At the capital airport, Li Weidong pushes a suitcase and looks at his daughter with a backpack in front of him helplessly. The man with all manner of prestige speaks in front of her daughter with a trace of pleading: "Phil, are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

Li fei'er's thin face was like an awl. Only her eyes were so big that she didn't have the vigor and sunshine that a girl should have. On the contrary, she was in the dark.

Hearing her father's words, Li fei'er shook her head decidedly and said, "yes, all the procedures for me to come out in person at the foreign language school have been completed. After that, you can help me arrange the right person to run it. I still have to go abroad to finish my university."

Li Lixin sighed and said: "I can trust Lin Yan's character. He only accepted Ling Wei because he was hurt by you and me. Now that the woman is dead, I heard that he is suffering. It's time for you to explain the misunderstanding and make up with him. How can you be so stubborn?"

Li fei'er said with a self mocking smile: "although I have decided not to marry Lin Yan in this life, I will never disdain to be a substitute for him in his empty nest period, competing with a dead woman. It's too bad for me!"

Looking at his father's worried eyes, Li fei'er patted him on the shoulder boldly and said, "come on, old man, believe in your daughter's vitality! As far as my wealth is concerned, there is little difference between having a husband and not having a husband.

I'll live alone. When I'm lonely, I'll borrow a seed from a handsome guy and have a baby with me. Don't rely on it alone. When you meet the right one, you can marry yourself! "

Li Lixin was so sad that he patted his daughter's hand and said, "no big or small, you old man, I'm a big man, so I'll marry myself! What's more, you're not allowed to do such a mess. Do you hear me?

Since we choose to have children, we have to have a sense of responsibility. At least we have to give the children a warm family with both parents. We can't play games. Look at both of us. I always feel sorry for you. Don't let the third generation of our family have such regrets. "

Li fei'er is a girl with a very good idea. She is determined to make up her mind. It's not easy to change her mind. On the surface, she nods very obediently. In fact, she still thinks that since she has no chance to marry Lin Yan in this life, all the other men are floating clouds. If she finds a chance to have a baby, she and her son can make a good life.

"Come on, old man, it's almost time. I should go in. Go back."

Li fei'er hugs Li Lixin, takes the suitcase in his hand and goes to the security check.

Li Lixin watched his daughter disappear in the security channel, then he turned and walked out of the airport.

Li fei'er had gone through the formalities for studying abroad before. In the first half of the year, she stayed in Beijing to study foreign languages. Just as her relationship with Lin Yan ended, she simply went abroad to study.

This time she came back because Li Lixin helped her buy Nanzhou foreign languages college. She had to go through the transfer procedures in person before she flew back. Of course, she couldn't help but inquire about Lin Yan's affairs. She even quietly participated in Ling Wei's funeral ceremony.

Hiding in the crowd, Li fei'er watched with her own eyes the man who had a sincere love with her. As her husband, she knelt down at the door wearing heavy filial piety to pay homage to another woman and kowtow to everyone who came to mourn.

Looking at Lin Yan's pain to that point, Li fei'er almost rushed out, knelt down beside him, and shared half of the pain for him.

However, Li fei'er knows that she has no reason to rush out, let alone share the pain for Lin Yan. Although it was a strategy to abandon him at the beginning, it was she who reversed the goal first. Now what's the right to expect to recover?

Li fei'er secretly cried in his heart: "brother Yan, don't be so miserable. Although Ling Wei died, you still have me. When you pass this barrier, I'll come back to you and accompany you through this life."

However, Lin Yan stood up and went to Ling Wei's crystal coffin and vowed that he would never marry again in this life if he didn't take revenge for Ling Wei and find his bones!

Looking at Lin Yan, his eyes were full of pain and resentment, and he said word by word: "if you violate this oath, heaven will destroy the earth!" Li fei'er clearly heard the sound of her heart breaking when she was in bed.

The man who saved her life and gave her love and warmth that she had never had in her previous 18 years, finally, no longer belongs to her!

With this oath, Li fei'er understands that even if she comes back to Lin Yan to explain the misunderstanding and comfort his withered and painful heart, the company she regains has completely deteriorated. There is a dead but ubiquitous woman standing between them forever. With invisible influence, she can control the two people and make them unable to bond with each other.

If love is not pure, it is better not to love.

After Li fei'er came home from Ling Wei's funeral, she was alone in the room and was ill for three days. In these three days, she completely understood the cruel fact that it is hard to get over the disaster, and decided to go abroad to continue her studies.

Lin Yan is an evil that she can't get rid of from the bottom of her heart. She can only bear this evil fate. Like Lin Yanwei's decision to be single, she walks alone on the road of life, like two parallel lines that can never meet.Li Fei Er is sitting by the window of the first class cabin. Before the plane takes off, she looks out of the window at the gray southern sky. Although the place she is about to fly to is California, the United States, where the blue sky and white clouds and Chinese people are flocking to, but she is not qualified to go, her mood is always as dark as the haze in Southern California.

Although she has been extremely thin recently, Li fei'er's skin is very beautiful. Her skin is white, tender and smooth. When she is illuminated by the light at the window, the pink and tender flesh on her cheek is translucent and soft, giving people a kind of breathtaking beauty.

Li fei'er is immersed in her own emotions. She doesn't notice that there is a man of mixed blood in the seat next to her. He secretly takes a picture of her with his mobile phone and sends it to someone on the other side of the ocean. He also sends a message: "this oriental girl is very beautiful. The basic conditions are very suitable for the first lady. What do you think?"

Soon came back: "good shape conditions, can be an alternative."

The man flashed a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes and quickly replied: "don't worry, sir, I will follow up to the end."

Li Fei Er didn't know what happened. After the plane took off, she asked the waiter for a blanket, covered her head, and soon fell asleep.

After a long flight, arriving at the California airport, Li Fei Er got off the plane and walked out of the airport carelessly. A car skidded over and stopped in front of her, asking if she needed a ride?

It's normal to hitchhike abroad. Li fei'er thinks that the driver is good, so he signs up for the school and gets on the bus.

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