Seeing Lin Yan looking at himself with ghost eyes, tie Zhan stood up and walked to Lin Yan's side. He bent down and whispered: "yes, you guessed right. Xiao Xue sent her to the door, but you didn't eat it. But the play had to be sung completely. Otherwise, how could you kill you completely?

As a last resort, I have to help you wear the little girl's membrane. Just now, the forensic medicine has confirmed that the little girl has indeed been subjected to violence. Plus the paper ball contaminated with your essence and liquid, everything is impeccable! "

Lin Yan's whole body trembled, and he wanted to bite the old beast!

Even if he didn't really invade Xiao Xue, those videos were enough to make Lin Yan lose his reputation. However, the old beast was afraid that he would not be killed, so he really put the underage girl to sleep!

Lin Yan secretly vowed that if he didn't take tiezhan off the horse, let ya taste the taste of real disgrace and imprisonment, he would swear not to be human!

as for the paper regiment that was infected with his essence, Lin Yan did not regard iron Zhan as nonsense. He did not disapprove of anything as iron Zhan's identity.

Yesterday, after being teased by Xue Jinyan, Lin Yan really couldn't help rubbing his hair. After wiping it with toilet paper, he threw it in the dirt bucket and went downstairs to eat. At that time, Xue Jinyan had already left, and the possibility of coming back was zero.

There is only one possibility that the paper ball can become evidence --- Lin Yitang has an insider!

Thinking of this, Lin Yan can't help but feel cold in his hands. Lin Yitang has more than 20 employees. If he can't find out who the ghost is, how can he use it safely?

Is it difficult to dismiss them all?

Obviously, it's a stupid move, but if you don't quit, you don't trust anyone. It's not as sad as the thorn in the flesh!

Tiezhan puts out the big move, and looks at Lin Yan's face with pride, but he doesn't urge him. For him, Lin Yan, a little person like a bug, has repeatedly broken his big things, and falls into his hands. He doesn't torture him hard, and he's sorry for himself.

Therefore, the more painful Lin Yan is, the happier he is.

Tiezhan called Xue Jinyan, who came back from his failure, to his own building last night, and fed him a cup of flavored drink. The little girl was so coquettish that she called him "brother Lin Yan". She took the initiative to open up her little body and let him pierce it.

It's tender after all!

The tight and greasy feeling, the bright red on the sheets, and the cry of pain, even though it was the name of the disgusting bedbug, it was cool that he was iron someone. This feeling was so novel and comfortable that he knew how to maintain it. Tie Zhan, who usually didn't do it twice a night, couldn't help breaking the rule and imprisoned her in his bed for three times in a night.

The second time, when the strength of the medicine disappeared, the little girl woke up and saw that it was him who stirred up on her body. She was so scared that she cried. She was so scared that she begged uncle tie, who was extremely awed by her childhood, to let her go.

But tiezhan, who had tasted her fresh taste, had no uncle's consciousness and shame. Because the little girl called her uncle, which aroused the evil feeling in his bones, the attack on the little girl became more and more severe.

After the second time, tie Zhan told Xue Jinyan, "Xiao Yan'er, uncle asked you to deal with Lin Yan today. You didn't finish the task. Whether your father can escape the capital punishment depends on whether he can scare Lin Yan.

Although you got the video back, he didn't really sleep with you. As soon as the forensic examination is done tomorrow, you are still in good shape. Won't our plan fail?

Uncle, it's not that he doesn't love you. He just has to mend the failed plan for your father. Do you understand? "

Xue Jinyan was frightened by the current changes, and asked tiezhan where Xue Wenming had gone?

Tie Zhan said: "I have arranged for your father to go abroad first. When Lin Yan agrees to our terms and gets back the surveillance video of your father's assassination of Wan Feixue, your family will be reunited.

Little Yan'er, my uncle likes you very much. It's not the same thing for a girl to find a husband to marry. If she is loved by my uncle, he will give you money that you can't spend all your life. Are you happy? "

Xue Jinyan, after all, is a vain girl. She has been sleeping, promised so much money, and is used to awe tie Zhan, so she can only let it go.

Tiezhan cajoles the little girl and doesn't let her go, so he hugs her to dawn. When Xiangyun district's police turn on the phone and go out to catch Lin Yan, he happily does it again.

Of course, tiezhan wore Durex three times. Except for the fresh scars on the membrane, Xue Jinyan could go to deal with the forensic examination. Tiezhan's things didn't stay in her body.

When the policewoman comes to check her body, tie Zhan hands Xue Jinyan a closed plastic bag with a crumpled toilet paper inside. He tells her that it's Lin Yan's and asks her to give it to the policewoman for DNA test.

It's killing Lin Yan.

Tiezhan recalled the taste of the little girl and said to Lin Yan in a low voice with a smile: "I'm not worth it for you. You said you were charged with rape. Why didn't you really sleep with Xiaoxue?

Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that when I slept with her last night, she kept saying "brother Lin Yan"! Ha ha ha haLin Yan's anger has reached the peak. Looking at tie Zhan's oily face, he suddenly raises his leg and bumps his knee against the old beast's crotch.

Tiezhan uttered a heartrending Scream: "ah!"

When the door opened, the leading policeman rushed in and saw tie Zhan covering his crotch with both hands and rolling on the ground. Without saying a word, he took out his rubber stick and gave Lin Yan a beating. The others quickly helped tie Zhan up.

Tie Zhan's face was full of tears, and he bared his teeth and cried: "fight! Call me! Damn it, I don't know how to praise you. If I don't let you go to jail this time, I won't be iron! "

The rubber stick made a dull noise and fell on Lin Yan. Soon he was black and blue with blood coming from the corners of his mouth. His eyes glared stubbornly at the man who hit him and said, "remember, how many times you hit me, I'll double back!"

After all, this man is the fiance of the famous director Ling Wei. It's said that he has a relative with the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. He is so determined to be with tie Dong. In case of any accident, he even has no way out.

In this way, the man's rubber stick fell on Lin Yan, which was not so heavy.

Tie Zhan took a long time to relax, but he didn't care about his image. He quickly opened his pants and gritted his teeth. Last night, he was still galloping in the fresh and tender acupoints. It was red, swollen, blue, and painful. Even his stomach was full of pain. He didn't know if he would leave any sequelae. He glared at Lin Yan with a cannibal look.

(concerned about the official account of WeChat flower, "cactus flower", "free moon" and "desire field" are free to watch in the "historical news".

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