Medical Martial God

Chapter 1572: Xiao Tianyao!

In the lobby outside, Situ Wenhao, Jiang Li and others were impatiently waiting outside, and the discussants started chatting.

"Why the kid hasn't come out for so long, do you think that kid can pass the assessment?"

"He hasn't even gone to the School of Refining Medicine, and he doesn't have a famous teacher. How can he pass the assessment?"

"That's right, don't say it's the seventh rank of the yellow rank, even the first rank of the yellow rank is impossible."

"I think that kid came here on purpose to join in the fun."

Hearing the discussion and sneers of people around him, Situ Wenhao's mouth rose slightly, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

Jiang Li couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. At first, he believed Ye Xuan's words and brought him here.

"Look, they are out."

At this moment, an exclamation sounded, and Shang Xiaomei and Ye Xuan walked out talking and laughing.

Seeing Ye Xuan who was talking and laughing with Shang Xiaomei, Situ Wenhao flashed a cold light in his eyes without a trace, and quickly greeted him: "Shang Xiaomei, how is it? Has the assessment passed?"

Not waiting for Shang Xiaomei's answer, Situ Wenhao continued: "I think she must have successfully passed with her knowledge and talent in refining medicine, right?"

Shang Xiaomei is a rare beauty, and a flower master like him would naturally not let it go.

After hearing Situ Wenhao's words, everyone turned their eyes on Shang Xiaomei.


Shang Xiaomei chuckled and nodded, and took out her brand new pharmacist rank badge while she was speaking. The seven stars are dazzling, and everyone is enviable.

"Haha... let me just say it, the business school girl is really amazing!" Situ Wenhao said with a big smile.

"Sister Shang, congratulations..."

"Sister Shang, you are really amazing, but we have one more yellow-rank seventh-rank alchemist among our younger generation."

Jiang Li and others also congratulated Shang Xiaomei.

After that, Situ Wenhao turned his gaze on Ye Xuan and said with a playful expression: "Boy, remember our gambling appointment just now, right?"

"Naturally remember." Ye Xuan nodded gently.

"You said that if you lose and fail the assessment, leave it to me, right?"

Situ Wenhao continued to ask.

"Yes." Ye Xuan answered lightly.

"Then what are you doing in a daze? Why don't you hurry to kneel down to learn the dog. Climb?"

Situ Wenhao shouted sharply.

Obviously, Ye Xuan did not succeed in passing the assessment in his opinion.

Jiang Li and the others looked at Ye Xuan like a lively look, their eyes full of disdain.

This guy used to brag and deceived them, but now he is afraid that his true identity is revealed.

"Let me kneel down to learn the dog. Climb? I think you made a mistake. You should apologize to me."

Ye Xuan smiled coldly and said indifferently.

"I apologize to you? Your kid has a dream of spring and autumn, and really thinks that he has passed the assessment and became a seventh-rank Huang-rank alchemist?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Situ Wenhao mocked and sneered again and again.

"That's right, I did pass the assessment of a seventh-rank Huang-rank alchemist."

Ye Xuan stretched lazily, and said unhurriedly.

"What? He really passed the assessment of a seventh-rank Huang-rank alchemist?"

"This guy who hasn't been to the Alchemy Academy succeeded in the assessment?"

"I'm going, really or not?"

Ye Xuan's words shocked Jiang Li and other onlookers severely.

"Boy, are you still pretending? You keep saying that you have passed the assessment and you are a seventh-ranked yellow-ranked pharmacist, but you take out the pharmacist level badge like a business school girl?"

Situ Wenhao stared at Ye Xuan, his eyes full of contempt.

"Yes, take out your alchemist rank badge."

"That is, only the alchemist grade badge can prove that you passed the assessment."

"It's useless to brag, take out the alchemist grade badge..."

Jiang Li and others also ordered at this moment.

"I don't have a pharmacist rank badge yet..."

Ye Xuan shook his head helplessly.

"Cut, you don't have a pharmacist rank badge, what a shit?"

