When Lin Yan was crying, his mind was full of Ling Wei's words and deeds. The more vivid, the more painful he was. Such a brave woman who dared to love and hate, and was so fierce that she had no intention, disappeared from his life forever.

After a long time, Zhao shensan saw that Lin Yan's mood gradually calmed down, and then sighed: "Lin Yan, who has achieved great things, must bear the weight that others can't bear. Do you remember the last time you were unfairly treated by your municipal government, I went to persuade you?

In fact, if you owe Guo Quanhai a favor and you are a section level cadre, it's really not worth my special trip. I always have a special feeling about you, that is, seeing you seems to see me as green as before.

Last time, I let you know how much ability people have and how much contribution they can make. It's just a matter of being worthy of their hearts. But after all, it's still entrusted by people. It's a bit formulaic.

Today, we are sitting alone. I've even told you about the confidentiality agreement I signed. I'd better be more intimate with you and discuss a less aboveboard topic with you. Would you like to? "

Lin Yan wiped his tears and nodded solemnly: "Mayor Zhao, I know your care and support for me, and I have long regarded you as my mentor. Please tell me."

Zhao shensan said: "this theme is ambition."

Lin Yan is instantly attracted, forgetting other emotions temporarily, and stares at Zhao shensan attentively.

"There is a very vulgar saying that" a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. " As party and government cadres, we share the same principle. Only when you have a constant upward belief and persevere and unremitting efforts can you have the conditions to surpass others. "

Lin Yan nodded silently.

Zhao shensan went on to say: "starting from this argument, you can start with your deep hatred this time. If you hate social injustice because of Ge Peng's wanton crime, and you are distressed that Ling Wei died in a foreign land, and there is no effective solution, you just go to the top of a bull's horn and get a bomb to retaliate against the society. By the way, you also become a capital crime, The family members who turn your family members into prisoners of death will never be able to raise their heads. What you mean to this society is a negative example of being inferior to bullshit. "

Lin Yan said unnaturally: "this is beside the point with your argument."

Zhao Shen Sanyi Sun said: "it's not off topic! On the contrary, you turn this deep hatred and injustice to society into ambition, and you turn yourself into a bird that has not been flying for three years.

Let me say another word of arrogance. You can take me as an example. I can climb from a small staff member to my present position, and my ambition is still full. I am confident that I will be in a more prominent position in the future.

When you get to my current position, you can touch the level I can touch, find out and solve the hatred in your heart with open and aboveboard means, and also use the power in your hands to turn the injustice you don't like into fairness as much as possible. "

Lin Yan listened and understood Mayor Zhao's good intentions, but he said: "after so long, is there any meaning?"

Zhao shensan solemnly said: "of course, it makes sense! The culprit of Ling Wei's sacrifice is Ge Peng, but can ge Peng do the whole thing alone? Will the foreign groups that prevent Lingwei from finding materials and eventually lead to Lingwei's sacrifice disappear? You are not strong enough, where can you touch such a high level, revenge is not a self deceiving empty talk

Lin Yan was silent again, and something that already existed in his heart was ready to move. He knew that it was Mayor Zhao's ambition.

"Lin Yan, there are many arguments, but I think it's enough to cite one. The conclusion is very simple, that is, you should control your ambition, make good use of your advantages, and strengthen yourself as soon as possible. One day, you will live a life that you can't expect today."

With that, Zhao shensan knew that the pain of his wife's death could not be figured out through one or two conversations. He gave time for Lin Yan to digest it, so he stood up and said, "OK, you go back to have a good rest. When you think about it, you go back to work. Don't look down on people looking for life and death."

Lin Yan stood up to see Zhao shensan off. When he went to the door, Zhao shensan said: "you handled Ling Wei's death very well. Your family's sincere and righteous actions moved all the backbone of the provincial public security system. This is a huge resource that no one can compare. You should not think that using them is the benefit of Ling Wei's death and the blasphemy of Ling Wei. That is your circuitous behavior Rotten!

You can't come back from death. With the resources Ling Wei left you, you can strengthen yourself as soon as possible, find out the truth you want one day earlier, eliminate the foreign forces that directly led to Ling Wei's sacrifice, and even recover Ling Wei's bones. That's why Ling Wei didn't sacrifice in vain! "

Lin Yan's expression from the initial strong rejection to the final recognition, it is obvious that Mayor Zhao is right.

Zhao shensan was very pleased that Lin Yan didn't stick to the wrong morality. He patted him on the shoulder and said quietly with a trace of evil smile: "anyway, you don't want to love again, so women are your best shortcut! It's a wise man to make the most of your unique resources. You should cherish yourselfLin Yan looked at the fierce tiger mayor who had recovered his huge aura and appeared to be extremely upright and left calmly. In his heart, Zhao shensan's whisper: "women are your best shortcut!"

Yes, my lover has passed away. From then on, my eyes are all thin and fat, and I have no true love in my heart. The so-called loyalty is the most ridiculous thing. So why not take them as a shortcut to promotion?

In the night sky, Lin Yan laughs, silent but crazy, with tears on his face. He sincerely thanks Zhao shensan for tearing apart the honor of the mayor and giving him such a kind of intimate instruction.

The original concept of love in my heart is gorgeous and broken into dross. From this moment on, Lin Yan will no longer be the former Lin Yan. He was born an ambitious, evil and crazy man.

"Xiaowei, there is a pure land in my heart, which is my home with you. Except there, I will no longer be me. You wait for me, whether it's ten or twenty years. One day, I'll go across the sea and take revenge for you. I'll find the island that sank with you and bring you home. " Ge Peng has the final say that high officials and noble lords act evilly in collusion with you. I am sorry, but I can not help you. I am saving up the capital that I can face up to you. One day, I will be the last one to talk to Lin Yan,


"Next, I have to make a careful inventory of all the social resources I can use, and work out the fastest way to promote myself. Mayor Zhao is my first goal."

(don't forget to pay attention to the official account of WeChat's "cactus flower"! You can watch it in "historical news" after paying attention to it.)

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