The policeman was also startled, and quickly suggested: "tie Dong, it looks very serious. You'd better go to the hospital to have a look. The lifeblood doesn't dare to be careless."

Tie Zhan pays the most attention to his health. He is so hurt that he wants to eat Lin Yan. When he is helped by his dog legs and goes out, he still wants to beat him hard. As long as he doesn't kill him, he is responsible.

After the motorboat left, Lin Yan didn't continue to be beaten. The leader sat down and said seriously that he wanted to take a confession. He was spat with bloody saliva and said angrily, "Lin Yan, I've taken good care of you in the face of lingju. You don't have to go too far!"

Lin Yan sniffed: "I Pooh, you take care of me? Take care of me in the car I got kicked 48 feet? Take care of me. You just hit me 31 times with a rubber stick? If you don't take care of me, you can put me in a sack, put a stone in it and throw it into the lake to destroy my body! "

This man is Chen Erkui, deputy leader of the anti riot brigade of Xiangyun District Public Security Bureau. His main responsibility is the special control of gunpowder. That is to say, the miners who buy explosives and so on must pass his approval. He has no criminal investigation authority at all. But because tie Zhan has taken him as a pawn, this time he led his staff to arrest Lin Yan.

Tiezhan's plan is to catch people quietly, frighten Lin Yan with "solid evidence", and then quickly reach an intention of cooperation. Even if Lin Yan doesn't cooperate, Chen Erkui will send Lin Yan to Xiangyun District Public Security Bureau and hand it over to the criminal police, so there will be no ultra vires.

There is no problem with the plan. The man who was arrested at six in the morning was unexpectedly seen by a woman who knew Lin Yan, so there was not much time to keep it secret.

So far, the cooperation has failed, and tie always has been hurt. Lin Yan is obviously a vengeful man. He has beaten him so many times. I'm afraid it's bad.

Before Chen Erkui could figure out what to do next, his mobile phone rang. As soon as he saw that it was the director of the Bureau, he got through in a panic: "Liu bureau?"

"Chen Erkui, you son of a bitch! When can the riot brigade arrest people without reporting? You're really going to make trouble for me, aren't you? Where have you been?

Now director Zhao of the Municipal Bureau is sitting next to me waiting for important people. If you don't send people back to the Bureau in 30 minutes, you'll be waiting to take off your police uniform and go home! "

After scolding, the other party hung up directly.

At this moment, Chen Erkui is flustered. Tie Zhan is his gold owner, but tie rice bowl is the biggest reliance. Without tie rice bowl, tie Zhan will kick him away!

Chen Erkui ran out and yelled, "come on, take Xue Jinyan and all the evidence, and go back to the bureau at once!"

Lin Yan coldly looked at these people in a panic. A round faced policeman, who was not old, came over with a black cap and said, "er You'd better put it on first. "

Lin Yan didn't object. It took a while for the young man to shake his hands and feet. Chen Erkui just came in and slapped the young man. He took off his head cap respectfully and said, "don't wear this. Let's go."

Lin Yan didn't want to talk to the bullies who used their power to make trouble for the tiger. When he followed them out of the house, he happened to see Xue Jinyan come out with the help of two policewomen.

See Lin Yan, the little girl's face Shua white, quickly hide behind a policewoman, did not dare to look at him.

Lin Yan has lost all interest in this stupid little woman who has lost her body. She can't even bring up pity. The poor man must have something hateful. Her choice to cooperate with tie Zhan is also self inflicted.

The motorboat is not big. Lin Yan sits in the middle row, with the police at the front and back. Xue Jinyan is in the back row. In the middle of the motorboat, she suddenly leans forward behind Lin Yan and says in a low voice, "now we have all human and material evidence, which is very bad for you. I don't care what uncle tie wants you to do, but you only want to marry me. I can tell the police later that I'm willing to marry you, and you don't care You don't have to go to jail, OK? "

Although Xue Jinyan's voice is very small, the police around must have heard it, but there is no one to speak.

Obviously, when Chen Erkui was scolded by the director just now, they are all grasshoppers on the same rope. The best result, of course, is private. Then it doesn't matter if they are ultra vires and everyone is happy.

little girl has taken the initiative to give the stairs, and promised to come down first. If he doesn't marry, he has the final say, so everyone is fine.

Unfortunately, Lin Yan is really a disgusting guy. He turns around his crooked neck with a rubber stick and says to Xue Jinyan with a contemptuous smile, "you should ask your uncle tie for this sentence. If he wants to marry you, I certainly have no problem."

Xue Jinyan's white face turned purple and screamed out of control: "why do you say that? How could uncle tie marry me! "

Lin Yan said sarcastically: "it was your good iron uncle who told me that I didn't touch you when you sent me home yesterday, but I had to play the whole trick to kill you. So he helped you lie last night, otherwise how would you deal with the forensic examination today?"

Xue Jinyan, after all, is a little girl. She was exposed in public. She lost herself to tie Zhan last night and burst into tears.The police were still silent. Lin Yan sighed and said, "Xiao Xue, you have lost your innocence. If you can really save your father, it's worth it.

However, this plan has nothing to do with your father's murder charges from the beginning. It's totally tiezhan who used your innocence to deceive you into setting me up.

You made it. I promised tie Zhan to help him get the books he wanted. You failed, he did not have the slightest loss, but also in vain possession of your body. Now you're crying, aren't you a little late? "

These words, like one knife after another, punctured Xue Jinyan's heart accurately. She broke down and cried out: "you're bullshit! You're bullshit! Uncle tie said clearly, as long as you are knocked down, my father will be OK. You are lying to me, you are lying to me! "

Lin Yan said coldly: "brain is a good thing. You'd better grow up! Tell me for yourself, knock me down, how can your father be ok? It's the Municipal Public Security Bureau that gets the evidence of your father's murder of Wan Feixue. I'm not a policeman. Is it related to your father's escape? Idiot

Xue Jinyan was stunned. She cried and choked to death in her throat. She opened her mouth foolishly and said nothing to the wind.

Lin Yan no longer talks. He believes that with these words at the bottom, Xue Jinyan's determination to cooperate with tie Zhan will not be so firm when it comes to confrontation.

It's a disaster that can't be solved so easily. If we want to turn it over, we have to turn it over. Tie Zhan can't steal the chicken and eat the rice. Otherwise, if we don't have a long memory, we'll stick out our claws next time.

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