Medical Martial God

Chapter 1571: Examine the mysterious rank!

Situ Wenhao's unceremonious words fell into Ye Xuan's ears, causing him to frown, and his heart suddenly became a little upset.

He didn't care about Situ Wenhao's ridiculous words before, but he didn't expect this guy to slap his nose on his face, making it clear that he was in trouble.

Right now, Ye Xuan's expression was cold, and he said coldly, "Are you teaching me to do things?"

"What? I said you, are you still not convinced?"

Situ Wenhao's eyes on Ye Xuan were full of undisguised playful abuse: "You, who have not even attended the Alchemy Academy, want to be evaluated as a seventh-rank Huang-rank alchemist? It's ridiculous."

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed and he was about to speak, but Shang Xiaomei next to him was the first to speak: "Situ Senior, I heard my teacher say that even if you haven't gone to the Alchemy Academy, those with great talents can teach themselves. To become a pharmacist, although you are powerful, you shouldn’t look down on others and disrespect Ye Xuan...After all, you are a member of our pharmacist guild. Your words and deeds represent our pharmacist’s guild. Many people are dissatisfied."

Shang Xiaomei never went to the School of Alchemy at the beginning, relying on her own efforts to successfully refine the first Huang-level first-grade pill that showed amazing talents and was later discovered by the School of Alchemy and recruited as a student of the School of Alchemy. After graduation, he successfully joined the Medicine Refining Association.

Therefore, I was very dissatisfied and disgusted with Situ Wenhao's remarks.

"What the business school girl said, I am also thinking about him, lest he brags here, and finally embarrassing him."

After hearing Shang Xiaomei's words, Situ Wenhao quickly said with a smile.

It was just that his heart was full of coldness. He didn't expect Shang Xiaomei to speak for Ye Xuan, which made him very upset.

"You keep saying that I am bragging, dare you make a bet with me at that moment?"

Ye Xuan was very upset with Situ Wenhao, and said directly.

If it wasn't for the medicine guild that couldn't do anything, he would want to slap this stuff.

"Bet? What bet?"

The sudden speech of Ye Xuan made Situ Wenhao a little interested.

"I bet on whether I can succeed in the assessment to become a seventh-tier Huang-rank alchemist!" Ye Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Haha... OK, what's not to bet on? But what if you lose in a while?"

Situ Wenhao said with a laugh.

The guy in front of him who had never even attended the Alchemy Academy dared to make a bet with him, he was looking for his own death.

"If I win, you must solemnly apologize to me and admit my mistake in front of everyone. If I lose, let you do it, how about?"

Ye Xuan said.

"Okay, my son will bet with you!"

Situ Wenhao agreed without hesitation.

Ye Xuan did not speak, quietly waiting for the start of the appraisal of the alchemist.

Because each person has a different level of appraisal, the appraisal is usually conducted by one person.

However, because Ye Xuan and Shang Xiaomei were both assessing the seventh-rank Huang-rank alchemist, their assessments were carried out at the same time.

Soon, it was their turn.

Under the leadership of the staff, they came to the refining medicine examination hall.

This medicine refining examination hall is not too big, it is only 100 square meters, and it is designed to have medicine refining stations.

A gray-haired old man who looks like he is about 70 years old is already waiting in the examination hall. He is wearing a pharmacist's suit. The badge on his chest has nine yellow stars, which means that he is a ninth-grade yellow-grade refiner. Pharmacist.

His name is Huang Yaoyuan, and he is the appraiser of the Alchemist Guild. Generally, he conducts the appraisal of Alchemists at the level of Yellow.

"Xiaomei, you are here..."

Watching Ye Xuan and Shang Xiaomei walk in, Huang Yaoyuan smiled and greeted Shang Xiaomei, his eyes full of undisguised appreciation.

Obviously he is extremely fond of and optimistic about Shang Xiaomei, who has great talent and humble personality.

"Ye Xuan, this is Master Huang Yaoyuan, he is the medicine appraiser of the pharmacist guild..." Shang Xiaomei introduced to Ye Xuan in a low voice.

"You're Ye Xuan, right? Just like Xiaomei, both test the yellow-rank 7th-grade alchemist?"

After that, Huang Yaoyuan set his gaze on Ye Xuan, his eyes filled with doubts.

Except for a few of the few people in the young generation of Jiutian City, no young man like Ye Xuan dared to test the seventh-rank Huang-rank alchemist.

"Ye Xuan has seen Master Huang." Ye Xuan clasped his fist.

