Medical Martial God

Chapter 1578: The death of Situ Wenhao!

As soon as Ye Xuan walked out of the pharmacist guild, he felt that he had been stared at, making his brows frown.

Could it be that the pharmacist guild coveted the treasures on his body and wanted to act on him?

You must know that during the examination of the mysterious stage pharmacist, he took out the ancient **** cauldron and the star emperor Long Yan, these two things are rare treasures in the eyes of any pharmacist, and countless people want to obtain them.

However, with Xiao Tianyao's attitude toward himself just now, it is right that the Alchemist Guild would not do anything to himself.

Could it be someone else?

The sharp light in Ye Xuan's eyes flashed, without thinking about it, his steps moved, turning into a stream of light and galloping towards the remote place.

Behind him, many masters of the Situ family followed silently.

Situ Wenhao, who was sitting on the Star Picking Tower in Nine Heavens City, looked far away at the speeding Ye Xuan and the many subordinates who followed Ye Xuan. His eyes flashed with icy light, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. An indifferent voice came from his mouth: "Boy, don't blame me for being cruel, but for not opening your eyes and offending me!"

"In Jiutianxing, few people dare to oppose me."

After the words fell, Situ Wenhao stretched lazily, drank the spirit wine, and quietly waited for the arrival of the few friends he had appointed.

Speeding all the way, Ye Xuan stopped in an abandoned manor.


He had just landed, and the sound of breaking wind sounded, and a few dark shadows steadily landed in the manor, surrounding him.

"Boy, you are quite courageous. After realizing our existence, you dare to take the initiative to lead us to this abandoned manor. It's really commendable."

The headed scarred man stared at Ye Xuan coldly, licked his tongue, and spoke coldly.

His name is Guiqiu, and he is the leader of the dead man cultivated by the Situ family. He is a strong man who cultivates to the immortal realm of Dzogchen, and he is the most trusted subordinate of Situ Wenhao.

Situ Wenhao asked Guiqiu to bring a lot of men down to kill Ye Xuan and take away his ancient divine cauldron. Obviously, he took the Star Emperor Long Yan extremely seriously.

Along with Guiqiu are five dead men of the Situ family, all of whom have reached the immortal level.

An immortal realm of great perfection, five immortal realms of great success all dispatched to deal with a Nirvana realm Ye Xuan is obviously easy.

"I just found a place to rest for you."

Ye Xuan smiled coldly and answered lightly.

He didn't pay attention to these six guys at all.

"Arrogant, do it for me and kill him!"

Guiqiu's face was cold, his eyes flashed murderously, and he shouted sharply.


Guiqiu's words just fell silent, and the five subordinates beside him were Qi Qi drew their swords and attacked Ye Xuan.

The moment the five of them made their move, the immortal realm spread, the power of immortality revolved, the real immortal body appeared, and the sword was unsheathed, just like five gods who sanctioned evil.

These five guys used their full strength to shoot, and they didn't have the slightest carelessness because of Ye Xuan's Nirvana Realm cultivation.

Even the cultivator at the pinnacle of Immortality was in desperation facing the siege of the five of them, but Ye Xuan didn't care.

At the moment they attacked, Ye Xuan's expression was cold, and the Jun Ni sword appeared in his hand, taking a step forward, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.


The five dazzling sword lights lit up, and the five dead men who attacked Ye Xuan suddenly trembled. The immortal bodies and their bodies were torn apart by the sword light, blood was vomiting, and they died suddenly.


A heavy voice sounded, and the five of them fell helplessly in a pool of blood.

"how come?"

Looking at the five subordinates who died in that instant, and at Ye Xuan who appeared strangely in front of him, Guiqiu's face changed drastically, his figure exploded, and the voice of incredible words came out from his mouth.

The huge immortal real body also protects his body.

However, Ye Xuan smiled contemptuously. Under Guiqiu’s horrified gaze, the star-colored flames of Ye Xuan’s palms would protect his immortal body from being easily penetrated, and his palms remained unabated. Catch Guiqiu so that Guiqiu's soul flew away, and his figure exploded wildly, as if he was running for his life.

He used the speed of his life's explosive retreat to the extreme, but it still had no effect. The palm wrapped in flames got closer and closer to him, and finally fell on his neck under his horrified eyes.

"No... don't kill me!"

Guiqiu never thought that this Nirvana monk would be so terrifying and powerful, and the voice of trembling and despair came from Guiqiu's mouth.

