Zhao shensan looked at Lin Yan and said, "when you are pushed to the end and kicked by your girlfriend, you feel disheartened. But you don't know that I was plotted at the beginning and almost lost my life!"


"At the beginning, I was the deputy head of Tongxian county. The head of Tongxian County, Liu Tiandi, was deeply rooted in the county. He was in charge of both black and white. He developed eight King Kong, controlled the demolition and bullied the relocated households, resulting in a lawsuit for human life.

In order to find justice for those poor people who were forced to lose their families but could not get compensation, I was secretly arrested at the public auction site, covered with black cloth bags, and transferred to several places of detention. I almost died in secret. "

Listening to Zhao shensan's story, Tian Qiushuang obviously knows it, and he is still angry. Lin Yan is even more angry. It seems that there are greedy and black hearted leaders in every era, and the most vulnerable is the ordinary people who are being slaughtered.

"Fortunately, a weak girl who was saved by me found that I was missing. She led the people to the provincial capital to denounce my grievances, which shocked the whole Nanzhou. The high-level officials strictly ordered me to be found, and those people had to let me go under pressure."

Lin Yan couldn't help but clap his hands together and said, "Amitabha! Thanks to this weak girl, it can be seen that good people will always be rewarded. If you hadn't saved her, she would not have been so bold to save you. "

Zhao shensan's eyes were full of complicated emotions and said: "Lin Yan, if I tell you that later, this weak girl, for the position of anchor of a city TV station, combined with my political enemies to set me up, secretly put a bug in my bag, which almost caused me to disclose the record of my conversation with the top leaders of the whole province. If so, it will bring a big fight to the officialdom of the whole province Destructive subversion, I Zhao shensan must be dead without burial place, do you believe it? "

Lin Yan glared: "ah? Why is this girl so poisonous? "

Zhao shensan said with self mockery: "yes, I still don't understand why. This girl has been saved by me more than once. As long as she can stay by my side and accompany me occasionally, she will never care about her reputation.

But the same woman, in order to achieve her selfish desire, has become a python. She lies beside me with a straight stick, not for company, but to measure whether she can swallow me up with her figure. "

Lin Yan was completely confused.

Zhao shensan said: "to tell you this, I just want to tell you that people have two sides. We can't absolutely judge whether a person is good or bad. Good people will do bad things in a specific environment, causing more destructive power than bad people. And bad people will do good things under certain circumstances, and the good things they do are more effective than good people.

The world is so fucked up and full of inequality. If you put the outlook on life that has been instilled from small to large into the workplace, it will only break your head and blood. No matter what industry, if you want to be a person with the right to speak, you will have to pay ten times and a hundred times more effort and price than ordinary people. "

Lin Yan was silent, but his heart began to churn violently. He felt that his decision might be too hasty. To put it bluntly, in fact, it was cowardly evasion.

Zhao shensan's level of ideological work can be said to be perfect. By self contamination and narrating his own experience, he moved Lin Yan's resistance a little bit. So far, he has shown good results.

"Lin Yan, you have a good medical skill, and there is no contradiction between your work in the administrative field. But you can't deny that no matter how prominent a businessman is, at best, he can be called a" local tyrant "in society. His social status can never be compared with that of leading cadres.

You can see that Li Lixin, a global enterprise as big as Peninsula Group, has made his name as "the third master" in the business world. Is it majestic? But it just touches the interests of some big people. A small County-level Public Security Bureau can take his deputy away. Can we see his social status?

For another example, if you are going to open a clinic today, if Huang Ruihan is not rich and Yunting is a good brother-in-law, and she relies on Qian Yunting to occupy the position of vice president, can you get three million yuan in three minutes?

There is also a business license. As far as I know, the business license of the medical system is the most difficult one among all the operating enterprises. However, if Feng Huanhuan, the president of the first people's Hospital, comes forward to handle it for you, it will be as simple as drinking water.

If you look at me again, after so many difficulties and obstacles, my environment is still full of dangers. However, with the help of these two tasks, I have solved the land problem of millions of migrant children and solved the problem of more than 300000 migrant people settling down in Nanping.

If I had been killed at the beginning, it would have been my life. Since I had not died, and since I was sitting in the mayor's chair, I would still exercise my rights. Those who look at me with disgust can only envy me.

Lin Yan, I have said so much. Do you understand what I mean? "

Lin Yan nodded with hatred: "I understand Mayor Zhao. You're right. The world is such a mess. Those bastards who occupy high positions brew many dirty and ugly crimes. What I call doing little good is actually cowardly compromise.

