Medical Martial God

Chapter 1589: Enemies meet, especially jealous!

Rushing into the door of the void, what appeared in Ye Xuan's sight was the vast and majestic sea of ​​void.

In the center of the Void Sea stood a mysterious and ancient ruin, and countless monks rushed towards the ruins in front as if they were crazy, at an extreme speed.

Even, in order to compete quickly, these people also launched a fierce fight along the way.


However, at this moment, there was a roar of monsters in the sea of ​​void, the sea was tumbling, and the dense sea monsters flew out of the sea without warning, and launched a siege to the coming and going monks.

Thousands of thunderbirds in the distance whizzed in and attacked the monks.

A ten thousand-year-old octopus monster rose to the sky, waving its tentacles and hunting at the monk.

A giant sea monster with a height of up to eight thousand feet rushed out with a large number of sea monsters, and launched a massacre at the monk.

An eternal giant dragon with a body length of 30,000 feet wandered in the sea of ​​void, swallowing hundreds of monks every time it opened its mouth.


The calm sea of ​​void instantly turned into a **** of killing, blood splashed, screams screamed endlessly, and a large number of monks who poured into the gate of void fell to death.

Seeing this **** scene, Ye Xuan, Hun Yuying, and Ao Bingxue all looked solemn.

Ye Xuan thought, and the beast banner in his hand appeared, summoning the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale.

However, the Sea-Cracking Xuanlong Whale used its ability to simulate and turned into a sea dragon, releasing a vicious atmosphere!


Ye Xuan, Soul Yuying, Ao Bingxue and the others jumped on top of the sea-splitting Xuanlong whale's head, and the sea-splitting Xuanlong whale made a roar from the sky and rushed towards the distance.


Riding the wind and waves, the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale is unstoppable, tearing apart all the sea monsters and monsters encountered along the way, like a sharp arrow rushing into the ancient ruins in the middle of the void sea.

"Carry us one..."

"Take us all the way..."

Seeing this scene, many cultivators flew towards the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale that Ye Xuan was riding in one after another, wanting to take it together.


The sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale raised up to the sky and let out a roar, and the huge swing of its giant tail directly drew these monks into mud.

Soon the Sea-Splitting Xuanlong Whale came to the center of the Void Sea and rushed into the ancient ruins.

"Shoo, hoo..."

The moment Ye Xuan and the others rushed into the ruins, the scenery in front of them changed and they appeared in an ancient hall.

In the hall, countless grim faces and dead skeletons and zombies all set their eyes on him, raised their bows and arrows, opened the bowstrings and attacked Ye Xuan and the others.

Arrows rained all over the sky, roaring over the sky, covering Ye Xuan and the others.


The azure blue domain of the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale opened up, blocking all the arrow rain that hit, and the dragon's tail swayed all these skeleton zombies away.

However, there are still a large number of skeletons and zombies rushing out of the passage at the end of the hall. They are the dead servants who guard this temple. Each is an immortal body, whose cultivation is comparable to the immortal state.

These things cannot be killed.

When Ye Xuan fought these skeleton zombies and deadpool ruins, other adventurers also broke in, and their faces couldn't help but change when they looked at the densely packed skeletons and zombies in the hall.

Some people were attacked and killed by skeleton zombies before they could react.

"Shoo, hoo..."

At this moment, a bright sword light lased from a distance.

Lin Yun, the young master of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, was driving the ancient sword, bringing Situ Tianya, Shi Zhonghao, and Qian Daoming and they rushed over.

They didn't pay attention to everyone at all, and directly rushed to the passage ahead with a monstrous sword light, broke through the skeleton and zombie group to kill a blood path, and disappeared into everyone's sight.

"Rush over!"

Ye Xuan looked around and found that there was only a passageway where skeletons and zombies gushed out in front of him, and he gave orders without hesitation.

