Walking out of the Imperial City Park, Lin Yan calls Wu Yutao and asks where she is. The answer is that she lives in Jingdong Menghua, so he goes directly.

Wu Yutao is the most complex social relationship and the most powerful individual woman Lin Yan has ever come into contact with. Lin Yan is willing to start with her and try her own unusual way from both the perspective of utilization and personal feelings.

Downstairs, Lin Yan heard the melodious sound of Xiao from Wu Yutao's room, with a low and graceful tone, interpreting a song of Li Shang.

Lin Yan chest is a pain, he raised his hand in the night, heavily beat his chest, the pain of Ling Wei deeply buried, strode in.

Walking directly into Wu Yutao's room from the elevator, Wu Yutao, wearing a classical Qipao of autumn fragrance, leans against the bay window and is playing selflessly.

There were thick cushions on the bay windows and soft down cushions. Lin Yan directly lay on them, put his head on Wu Yutao's thigh and closed his eyes.

At the end of the song, Wu Yutao put down Xiao, put his hand on Lin Yan's face and gently stroked her. Lin Yan raised his hands above his head, grabbed Wu Yutao's body, lifted the woman up to his body and gently kissed her.

Wu Yutao was a little surprised, because when Lin Yan left bitaoju, he was still in a hysterical state, and left bitaoju after getting along with Duan Tingting.

Duan Tingting later found Wu Yutao and cried darkly. She scolded Lin Yan for being a jerk and complained that Wu Yutao should not tell Lin Yan that she lived in bitaoju.

Wu Yutao doesn't admit that she told Lin Yan at all. This is in line with what Lin Yan said. Duan Tingting is just annoyed that Lin Yan stripped her but didn't sleep. After crying for a while, she stops crying. But in her heart, she secretly vows that she must pester Wu Shan and learn the 18 skills of beheading men to save being despised by these smelly men.

Nima is not even naked. How much do you despise her!

Wu Yutao doesn't bother to deal with Duan Tingting, so she simply leaves bitaoju and returns to Jingdong Menghua.

Hearing that Lin Yan was coming, Wu Yutao was actually a little tired. After all, a man she thought was very pleasing to the eye was crying endlessly for another woman in front of her, which was also very damned.

Who knows Lin Yan came in. Although her mood is still not too high, she didn't mention Ling Wei a word, and she didn't continue to ask for news from her to get revenge. Wu Yutao was quite satisfied with this. When Lin Yan gently kisses her, her reluctance has completely dissipated.

While kissing, Lin Yan deftly untied the buttons of Wu Yutao's cheongsam one by one, revealing her attractive body and caressing her tenderly to the extreme.

Wu Yutao ate fengyuefan, but she was very reserved. If she had no choice, she would never sleep with her in the water. In fact, her body was lack of moisture. Lin Yan's gentle caress soon made her into a state of health.

Before two people get along, Lin Yan in order not to violate the sincerity of the lover, always cleverly avoid the real knife real gun steps, but now, Ling Wei's death let him completely have no scruples, so soon, she put Wu Yutao on the bay window, crazy attack.

With so much grief and hatred in his heart, it's wrong to evacuate in this way. Lin Yan's madness just satisfies Wu Yutao's thirst. They toss until dawn and go to bed.

The next day, when they woke up, Wu Yutao tentatively asked, "Xiaoyan, do you want to open up? No revenge? "

Lin Yan fingertips twirling Wu Yutao's chest, said: "sister said right yesterday, with my ability now, to revenge is to beat the stone with the egg, the mantis arm to block the car, I fight my life, nothing, but I still have a lot of relatives who can't let go of me, even if you are my sister, I can't give up the worry."

Wu Yutao said happily: "it's good that you can think about it so quickly. The dead are gone, and we have to live in the present."

Lin Yan said, "sister Yutao, I went out to see Mayor Zhao last night. He told me something."

Of course, Wu Yutao knew that Lin Yan had gone out, but when she saw who said what, she didn't know. Seeing Lin Yan's honesty, she quickly asked, "what did Mayor Zhao say?"

The reason why Lin Yan first came to Wu Yutao last night and slept with her was that he used Wu Yutao to overcome his obsession with Ling Wei. On the other hand, he wanted to let Duan Tingting get out of bitaoju through Wu Yutao. Once he left the shelter, he believed that there was a chance to kill Duan Tingting, an indirect accomplice.

Lin Yan deliberately threatened and shrugged: "Mayor Zhao knows that Duan Tingting is hiding with you. Because his men are staring at Duan Tingting, they have also monitored you!

Elder sister, I listen to Mayor Zhao's meaning. Duan Tingting hates this woman so much when she accuses Mayor Zhao of having an illegitimate child with evidence. You must deal with it. If you hide her, isn't it against Mayor Zhao? It's not good for you. "

Wu Yutao's face darkened and said angrily, "I knew Duan Tingting was a disaster! But I promised governor Zuo, and now I can't get rid of her! "

Lin Yan said: "elder sister, why do you want to drive out by yourself? Duan Tingting is a frightened bird now. If you scare her skillfully, she will go away. "Wu Yu Tao's eyes brightened: "this is a way. But what can you do to scare her? "

Lin Yan said: "I am responsible for the recovery work of Luping Xintong guarantee company. Now I have evidence to prove that a large part of Xintong's capital has flowed into Duan Tingting's account. I can ask director Zhao Nanyue of Luping Public Security Bureau to call Duan Tingting and ask her to go to Luping for inquiry. When I call her room in bitaojubao, do you think she will be scared Urine? "

Wu Yutao gave Lin Yan a brain bang and said, "don't you sell your sister's bitaoju as well?"

Lin Yan said: "how can it be! Bitaoju is an open business club. Duan Tingting's hiding here is her personal business in order to avoid her criminal responsibility. What's the relationship with bitaoju? What's more, director Zhao and I are brothers. In any case, we won't involve our sister. "

Wu Yutao said: "if what you said is true, then Zuo Tianming will arrange Duan Tingting to go abroad. If she leaves, everyone will be clean, so you can arrange it."

Lin Yan sneered in his heart, everyone clean? Hum, after eating and drinking people's fat and cream, you can wipe your mouth and escape? Good idea!

There are so many senior brothers in small and micro businesses. Find an advice to control the exit procedures. Duan Tingting can't fly out of the country even if she has wings. Just wait to be cleared!

Although the foreign language school has been sold, she can't take away the money. It's a great credit to recover the 120 million yuan. Let's take it as the first step for Lin Yan's promotion.

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