"Okay... hurry up and get ready. This time the assessment is for refining the seventh-rank Huang-level Demon Pill. I have prepared the medicinal materials for you. The entire refining process needs to be completed within one stick of incense. Individuals have three chances and fail the assessment three times."

Huang Yaoyuan waved his hand and said, pointing to the two refining tables filled with medicinal materials in front.

As his words fell, Ye Xuan and Shang Xiaomei came to their refining table.

On the medicine refining table, not only the many medicinal materials prepared, but also a rubbing of the magic pill formula.

Demon Pill, a seven-tier yellow pill, can help monks break the seal in the body and drive away the power of evil spirits in the body. The effect is excellent and it is extremely popular in the market. However, the refining process is extremely difficult and cumbersome, which leads to his price. Expensive.

"Are you all ready?"

Looking at Ye Xuan and Shang Xiaomei who were holding the pill for research, Huang Yaoyuan asked in a deep voice.


Shang Xiaomei and Ye Xuan glanced at each other, and both nodded.

"In that case, let's start!"

Huang Yaoyuan flicked his fingers, and a ray of flame flew out to ignite the timing incense beside him.

The assessment officially begins!

"Kang Dang!"

As the assessment began, Shang Xiaomei's thoughts moved, and the storage in her hands prevented the light from flowing, and a medicine cauldron that was three feet high landed steadily on the refining platform.

Her white palms came out, and her palms sprayed out blue flames and burned towards the medicine cauldron, and began the journey of alchemy. She put all kinds of medicinal materials into the medicine cauldron in an orderly manner and began to refine.

"Yes, Not Bad……"

Seeing Shang Xiaomei's breathless appearance, Huang Yaoyuan stroked his beard lightly, and nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, he set his gaze on Ye Xuan next to him, only to find that Ye Xuan was still studying alchemy and had no intention of refining medicine, so Huang Yaoyuan shook his head secretly.

This kid wasn't even a first-tier Huang-rank Alchemist before, but now he came directly to test a seventh-rank Huang-rank Alchemist. From Huang Yaoyuan's point of view, he mostly came to play around.


Just as Huang Yaoyuan's thoughts flashed in his mind, Ye Xuan, who had read the prescriptions, suddenly moved.

Under Huang Yaoyuan's gaze, Ye Xuan did not take out the medicine cauldron, but directly picked up the medicinal materials and threw them into the air.

"What is he doing?"

Huang Yaoyuan shook his head secretly. In his opinion, Ye Xuan's action was simply too irregular, like a juggling.


At this moment, Ye Xuan's palm reached out, and Star Emperor Long Yan fire violently sprayed out of his palm, throwing him into the air to pack all the medicinal materials.

"It's nonsense!"

Huang Yaoyuan couldn't help but secretly said in his heart.

In his opinion, this kid is really messed up, he doesn't need the medicine cauldron to refine the alchemy, he even directly summons the flame to burn the medicinal materials with the flame.

This is to burn all the medicinal materials.

Huang Yaoyuan seemed to have seen the picture of medicinal materials being burnt and scorched, and smelled the smell of medicinal materials being burnt.


However, the scene of the medicinal materials being scorched did not happen. Under Huang Yaoyuan's horrified gaze, the star-colored flame ejected from the palm of Ye Xuan's palm wrapped all the medicinal materials tightly and burned.

Under the burning of flames, the medicinal materials gradually melted into liquid medicine and began to merge.

This scene caused Huang Yaoyuan to be surprised, his eyes widened.

This kind of method is extremely difficult to test the pharmacist’s control over the flames and the powerful enemy of soul perception. Don’t be regarded as a strong enemy of him. He doesn’t dare to directly refining medicine with flames without using the medicine cauldron. There is only the medicine guild in the huge medicine guild Only those elders can do it.

Could it be said that this kid's alchemy skills are enough to hire the elders of the American Alchemy Association?


Suddenly, a slight noise was emitted from the flame, and the burning flame gradually dissipated, and all the liquid medicine that was originally wrapped in the flame and incinerated and melted was turned into ashes and drifted away in the wind.

Ye Xuan failed to refine medicine.

At the moment, Ye Xuan was distracted and failed to control the flame temperature, causing the liquid medicine to be fused to be scorched.


Upon seeing this, Huang Yaoyuan quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be too terrifying if this kid could really refine that way.

At this moment, a scent of medicine wafted, but Shang Xiaomei had already finished refining.


Shang Xiaomei picked up the successfully refined Demon Pill with excitement and excitement on her face.

