Medical Martial God

Chapter 1559: Nine sects and nine unique!

"Yes, I am the Hall Master Yang Mingjue of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect branch! Are you here to return my Nine Heavens Sword Sect's most treasured Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box? Little brother, don't worry, as long as you give the Nine Heavens Sword Box to I, return our sect, our Nine Heavens Sword Sect must have a great thanks..."

Yang Mingjue said with a smile on his face.

He subconsciously regarded Ye Xuan as having come to return their Nine Heavens Sword Sect Supreme Treasure Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box.

"If I remember correctly, the hall master here should be Jiang Tianjue. Where is he?"

Ye Xuan stared at Yang Mingjue and asked lightly.

"Do you know Jiang Tianjue? What is your relationship with Jiang Tianjue?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Yang Mingjue's eyes flashed and asked coldly.

"Friend." Ye Xuan stretched out and said without hesitation.

"So you are his accomplice? Come here, take this kid to me!"

"Anyone who kills others can obtain the qualification to practice in the inner sect of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, and anyone who wins the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box can become the deputy hall master of the branch and receive the sect reward!

However, Ye Xuan's words just fell silent, but Yang Mingjue suddenly shouted.

Jiang Tianjue is a sinner and traitor of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect. Since the guy in front of him is his accomplice, they may naturally be polite.

As Yang Mingjue's words fell, many disciples of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect Qi Qi rushed out of the courtyard, carrying Ling Xu's killing intent and headed straight to Ye Xuan.

This guy actually killed Ye Xuan directly without asking Qinghong and Baibai.

"It seems that Jiang Tianjue is in trouble..."

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan said coldly.


As his words fell, his thoughts moved, and the radiant Great Xia Dragon Sparrow Sword flew out from the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box, turning into a sword light toward the Nine Heavens Sword Sect. The disciple rushed.

"Chirp... chick..."

The sword light circulated, the sword energy tore the clothes, and the sound of the long sword slashing the flesh continued to sound. Under the ugly eyes of Jiang Tianjue, Gan Hong and many other masters, the disciples of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect had not had time to rush. When he arrived at Ye Xuan's, he was torn apart by Jian Qi, and died of Qi.

However, these disciples of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect are all ruthless people. Under Yang Mingjue’s huge reward, they are not afraid of life and death, and wave after wave of fierceness and death rushes towards Ye Xuan. Siege.

In this branch of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, there are three hundred outer disciples of the Nine Heaven Sword Sect, 100 disciples of the inner disciples, ten rudder masters of the Immortal Realm, and three immortal Xiaocheng and one immortal. The Deacon of the Inner Sect of Dacheng and Jiang Tianjue at the pinnacle of Immortality.

Facing a young man with an immortal cultivation base, they naturally wouldn't have any fear. Instead, they regarded Ye Xuan as a sword practice opponent, an opportunity to become stronger.

Seeing the numerous disciples of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect that were constantly rushing to kill Ye Xuan's eyes, a cold light flashed, and a trace of coldness and impatientness flashed across his face: "Really a bunch of things that do not live or die!"

As Ye Xuan's words fell, he made a seal with one hand, and the Daxia Dragon Sparrow Sword was suddenly divided into ten, setting off a sky full of sword shadows passing through the crowd.


Wherever the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow Sword passed, the disciples of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect fell one by one.

The corpses piled up like a mountain, and the bright red blood stained the blood on the ground red.


This fierce scene fell into the eyes of those branch rudder masters and deacons, making their complexions change and they couldn't help swallowing their saliva with difficulty.

They had never seen such a fierce method, and that kid could actually control the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box?

He is just an immortal boy, where does this kind of fighting power come from? Could it be that all this is the result of the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box?

"What are you doing in a daze? Give me all of you!"

Yang Mingjue's expression was cold, and he said coldly.

"Boy, die!"

As his words fell, the rudder masters and deacons all rushed towards Ye Xuan. The cultivation base aura of the immortal and immortal realms exploded at this moment, and an immortal real body emerged, attacking Ye Xuan. Stronger.


Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan let out a cold snort of disdain, and his heart moved, and the Great Xia Longque Sword flicked past them like lightning.


The sound of the fragmentation of the immortal body sounded, and the immortal body that protected them was all shattered. Their bodies were pierced by the Great Xia Longque Sword and fell from the air, and they fell to death.

In just a moment, the only people alive in the entire Nine Heavens Sword Sect branch were Yang Mingjue and his little follower Gan Hong.

This scene scared Gan Hong straightened his neck, Yang Mingjue's expression also changed drastically, and his eyes toward Ye Xuan were full of unabashed shock and amazement.

How could he think that the immortal boy would be so strong, killing ten rudder masters and several deacons in their branch in an instant.