Seeing that the call for help was invalid, Guiqiu was about to bite his tongue and commit suicide but was stopped by Ye Xuan.

His majestic soul power surged out toward Guiqiu's mind and started searching for the soul directly against Guiqiu.

But as a dead man, this guy was banned in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"The mere ban also wants to stop me?"

When Ye Xuan's soul power touched the restriction, the restriction was launched to wipe out Guiqiu, but Ye Xuan arrogantly tore it apart.

The majestic soul power was poured into Guiqiu's sea of ​​consciousness, and a large amount of information was mastered by Ye Xuan.


It's a pity that this guy's strength was too weak, he couldn't stand Ye Xuan's Star Emperor Dragon Flame and Soul Search at all, his body was directly burned into ashes and scattered with the wind.

But even so, Ye Xuan has already figured out some things.

"Situ Wenhao?"

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes, and he turned around and walked towards the Star Picking Tower.

The guy lost the bet at the beginning, because Xiao Tianyao and the others arrived before Ye Xuan had time to make the guy apologize, but he didn't expect that the guy would actually hold a grudge and dare to do something against himself, he was simply seeking his own death.

For people who like to die like this, Ye Xuan has always met his requirements.

In the luxurious box in the Star Tower, Situ Wenhao was in a good mood and invited several friends to drink here.

Their status and status are not weaker than that of Situ Wenhao, and they are all famous sons of the big families of Nine Stars.

They are Qian Youzhi, the third son of the city lord's mansion, Tang Wushuang, the third son of the Tang family, and Shi Tianhao, the first son of the Shi family.

"Come on, let's have a good drink today, don't get drunk or return..."

Situ Wenhao raised his glass and said to everyone.

"Haha, well, not drunk or return..."

Hearing Situ Wenhao's words, everyone laughed and toasted and drank, and the atmosphere was fiery.


However, at this moment, the dull sound of collision suddenly sounded, and the closed box door was directly kicked open brutally, and the sky was full of dust.

"Asshole, which one is not eye-opening?"

"Fuck, who dares to disturb the Yaxing of Laozi drinking?"

The door was kicked open arbitrarily, Situ Wenhao, Qian Youzhi, Tang Wushuang, Shi Tianhao and their expressions all changed, a strong anger surged from the bottom of their hearts, they slapped the table, and angry words came out.

Seeing Situ Wenhao and the others angry, the maids in the box waiting for them to drink were all shocked and silent.

Under their angry and cold gaze, a slender figure walked in slowly among the dust flying in the sky and appeared in their sight.

"It's you?"

Seeing Ye Xuan who walked in, Situ Wenhao's expression couldn't help changing, a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and the sound of cold words came out from his mouth.

He never thought that Ye Xuan would be the one who came here to look for trouble. Could it be that Guiqiu and the others missed it?

This guy is just the cultivation base of Nirvana, with Keiqiu's strength, he shouldn't miss it.

"What? I didn't expect it to be me?"

Ye Xuan's eyes swept from the surroundings, fell on Situ Wenhao, and said coldly.

The thought flashed in Situ Wenhao's mind, and he calmed down instantly, and asked coldly: "I have nothing to do with you, what are you doing here?"

Ye Xuan did not answer Situ Wenhao, but fell on Qian Youzhi, Tang Wushuang and the others in the box. He raised his brows and said flatly: "I'm here to find Situ Wenhao. Those who are irrelevant will get out. Go out."

"Grass, who do you, a nirvana kid, talk to like that? Something that doesn't know life or death!"

Whether it was Qian Youzhi, Tang Wushuang or Shi Tianhao, both of them were well-known brothers in Jiutian City. Whoever saw them was not very respectful. Nowadays, when an unknown kid dared to speak to them like this, they were angry at first.

"Boy, obediently kneel and kowtow to me and apologize, my son will spare you not to die!"

Shi Tianhao looked at Ye Xuan and said angrily.


Ye Xuan did not speak, and directly hit Shi Tianhao with a punch from the air.

The bright fists came straight to Shi Tianhao!

"court death!"

Shi Tianhao's face was cold, the breath of Immortality Great Perfection erupted, and he let out a harsh shout, rushing out to face Ye Xuan.


In the next instant, Shi Tianhao was hit by Ye Xuan's fist, vomiting blood under the gaze of everyone's stunned eyes, and flew out and hit the wall.

"Fuck you mother!"