"Xiaomei, you have made rapid progress recently. Have you succeeded in refining so quickly? Seven-Rank Elementary, yes, yes, you will be a Yellow-Rank Seventh-Rank Alchemist from today!"

Huang Yaoyuan walked to Shang Xiaomei's side, picked up the Demon Pill she had refined, and carefully looked at it, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you, Teacher Huang for the compliment." Shang Xiaomei said happily.

"How is Ye Xuan's refinement?"

Then she set her gaze on Ye Xuan and observed it curiously.

She just found out that Ye Xuan didn't use the medicine cauldron to refine the medicine, but directly used the flame to burn the medicine, which was simple and rude.

"I just failed. I don't know if I can succeed this time. Time is running out."

Huang Yaoyuan looked at Ye Xuan who was refining the medicine, and said in a deep voice.

After a while, a ray of medicinal fragrance radiated from the flame inside, which made both Shang Xiaomei and Huang Yaoyuan happy: "It's going to become a pill!"


Their words just fell silent, and the burning flame of Ye Xuan's palm flew into his hands.

"Ye Xuan, have you succeeded?"

Shang Xiaomei asked curiously.

"of course!"

With Ye Xuan's palm spread out, a pill covered with purple lines slowly appeared in the sight of Huang Yaoyuan and Shang Xiaomei, exuding a faint light.

Obviously, Ye Xuan succeeded in refining this time.

"This... this faint light, this fineness... it's perfect!"

Looking at the Demon Pill with clear lines and glowing light in Ye Xuan's hand, Huang Yaoyuan and Shang Xiaomei were shocked, and their eyes were full of shock.

This is the first time they have seen such a perfect and pure pill!

People only need to know that the elixir is divided into four stages of heaven, earth, black and yellow, and each level is divided into one to nine grades. Because of the different levels of alchemists, the same pill may have different qualities and effects. Therefore, the quality of the pill has a basic level. , Intermediate and advanced points.

However, few people know that in addition to the three qualities of elementary, intermediate, and advanced, there is a rare perfection level.

Few people could refine such a pill, but Ye Xuan did it, and even the medicine cauldron was useless. This simply refreshed their cognition and three views.

He couldn't imagine what level and stage Ye Xuan's refining technique had reached.

A perfect-level pill, even the source of Huang Yao could not be refined.

Not to mention his source of yellow medicine, even the elders of their pharmacist guild can't do it, only the president may be able to do it.

too strong!

Looking at Ye Xuan and the pill in his heart, Huang Yaoyuan was shocked.

"Ye Xuan, you are really amazing."

Shang Xiaomei is fanatical and admired.

"I... I'm just a fluke."

Ye Xuan said angrily.

Immediately, he set his gaze on Huang Yaoyuan and asked with a smile: "Master Huang, am I a successful assessment?"

"Naturally it succeeded."

Huang Yaoyuan recovered quickly and replied in a deep voice.

After a pause, Huang Yaoyuan continued to speak: "Let's go, I will have someone prepare a new medicine suit and guild token for you..."

For such a genius, he must pull him into their guild as soon as possible, and he can't wait to tell the guild leader.

"Master Huang, don't worry about this..."

However, Ye Xuan chuckled and shook his head.

"What's wrong? What's the problem?"

Huang Yaoyuan stopped for a while, turned his head and cast his puzzled eyes on Ye Xuan.

"Um...I want to try to test the mysterious pharmacist!"

Ye Xuan hesitated and said.

According to his current level of refining medicine, he should have stepped into the mysterious stage.

At the beginning, he wanted to test the seventh rank of the Yellow Rank, but he just said casually.


Upon hearing Ye Xuan's words, Huang Yaoyuan and Shang Xiaomei were stunned at the same time.

The news was too shocking.

This guy actually wants to test a mysterious pharmacist?

"Are you going to test a mysterious pharmacist?"

Huang Yaoyuan couldn't help asking.


Ye Xuan nodded gently.

"Huh, the appraisal of the mysterious stage pharmacist is extremely strict and troublesome. You can wait a while outside... I will notify the president and elders!"

Right now, Huang Yaoyuan quickly stabilized his mind and spoke.

"it is good!"

Ye Xuan nodded and walked towards the outside of the assessment hall with Shang Xiaomei.

"By the way, Xiaomei...This is your alchemist level badge, but I have prepared it for you long ago."

As if thinking of something, Huang Yaoyuan handed a badge to Shang Xiaomei's hand, and then hurriedly left through the door on the other side...

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