"Tell me, where is Jiang Tianjue?"

Ye Xuan stared at Yang Mingjue coldly, and asked coldly.

"Only in a mere immortal state, I dare to be so rampant. The Ben Lei sword is the eighth step of Ben Lei Kuang Sword. Give me death!"

The immortal power of Yang Mingjue's whole body surged, the immortal real body appeared, his eyes flashed with killing intent, thunder and lightning surged in the sky, and suddenly there was a violent wind and a heavy rain, I saw him rushing out like a teleport, instantly Appeared in front of Ye Xuan, holding a long sword and slammed down at Ye Xuan.

At this time, a thunder and lightning fell from the sky and fell on the long sword in his hand, which made him stronger and more intent to kill. This is the ultimate move he has been thinking about for many years. So far, he has dozens of immortality. The realm strong fell under his sword.


An icy voice came from his mouth, and his sword cut faster.

"it is good!"

"The hall master is awesome, the hall master is mighty!"

Seeing this scene, Gan Hong thought that Ye Xuan was bound to die, and couldn't help but clap his hands in praise.


However, in the face of Yang Mingjue's exhausting blow, Ye Xuan didn't even look at it, and directly smashed it out with a punch.


Before Yang Mingjue’s sword had time to slash, Ye Xuan’s fist fell on him, and the immortal body that enveloped Yang Mingjue was shattered on the spot, and Ye Xuan’s fist fell unabated on Yang. Ming Jue's chest.

The majestic power screamed, Yang Mingjue's figure suddenly solidified, his chest was directly pierced by Ye Xuan's punch, and a lot of black blood was sprayed from his mouth.

"Why... how could this be? just don't die but...just!"

Yang Mingjue lowered his head with difficulty and looked at his body that was pierced by Ye Xuan's fist. There was a thick astonishment and disbelief on his face, and a hoarse and weak voice came from his mouth.

"It's just that I want you to think I'm just immortal."

Ye Xuan slowly withdrew his fists and answered indifferently.


Yang Mingjue opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but his life had come to an end, and he fell to the ground suddenly, dying of anger.

Looking at Yang Mingjue, who was just as mighty and unparalleled, but was blown to the ground in the next second, Gan Hong had just clapped his hands and applauded with horror, and subconsciously stretched out his palm to cover his mouth.

His body was trembling constantly, and there was still a large amount of pale yellow liquid flowing out of his crotch.

This guy was directly scared by this violent scene.

This scene was really fierce and completely subverted his perception.

He thought that Ye Xuan was bound to die, but he didn't think it would turn around in an instant.

Yang Mingjue, who was at the pinnacle of the immortal realm, was hit to death by him.

"You should know Jiang Tianjue's whereabouts and situation, right?"

Easily killed Yang Mingjue, Ye Xuan raised his head and fixed his eyes on the scared Gan Hong, and asked coldly.

"I...I know, I know everything, son, don't hesitate to ask..."

Feeling Ye Xuan's gaze, Gan Hong knelt on the ground in fright and spoke with a trembling expression.

"Where is Jiang Tianjue?"

Ye Xuan stared at Gan Hong and said calmly.

"Jian... Hall Master Jiang suffered revenge and suppression from Lin's line because the unsupported Sect Master Lin took the position of the Sect Master 100 years ago, saying that he had colluded with thieves outside the sect and killed him and was about to break through the Realm Master. Sect Master Ling Chi, who succeeded as Sect Master, committed a heinous felony and was transferred back to the sect for arrest, abolished his cultivation base, and imprisoned in Lintiandi Cave..."

Gan Hong dared to conceal the slightest amount of concealment at all, telling the story of what happened in the sect after Ye Xuan's second clone Ling Chi was assassinated.

Not only Jiang Tianjue was severely punished and encircled, but also the three elders and some elders of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect who supported and supported Ye Xuan's second clone Lingchi at that time. Sanctions are abolished and their cultivation bases are abolished. Imprisonment is the slightest. As for the others, they fall to death.

Today, very few people who supported Lingchi's line are still alive.

"Who is the current master of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect? Who are the strongest in their line?"

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed and asked again.

"Now the current lord of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect is Lin Yuanzhi. Since he succeeded as the lord, he has recruited a large number of mysterious powerhouses, abolished many prestigious elders and high-level officials, and promoted a large number of his cronies and capable officers. He now controls the entire Nine Heavens Sword Sect alone."

"I don’t know exactly how many powerhouses he has under his hands, but I have heard Yang Mingjue say that in addition to the nine deputy masters of our sect’s Nine Heavens and Nine Sects, there are nine heavens and nine uniques under Lin Yuanzhi’s hands. These nine sword immortals, their strength is not weaker than the deputy sect master of Nine Heavens and Nine Sects."