The sea dragon transformed by the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale uttered a roar to the sky, and the energy in the mouth screamed, spit out a sea-splitting dragon bomb to destroy the zombie skeletons, and then brought Ye Xuan, the soul of them quickly Rushed in.

"Chong! Go!"

Looking at the disappearing Ye Xuan and others, the adventurers around also rushed in desperately.

All the way madly rushed, but all the skeleton zombies blocked were smashed by the sea-splitting mysterious dragon whale. I don't know how long they rushed, Ye Xuan and the others realized suddenly and brightly and appeared in a huge main hall.

In the center of the main hall stood an ancient and majestic statue, who was the master of the mad blood world.

There are many dead guards in the hall. They are starting a siege with Lin Yun, Situ Tianya and the others, and when they see Ye Xuan and the others, they quickly rushed towards Ye Xuan and them.

Ye Xuan looked around, and the main hall was connected to four different passages leading to four different side halls.

"go there!"

Ye Xuan chose a side hall at will, and under the leadership of the Sea-Cracking Xuanlong Whale, he smashed the undead guards and rushed in.

The young master of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect Lin Yun, Situ Tianya and the others rushed to another side hall.


The roar of monsters resounded in the side hall, and Ye Xuan and the others broke into a side hall guarded by six **** eight-headed dogs.

There was a flash of closed door in front of the Partial Hall, which was the pill storehouse of the mad-level realm master, which made Ye Xuan, Soul Yuying, and Ao Bingxue shine.

Although the pill storehouse is not comparable to the treasure house, the pill storehouse is of extraordinary value and can be called the second treasure house.

Looking at the arrival of Ye Xuan and the others, the eight-headed dog from the Hell, whose combat power was comparable to the half-step world master, uttered a roar and slew towards Ye Xuan. It was a mighty and mighty power.

But Ye Xuan and the others didn't pay attention at all. The sea dragon transformed by the sea-splitting profound dragon whale rushed out, and the sharp dragon claws directly tore the Hell eight-headed dog to pieces.

Ye Xuan, Soul Yuying, and Ao Bingxue quickly rushed into the pill storehouse.

After breaking into the pill storehouse, what Ye Xuan and his group saw were all kinds of pill, exuding a strong fragrance.

"This is a great return pill that can replenish anger?"

"There are also immortal spirit pills that allow immortal cultivators to break through the realm, and there are even quite a few star profound pills..."

Looking at the mountain of pills in the warehouse, the two of Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue were extremely excited and extremely excited.

"What are these? There is also a realm master pill that helps the realm masters to speed up their cultivation!"

Ye Xuan picked up a golden pill and said with a smile.

"My son, look at it... there are also all kinds of pills here."

Soul Yuying opened the cabinet next to the pound and found that there were mountains of scrolls inside, all of which were pill.

However, the ranks of them are both the mysterious rank and the yellow rank, and there are only less than five pill ranks.

Even so, Ye Xuan and the others also made generous profits.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

Right now, Ye Xuan, Hun Yuying, and Ao Bingxue did not hesitate to collect the pill from the warehouse.


They only received the general, the door was kicked open arbitrarily, and a large number of monks broke in.

"Wow... a lot of pills..."

"My, it's all mine, don't grab anyone else!"

"Fuck, get out, it's all mine..."

Looking at the pill in the treasury, these monks were completely mad, and even fought for looting.


Ye Xuan, Soul Yuying, and Ao Bingxue didn't bother to leave quickly after collecting enough pills.

Speeding all the way, they came to a huge treasure house of weapons.

This place is majestic and heavily guarded. A group of undead blood guards whose cultivation level has reached the half-step world master is guarded here. Many monks are fighting fiercely with these undead blood guards.

A blood guard commander wearing a golden armor, with a cultivation base reaching the master level, standing in the center of the gate of the weapon treasure house with a long knife, coldly watching the people fighting around him, but anyone who wants to rush to him to open the treasure house Everyone was killed by him.

