Medical Martial God

Chapter 1577: Rob Ye Xuan!

In the luxurious and comfortable office, Xiao Tianyao and Ye Xuan sat casually, drinking spiritual tea while talking and laughing, just like old friends for many years.

"Little friend Ye Xuan's medicine alchemy technique can be described as superb, breathtaking, and admirable."

Xiao Tianyao looked at Ye Xuan and said with admiration and admiration on his face.

A little guy in Nirvana is so extraordinary in alchemy. He can easily refine a perfect immortal pill, and he can also easily improve the prescription of the Xingxuan Pill to make a more advanced pill like the Xinglei Xuan Pill. It is unbelievable, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have hardly imagined and believed.

"Senior Xiao praised."

Ye Xuan quickly apologized and spoke with a humble expression.

"I haven't won any awards... The alchemy technique at your age can reach this point, and no one in the entire nine-day star field can do it. According to our estimation, your alchemy technique level is enough to be comparable to that of the sixth rank of the Profound Rank. Compared with the seventh stage of the mysterious pharmacist, but the highest of the three pill that you choose during the assessment is the Xingxuan Pill, so the highest grade we gave can only be the third stage of the mysterious. Don't blame friends."

Xiao Tianyao took a sip from his teacup, and said unhurriedly.

"Senior Xiao is polite, I'm just lucky for a while, I'm not sure of the sixth rank of Profound Rank."

Ye Xuan smiled and shook his head.

"Little Friend Ye Xuan is so old that he has such an unbelievable alchemy. I wonder who is the teacher of Little Friend Ye Xuan?"

In Xiao Tianyao's opinion, Ye Xuan must have an extraordinary medicine refining teacher, and he could only have such a superb medicine refining skill. Therefore, he was very curious about Ye Xuan's teacher before he had this question.

He has been stuck in the ninth stage of the mysterious stage for many years, and he can become an earth-level pharmacist in just one step. If he can find a Taoist fellow who is extraordinary in pharmacy for advice or advice, then he is expected to become an earth-level pharmacist.

Hearing Xiao Tianyao's words, a wry smile appeared on Ye Xuan's face, and he shook his head gently: "Don't hide from Senior Xiao, I don't have a teacher. I learned this alchemy technique myself."

"Self taught?"

Xiao Tianyao was shocked again, and his eyes towards Ye Xuan were full of undisguised shock.

What kind of talent is needed to be able to teach yourself to this point?

He could tell that Ye Xuan was not lying.

"Yes... I was just lucky enough to get an old man's guidance by chance to lead me to the beginning..." Ye Xuan thought for a while and nodded gently.

"The old man's advice? Who is he? What's his name?"

Xiao Tianyao's eyes drenched and couldn't help but ask.

"I only have a relationship with him... As for his name, I don't know..."

Ye Xuan furrowed his brows, his eyes were thinking, as if thinking of something, he continued to speak: "By the way, he claims to be the emperor who has swept the universe by thousands of people. The Haotian Immortal Emperor of the male **** Jade-faced Xiao Langjun coveted by countless female emperors in their dreams!"

Ye Xuan couldn't tell Xiao Tianyao that he was pregnant with the pharmacopoeia of Haotian Medicine Sect, so he thought of the little old man he met in the medicinal material market and told him.

By the way, I can also inquire about the origin of the little old man.

As the president of the Medicine Refining Association, Xiao Tianyao is honorable and well-informed, and he may not know what he really knows.

"Emperor Haotian?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Xiao Tianyao's face couldn't help but change, his eyes filled with deep shock and amazement.

"Senior Xiao, do you know him?"

Seeing Xiao Tianyao's reaction, Ye Xuan asked curiously.

"It's no wonder that little friend Ye Xuan, your medicine alchemy is so extraordinary. It turns out that you got the guidance of the Emperor Haotian. This is a legendary god..."

Xiao Tianyao looked at Ye Xuan with envy, and said in amazement.

"The legendary god-man?" Ye Xuan raised his brows, and a trace of doubt and incomprehension flashed in his eyes.

"Little friend Ye Xuan, don’t you know that Immortal Emperor Haotian is a well-known existence in the universe, a great emperor-level figure, even the domain owner must be treated respectfully, and he is also one of the founders of the Haotian Medicine Sect. The vice-chairman of the Alchemist Guild, if you can get his guidance, the future is boundless..."

Xiao Tianyao's eyes towards Ye Xuan were full of unabashed envy and enthusiasm.

It's no wonder that this guy had such an extraordinary alchemy technique at a young age. It turned out that he was instructed by Immortal Emperor Haotian, and he didn't know where he came from.

In fact, Xiao Tianyao didn't even know that Ye Xuan's medicine refining technique was just self-study. The pair given to him by the little old man of Immortal Emperor Haotian were all messy prescriptions for refining, and he didn't instruct him to refining medicine.

"It turns out that the little old man said it turned out to be true, he is so awesome?"

Hearing what Xiao Tianyao said, Ye Xuan's face was filled with astonishment and shock. He thought that the little old man was bragging, but he didn't think that he had said all the truth and his status was so extraordinary.

However, that little old man didn't look like the legendary expert.

"Little old man? Ahem...Little friend Ye Xuan, don't call it that way..."

Hearing that Ye Xuan called Immortal Emperor Haotian a little old man, Xiao Tianyao coughed twice and said quickly.

"President, Master Ye Xuan's pharmacist uniform and pharmacist badge have been customized."

At this time, a young and beautiful staff member walked in with a jade plate.

On the jade plate, there is a new set of medicine refining clothes, and there is a straight badge.

"Little friend Ye Xuan, go and try it quickly to see if it fits."

Xiao Tianyao smiled and said.

"it is good!"

Ye Xuan nodded gently, and went down to the changing room under the leadership of the beauty staff.

