In the California hospital, Solomon is like a manic lion swimming in the corridor at the entrance of the special ward. Beside him, there are medical staff pushing various instruments and medicines in and out of the ward.

In the ward, there is a space capsule like device, full glass arc cover, which covers an unconscious woman. Through the glass cover, you can see that the woman with red fruit has amazing beauty. Although she did not open her eyes, it is like the delicate facial features carved by Empress Nuwa with a knife, which is enough to make people intoxicated.

This is the most high-end nutrition warehouse newly developed in the United States. Ling Wei's fatal wound is due to her heart damage. Even after repair, her blood supply function needs to be slightly restored. The current strength of heart pumping is not enough to support her normal life. In addition, her head is also affected by the bomb explosion, with a certain degree of concussion and short-term mental state I can't wake up at all.

Before he didn't find his daughter, Solomon thought it was OK to be alone, but since he found Ling Wei, his father's heart seemed to burst out.

Seeing his daughter's unconsciousness, he is almost crazy. He only wants to save her at all costs. Even if she is unconscious, it gives him a kind of comfort. At last, he is not alone in the world, and his efforts are valuable.

The doctor's suggestion is to use this kind of nutrition warehouse to maintain Ling Wei's physiological function. His mind can only wait for a long recovery period before he is expected to wake up.

This kind of nutrition warehouse is extremely expensive, but Solomon bought one without blinking an eye, and it was used by Lingwei, which really ensured that Lingwei's physiological function did not continue to deteriorate.

This kind of treatment is to do a systemic function test once a week to observe whether there is any decline. However, the examination last week found out something beyond everyone's imagination, that is, Ling Wei, who was unconscious, was pregnant for more than 40 days!

The early examination and treatment were all aimed at the brain and heart. In addition, the germ was very small, and the scan did not find it. This time, the embryo and villi were clearly seen, and the development was very good.

This news made Solomon both surprised and happy. His daughter's life was hanging on the line, which was the biggest pain in his heart. If he could give birth to a grandson, his blood and his daughter's blood would continue, which would be a great comfort for everyone.

However, the doctor told him seriously that according to the hematopoietic function of Ling Wei's broken heart, it would be very difficult for her to maintain her own body function. It would be absolutely impossible to maintain the consumption of a growing embryo!

There is only one way in front of us, that is, to stop embryonic development and keep Ling Wei's physical function from declining.

When Solomon heard this result, he almost strangled the doctor alive. He roared wildly, "if you take off this fetus, can you guarantee that my daughter will live and will be awake in the future?"

The doctor reluctantly broke away from Solomon's claws and said rationally: "Dear Sir, your daughter's physical function depends on us to prepare all kinds of nutrient solution and supply her through the nutrition warehouse. If her self-healing ability is poor, she may die of brain death or myocardial infarction at any time, so I can't give you the guarantee you want."

Solomon cried bitterly, "since my daughter can't guarantee that she will stay in the world, how can you strangle her? Why are you so cruel! I don't care. You have to find a way to keep this child! "

At this moment, Solomon completely forgot how many lives were lost in his hands when he led his men through the underworld. At that time, he didn't think there was anything wrong. The strong survive, the weak die. This is the law of the jungle.

He didn't realize the value of life until his flesh and blood were in danger.

Because of Solomon's powerful influence and threat, the top experts of the hospital held a meeting together to discuss. Everyone had the experience of being threatened by a gun to the head. Finally, they worked out an appalling treatment plan --- embryo transfer.

To put it bluntly, it is to move out the whole embryo that is still developing healthily in Ling Wei's body so far, and find another healthy and suitable woman to transfer the embryo into that person's body, so that another woman can replace Ling Wei to give birth to the fetus until it gives birth healthily.

When this method was put forward, there was no doubt that there was another village in the dark, which made Solomon extremely excited. Because the child was conceived by other women, it did not absorb the nutrition that the poor daughter did not need, and it was able to grow well in the body of a healthy surrogate woman. This is simply the best way to achieve the best of both worlds.

So the question is, where can the surrogate woman go?

With Solomon's financial and material resources and influence, he said that a woman is needed to replace her daughter to give birth to a baby. It's not too simple!

However, Solomon is a slightly paranoid man. He thinks that his daughter is the most perfect person in the world, and his daughter's child must be unparalleled. If he chooses a woman to give birth to his daughter casually, it will be a kind of blasphemy and defilement to his grandson.

To find a woman, she must have a face no less than her daughter's, a pure virgin, and a Chinese race most in line with her daughter's genes. Moreover, time is still very short.So Solomon sent a lot of men to look for women suitable for embryo transfer. He also had many hidden men in China to run the gray business that was not allowed by the state. This time, his order was issued, and the domestic minions went out one after another.

It happened that the man on a mission to the United States accidentally found a woman who met the requirements of the boss on the plane. He quickly took a picture and sent it to Solomon. The girl was pure and beautiful, and looked flawless. As soon as Solomon saw it, he told his men to keep an eye on the target and go to the hospital as soon as possible to see if it matched his daughter's gene.

Just now, Ling Wei's body function suddenly declined, and Solomon was on the verge of collapse.

It's so easy. The rescue doctor came out, and Solomon quickly went up to inquire about the situation. The doctor said, "Dear Sir, your daughter's function is declining, and the reason is that the embryo development is too fast. Fortunately, we found out in time and controlled the deterioration, but the embryo transfer needs to be carried out as soon as possible, otherwise, the mother and child will be in danger."

After hearing this, Solomon immediately called all the people looking for the target. Before tonight, no matter what method is used, all the candidates must be sent to the hospital, so that the hospital can carry out blood group gene matching as soon as possible, and the embryo transfer must not be delayed.

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