At the critical moment of the night, it's hard for people to fall asleep, but also for those who are not used to going to bed early, and for those who completely disturb their biological clock because of absurdity.

At this moment, in Yuele's top private room in 2046, Nanzhou, our poor left eldest and youngest, who had been plucked eggs and ligated vas deferens, occupied the dominant position.

Tie Xiaoyi was the first to accompany the guests, and there were two older men in the grade who were discussing eagerly together.

It is estimated that the content is more important. Several female companions were rushed to the other side of the very large private room, where they ate. Among the female companions, there was Li fei'er.

Li fei'er didn't go with the girls. She was sitting on the terrace connected with the private room. The glass door between the terrace and the private room was closed, completely isolating her from the outside, just like an angel in the world.

She is wearing headphones, holding a cocktail, sipping a little, overlooking the lights downstairs, the beautiful little face is extremely cold, as if all the things in the world have nothing to do with her.

Tie Xiaoyi is sitting on the terrace. He can clearly see Li fei'er's every move. His eyes show a satisfied smile from time to time. This little dew is picked by him after all.

Zuo Lianshan has become sticky since he lost his egg. Seeing tie Xiaoyi keep looking at Li fei'er, he gets up and sits down beside him. Half of his body is lying on him. He whispers in his ear full of jealousy: "Xiao Tie, you're not funny enough. You know this girl has cheated me. Did you bring her here to demonstrate to me?"

Iron Xiao Yi strong endure a kick fly this rotten cockscomb impulse, evil spirit of smile said: "she pit you, I picked her, not just to give you revenge?"

Zuo Lianshan changed his eyebrows and said with some doubts: "are you really just playing with her? How can I see that your eyes are fascinated by her? "

Tie Xiaoyi's heart is one Lin, but he too understands the urine of the Lord around him, he can't get it, would rather destroy it than keep it for others, so he does not care more and more, and says: "you can pull it down, Zuo Shao, am I the kind of person who gives up the garden for a flower? As you know, the old guys are fighting with Mr. Li recently. Holding this girl in their hand may be a chip. Besides, I'm not at a loss for her looks! "

Zuo Lianshan was relieved, but he was very annoyed and complained: "Ma Dan, are the old guys going to die recently? The province approved a high-speed rail project, I went to ask for it, but my father didn't allow it. It's going to change the hell? "

Tie Xiaoyi secretly despises Zuo Lianshan as a big straw bag. He doesn't look at the limelight at all. Boss Zuo is on the verge of exposure because he broke the sand land and absorbed money to launder money. He is surrounded by ten sides. One carelessness is destruction. At the critical moment, he needs to be careful. This straw bag still wants to grasp the project and transfer the money to get the profits. Isn't that a handle for the special case team.

But Zuo Lianshan is at least the head boss. Tie Xiaoyi doesn't confide in his heart. He says hypocritically: "maybe Bai Da Shao reached out first? If so, I'm afraid we can't eat on the left bank. "

Zuo Lianshan said bitterly: "Bai Shaofan is also a shareholder of the left bank, but he always bypasses the company to eat alone. It's really not authentic. But Xiaotie, don't change the subject. I can tell you that Li fei'er and I have a grudge against each other. Now I'm despised by my parents because of her misfortune! I don't object to you playing with her, but you must not be emotional with her. When you are tired of playing with her, I have to cook her well! "

Iron Xiao Yi's heart sprouts strong hatred, but his face is still languid smile and asks: "Oh? How do you want to make her? "

Zuo Lianshan said bitterly: "when my father kills Li fei'er's underworld father, I'll sell this cruel little beauty to Chiang Mai. There's a kind of underground gold cave. She's not hot tempered. Let her be a beast beauty and be beaten and conquered by men every day. I'll see if she can be hot then "Get up!"

Tie Xiaoyi's fists are clenched secretly, and his nails are pinched into his hands. He has also seen the gold selling cave in Chiang Mai. As long as he has money, all the abnormal things you can think of can be satisfied there.

There is indeed a "human animal farm" at the bottom of the Xiaojin grottoes. Beautiful girls who have been abducted from all over the world are led to the stage by wearing dog collars. They are whipped and beaten by the guests who have spent a lot of money. One by one, they are scarred. After being beaten to death, they are humiliated in public on the stage. That's a worse existence than chicken. It's the ultimate torture of life rather than death.

This Zuo Lianshan is so damn cruel!

Li fei'er, you hate her just because you are no longer a man, but I love her to death. If I touch her hair, I feel sorry for her. If you are so cruel, I can only apologize to you.

Tie Xiaoyi hates it in his heart, but he knows that although Zuo Lianshan has a straw bag, he has a lot of hatred. Since he has a crush on Li fei'er, if he doesn't deal with it properly, one can't see it. He is arranged by the straw bag to take her away from the capital school and sell her to Chiang Mai, but it's too late anyway.