After a while, Ye Xuan, who had put on the pharmacist's suit, stepped out.

At this moment, Ye Xuan's long hair was pulled on the top of his head, with a custom-made pharmacist suit, the whole person looked heroic, extraordinary, and handsome, making the beautiful staff next to him stared and subconsciously covered it. He closed his mouth: " handsome!"

I have to say that this set of pharmacist clothes is quite good, it is cold and cold when worn on the body, and there is aura flowing into the pores, which is extremely comfortable.

Ye Xuan felt that he had turned into a spiritual guy.

"Haha... not bad, it's so handsome in the pharmacist suit!"

Looking at Ye Xuan who came over, Xiao Tianyao said with a laugh.

"Come on, I will help you carry the badge."

While talking, Xiao Tianyao had already taken the initiative to stand up and picked up the alchemist rank badge on the jade plate, and put it in front of Ye Xuan's chest.

The rank badge of the third-rank Xuan-rank Alchemist is completely different from that of the Huang-rank Alchemist.

The yellow-ranked apothecary is a group of yellow flames plus the flame star embellishment that represents the grade, while the Xuan-ranked apothecary’s badge is a group of silver flames that look like a sword, coupled with a silver star that represents the grade, which is high Full of sense and dignity.

In addition to the silver flame resembling a sharp sword, Ye Xuan's badge also had three silver stars, representing the level of his mysterious third-rank alchemist.

"Thank you Senior Xiao!"

Ye Xuan respectfully clasped his fist to thank Xiao Tianyao.

"Haha... Thanks, it seems polite, this is the job of my pharmacist guild."

Xiao Tianyao patted Ye Xuan on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

By the way, it seemed that I wanted something, Xiao Tianyao continued to speak, "I wonder if Little Friend Ye Xuan is interested in joining my Nine Heavens Star Alchemist Guild and becoming the named elder of our guild?"

Although the universe pharmacist guild is one family, it is a big alliance of pharmacists, but because of the difference in the star field, each pharmacist guild has different branches, and the competition between the branches is quite fierce. , There are also strong and weak points, competing for performance and development.

In order to strengthen their strength, many guilds will try to attract many talented medicine geniuses or masters to join.

Ye Xuan's talent for refining medicine is extraordinary, and he has also received guidance from the Emperor Haotian. Xiao Tianyao thinks that Ye Xuan will definitely shine in the future, so he just wanted to let Ye Xuan join their medicine refining guild, and even gave an elder. position.

Seeing that Ye Xuan did not speak, Xiao Tianyao thought that Ye Xuan wanted to refuse, and quickly said: "Little friend Ye Xuan, I know that the temple of my Nine Days Medicine Refining Association is small and cannot accommodate you as a big Buddha. It’s not a problem for the refining talent to go to the center of the universe to join those large guilds..."

"Senior Xiao is really serious, I promised to join your guild!"

Hearing Xiao Tianyao's words, Ye Xuan shook his head repeatedly, waved to interrupt him, and said with a smile.


Ye Xuan's remarks undoubtedly made Xiao Tianyao overjoyed and said excitedly.

"Yeah!" Ye Xuan nodded gently.

"That's great... please come here to register and enter the information."

Xiao Tianyao was so excited that he pulled Ye Xuan to the side of the identity information input device. Ye Xuan only needs to put his palm on it, and the device will automatically sense his strength information, etc., and enter his information.

After a while, a beautiful staff member walked in with an exquisite elder token from the Medicine Refining Association.

"Little friend Ye Xuan, this is your identity token. From now on, you will be the elder of my pharmacist guild. If there is any trouble in the nine-day star field, our pharmacist guild will fully support you!"

Xiao Tianyao handed the elder token to Ye Xuan's hand, and said solemnly.

"Thank you, President!"

Ye Xuan took the token and hugged his fist to thank.

Now he is the elder of the Alchemist's Guild, and this status can be said to be quite golden in the Nine Heavens Star Region.

"If there is nothing else, then I will leave."

Ye Xuan put the token away and said with a smile.

"Little friend Ye Xuan, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you."

Xiao Tianyao hesitated and said.

"President but said it's okay!" Ye Xuan took a sip of spiritual tea.

"That's it. You have researched the production method and prescription of Xing Lei Profound Pill. This pill that is more powerful than Xing Profound Pill will definitely be popular in the market. Our Alchemist Association wants to obtain Xing Lei Profound Pill. Of agency..."

"Don't worry, we will share with you all the benefits of the Xinglei Profound Pill. You will share 70%, and our Alchemist Guild will share 30%. Every time the benefits will be paid to the universe bank card you provided on time."

Xiao Tianyao said solemnly, looking at Ye Xuan with undisguised expectations.

Xinglei Xuandan's customer group is not immortal strong, but high-end customers at the master level. If it is fully promoted, it can be said that it will benefit greatly, so he will put forward such cooperation suggestions.

"it is good!"

Hearing Xiao Tianyao's words, Ye Xuan pondered for a moment and nodded.

"Haha... That's great, then we sign an agency agreement..."

After receiving Ye Xuan's refreshing answer, Xiao Tianyao couldn't help laughing.

With this Xing Lei Xuan Pill's agency power, if it is fully promoted, once the Xing Lei Xuan Pill's reputation is released, the reputation of their Nine-Day Medicine Refining Association in the universe will inevitably skyrocket.

Their nine-day pharmacist guild will inevitably rise, ride the wind and waves, and soar into the sky!

At the same time, Situ Wenhao has assembled a large number of masters trained by the family.

"Are you all ready?"

He looked at the group of masters in front of him, his eyes gleaming with cold light.

Many masters answered in unison.

"It's all ready, don't worry, son, it's just a nirvana kid, we will definitely take him down!"

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