Lin Yan nodded politely at Wan Feiyu, but turned his eyes to the little sisters. The two children fully absorbed the advantages of Cao Yu and WAN Feixue. They were only three years old, tall, with delicate white skin, big eyes and long eyelashes. They were wearing the same pink princess dress as Barbie.

In the last video, the two children went to visit Cao Yu in short and narrow clothes, but today they are so brand-new and beautiful. It seems that Wan Feiyu is a scheming girl. The last time they dressed their children in rags, they aroused Cao Yu's heartache and forced Cao Yu to give money. When they saw Lin Yan today, they were beautiful and extravagant, which showed that she was very responsible as a guardian.

"Cao Liang, Cao can, uncle."

Two dolls heard the aunt's order, eyes flashed timid expression, milky cry: "Uncle good."

Lin Yan sighs in his heart that the two children are "bright" together, which is enough to show that Cao Yu and WAN Feixue even take their names with strong blessing, hoping that the two children's lives can be brilliant.

It's a pity that if the couple keep their duty, with their ability, they can really create a bright life for the two girls. But now they are both in prison, and the children are left to wanfeiyu, who is greedy and cold, and they are destined to be tempered.

Compared with Wan Feixue, Wan Feiyu's facial features are not so standard, but she has a romantic posture in her heart. She has two shallow dimples on her lips. She doesn't speak and smiles first. No matter she is standing or sitting, she always puts on the best posture. There is a kind of flattery that makes men move. At first glance, she is a very comfortable woman.

But this woman's watery eyes, but always hovering with a shrewd calculation, which killed her a bit charming, warmly facing Lin Yan to sit in the card seat, then went to the bar to order things.

Lin Yan just interacted with two little lollies. He said with a smile, "Cao guangcao can, uncle, let you two see if your mother is OK?"

As soon as they heard "Mom", their eyes brightened, and they flew over like butterflies. One left and one right nestled in Lin Yan's arms. He turned on his mobile phone to play the video that Wan Feixue recorded when he entrusted the two children to him.

In the picture, Wan Feixue appears, and the two children can't help crying: "Mom, mom..."

Lin yanrou said in a soft voice: "well behaved, well behaved, my mother has something to say to you."

Two children staring at the mobile phone, but big eyes or "PATA, PATA" dripping tears, really distressing.

In the video, Wan Feixue's eyes are red, but she barely makes a brilliant smile. She waves her hand and says, "Hey, big girl, little girl, my mother is busy abroad. It will take a long time to go home. During this time, you two should be obedient!

You two Miss brother Cao Hao all the time! Take your mother to talk to you this video to find your uncle Lin, who is the most trusted person of your mother. He will arrange for you to go to Hong Kong and live with Mei Ting's mother, so that you can live with Cao Hao every day. Are you happy?

Hey, hey, you two just follow Mei Ting's mother to study in Hong Kong. When she's finished, she'll pick you up! "

In the middle of the video playing, Wan Feiyu has ordered something and sat back. Her sister's words in the video are clear, but she doesn't look angry. She sits opposite calmly and patiently.

After all, the two children are small and not very sensible. They can be sent to live with Mei Ting's mother when their mother says that they are working abroad. They clap their hands and jump happily.

Wan Feiyu said with a smile: "secretary Lin, the video is over. Why don't you send two girls to the playground next door and let's have a good chat?"

Lin Yan knew that it would not be easy for the woman to hand over the two children smoothly. What's more, she had to go through the exit formalities, and her current Guardian had to come forward. She had to make an agreement and nodded.

The two children went to play happily. They sat back in their seats. Wan Feiyu leaned slightly, presenting her proud S-shape figure perfectly.

Wan Feiyu chin slightly pick, lips with a sweet smile, said: "secretary Lin deserves the reputation, it seems, this is my silly sister down, otherwise, she will not be so heartless to my sister.

Just after I received the SMS from the bank, all the education funds that my sister left for me to keep for the two children were taken away. I knew that things had changed. The answer from the bank was that they were taken back by the working group of Xintong. It happened that secretary Lin's phone call came. "

Lin Yan nodded: "yes, I'm entrusted by Wan Feixue to go through the formalities for her to send her two children to live with Luo Meiting. When I ask you to come out, I hope you can cooperate and send them away as soon as possible, which is also to reduce your burden."

Wan Feiyu laughs sarcastically: "ha ha ha, burden? No, secretary Lin, I never take my sister's children as a burden! What's more, at the end of the day, there's no reason for the current wife to raise her own daughter to her husband's ex-wife. If my sister is not conscious, it's secretary Lin's request is false. "

Lin Yan said: "I can see that Ms. Wan is a smart person, but there is a Chinese saying that" being smart is mistaken by being smart ". Originally, this money was left to you for safekeeping. You have a little patience to raise the child to 18 years old. Don't you control it all?It's a pity that you are not patient enough. You just use the method of abusing children to force Cao Yu. Money is still hanging there. You abuse people's heart and soul. It's no use getting money. Will the two children let you get money now? I don't know if there's something wrong with your point of view. "

Wan Feiyu was dejected for a moment, but he quickly raised his eyebrows and said, "it's all a private matter between me and my sister. I don't want Secretary Laolin to worry about it. If you want me to cooperate with you in going through the formalities for the situation of two children, I have a condition. "

Lin Yan said, "go ahead."