Gan Hong quickly explained what he knew.

"Nine days and nine sects? Nine days and nine absolutes? What do you mean?"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He had never heard of the titles of Jiu Tian Jiuzong and Jiu Tian Jiu Jue in the Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

"The Nine Heavens Sword Sect used to have nine peaks, so it was divided into nine veins. The nine peaks competed with each other and practiced different swords. They formed a line of their own. The strengths of the major peak masters were also extraordinary, and their status and status. Second only to the Sect Master! Lin Yuanzhi is the most prosperous first peak. Since he succeeded the Sect Master, the former Jiu Tian Jiu Feng has been renamed Jiu Tian Jiu Feng, and the peak master has become the Deputy Sect Master."

"As for the Nine Heavens and the Jiujue, it is the Nine Heavens Sword Sect who has successfully cultivated the nine great swordsmanship of the sect to the extreme. The nine sword immortals who have already transcended the mortal world, these people are all close friends of Lin Yuanzhi, and it is rumored that the cultivation base has entered the sky. The realm of the world master!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's questioning, looking at the doubts and puzzles on his face, Gan Hong explained quickly.

"The Nine Heavens Sword Sect has become like this, why doesn't the Supreme Elder in the sect come forward to take charge of the mediation?"

Ye Xuan raised his brows and asked in a deep voice.

"Today's Nine Heavens Sword Sect is many times stronger than it was a hundred years ago. It is the unique and largest sect of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect. It can be said to be prosperous and prosperous.

"However, I have heard a piece of news that the Supreme Elders had conflicts with Lin Yuanzhi and the others, and even battles broke out...Finally, the Supreme Elders seemed to be suppressed, so they just lived in the back mountain and did not ask about the world."

Gan Hong said quickly.

It's just that his eyes towards Ye Xuan were filled with a trace of doubt, and he didn't understand what this extraordinary young man was doing to ask so many things about the Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

Could it be that this kid thought that he had the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box in his hand, he was the heir of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, and wanted to seize the throne?

Or could this kid be Jiang Tianjue's chaotic party?

Of course, these are the thoughts in Gan Hong's mind, and he dare not say them.

This guy was not from the same age as Ling Chi, so he could not recognize Ye Xuan.

"What else do you know?"

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed and asked coldly.

"My son... I know so much... However, although you are holding the Nine Heavens Sword Sect's Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box, if you really have any idea about the position of the Sect Master, I advise you to forget it. You won't be Lin Yuanzhi's opponent. The young master Lingchi was so glorious and promising, but he died when he broke through..."

"Now Lin Yuanzhi’s position in the sect is irreplaceable, and even the master of the domain has a deep friendship with him, and the two sides have reached an agreement and a marriage contract. Soon after, Lin Yuanzhi’s son Lin Yun will marry. The eldest daughter of the domain master, Qin Qingxia... Once they are united, let alone the nine-day star field, even other star fields will be afraid."

Gan Hong seemed to want to get Ye Xuan's favor in order to survive, so he reminded him at this moment.

"If you really want to go to Hall Master Jiang, I think you'd better forget it... The reason why Lin Yuanzhi and the others kept Hall Master Jiang and their lives seems to be using them as bait to lure fish into the bait. If you are To save it is to throw yourself into the net."

"If you master the Nine Heavens Hidden Sword Box, it would be better to gift him to Lin Yuanzhi and the others. Maybe you can change a position and a half, and be prosperous..."

"You are dismissed."

However, before Gan Hong's words could be finished, he was interrupted by Ye Xuan's indifferent voice.

"Thank you son... Thank you son..."

Not only did Ye Xuan's words not make Gan Hong angry, but instead made him feel like a new life, and quickly kowtowed to Ye Xuan and left.

Looking at the corpses everywhere, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed and his thoughts moved, the majestic Star Emperor Long Yan burst out from the ground and burned them all into nothingness.

After doing all this, Ye Xuan turned and left.

He didn't go to rendezvous with Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue, but after passing the message to the body through consciousness, he turned into a stream of light and walked towards Lintiandi Cave.

Lintiandi Grotto is located in the depths of the Jiutian Mountain Range. The place is hidden and the terrain is dangerous. It has heavy hand grips. It is a forbidden place for the Nine Heavens Sword Sect to detain serious criminals. It is about two hundred miles away from here. At a speed of about half an hour, he came to the foot of the Jiutian Mountain Range.

There is an old inn at the foot of the Jiutian Mountain Range. Although it is late at night, the inn is still brightly lit. There are many monks who came to the Jiutian Mountain Range to explore the treasure hunt.

After all, the Jiutian Mountain Range traverses the entire Jiutian Star, and it has existed for countless years. It is full of dangers but also contains various opportunities. It is an excellent place to experience treasure hunting. Throughout the ages, countless talented people have entered Jiutian. Treasure hunting in the mountains has obtained opportunities to make a blockbuster, soaring into the sky, and embarking on the path of the strong.

