Medical Martial God

Chapter 1558: Nine Heaven Sword Sect Branch!

Xinghai City, an ancient small city near the coast of Nine Sky Stars, is not very prosperous, but it gathers a large number of people, and many civilians rely on the vast expanse of the sea in front of them to survive.

When Ye Xuan and the others arrived here, the sky was already dark, and they came to a restaurant in the city to order some food and drink for a rest.

The continuous rush these days is a bit exhausting for everyone.

Of course, in these days on the road, the soul is Yuying, Ao Bingxue and the others have successfully refined the Heart of the Sea given by the Queen of Canaan, making their cultivation realm improved and breakthrough to a certain extent.

Now, both Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue are two-star realm masters, condensing 108 and 110 energy planets respectively.

Of course, Ye Xuan's second clone also succeeded in refining the Heart of the Sea, and his cultivation was also upgraded to the level of a three-star world master, which was extremely fast.

The improvement and breakthrough of the three of them is undoubtedly a great help to Ye Xuan, and they also have more confidence and confidence for them to leave for the Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

"The taste of these dishes is really ordinary, far from the pheasant and wild boar roasted by Brother Ye Xuan..."

Qin Jiujiu couldn't help but vomit while eating vegetables.

These days, she has walked out of the sadness of the Blue Luan Bird, the closed Wu Jue and their fall and death, and also secretly vowed that she will break through and become stronger.

"Since it's not delicious, do you still eat with such relish?"

Seeing Qin Jiujiu who was holding a chicken thigh and gnawing at the same time, Ye Xuan said irritably.

"Oh... it's because people are hungry."

Qin Jiujiu said coquettishly.

"By the way, Brother Ye Xuan...We have reached the nine-day star now, what are your plans next?"

As if thinking of something, Qin Jiujiu asked curiously.

"We are going to the Nine Heavens Sword Sect. I remember that there is a branch in this Xinghai City Nine Heavens Sword Sect. After eating, I'm going to check it out..."

Ye Xuan took a sip of spirit wine and slowly said.

Later, Ye Xuan set his gaze on Qin Jiujiu: "By the way, how about you?"

"After eating this meal, I should almost go home." A trace of sadness flashed in Qin Jiujiu's eyes, and his expression complicatedly said: "This time I have been out for fun for so long. I guess I will definitely be cleaned up by my father when I go back..."

"Your family lives in this Xinghai City?"

Ye Xuan asked again.

"Of course not, my family lives in Jiutian City, the largest capital of Jiutian Star, but tens of thousands of kilometers away..." Qin Jiujiu shook his head.

"Then how do you go back? Now you don't have any Qingluan bird to travel." Ye Xuan frowned and asked.

"Brother Ye Xuan doesn't need to worry about this, someone will pick me up in a while."

Qin Jiujiu answered with a smile.

"Okay, then." Ye Xuan nodded, and said nothing more.

When they finished their meal, a magnificent carriage stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

A middle-aged man dressed as a housekeeper walked out of the carriage and walked towards Ye Xuan, Qin Jiujiu and the others.

This middle-aged man looked like he was about fifty years old, his face was dignified, he was dressed in a black long gown, and his whole body was filled with an aura of no anger and prestige. He looked very extraordinary.

He is Wen Songyuan, Qin Jiujiu's housekeeper!

"Miss Nine... the old slave came to pick you up."

He went straight to Qin Jiujiu's side and said respectfully.

After that, he turned his head and turned his eyes on Ye Xuan, Hun Yuying, and Ao Bingxue. He held a fist at him, smiled and said, "This son, two young ladies... These days, Miss Jiu, please take care of you. ."

"Sir, you are polite."

Ye Xuan, Soul Yuying, and Ao Bingxue answered with a smile.

"Brother Ye Xuan...Then I'm leaving, you must notify me when you arrive at Jiutian City. This is my sound transmission jade slip."

Qin Jiujiu took out an exquisite and unique jade slip from his sleeve and handed it to Ye Xuan's hand, and said with some dismay.

"Don't worry...When we arrive at Nine Heavens City, we will definitely come and play with you."

Ye Xuan carefully collected the sound transmission jade slip that Qin Jiujiu handed over.

"Big Brother Ye Xuan, Sister Soul, Sister Ao... I'm waiting for you in Jiutian City!"

Qin Jiujiu waved at Ye Xuan and the others, then boarded the carriage and disappeared into Ye Xuan's sight.

"Let's go, we should also visit the Nine Heavens Sword Sect branch."

Ye Xuan took Soul Yuying, and Ao Bingxue and the others quickly left the restaurant.

After leaving the restaurant, Ye Xuan, Hun Yuying, and Ao Bingxue directly entered the sea-cracking profound dragon whale’s profound dragon space to retreat and consolidate their realm, while Ye Xuan integrated consciousness into the second clone Ling Chi. Controlling him to rush towards the Nine Heavens Sword Sect branch in memory.

To deal with a branch of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect district, all of them did not need to take action, let alone this time they just came to investigate some internal news of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

The branch of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect is a large courtyard house located in the east of Xinghai City.

When Ye Xuan controlled the second clone, Ling Chi came here in a familiar way.