"Wan Feiyu said:" I have to meet my sister, personally heard her say to entrust the child to you, otherwise I can't believe it

Lin Yan said: "at present, Wan Feixue is under the supervision of the Public Security Bureau. If you want to visit her, you have to go through the person in charge of the Public Security Bureau. I can apply for it for you."

Wan Feiyu strong said: "I'm on this condition, you don't agree, I don't cooperate."

Lin Yan stood up and said: "in this case, let's wait for the news, but I advise you that although the child is small, the injury is most unforgettable. Be careful!"

Wan Feiyu's face suddenly changed, and his good posture finally couldn't go on. He said angrily, "I said that I didn't abuse them. You are the government leader, don't spit out blood!"

Lin Yan is the most affectionate. For his younger sister's sake, he has been fighting with powerful people more than once. He has patted Shabo, cut Qin Maoyu's eggs, and stabbed Ouyang Ruiqing's kidney. He looks down on the man who ignores his family because of his money. He is so greedy that even such a lovely niece can abuse him. In his heart, he is no longer human.

No matter how beautiful a woman is, he doesn't want to take a look at her. Since Wan Feiyu has made the offer, there's nothing to say. Lin Yan stands up and leaves.

After work in the afternoon, Lin Yan went back to Lin Yitang. Today, he made an appointment with a member for the first time. This member is a little sister introduced by Wu Shanshan, the daughter of Minister Wu Xiangzhi. She is also a 17-year-old girl. When she applied for the card, Lin Yan didn't see her.

At half past six, Lin Yan was waiting in the consulting room upstairs. When he heard a gentle knock on the door, he called, "please come in."

The attendant in the light pink nurse's dress opened the door and said sweetly, "Xue Meimei, please come in. Dr. Lin is waiting for you."

Then, a blooming girl came in, but it made Lin Yan stay for a while. The girl's delicate figure, graceful eyebrows slightly wrinkled, long eyelashes slightly trembled, lips full like durian.

The girl is really beautiful, but it's not enough to cause Lin Yan's gaffe. It's because the girl's eyebrows and figure are six or seven points similar to Li fei'er!

The girl said softly: "Dr. Lin, I'm Xue Jinyan. I'm with Wu Shanshan. She said Dr. Lin can cure dysmenorrhea. I have a bad pain today, so I have an appointment with you."

Lin Yan quickly put away the dull pain aroused by this face for a moment, and said gently: "dysmenorrhea is a very painful problem, especially at your age. If you don't recuperate in time, it may form an irregular cycle. Now that you're here, don't be afraid. I'm sure I can cure you. "

"Thank you, Dr. Lin."

Lin yanpai clapped his hands, and Xiao Tang, the new assistant, came in. Lin Yan said, "Miss Xue, you should get ready with Doctor Tang first. I need to give you a simple examination."

The interior layout of the consulting room is warm and comfortable, and the examination bed is completely different from the dark ochre plastic and steel frame of the hospital. It is laid out of snow-white sheets. Xiao Tang arranges Xue Jinyan to lie down and asks Lin Yan to come in.

After lying down, Xue Jinyan's naked skin is a bit more bright than the white sheet, and it is also full of ice flesh and jade. You can feel the softness and fragrance of virginity with your eyes. It's true that there are many drops falling on the sterile sheet, just like falling red, leaving the branch head gently. It's too pitiful to make the delicate and soft that you can trample.

Accompanied by Xiao Tang, Lin Yan made a proper examination. Seeing Xue Jinyan frowning and crying for pain, he gave her a round of dredging massage, which really achieved an immediate effect.

By the time she got out of bed, the little girl had no pain at all. She had been suffering from dysmenorrhea for several years. I never thought that this handsome doctor brother was so magical. When she was kneaded, she would have no pain at all. She gave Lin Yan a bright smile and a stack of thanks.

But this smile, more like Li fei'er, made Lin Yan dejected. He gave Wu Jinyan a prescription of Chinese medicine and asked her to go to the audio-visual room to have a rest. The Chinese medicine was boiled and packed into a vacuum bag to take away.

Wu Jinyan was happily taken to the audio-visual room to have a rest.

Lin Yan irresistibly takes out his mobile phone and calls out a picture from the picture library. It's a group photo of him and Fei Er in the dormitory apartment in Beijing. The two faces are close together. He is squeezing his left eye and Fei Er's right eye. The two eyes in the middle are full of happiness.

Author: hehe, Huaer didn't cheat you, did he? Is there any surprise in the official account? Parents who are not concerned about WeChat's official account of "cactus flower", go to the flower garden.

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