Lin Yan left the vice president's office, went to the counter, issued relevant certificates from the Public Security Bureau and the communication working group, transferred the 30 million yuan to the working group's account, paid back the money owed to Huang Ruihan, and walked out of the bank.

In fact, Lin Yan was very upset. After all, a woman who showed her love for him was a mercenary man who liked the new and disliked the old.

With a long breath, Lin Yan decided that this woman would no longer be qualified as a friend.

Back in Meilin District, Lin Yan went directly to Bao Cheng's office. When Bao Cheng saw him, he asked, "has the fund been completed?"

Lin Yan nodded.

Bao Cheng was in a good mood and said: "it's really timely. There are several very important and irreducible related households. If you can't get any more money, I'll have to let the district finance pay for it first."

Bao Cheng said, looking at Lin Yan's absent-minded appearance, he asked strangely, "what's your expression? My key stakeholders are all people who can affect our work performance in Meilin district. Don't you have any opinions? "

Lin Yan said with a bitter smile: "it's not because of this, Secretary Bao. Why did I register with Wu Jun at that time and why did I divorce later? You know the inside story best. But now, because of this, I'm regarded as a mercenary villain. I'm really pissed off."

Bao Cheng said with relief: "for this! Simply, if you marry Wu Jun again, no one will misunderstand her. "

Lin Yan exclaimed: "you can stop. I already have a daughter-in-law. I'm going to get married soon. Don't make trouble any more."

Bao Cheng said with a smile: "or is it Mr. Li's son-in-law? It's been kicked for a few days. How about making up? "

Lin Yan said with a complicated look: "it's not him, it's Ling Wei of the Municipal Bureau."

Bao Cheng asked in surprise: "Ling Wei, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau?"


"You can, how come you even took director Ling?"

Lin Yan a little fart said: "Secretary Bao, believe it or not, this time, I was taken by her."

Bao Cheng said: "you can blow it. Director Ren Ling is very good. She is the proud woman with ability and position. Instead, she will take you down?"

Lin Yan became more and more proud. He even forgot his anger at Huang Ruihan. He picked up his eyebrows and said, "there's a saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder." maybe I'm beauty in Ling Wei's eyes, hehe. "

Bao Cheng was also amused, and with money to solve the big problem, they began to laugh, but did not know that there was a pretty figure standing at the door, trembling all over, covering his mouth and running quickly.

It's Wu Jun.

From beginning to end, Wu Jun never gave up her determination to marry Lin Yan.

However, she knows that haste is not enough. At present, Lin Yan hasn't come out of every unpleasant thing and can't accept her so quickly. But Wu Jun believes that as long as she is given time, she will be able to make Lin Yan rekindle her love for her. In the end, the man is her.

A while ago, Lin Yan and Li fei'er seemed to love each other warmly, but Wu Jun felt that they were not the same people at all. With Lin Yan's arrogance, sooner or later, she could not bear the fact that her wife was richer than him. Sure enough, she split up in a few days.

Wu Jun is preparing to apply for a card at Lin Yan's clinic these days. First, she starts with Lin Yan's family and penetrates his life a little bit. She doesn't worry about him.

Unexpectedly, when the meeting came to report to Secretary Bao, he heard such a conversation coming from the room.

Wu Jun knows Lin Yan too well. He can make jokes about other things, but he can't make jokes about women's reputation because of his self-cultivation. Since he said in front of secretary Bao that Ling Wei had taken him, it must be true.

Ling Wei!

Lupin is the most beautiful woman.

Secretary Bao's evaluation is very objective. Ling Wei is indeed a good-looking, capable and competent woman. Since she has won Lin Yan, Wu Jun is not even a competitor.

When she gets back to the office, Wu Jun holds her breath to death. She never expects that Ling Wei will take the rice she has already stewed in the pot.

Just give up?

Wu Jun sadly looks at the green rose on the windowsill. The strong green vines flow out of the flowerpot and spread all around. The wild vitality can't stop it.

Wu Jun's face is gradually determined. How about Ling Wei being the first beauty? What about the deputy director of the public security bureau? She's just as good as Wu Jun.

The fight for power can't compete with Ling Wei. So, let's fight wisely. Wu Jun doesn't believe it. Because she and Lin Yan have the qualification to have a secret love with Lin Yan for ten years, she can't find a gap. She just sticks a leg between Lin Yan and Ling Wei.

Of course, Lin Yan didn't know about this episode. When he came out of secretary Bao's office, he went back to Xintong to arrange the funds properly. He exchanged the funds of several extremely important figures that Secretary Bao told him, and the total amount was more than 4 million.

In addition, Lin Yan also informed Wang Yanan, the Secretary of the executive vice mayor you Xuan, to exchange her dowry book of several hundred thousand. Although there was no interest, Wang Yanan thought that she could never get it back. At this moment, he was overjoyed. He was too coquettish on the phone. He kept saying that he would arrange a thank-you at CITIC hotel in the evening. Please be sure to ask Secretary Lin kindly accept.But secretary Lin Yan remembered that when Wang Yanan entrusted him with the money for the first time, he was able to pull him to the yard to touch his milk. Tonight's thanks must have a special flavor. He didn't dare to accept it with a smile. Instead, he refused with a smile. He just said that although secretary Lin was very modest, what he said must be done. There will be a long time to come. Let Miss Wang remember this friendship.

Wang Yanan thought of the day when Lin Yan was kicked by Li fei'er. She was also angry and looked down on the bastard. She was very sorry. She said that she would do her best where Lin Yan could use her in the future.

Lin Yan was very satisfied with the effect. After all, he decided to walk in the officialdom. He would have to ask mayor you Xuan to mediate with Wang Yanan. He would get twice the result with half the effort.

After all, Wan Feixue vomited the money for the sake of her children. Lin Yan felt that she had to meet the poor twin sisters, so she called her guardian Wan Feiyu, and the woman readily agreed.

Meeting place, about in the downtown Dennis building, there are cafes and playgrounds, suitable for arranging children.

When Lin Yan arrived at the appointed coffee shop, a tall and graceful lady stood at the door with a pink doll in her hand and said with a smile: "I've heard so much about secretary Lin, I'm Wan Feiyu."

All the sisters are in good shape. Wanfeixue is 178, and this wanfeiyu is the same. But she is more angry than wanfeixue. She is tall, with her long legs protruding forward and backward. It's a worry at first sight!

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