocked, obviously not knowing what was going on.

"Hurry up, thank you, the queen."

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan quickly reminded.

"Thanks for the queen crown."

After hearing Ye Xuan's words, they quickly recovered their senses and thanked the Queen of Canaan with a fist.

"No thanks, but the emperor is reckless. I don't know that you are a friend of the mammoth who rashly attacked you... The emperor has nothing to compensate for you. These three ocean hearts are given to you, and you have the right to compensate! "

The Empress Canaan shook her head gently, and three hearts appeared in the palm of her hand, flying to the second clone, Soul Yuying, Ao Bingxue and the others.

Who could have imagined that the Queen of Canaan, the rare heart of the ocean from the outside world, would take out three at will, and these three hearts of the ocean were obviously much more refined and powerful than what Ye Xuan had obtained at the auction.

The two are like a small diamond ring and a large gem.


Upon seeing this, Hun Yuying, Ao Bingxue and the others hesitated, not knowing what to do.

Having this heart of the ocean is enough

"Accept it!"

It was not until the unquestionable voice of the Queen of Canaan sounded that they thanked them for accepting the Heart of the Sea.

"The night boy...this token is for you!"

The Queen of Canaan groaned slightly and took out a fish-like token made from the priceless treasure Ocean Tears and handed it to Ye Xuan's hand: "This order represents the will of the emperor. If you encounter it in the nine-day star field, When trouble comes up, this order can be resolved by itself. In addition, with full urging, it can withstand an attack from a domain master-level powerhouse."

Since even the fellow Mammoth bestowed a holy sword on this fellow, she naturally couldn't be ambiguous.

Moreover, the secret of this kid seemed to be no better than the young Dragon Emperor she met back then. It was worth making friends and leaving a good bond.

"Thanks for the queen crown."

Ye Xuan nodded, and carefully received the token.

"Leave! The emperor has already ordered that you will not be attacked again in the sea..."

The Queen of Canaan yawned and waved gently.

"Then, under the crown of the queen, we are leaving."

Ye Xuan pulled Qin Jiujiu to stand up and bid farewell to the Queen of Canaan.

Soul Yuying, Ao Bingxue, and the second clone also gave her a fist respectfully.

Soon the group left the Dragon Palace, and the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale that turned into a small fish revealed a huge real body, leading Ye Xuan and the others quickly to fly away and disappear into this sea area.

After Ye Xuan and the others left, an elderly man dressed as a prime minister came to the hall and looked at the Canaan queen who was lying on the throne with her eyes closed and sleeping. He looked like he wanted to say nothing.

"Just say what you want to say."

The Queen Canaan said flatly without raising her head.

"Under the crown of the queen, why did you let those human races leave... As far as I know, the little girl is the youngest daughter of the nine-day star domain master Qin Jiutian. If she can be detained, then..."

The old man dressed up as Prime Minister Turtle asked puzzledly.

The Queen of Canaan opened her eyes and glanced at him coldly and his words came to an abrupt end.

The Queen of Canaan slowly closed his eyes, and the old man dressed as Prime Minister gave a long sigh of relief and respectfully fisted at the Queen of Canaan and left.

As if thinking of something, the Queen of Canaan coldly ordered.

"Send a few masters to protect them secretly, don't let them die in this nine-day star field."

"Yes, the subordinate will do it now."

The old man dressed as Prime Minister Turtle replied respectfully and withdrew from the hall.

"My son, what the **** is going on? Why did the Tiga monster suddenly let us go and give me a heart of the sea?"

On the way to the nine-day star realm, Soul Yuying, who was sitting on the back of the Sea-Cracking Profound Dragon Whale, set his gaze on Ye Xuan's body and asked curiously.

"Yeah, we all thought we were dead, son, what is going on?"

Ao Bingxue also asked curiously, obviously not understanding how this happened.

"Remember the ancient mammoth we met on Tianhe Star? The Queen of Canaan is very good friends with him... It is because of him that the Queen of Canaan let us go."

After hearing Ao Bingxue and Hun Yuying's question, Ye Xuan told the story with a smile.

After hearing what Ye Xuan said, Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue shouted magically, never expected that the ancient mammoth would have such a great face, and invisibly helped them so much.

On the contrary, Qin Jiujiu, who was next to him, hadn't spoken, and seemed to be worried. Maybe it was because of the death of Wujue and her mount Qingluan bird that he was sad and blamed.

The Sea-Splitting Xuanlong Whale traveled all the way in the sea, and was not attacked any more, it was extremely smooth.

One day later, they finally left the sea of ​​nine stars and entered the realm of nine stars.

In front of them, shining planets appeared in the vast starry sky.

Three days later, Ye Xuan and the others successfully reached the core planet of the Nine Sky Star Realm-Nine Sky Stars.

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