The Nine Heavens Sword Sect is indeed the first sect in the Nine Heavens Star Territory. Even if it is just the branch in front of you, it is still majestic. The bronze gate is surrounded by nine eye-catching holy swords, emitting a bright light in the darkness. Can dispel evil.

Two disciples of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect guarding the gate stood respectfully on both sides of the gate, and a sharp aura spread out from their bodies.

The cultivation bases of these two guarding disciples have reached the level of reincarnation, one can imagine how powerful the Nine Heavens Sword Sect's background is.


With Ye Xuan's arrival, the two disciples of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect seemed to have noticed something and shouted sharply.

As his words fell, light and shadow flowed, and a figure that looked like an immortal flew down from under the old tree by the gate, landed firmly in front of them, and appeared in their sight.

"Who came from?"

Seeing the elegant and pure temperament in front of him, the young man who looked like an immortal, the guard shouted sharply.

"Inform Jiang Tianjue and let him come to see me."

Ye Xuan spoke indifferently.

Jiang Tianjue is the hall master of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect in this Xinghai City branch, and a follower of Ye Xuan's second clone, Ling Chi, but Ye Xuan doesn't know if he is still here after many years.

In addition to the three veterans of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect who originally supported Ling Chi's line.

His voice fell into the ears of these two guards as if containing sword intent, causing their complexions to change drastically, as if countless sword auras penetrated through their bodies.

However, they are worthy of being the disciples of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, even in the face of the powerful aura unintentionally released by the other party, they are still strong and calm.

As disciples of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, they have seen countless scenes. How can they be scared by the young man in front of them: "Boy, there is no Jiang Tianjue here. If you really want to find someone, you should go elsewhere, otherwise Be careful when we deal with your troublemakers..."


However, before they could finish their words, they were interrupted by Ye Xuan's indifferent voice: "Since Jiang Tian is definitely not here, then tell the people in charge of you here to get out."

Before the words fell silent, Ye Xuan put the nine-day hidden sword box with his back wrapped in linen on the ground with a dull sound, and the violent sword intent spread out from the top of the nine-day hidden sword box, and set off in this world. The strong wind shook the two guards back and forth and almost stood unsteadily.

"Nine... Nine... Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box?"

When they looked at the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box in Ye Xuan's hand, their expressions couldn't help but changed a lot, and they said in horror.

"My son, please wait a moment, we're going to inform the hall master."

In the next moment, the two of them quickly ran towards the yard.

The Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box is the peerless treasure of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect. It has been lost for many years, but now it appears with the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box. How could they not dare to be shocked and shocked?

Yang Mingjue looks more than 40 years old, with long, slightly gray hair, bloated and fat, dressed in a blue shirt, and in a comfortable and luxurious room by two pretty and hot beauties. Waiting and drinking, enjoying the cozy night of hugging left and right.

However, a quick knock on the door sounded at this moment: "Hall Master, subordinate Gan Hong has an urgent matter to report."

"What's the urgent matter? I'll talk about it tomorrow, don't disturb the old man's Yaxing!"

Hearing the knock on the door, Yang Mingjue's eyes flashed with discomfort, and said impatiently.

"Hall Master, things are really urgent... Just now there was news from the gatekeeper that there was a young man outside asking for a meeting..."

"What do you see? Can anyone see me, Yang Mingjue? Let him get out of here!"

The Gan Hong's words waiting outside the door were interrupted by Yang Ming's unhappy voice before he finished speaking.

"But... But... Hall Master, the guard disciple said that the young man held our Nine Heaven Sword Sect's Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box in his hand..."

Gan Hong said bitterly outside the door.

"Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box?"

Hearing Gan Hong's words, Yang Mingjue's eyes drenched, put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up, walked towards the gate, opened the gate and looked at Gan Hong, who was only innocent, Yang Mingjue said in a contemptuous manner: "Why didn't you say it earlier? The Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box is the treasure of our Nine Heavens Sword Sect that has been missing for many years..."

" didn't let your subordinates finish talking." Gan Hong answered with a bitter smile.

"Bah... how dare you talk back!"

Yang Mingjue spit, and slapped Yang Mingjue's face fiercely, making him staggered: "Go, take someone out and have a look."

While speaking, Yang Mingjue took the lead and walked out of the yard, followed by Gan Hong, a doglegged man, who gathered a large number of disciples.

Soon, Yang Mingjue came out of the courtyard.

When he saw the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box in Ye Xuan's hand, he only felt that his eyes were bright and his spirits lifted.

The Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box is the most precious treasure that the Nine Heavens Sword Sect has lost for many years. Only by possessing the position of the supreme master of the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box can he be considered justified.

Now that the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box they were looking for was in the hands of a young man, how could this not make Yang Mingjue excited.

If he could obtain the nine-day hidden sword box and dedicate him to the Sect Master, that would definitely be a great achievement.

Thinking of this, Yang Mingjue felt extremely excited.

I carefully looked at the young man in front of him, and found that he did not know this young man but he seemed to have seen him somewhere.

In addition, after realizing that besides his elegant temperament and the dust, Yang Mingjue's excitement in Yang Mingjue's heart became even stronger after he realized that his cultivation base was not high, only the immortal cultivation base.

Of course, this immortal state was deliberately disguised by Ye Xuan.

He was about to speak, Ye Xuan was the first to speak: "Are you the hall master of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect branch now?"

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