Obviously, this treasure trove of weapons has not been opened yet.

I don’t know what treasures are in the collection of a titled master’s life?


Right now, Ye Xuan, Hun Yuying, and Ao Bingxue glanced at each other and rushed towards the leader of the blood guard.

"Those who trespass into the treasure house of weapons will not be spared!

Looking at the rushing Ye Xuan and others, the **** light in the eyes of the leader of the blood guard flickered, like a roar from **** coming from his mouth.

As his words fell, his world master-level aura exploded, and the long sword in his hand suddenly unsheathed, carrying endless killing intent towards Ye Xuan, Soul Yuying, and Ao Bingxue.

Seeing him slashed out, the monstrous blade light bloomed, as if it could split a large mountain, causing Ye Xuan and the others to slightly change their expressions and dodge to the side.


A huge explosion sounded, the hard floor was chopped out of a bottomless gully, and the surrounding monks were shocked by the terrible sword air, vomiting blood, and flew out.


Taking this opportunity, Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue appeared next to the leader of the blood guard, and his knees slammed against the leader of the blood guard with powerful force. Ao Bingxue's sharp hand knife It was severely cut on the back of his neck with a dull sound.


If a star realm master bears their combined blow, I am afraid that he will pass out on the spot. However, the blood guard leader is an immortal body, full of golden light, and a roar from his mouth, terrifying power erupts, and the soul jade Ying and Ao Bingxue shook away.


In such an instant, Ye Xuan had opened the door to the treasure house of weapons.

What appeared in people's sight was a particularly shocking scene, and the dense magic weapon of fairy soldiers surrounded by light appeared in people's sight, exuding an intoxicating atmosphere.

These magic weapons of the immortal soldiers reached the imperial rank inferior rank for the last time, and the highest rank reached the upper rank of holy rank, which made the people on the scene completely crazy. Their eyes were red, and the blood guards who were fighting against them were shaken away, frantically towards Rushed into the treasure house of weapons.

Looking at the crazy people, the blood guard leader who was fought by Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue was completely angry, he let out a roar, his hands untied the strange knot, and he pressed against the ground.

The earth trembled, and under the horrified gaze of people, a giant white beast with nine heads emerged, exuding the ferocious aura of a world master, staring at everyone with blood-colored eyes, and then violently waved its claws. A famous monk was torn apart.

This is a nine-headed ghost dog from hell, whose combat power is comparable to a two-star realm master.

Its appearance brought a huge crisis to the people at the scene, and the expressions of Dehun Yuying and Ao Bingxue were also solemn.

This thing is very dangerous, you shouldn't get entangled with it, you should go grab the treasure first.

Thinking of this, Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue rushed directly towards the treasure house. This **** nine-headed ghost dog and the leader of the blood guard followed closely, and a tragic battle broke out in the weapon treasure house.

Ye Xuan didn't have time to look closely at the densely packed weapons in the treasure house, but quickly collected them. After all, time is money, and if you can collect one more, you can collect one more.

During this period, many people secretly wanted to assassinate him, a fellow in Nirvana, and seize the treasures in Ye Xuan's hands, but they were all beheaded by Ye Xuan.

After some battle, Ye Xuan has gained a lot.


Suddenly, Ye Xuan's gaze fell on the seven-star flag surrounded by black star power in the deepest part of the treasure house, making him look happy.

This thing is much better than his sacred beast banner, and it looks like it can be eliminated.

Right now, Ye Xuan did not hesitate to grab the seven-star flag, but at this moment, a bitter wind blew by, and a black shadow first appeared in front of the seven-star flag and took him into his hand.

He was short and thin, his sinister eyes were staring at Ye Xuan, and there were cold and sinister words in his mouth.

"Hateful boy, we meet again."

This guy is no one else, but the defeated Jiuyin Realm Master Yin Tian Chen.

Enemies are on a narrow road, and when their enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

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