"Zuo Shao, what's the hurry? Revenge is the most important thing. It makes her fall in love with me. Then I kick her again and send her from heaven to hell. Do you think it will be better?" Iron Xiao Yi intentionally a face sinister smile way.Zuo Lianshan was really satisfied. He patted tie Xiaoyi on the shoulder and said, "Xiaotie, my father said that you are more deceitful than me. I'll wait for your news."

Tie Xiaoyi nodded with a smiling face. Zuo Lianshan suddenly said with a sticky face: "Hey, you haven't met Lin Yan in Luping. What do you think of him?"

"I've seen it, but it's not so good. I was kicked by Li fei'er. It looks like I'm dying. What's the matter?"

Zuo Lianshan looked at the stars and said, "what are your eyes? How nice Lin Yan is! He's handsome, affectionate and can play anything. I like this one. Hee hee. "

Tie Xiaoyi makes Lingling shudder. He's a pervert. He was beaten to death when he molested Lin Yan last time. He still doesn't want to die because of such a big risk?

Zuo Lianshan thought about Lin Yan's appearance. He couldn't help it. Seeing tie Xiaoyi looking at himself with a kind of disdainful and compassionate eyes, he was instantly annoyed. He raised his hand and clapped it and said, "what's your look? Does NIMA look down on me? Or are you discriminating against men? Do you understand the trend? Now the world supports men. If Lin yanken, I'd like to take him to live abroad, and we'll get married! "

Tie Xiaoyi said with a sad face: "wake up, my little master. Lin Yanchang is a man like a dog, but how insidious is he? Have you never understood? Even if you and Maoyu got drunk and were cheated, he didn't do it. Last time he was able to beat you as pigs in front of so many people, there was no evidence for us to sue him.

How dare you take such a person to live abroad? It's the same as carrying a poisonous snake around. You're not afraid that you won't wake up and be killed by him! "

Zuo Lianshan firmly said: "I'm not afraid! I just like such a man with character! At that time, he didn't love me. He didn't know how good I was. He should have beaten me. When he understood that no one in the world could love him more than me, and no one in the world could give him more than me, he would be moved by me. "

"I'll go!" Tie Xiaoyi was so angry by this funny straw bag that he said: "it seems that you are on the curved road and never look back. You are not afraid that boss Zuo will be angry with you!"

Zuo Lianshan sniffed: "I'm not their vassal, who is like you, every day in front of the old guys when a good baby, no topic with you!"

Tie Xiaoyi's anger surged to his throat, and he had to press it down, but he still said with a strong smile: "I wish you happiness, but now Lin Yan has become a street mouse, and his love career has been cut off, and soon becomes garbage. I hope you have a good appetite to taste him."

Zuo Lianshan's eyes were suddenly bright: "what do you say? What do you say? Lin Yan down? Tell me, tell me what's going on? "

Tie Xiaoyi said impatiently: "in order to avenge you, the old friends have alienated Lin Yan and Li fei'er. Li fei'er doesn't want him, or can I bring this girl? And my father used some means to get rid of the boy's work. "

Zuo Lianshan clapped his hands: "ha ha, heaven helps me! When brother Lin Yan had nothing, I suddenly came down from the sky and sent him the love he had lost and the chance that his rotten job contained a thousand times more gold. He was moved by my infatuation. From then on, he and my husband and wife both returned home and worked together to make money. How happy it was

Tie Xiaoyi looks at the flower maniac in front of him with an idiot's eyes. He feels that he can't communicate with him, so he just shut up.

Zuo Lianshan, however, became more and more excited. He jumped up and ran to the song platform, ordered "husband and wife return home" of Huangmei Opera, and began to sing with a female voice in his hands, while the other singers cheered.

Li fei'er turned her chair around and turned her back to the room completely, facing the sky. The club is on more than 100 floors. Because of its height, she can clearly see the stars in the sky. She looked at the cold moon, and her lips showed a colder smile than the moon.

Li fei'er is wearing a headset. It seems that she is listening to music with her mobile phone. In fact, what she hears from the Bluetooth headset is the recorder she left in her bag on the sofa they are sitting on.

Just now, tiexiaoyi talked with Zuo Lianshan. She heard it very clearly. For the "Orc" in Chiang Mai, Li fei'er didn't have much anger, fear and resentment. She knew that tiexiaoyi meant more than playing to her. The rank of this sinister young man was much higher than that of Zuo Lianshan, so she didn't have to worry about the absolutely impossible I'm not.

What makes Li fei'er uncomfortable is Lin Yan's condition.

The most serious thing is that even Zuo Lianshan knows how to comfort and help Lin Yan when he has nothing, but she can only watch Lin Yan's suffering coldly and can do nothing.

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