Listening to the leader's scolding, Lin Yan sneered and stopped talking, so he was taken to a room. With his hands from top to bottom, he felt all the pockets on his body. He came out for morning exercise wearing a sportswear, without his wallet. He didn't touch anything except a bag of tissues.

After the search, the black cloth headgear was finally removed.

After getting used to the sudden light for a while, Lin Yancai saw clearly that this is a conference room with good facilities. It is estimated that the desks and chairs of the meeting staff were temporarily cleared away, leaving only a hardwood chair in the middle of nuota's empty room. There was a person sitting on the chair. It was Lin Yan who was the unfortunate guy.

A wide screen for courseware is hanging on the platform, and the screen is on.

I don't know where a voice came from: "Lin Yan, in order to dispel your fluke mentality, I will show you the evidence first. After reading it, we hope you can correct your attitude, confess the criminal facts and strive for leniency."

Then, a high-definition picture suddenly appeared on the big screen. Lin Yan was shocked to find that it was his consulting room. Then, he took a little girl and sat on the sofa with tears on her face.

Lin Yan's heart is filled with black satire. This is the scene that Xue Jinyan kneels down to ask him to save his father. He helps her up. She hugs him by the arm, and he has to hold her on the sofa.

However, after careful editing, the picture of Xue Jinyan kneeling is completely gone. At first glance, it looks like he is doing something wrong, and the little girl is scared to cry, but she still doesn't dare to struggle.

Next, the scene of Xue Jinyan suddenly taking off her coat to touch the milk for him is carefully edited. Without Xue Jinyan's sudden initiative, Lin Yan's expression of appeasing Xue Jinyan is magnified and overlapped, and the inspection of touching the milk is a close-up. The whole picture turns into a scene of strange corn tempting little Laurie to see the goldfish. It seems that Lin Yan has a premeditated trick on Xue Jinyan to take off her clothes to touch him.

Then, Xue Jinyan takes off her clothes and jumps on it to be cut off. What appears is Lin Yan's bare bottom, pants below the waist, and complete coat. Xue Jinyan's face is exposed from his shoulder. He makes a frightened expression towards the camera, which is a close-up. Then, the picture stops.

There is no sound in the whole process, but this kind of picture is absolutely silent rather than sound. With a little brain tonic, the viewer can restore the scene at that time in a very specific way. A wolf hearted doctor can diagnose and treat the animal behavior of obscene little girl.

After the broadcast, Lin Yan has lost the desire to appeal for herself. Her opponent is well prepared. When Xue Jinyan went, she was still wearing camera equipment. From the angle of view, it is estimated that there is something wrong with her backpack. In this case, what else can I say.

At the moment, Lin Yan is very glad that he left his mobile phone to Wu Jun in a flash. Otherwise, if he was searched just now, the evidence he recorded would be destroyed. When there is this video, he can't tell.

If you want to prove your innocence, you have to wait for Wu Jun to give the evidence to Zhao Nanyue, and then Zhao Nanyue will appear.

After the screen stops, the door opens and a person comes in. It's tiezhan.

Tiezhan closed the door, went to the high platform and sat in the upper position. Looking at Lin Yan, he said, "isn't it very difficult? I feel that it's hard to be a good person if I've been calculated? "

Lin Yan sneered and said, "has Tiedong changed his career?"

Tiezhan said: "no, I came in because I think we are all smart people. We should have an open talk. If we can reach a consensus, it will be good for you and me."

Lin Yan looks at tie Zhan's gloomy face, remembering that he was humiliated by Guo Quanhai and swept out of the house in public, Li fei'er who was forced to leave, Zhang Daiping who was innocent and killed overnight, Wan Feixue who almost died, the blood dripping at the opening ceremony of Lin Yitang, and the medical trouble.

And this time, this man even took advantage of little Laurie, set up such a beautiful situation to calculate himself, and got the 48 feet in the car.

One by one, one by one, all thanks to tiezhan!

What can I talk about with this poisonous snake? Even if I talk about it, I don't use my mouth. Instead, I come to report to Qiu xuehen, tooth for tooth, eye for eye!

Therefore, Lin Yan kept his mouth closed and did not say a word, so as not to make a mistake. He was designed to present evidence in court.

Seeing that Lin Yan's eyes were full of contempt and didn't say a word, tie Zhan said with a sneer: "Lin Yan, do you think it's OK not to speak? Or can you escape the law by relying on the fact that the deputy director of the public security bureau is your girlfriend? You are so naive! Now there are all kinds of human and material evidence, not to mention Ling Wei. Even if Zhao Nanyue comes, he can't get you! You'd better take a correct attitude and think about your future.

As the boss of a private clinic, if you are branded as an obscene woman patient, not to mention that the clinic can't be opened, your deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission can't do it.

That's all. Rape, rape, juvenile under the age of 18, at least 10 years in prison, ruin, ruin, miserable life, that's your end. "

Lin Yan is still silent, but his anger is surging. He knows very well that what tie Zhan says is not a threat. If he has no evidence, if he does not have the basis of current contacts, if he is only a simple gynecologist, after being designed by such a bureau, tie Zhan really says that it is the only outcome.Ma Dan, who gave them the right to turn things around? If you want to make the white one black, you can do it? Wutong county's Public Security Bureau has some scum who are bribed to help tyranny. Now Xiangyun district's Public Security Bureau also has some black-and-white miscellany. Since today's calculation is on Lin Yan's head, let's see who laughs last.

Tiezhan saw that no matter what he said, Lin Yan didn't open his mouth, and he was also angry. He said coldly, "Lin Yan, don't think that I'm here to talk to you. I just want to ask you to do interest exchange with you. Although my original intention is like this, if you don't know how to praise me, I can't eat a hairy pig without you, butcher Lin!

One of the conditions is that you give me the account book I want in Xintong, and you write off the bullying of Xue's little girl. Not only that, I can also give you a sum of money to compensate for your mental loss.

Cao Yu and his wife have been sentenced to no term for the responsibility of Xintong, and Liu Yuanzhi, the vice mayor of Xintong, has already been recognized by the whole society. Those account books are useless. You will not have any influence on you if you give them to me. Why not? "

Lin Yan remained silent.

Tie Zhan finally couldn't help but enlarge his move: "Lin Yan, don't feel like you're bold. Let me tell you, Xue Jinyan is holding the toilet paper contaminated with your essence and liquid. Can you turn it over?"

This sentence, Lin Yan completely shocked!

(again, the article in the official account is the manuscript written before, never mind the speed of updating this article! No concern for WeChat's official account of the "cactus flower". After watching it, you can watch the hot and cool text free of charge in the "historical message".

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