If I want to achieve my ideal, wash away these evils and return justice to the people, I can't start from a small point. Although I can't turn the tide around, I can still play a role in the end. In this case, I shouldn't shrink back. I should go to the muddy water and be the fulcrum of secretary Fang. "Zhao shensan patted Lin Yan happily: "children can be taught!"

Tian Qiushuang rolled his eyes and said, "I finally woke you up. What about your clinic? "

Lin Yan said: "it's not a conflict. My business philosophy of the clinic is membership based high-end private service. I don't need to sit in all the time. Through appointment, I can arrange my time reasonably. My grandfather is usually here, which is much better than me."

Zhao shensan said: "Lin Yan, I'd like to remind you that you'd better ask President Feng Huanhuan to handle the business license of your grandfather's name for you. The old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is attending the clinic. There's no problem anywhere."

Lin Yan instantly understood, and quickly sent a text message to Feng Huanhuan, saying this meaning. Feng Huanhuan replied: "received, understood!"

Tian Qiushuang envied and said: "you are really good. Feng Huanhuan doesn't even care about Zuo Tianming. He dares to lift off the sandy land in his real name. How can I not be so lucky if he helps you so wholeheartedly?"

Zhao Shen said with a smile: "this world still depends on face. Lin Yan is talented and has good looks. Of course, he is more popular than you."

Such a ridicule, the atmosphere is more relaxed, Lin Yan is very modest to ask Zhao shensan, once he returns to the unit, how dare to position his responsibility.

Zhao shensan appreciated Lin Yan's caution and sincerely pointed out: "Lin Yan, you don't have to think about the case all the time, just do what you should do according to your position, just do it with your heart.

The so-called fulcrum doesn't need to jump up and down, take the initiative to attack, and do your own work steadfastly. It doesn't hinder the ad hoc group from relying on your strength at all. Do you understand? "

Lin Yan nodded again and again: "understand, understand, Mayor Zhao, listen to your teaching, really better than ten years of reading."

Zhao shensanjuzhi said: "of course, Guanlin and Qiushuang are my brothers. I haven't taught them so deeply. You are predestined with me. I always feel that I can see my shadow when I was young from you."

Lin Yan said gratefully: "thank Mayor Zhao for teaching me so much. It's just that I resolutely refused to go back to the office today, and I'll go back tomorrow. Isn't that funny? "

Zhao shensan said with a mysterious smile: "you don't have to worry about this. Tomorrow, Secretary Bao Cheng, the head of Meilin District, will not be able to sit down. When he comes to the door, you can promise him with any shelf. On the one hand, it makes him feel that you respect him much better than Guo Quanhai. On the other hand, giving him face is equal to giving yourself face. Your working environment will be much smoother in the future."

Lin Yan wanted to know how Mayor Zhao was so familiar with the situation of Lu Ping's cadres. He didn't dare to ask for a long time. Instead, he thought of another question and asked, "Mayor Zhao, are you familiar with Li Lixin? How did he find you to persuade me? "

Zhao shensan's eyes flashed a trace of fear, but he still answered the question: "the root is still in you. Do you remember what you said to me on the first day of the lunar new year? Because of that problem, I found Li Lixin, so I owe him a favor. He asked me to come forward and persuade you. Although I still shoulder the entrustment of other people, I also conveniently return this favor. "

Lin Yan was shocked and said: "er..." In my heart, I dare not ask any more. However, when I look at Zhao shensan again, I have a deeper understanding of Zhao shensan's saying that his climbing Road is full of traps.

Yes, even though Mayor Zhao has reached such a high level of achievement, there are still invisible conspiracies to plot against him. Bai Shaofan is the most authentic Prince of H Province. How high is he that can even move the prince and secretly question Zhao Shen's third son's blood relationship?

Faced with such a big crisis, Zhao shensan is still calmly exercising the power of mayor and seeking benefits for millions of people. This is the best example of doing great good. He Lin Yan is too naive and vulnerable to be counselled by a little blow.

To achieve the goal, Zhao shensan is very busy and takes Tian Qiushuang to leave all night.

Lin Yan returned home, but it was destined to be a sleepless night.

What lingers in my mind is that stubborn and beautiful little face. Feier, I can only owe you in this life.

Mayor Zhao is right. Everything can be a chip, but love can't.

This matter has been unable to think, Lin Yan pain for a while, and began to blood boiling outline work clinic two correct prospects.

What's more, Lin Yan is very curious. Will Secretary Bao come tomorrow? And will Merlin keep him in charge?

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