It can be said that the Jiutian Mountain Range is extremely attractive to any monk of the Jiutian Star. Many disciples of the sect will practice in the Jiutian Mountain Range, but most people are exploring the periphery and dare not enter the Jiutian Mountain Range. Deep inside, because those places were too dangerous, and even possessed the guard and haunt of the beasts of the master of the world.

Ye Xuan did not rush into the mountain, but entered the inn at the foot of the mountain and settled down.

"Objective, what to eat?"

As soon as Ye Xuan entered the inn, the enthusiastic shop Xiaoer greeted him.

"Give me some specials and wine."

Ye Xuan glanced across the hall, walked to the only empty table next to him and sat down, and said lightly.

"Haole, wait a minute, guest officer..."

The Xiaoer hurriedly left, and soon served hot wine and dishes.

Ye Xuan drank wine and ate food while listening to the people around him.

"Hey, have you heard that? Three days ago, there seemed to be a strange movement in the depths of the Nine Heavens Mountain Range. Many great powers rushed in and found out that a treasure was born."

"I've heard about it a long time ago, but it's deep in the mountains. How can we get in with this strength, we can only have luck on the outside..."

"I seem to have heard someone say that even the eldest princess Qin Qingxia also disguised herself and sneaked into the mountain to hunt for treasure. It would be nice if we could see the eldest princess's prosperous face this time..."

"Hey, yes, I heard them say that the eldest princess is the number one beauty in our nine-day star domain. It's just a pity that she is going to be married."

"Who do you marry? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Married to the Young Master Lin Yun of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, I heard that Lin Yun, the Young Master of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, is the number one genius of our Nine Heavens Star Territory. It is said that he broke through and became the master of the world not long ago... This is the youngest master of the Nine Sky Star Domain in history."

"If you really want to count it, the youngest master of the Nine Heavens Star Territory is not him, but Ling Chi, the former young master of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect. People will break through to become the master of the world a hundred years ago... It's a pity that Jiang Tianjue was hit by He was murdered by a united outsider, otherwise, he should be the person who married the grandpa."

Hearing the discussion of people around, Ye Xuan frowned slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. Obviously, he did not expect that his second clone Ling Chi would still have such an influence in the Nine Sky Stars to be talked about.

After listening for a while, Ye Xuan shook his head after realizing that these guys were just chatting. He stopped listening and started to eat food and drink on his own, which seemed extraordinarily leisurely.

"Xiao Er, bring your best wine and best food here."

At this moment, a particularly loud and proud voice rang.

With the sound of this sound, under the gaze of everyone, a middle-aged man with long hair and a rough face, standing two meters tall and carrying a giant knife comparable to a door panel on his shoulder, walked in. To the inn.

Although he did not release any aura of cultivation base, everyone still felt a surge of majestic blood and tremendous pressure as he arrived.

This man is definitely a master, and a master of masters.

"Okay... Guest officer, please!"

Xiao Er quickly greeted him.

The middle-aged man swept his eyes from the lobby of the inn and found that there were people everywhere. When there was no empty table, he set his eyes on Ye Xuan who was sitting in the corner next to him, and walked straight to him.

"Little brother, don't you mind putting together a table?"

A simple smile appeared on his face, and the urn said with anger.

"Why do you mind? This big brother, please sit down."

Ye Xuan smiled and sat with a please gesture.


At the moment, the middle-aged man put the knife on his shoulder down.

The dull sound of the big knife landing followed, and the hard floor could not bear the strength of the big knife. The ground was trembling, and the whole inn was shaking and shaking. I don't know how heavy this guy's knife is.

You know that the floor of this inn is made of golden wood, let alone a knife, even a giant cow running in it will not leave any traces, there is no such movement, how can it be like now ?

Under such circumstances, everyone on the scene couldn't help but stare, and they were secretly awe-inspiring. The eyes of the middle-aged man were full of undisguised dignity and amazement.

How heavy is this knife?

"Xiao Er, your floor is not heavy...Hey, this is compensation for breaking the floor."

Looking at the crushed floor, the middle-aged man raised his brows and said with a dissatisfaction.

While talking, he threw a purse directly to Xiao Er.

"Thank you, guest officer..."

Xiaoer quickly thanked him.

"How do you call this big brother?"

Ye Xuan picked up the wine bowl and poured a bowl of wine to the middle-aged man and handed it over, and asked with a smile.

"Lei Qian!"

The middle-aged man looked up and drank the wine in the bowl, looking bold and bold.

PS: It seems that I am a bit long today, follow-up content, plot discussion, please pay attention to the WeChat public account Xiaoming...

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