Medical Martial God

Chapter 1588: Enter the ruins!

"Hehe... Ye Gongzi, we meet again."

Lin Yun, the young master of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, came with many master swords, staying in front of Qian Dao, Situ Tianya and the others, looking at Ye Xuan, his eyes were full of unabashed indifference, and his handsome face was full. She smiled, and abusive words came out from her mouth.

After that, Lin Yun cast his gaze on the bodies of Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue beside Ye Xuan, with undisguised greed and enthusiasm in their eyes.

These two beauties must be fun to play with, and their meat must be delicious, right?

These days, after practicing the exercises taught by his father and starting to steam and eat human flesh, Lin Yun's strength can be said to have skyrocketed. Many beautiful and beautiful monks of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect were planted in his hands and eaten by him.

Today's Lin Yun cultivation base has reached the two-star realm master, which is not unpleasant.

"Who are you? Do I know you? Don't be close to me here!"

Seeing the smile on Lin Yun's face, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed coldly, his brows raised, and he said rather uncomfortably.

"Hehe... I didn't expect Ye Gongzi to forget me so quickly, we had seen it at the Haihuangjie Jiulong auction."

Facing Ye Xuan's attitude, Lin Yun didn't get angry, but smiled and looked very elegant.

His temperament and performance fell into the eyes of the people around him and made them enthusiastic, especially those female monks who felt that Lin Yun's temperament was too elegant and outstanding, like a prince from the fairy world.

"So it's you?" Ye Xuan smiled coldly and asked in surprise.

The eyes of his star emperor opened quietly, and he looked at Lin Yun carefully.

He found that Lin Yun's breath had become extremely weird and strange. There were countless different kinds of energies circulating in their bodies, converging in his Dantian and then being absorbed and transformed.

And this guy's cultivation realm even broke through to the two-star realm master, far more powerful than when he was in the Sea Emperor Realm.

"What? Ye Gongzi remembered now?"

Lin Yun still had a smile on his face.

"No... I can't remember people who are like ants in my eyes!"

Ye Xuan answered coldly, and then his brows fell on Situ Tianya and the others, and said with a sneer: "What? Are you planning to make a stand for them?"

"Arrogant! This kid is so mad that he dared to talk to Master Linyun like this..."

"I heard that right? This guy actually called Master Linyun an ant?"

"This guy is so arrogant, he's almost reckless."

Ye Xuan's words fell in the ears of many people around, especially those of Lin Yun's brain-dead fans, making them extremely angry.

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, the smile on Lin Yun's face gradually disappeared, and the gaze towards Ye Xuan was full of unabashed indifference, and the voice of abusive words came out: "So I am in the eyes of Ye Gongzi Is it just an ant? If that's the case, would Ye Gongzi dare to accept my challenge from the ant? I really want to stand up for them."

"In that case, then I will fulfill you, let's do it!"

A trace of impatience flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes, he didn't want to talk nonsense with this hypocritical guy like Lin Yun.

"Okay! You have to be careful!"

A cold light flashed in Lin Yun's eyes, and the Ling Tian Sword in his hand suddenly unsheathed, and the bright sword light bloomed straight to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan smiled coldly, not evasive, looking at Lin Yun mischievously, the majestic soul power forming an invisible shield wall in front of him!

"This guy is dying, facing Young Master Linyun with this sword, he can't avoid it?"

"This brother is very courageous, but this is to pretend to be coercive and not fatal."

"I seem to see this guy pretending to fail and crashing down..."

Ye Xuan's performance fell in the eyes of the people around him, making them look contemptuous, and they started talking.

However, the scene that shocked their eyes happened suddenly.

Under their stunned gaze, Lin Yun's sword energy that was slashing towards Ye Xuan unexpectedly shifted past him, and could not hurt him at all.

"This... what's going on?"

The people at the scene were stunned.

"This is the sword technique of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect? Could you please be more accurate?"

Ye Xuan stared at Lin Yun and said disdainfully.

Lin Yun's face couldn't help but change. Ye Xuan's ridiculous words made him angry, and the Lingyun sword in his hand was continuously cut out.

"Shoo, hoo..."

In an instant, dozens of sharp sword auras all went straight to Ye Xuan.

But a strange scene happened again!

Ming Ming Ye Xuan hadn't moved a bit while standing there, but this sword aura could not hurt him at all, passing by him strangely.

They didn't know that this was Ye Xuan's huge soul power attached to the sword qi and forcibly changed the trajectory of the sword qi.

This result surprised everyone and made De Linyun's face pale.

"Young Master Linyun, the Sect Master of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, has a well-deserved reputation and missed it!"

"Hey, Lord Linyun, you are not blind, otherwise, how could you miss a sword?"