"If you don't have a pharmacist rank badge, it means that your kid failed the assessment, and you are bragging... kid, you lose, hurry up and kneel down to learn the dog. Climb."

Situ Wenhao's face was full of undisguised abuse and mockery.

This is the time, this kid is still acting so calmly.

"That... that... The reason why Ye Xuan didn't have the appraisal of the alchemist level is because his appraisal has not yet ended, and the level cannot be assessed temporarily.

Shang Xiaomei next to Ye Xuan hesitated and explained in a low voice.

"What do you mean?"

Hearing what Shang Xiaomei said, everyone couldn't help being surprised, their eyes full of curiosity.

Why are there still grades that cannot be assessed, and the assessment is not over?

"Because... because Ye Xuan wants to apply for the appraisal of the mysterious pharmacist."

Shang Xiaomei glanced at Ye Xuan and said.

"What? He wants to test the Profound Rank Alchemist?"

"Is there any mistake? He wants to test the mysterious pharmacist?"

"Hey, I'm making a mistake, is he going to test the Profound Rank Alchemist?"

Shang Xiaomei's words fell into everyone's ears, making them stand up on the spot, with a look of disbelief.

"Yeah, that's right... Ye Xuan had just passed the appraisal of the seventh-rank Huang-rank alchemist's level. He successfully refined the perfect-level Demon-breaking Pill... His true medicine level should be the mysterious rank, so he needs to assess the mysterious rank. Pharmacist."

Shang Xiaoyu nodded and said in a deep voice.

At this moment, Situ Wenhao, Jiang Li and others felt that their cognition was about to be subverted.

A guy who had never been to the Alchemy Academy actually wanted to test a Profound Rank Alchemist, which felt like a dream.

"It's impossible... the mysterious pharmacist... Looking at the entire nine-day star field, there is no such young man, how could he have the ability to test the mysterious pharmacist?"

Situ Wenhao was completely lost.

It is already too awesome for him to come here today to test the eighth-rank alchemist of the Yellow Rank. He feels that he is the protagonist today, but he did not expect that there is another one who needs to test the Profound Rank.

Jiang Li and the others looked at Ye Xuan with a look of astonishment.


At this moment, the sound of crisp footsteps sounded, and Huang Yaoyuan brought a large number of elders and president Xiao Tianyao of the Alchemist Guild with them.

The news that Ye Xuan was going to test the Profound Stage Apothecary Alchemist shocked many high-level members of the Apothecary Alchemist Guild.

After all, it was the first time that such a young guy had to test the Profound Rank Alchemist.

The most powerful alchemist among the young generations of the Nine Heavens Star Territory is also only the ninth-rank yellow rank.

"I have seen the president, elders..."

Seeing Huang Yaoyuan that arrived, Xiao Tianyao, President of the Medicine Refining Association and others, Situ Wenhao, Jiang Li, and Shang Xiaomei all hurriedly clasped their fists respectfully.

"You don't have to be polite."

Upon seeing this, Xiao Tianyao, president of the Alchemist Guild, waved his hand.

Afterwards, he set his gaze on Ye Xuan and looked up curiously.

"Nirvana Realm cultivation base?"

Xiao Tianyao frowned without a trace.

At this age, only the cultivation level of Nirvana, martial arts talent can be described as ridiculously poor, and martial arts is basically hopeless.

However, perhaps it is precisely because he is so obsessed with refining medicine that his martial arts cultivation is so weak. Thinking about it this way, Xiao Tianyao felt that it was reasonable.

After all, at this age, a mysterious pharmacist must be tested... but they met for the first time.

"You are the Ye Xuan who Deacon Huang wants to test the mysterious pharmacist?"

Xiao Tianyao set his gaze on Ye Xuan and asked with a smile.

His attitude is very gentle and kind, and the future of the mysterious pharmacist at this age can be described as bright.

"Ye Xuan, this is the President Xiao of our Medicine Refining Association. He is a nine-tier mysterious pharmacist, a strong master..."

Huang Yaoyuan introduced to Ye Xuan.