Tang Wushuang couldn't help but be surprised by this scene that made Qian Yingzhi.

They were replaced by anger and no longer thought about why Shi Tianhao, who was in the Immortal Realm, was smashed into the air by Ye Xuan in Nirvana. Instead, they rushed out, blasting towards Ye Xuan from left to right. Come.

The fist is strong, murderous all around!

The cultivation base of these two guys is stronger than Shi Tianhao, and they have entered the immortal realm.


However, Ye Xuan didn't even look at it. With a wave of his sleeves, terrible energy erupted, drawing on the bodies of Qian Youzhi and Tang Wushuang, who were struck by lightning, causing them to vomit blood. He flew out, hit the wall next to him, and was seriously injured.

Looking at the upright Ye Xuan with his chest, Qian Youzhi, Tang Wushuang, and Shi Tianhao were all shocked and astonished. They didn't expect this guy in Nirvana to be so strong.

Situ Wenhao who hadn't done anything next to him was shocked by this scene, and he didn't expect Ye Xuan to be so strong.

From this point of view, most of Keiqiu and the others were killed by this kid because they failed.

And if he himself started, he would definitely not be the opponent of this kid.

The top priority is that he can only use his identity to suppress this guy.

The thought flashed in Situ Wenhao's heart, and he said without hesitation: "Boy, you're done, do you know who they are? They are the three young masters of the City Lord's Mansion, the sons of the Tang family and the Shi family... It’s not something you can afford."

"There is no one in this nine-day star field that I can't afford!"

However, it was Ye Xuan's cold and domineering words that responded to Situ Wenhao.

"What a crazy tone, boy, you..."

Hearing what Ye Xuan said, Qian Youzhi, Tang Wushuang and others were furious and shouted.

However, Ye Xuan did not pay attention to them at all, but stepped towards Situ Wenhao.

Seeing that Ye Xuan walking step by step, feeling his aura, Situ Wenhao's face changed drastically, and he said in horror: " do you want to do? Although I made a bet with you today, but you You don’t have to do this to me, right?"

"You sent the guys who assassinated me not long ago?" Ye Xuan said coldly.

"I...I don't know what you are talking about..." Situ Wenhao quickly denied.

As long as he survives this catastrophe, he will inevitably have to pay the price for this guy, making him worse than death!

"I've searched their souls, they were sent by you..." Ye Xuan said coldly.

" are the dead men of my family, with soul restraint how can you successfully search for souls..."

Situ Wenhao replied subconsciously.

Soon, he realized that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly closed his mouth!

Ye Xuan's expression became cold, and his palm stuck out and grabbed Situ Wenhao's throat, but Situ Wenhao's struggle to dodge was useless.

"Damn, let me go, let me tell you, I am the eldest son of the Situ family, if you move me..."

Situ Wenhao struggled violently in Ye Xuan's hands, and the voice of anger and horror came out.


However, before he could finish his words, Ye Xuan's palm suddenly exerted force, squeezing his neck, and the hot Star Emperor Long Yan burst out of Ye Xuan's hand and took the body of Situ Wenhao. Burning into nothingness.


"This... this guy... actually killed Situ Wenhao?"

Seeing Situ Wenhao who was completely dead and turned to ashes, the maid in the box was scared and screamed. Tang Wushuang, Shi Tianhao, and Qian Youzhi were also scared and troubled, and there were incredible words in their mouths.

They never thought that Ye Xuan would dare to kill Situ Wenhao directly.

You know, Situ Wenhao is the eldest son of the Situ family, one of the future heirs of the Situ family, and he has an extraordinary status in Jiutianxing.

But that guy killed him directly.

This simply refreshed their perception.

There are only a handful of people in the entire nine-day star field who dared to directly kill Situ Wenhao, even their parents dare not do it...

However, that guy did so, which shocked their hearts.

In their eyes, Ye Xuan is a lunatic!

After killing Situ Wenhao, Ye Xuan didn't even look at Tang Wushuang next to him, Shi Tianhao and the others gave him a glance, but turned and left and disappeared in the box.


After Ye Xuan left, Tang Wushuang, Shi Tianhao and the others let out a sigh of relief.

"Situ Wenhao is dead, what should I do next? Don't we just forget about this account?"

Everyone glanced at each other and asked in unison.

"How could it be so? The kid killed Situ Wenhao and his death was imminent! First notify the Situ family, and then we will join hands to find this kid to avenge..."

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