Ye Xuan looked at Lin Yun with interest, yawned, and said unhurriedly, "I'm just standing here, and I won't be evasive, so I can make other people's hits? Why don't you fail with a sword? Middle? Don’t you tell me this is your Nine Heavens Sword Sect’s peerless swordsmanship, but it’s not a masterpiece?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, the people around couldn't help but want to laugh, and this guy's words were also interesting.

Of course, some people even began to wonder if this Lin Yun was really blind!

"court death!"

Being played by Ye Xuan in front of so many people, Lin Yun's face was blue and white, it was hard to see the extreme.

He let out a stern shout, and the soles of his feet slammed out, flying out like lightning. The Lingyun sword in his hand suddenly unsheathed, carrying a wild killing intent to Ye Xuan.

"You have already made so many tricks, it's me now!"

Looking at the long sword stabbed by Lin Yun, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed with cold light, his right fist was clenched, and the power of the ancient gods inside his body flowed, causing his fist to turn into gold instantly, carrying a powerful punch with powerful force. Smashed out.


In the next instant, a dull collision sounded.

Under people's shocked and shocked gaze, Ye Xuan's fist slammed directly on the Lingyun sword stabbed by Lin Yun.

The Ling Chi Sword, which was cut like mud, was directly shook by the terrible force, and was compressed to the extreme like a spring.

The powerful elastic force burst out suddenly, and Lin Yun, who was attacking Ye Xuan, was directly shocked by the powerful counter-shock force and flew out.

The huge energy spread vertically and horizontally, and the terrible energy spread in all directions. Lin Yun's whole body was directly shaken by this fierce force and flew hundreds of meters before he stabilized his body.


"Is there anything wrong? That nirvana boy actually blocked Young Master Linyun's sword with a punch, and also knocked him back by Zhenfei?"

"Nima, did I not look at the dazzling eyes? It turned out that Lin Yun fell in love?"

"Fuck, that guy is just a Nirvana, how can he be so strong?"

"Then boy, he took strong medicine, right? This is incredible, right?"

"That kid is only the cultivation base of Nirvana, but Lin Yun is the main cultivation base of the half-step world, he was shocked?"

The scene before them fell in the eyes of the people around, making them look astonished, and the pot was exploded in an instant, and the people at the scene were even more upset.

In their opinion, Lin Yun is the most outstanding talent in the Nine Heavens Star Territory, the young master of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, and the existence of the half-step realm master, and Ye Xuan is just a kid in Nirvana.

But Lin Yun was hit by Ye Xuan, which really made them feel incredible, even unacceptable.

"I just suppressed my cultivation in the real state of Yang just to be fair to the bully and the weak. I didn't expect to be shocked by you, but I looked down on you a little."

When people were confused about this, Lin Yun's voice rang at this moment.

Hearing Lin Yun's voice, the people at the scene were taken aback for a moment, and then a thick look of surprise appeared on their faces.

Now they finally understood why Lin Yun would be knocked into the air. It turned out that he suppressed the cultivation base in the real state of Yang.

"As expected to be the Young Master Linyun, fighting against the Nirvana Realm in the Sun Realm..."

"No wonder this is the result. It turned out to be like this. Young Master Linyun is really my idol. I love this style of behavior."

Many people at the scene even screamed.

Upon seeing this, Lin Yun quietly breathed a sigh of relief. These remarks were just temporary thoughts that he wanted to restore his lost face.

Lin Yun raised his head and looked at Ye Xuan, and found that Ye Xuan was looking at him with a smile, making him feel angry.

"Boy, I just underestimated the enemy, and now I will suppress the cultivation base in Nirvana to deal with you!"

Lin Yun held back the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice.

"Really? Let's make the move!"

Ye Xuan didn't open Lin Yun, but sneered.


"Quickly, quickly...The door of the void is completely opened, and the void passage appears, you can enter."

Just when Lin Yun was about to do it, the excitement sounded at this moment.

With the sound of this sound, a large number of people rushed towards the gate of the void and disappeared from people's sight.

The door of the void is fully opened, and the scene can be entered.

"Boy, wait until you enter the ruins to clean up! Let's go!"

Upon seeing this, a cold light flashed in Lin Yun's eyes, no longer aimed at Ye Xuan, but led Situ Tianya and the others towards the gate of the void, and quickly disappeared into Ye Xuan's sight.


There was a flash of light in Ye Xuan's eyes, and he rushed towards the gate of the void with Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue.

Soon after they disappeared, a huge flame Suzaku galloped over, carrying a **** ecstatic woman and quickly rushed into the door of the void.

If Ye Xuan were here, she would definitely be recognized, because she was the eldest princess Qin Qingxia.

Qin Qingxia had just disappeared, and the second clone from the sword rushed in quickly!

Soon after, Yin Tian Chen from Jiu Yin Realm rushed in with a few old friends.

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