"Yes, Senior Xiao!"

Hearing Huang Yaoyuan's words, Ye Xuan quickly clasped his fists to answer.

He didn't expect the president of the Medicine Refining Association to be so strong.

A mysterious ninth-rank pharmacist, with a master cultivation base, can be regarded as a powerful person in any place.

"Yes, that's right... young and promising!"

Getting Ye Xuan's affirmative answer, Xiao Tianyao stroked his beard lightly and praised.

Hearing Xiao Tianyao's praise to Ye Xuan, Situ Wenhao was full of anger and unwillingness.

He didn't expect this kid to actually test the Profound Rank Alchemist, and even the president and elders were alarmed.

Then he set his gaze on Situ Wenhao, Shang Xiaomei and others around him, his gaze flashed, and he scolded: "What are you guys doing in a daze? Don't hurry up and notify all the alchemy students to come and study. This is a rare opportunity in a lifetime. Great opportunity!"

Obviously, Xiao Tianyao wanted to use Ye Xuan to teach these unlearned guys a lesson.

After a pause, Xiao Tianyao set his gaze on Huang Yaoyuan: "Lao Huang, you should also arrange it so that the members of the guild can come and learn..."

There are as many as 10,000 members in the Medicine Refining Guild, but there are fewer than a hundred Xuanjie Medicine Refiners.

Now that Ye Xuan used Ye Xuan to test the mysterious pharmacist, they could come to an on-site teaching.


Hearing Xiao Tianyao's words, Situ Wenhao, Huang Yaoyuan and others nodded quickly and left in a hurry.

"Ye Xuan, come with us, go to the appraisal square of the mysterious stage alchemist!"

After doing all this, Xiao Tianyao led Ye Xuan, Shang Xiaomei, and many elders of the Alchemist Guild towards the Xuanjie Alchemist Examination Square.

The Xuanjie Apothecary Appraisal Plaza was specially set up by the Medicine Alchemy Association for the examination of Xuanjie Apothecary Alchemists. It occupies a huge area and has a magnificent momentum. After all, the examination of the Xuanjie Apothecary Alchemist is completely different from the assessment of the Huangjie Apothecary.

The appraisal of a mysterious pharmacist requires three pharmacists of the third rank or above as judges. Not only needs to complete a large amount of medicinal knowledge assessment and understanding, but also need to successfully refine three different mysterious elixirs in the three stick incense and obtain The recognition of the three referees is considered a success.

Not only that, in the entire refining process, the person assessed has two chances of refining failure, and more than three times are extremely unqualified.

It can be said that the evaluation difficulty of the mysterious pharmacist is more than ten times that of the yellow pharmacist.

"Do you know the rules for appraisal of Xuanjie Alchemist?"

Xiao Tianyao set his gaze on Ye Xuan, and asked in a deep voice.

"Senior Xiao, I was a renunciation and taught myself to refine medicine, so the assessment rules are not very clear..."

Ye Xuan shook his head gently, and said with a wry smile.

"Half-way renunciation, self-learning medicine?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Xiao Tianyao and everyone could not help being taken aback.

You must know that Xiao Tianyao thought that Ye Xuan was so outstanding because of the advice of a medicine refining teacher, but how did he think that he was learning refining medicine by himself...

"Well, I haven't gone to the Alchemy School, and I don't have a teacher..."

Ye Xuan nodded gently.

"Let me tell you some assessments for Xuan-level pharmacists. The first is a written pharmacology exam. You need to complete a thousand pharmacology exams within one stick of incense, and you will pass 800 points... Then there is the refining assessment, the judge's comment. in conclusion……"

Xiao Tianyao told Ye Xuan about the assessment rules of the mysterious pharmacist: "Understood?"


Ye Xuan took a deep breath and nodded softly. He didn't expect this matter to be so troublesome.

"You take a break first, we will prepare for it."

After Xiao Tianyao finished speaking, he started preparing and busy.

Ye Xuan adjusted his breath quietly, waiting for the assessment to begin.

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